Why We NEED Male Birth Control Pills

Every time I bring up this issue someone says:

"There is no male pill because men won't buy or use it."

The reason men aren't buying the male pill is because there isn't one. Period.

There isn't one because big pharmaceutic companies have considered it unprofitable, not withstanding some 'feminist' resistance to the notion.

Why We NEED Male Birth Control Pills

A Brazilian physician, Dr. Coutinho, explained this very well:

Males have as much need and desire to have power over their reproduction as women.

Don't we all males agree on that?

Paternity fraud, also known as child identity fraud is a type of fraud that occurs when, in a non-paternity event, a mother names a man to be the biological father of a child, when she knows or suspects that he is not the biological father.

Idris Elba, who after DNA testing learned he was not the father of his son. Elba describes the experience;

“You know, the truth is—like, even admitting it, I’ll probably get laughed at for the rest of my life. But it is just tragic, and it happened.”

Research indicated that one in 50 British fathers is raising a child which he thinks is his own but actually is the biological child of another man, and whose birth reflects the high incidence of female infidelity, between 5 and 27% in women under 30.

In the UK, paternity fraud, like adultery, is not a criminal offence!!! Imagine that.

Why We NEED Male Birth Control Pills

In USA, in studies that solely looked at couples who obtained paternity testing because paternity was being disputed, there are higher levels; an incidence 33%. Meaning there could be more than 50% of cases in which paternity was never questioned and fathers aren't raising their own children.

Punishment for these women? A slap in the wrist, while men are bound to pay child support and be responsible for children that belong to another man. And this is why is important for men to have control over their reproduction in a safe manner.

I can name many cases of men paying the consequences of women lying to them into raising another man's child. In Australia, Canada, Switzerland, UK of course / (2), South Korea, etc.

Why We NEED Male Birth Control Pills

The real reason feminists uproar and opposition to a male birth control pill is clearly evident as Dr. Coutinho points out - MEN WILL FINALLY HAVE REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS - MEN WILL BE ABLE TO CHOOSE PARENTHOOD.

Once the male pill is available and starts to become widely used women will no longer control the world and feminism will be flushed away like yesterdays wad of shitbegone toilet paper, and that absolutely scares the shit out of the man haters.
No children mean no pawns in the game of ruling over and destroying men's lives, for these types of women.

It means:

- No paternity suits.

- No child support.

- No loosing his kids.

- No supervised visitation.

- No being tricked and trapped into fatherhood.

- No more turning his kids against him.

- No more baby boys being born to be treated wrongly.

Why We NEED Male Birth Control Pills

I'm sure many men would find that enormously appealing. Feminists would no longer have the male gender in a strangle hold. When the birth rates plummet and there are not enough up and coming young men to be the world's beasts of burden feminism will truly disappear like a fart in a tornado, and that is what feminists find so terrifying about the male pill.

Personally I can hardly wait.

4 11

Most Helpful Girl

  • Tons of guys use Viagra, and don't care. I don't know how bad the side-effects can be, but it's still pills. I think they'd use Male BC.

    • I do not use Viagra. Do not need to. Never will use it.

    • @Robin48 Not even when your 60 and couldn't get it up if your life depended on it?

    • Viagra (Pfizer) and Cialis (Bayer).
      The admitted side effects of both drugs include sudden death, blindness and partial colour blindness.
      See the listings at www.drugs.com
      Only a fool would risk death and/or blindness for an erection.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • This year vasalgel is on the market. I will be buying it.

    • AWESOME BRO! Take back the POWER!

    • Lit.

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19 31
  • ... you had me until you used an article published by 'the telegraph' as your source for 'research'. LOL.

    • This is a pathetic attempt at trying to discredit what I posted. I did not had another link at the time I posted this. The original study I referenced in that Telegraph article was actually published in the journal Trends in Ecology and Evolution, which is an scholar journal FYI. Refrain from childish comments like this one in the future.

    • , "You're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts." - Dinesh D'Souza

    • Attacking the source without providing a better source, or any evidence the original source was bad, or making any counter-argument at all. Automatic dislike, learn to bloody argue.

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  • There are two issues here. First, how would this pill even work? Female birth control pills work by using hormones that trigger normal biological processes that already exist. For a male pill, I can't think of a normal process that prevents either sperm production or ejaculation. So how would this pill work in a way that doesn't damage anything?

    Secondly, I'm a big believer in the market-based economy. Even if such a pill was possible, if this is something men wanted, then the pill would already exist. I get the feeling that there is a market for it (I don't know how big it is, but I think it exists), but I think that there are technological issues that are in the way. Is the prospect of getting snipped so bad?

    • We have enough data to conclude there is enough market for this. Actually, over half men would use birth control pills, and also would prefer to use birth control pills over condoms.

      "A recent study of over 9,000 men in nine countries on four continents showed that more than 60% of men in Spain, Germany, Mexico and Brazil expressed willingness to use a new male contraceptive (Heinemann et al., 2005). These men would like to relieve their partners of some of the contraceptive burden in their relationship or would simply like a more reliable backup to condoms."


      More proof: "In the Netherlands, 50% of couples 35 or older rely on sterilization for contraception, and of those sterilizations, almost 70% are vasectomies (de Bakker, 2004). In New Zealand, over half of men in their forties already have vasectomies (Sneyd et al., 2001)."

    • Regardless of the reasons why there isn't birth control pills for men available yet, we certainly need them. Feminists will blow up the day they are available.

      Many articles claim is coming very soon:


      I'll keep crossing my fingers.

    • I'm a feminist (actually an equalitarian) I'm all for male BC. Men should have the same reproductive rights as women, equality and all that. Remind me again why I need to flip out?

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  • "Males have as much need and desire to have power over their reproduction as women" -- do they tho?

    Because trials were recently stopped because men couldn't handle the side effects, which were quite similar to the ones women expierence.
    I mean not that we should use the 1960s FDA approval study for female birth control as a role model but by the end of the day women are a lot more willing to put up with side effects than men because frankly we have a lot more to lose.

    There was another project that was stopped a few years back because the company after doing some market research decided that there wasn't a market big enough for them to make money

    I think overall men are NOT compared to take hormones and suffer the side effects for contraception

    • Vasalgel, the first ever male pill without significant side effects is being released soon FYI. Feminists are raging over it, but pharmaceutical companies are on board because, unlike previous no-sides demo pill that used natural products (pharmaceutical companies do not side with that) this one uses (just as the female's) synthetic products.

    • Here we go another delusional woman promoting that women are so much tougher then men. Get a grip.

    • @Jamesol1 its a far cry for her point and has no logic involved. She doesn't know what men are on board with, as these tests didn't even consist of 0.000000000000001% of the male population. She is just a small minded girl trying to figure out a complex situation.

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  • Every woman I know wants male birth control options on the market... you're talking out your ass claiming feminists are against it.

    • Well you don't know many of them then. most parrot the same argument they don't want men to have the ability to use a invisible birth control (like women do) and have to trust the man (like men have to trust women). They keep claiming that it would allow men to lie about using it (as women have done plenty of times) and walk away without responsibility (despite the fact that the law is entirely one sided in this to the point where male children of rape are required by law to pay child support (thanks to hermsmann vs seyer)). This is why when the news came out that one of the options canceled the study women jumped at the opportunity to try and emasculate men by mocking them for not being able to handle the side affects (neglecting to mention that the side affects where suicidal thoughts (one actually commited suicide) and permanent sterilization. Also neglected to mention it was the researchers who stopped the study out of ethical concerns).

    • @hellionthesagereborn if two people are in a committed relationship they would trust each other in taking birth control. Seeing the actual pills or box would be proof. I don't know a lot of women who lie about taking it and actually want to get pregnant and deal with a baby. They sound deranged and are not representative of most women with a sound mind.

    • @WaterRat if the shoe was on the other foot you'd be upset over the fact that this type of deception was legal. Women do these things everyday, even women in a committed relationship. No means no

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  • I thought there was Vasalgel already though? Or it's coming out very soon...

    • its coming out soon, not available yet.

    • @alphadoggystyle Okay, I wasn't sure.

    • That's what my boyfriend and I are waiting for. I have had piss poor luck with birth control and always have side effects no matter what I use. He wants to wait a couple years to see if vaselgal finally hits the market and if not then he will go for the snip.