10 Benefits to Why a Girl Shall Stay Virgin Until Marriage!

10 Benefits to Why a Girl Shall Stay Virgin Until Marriage!

Let's start:

1.Sex is a powerful force that can destroy if not used properly. Like atomic power, sex is the most powerful creative force given to man. When atomic power is used correctly it can create boundless energy; when it is used in the wrong way it destroys life. Sex is the same kind of powerful force. Sex is a gift from God to give us the greatest pleasure, to help in creating a deep companionship with one’s spouse and for procreation of the next generation. But if you play with this powerful force outside the bounds of marriage, it destroys you and those close to you.

2.Sexual activity for young people arrests their psychological, social and academic development. Studies show that when young people engage in premarital sex, their academic performance declines and their social relationships with family and friends deteriorate. This is because adolescents are too immature to deal with the explosive sex drive and it tends to dominate their life.

3.The majority of women cannot enjoy sex outside of the bonds of marriage. The development of a fulfilling sex life needs the security and peace of the marriage bond. Premarital sex usually takes place sneaking around in hidden places dealing with the fear of being caught, the fear of pregnancy and feelings of guilt. All these (worrisome) factors undermine pleasure in premarital sex, most especially for women.

4.Virginity is to be given to the most important person in your life, the person you committed yourself to stay with forever in marriage. Your virginity is the most precious thing you have to give to your spouse. Once you lose it, nothing in the world can bring it back. Don’t lose something so precious in a thoughtless way.

5.Those who engage in premarital sex run a high risk of contracting one of the many venereal diseases rampant today, as well as losing their fertility. Not just AIDS, but other common disfiguring diseases like herpes have no cure.

6.Some venereal diseases have no symptoms and many couples discover many years later that they became infertile because of these diseases. Infertility experts estimate that 80% of today’s infertility is due to venereal diseases contracted before they married.

7.The best and only method that guarantees 100% against AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases is to wait for marriage to have sex and maintain fidelity in your marriage.

8.Premarital sex breaks the 10 Commandments given by God. The 10 Commandments are given to man by God to make man happy. They are not outdated and they are not restrictive. If we follow these laws, we can create happy and prosperous lives. If we don’t follow them, we will pay a heavy price in divorce, disease, abortions, illegitimate children and loneliness. Modern men make a big mistake when they think that they can break these eternal laws and not suffer consequences.

9.Premarital sex runs the risk of conceiving illegitimate children. Numerous scientific studies show that the children of single mothers suffer psychologically and are less successful socially and academically than children from intact families. Above all, children need both their father and their mother. It is wrong to risk having children who will never have their father’s love, protection and care.

10.If you date and you don’t have sex, you can forget about that relationship when you stop dating. But if you have sex with those you date and then break up, the nature of sexual involvement creates strong, often unpleasant memories for your whole life. Every relationship you break up where you had intimate relations is like a mini-divorce. The psychological difficulties of these mini-divorces does damage to your character. Later, when you are married and go to bed with your beloved spouse, these unpleasant memories will accompany you.

10 Benefits to Why a Girl Shall Stay Virgin Until Marriage!

My conclusion is:

True love waits. If a boy or girl truly loves you, they will want the best for you. They will not want you to suffer fear of disease, unwanted pregnancy and the psychological difficulties of premarital sex. They will want to experience love with you only in the very best place of all – the love nest of marriage.

10 Benefits to Why a Girl Shall Stay Virgin Until Marriage!


22 12

Most Helpful Girls

  • Your myTake and the comment below show why it's better for religious people to stick together and non religious people stick together.

    Obviously it will always be hard for these 2 groups to see eye to eye and no one should force others to live the way we want to live.

    I personally agree with you as a Muslim Tunisian but it's no surprise to me considering your Lebanese and Christian I suppose and we often see eye to eye when it comes to importance of marriage and abstinence.

    I think not rushing sex gives the opportunity to know the other person more deeply on a spiritual / platonic level. Sex is like the cherry on top of the cake it should come only after everything else settled, therefore after marriage.

    And then again there is also the religious argument, the covenant we made towards God. I do understand though why a non religious person wouldn't want to stay abstinent because their might be no valid reason besides religion to wait.

    • Thanks miss Elissa for your wonderful response, well we always have to speak and share the light with others and all around the world, we are not forcing anyone to believe in our ideology because either they are convinced or not, also other than religious reasons, as you can see that there many reasons why a person should stay virgin till marriage and the most important is the disease that they can spread such as the STD's... By the way thanks for your insight

    • And remember to bring condoms

    • This is exactly why religion should be illegal

  • Tbh I don't sleep with a lot of people. I have one man, my boyfriend/first love and that's about it right now. That's who I gave my virginity to Nd I'm cool with it. So although we do plan to get married we're not waiting on a fucking marriage to sleep together that's kinda dumb.

    Nothing is gonna change in that sector of our lives once it happens. Don't get me wrong I'm all for not sleeping with everything that walks but I don't need a legal document to determine when I feel it's right to open my legs. Also a lot of what you said is problematic. But I think that's mainly because we simply have different outlooks to life as whole. You believe in God for one, I'm an Atheist. I'm just gonna leave it at that.

    • I do understand what you mean and your main problem is because you don't believe in god but on the other hand you might be a good girl since you don't believe but still act like a believer and that's something good.

    • 😂😂😂😂😂 I can't haha

    • This brightened my day thank you 💀💀✋🏼✋🏼😂😂😂😂😂

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Most Helpful Guys

  • Dude, most people can't think that far, don't forget you're on G@G and a very small number of people here have the brainpower to understand this Take, especially regretful females who can't admit it xD

    • Your right 😄

    • It's not about brainpower, it's willpower. Sex is very attractive and people are always trying to talk other people into it...

    • @Screenwriter that too! Peer pressure has a hug effect as well

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  • Awesome post, we need more like this and less of the filth that is all over the site.

    • Thanks for sharing

    • And remember to use condoms

    • who calls another human being... filth? that will always be subjective such as this post... and your comment.

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52 48
  • Here is a paradox. I actually don't fully agree with what you wrote.

    In fact, a point or two is mistaken. The relationship between per-marital sex in teens and poor academic performance is not quite that simple. In fact, it is more complicated and I think there was here a bit of mistaking correlation for causation.

    That all said, with all caveats in place, there was something truly noble and beautiful in what you wrote. There is, notwithstanding my point above, even a certain scientific validity to it and certainly a sociological and moral case to be made.

    So, just a tip of the hat. I cannot fully agree, but you were articulate and thoughtful and deserve the highest praise.

    • Thanks for sharing and i appreciate your civilized way to share your opinion with us...

    • Not at all, I thought what you wrote was well reasoned and showed real conviction and moral seriousness. In that connection, my difference with you is nuanced. Not absolute. See also my reply to this question: Married people, do you regret your decision? ↗

  • Every word of this post is complete crap. It's like a cripple trying to explain to a bird how to fly - you have no idea what you are talking about.

    • Is that so... and what are you? A dumb coming here to prove something that you don't know about?

    • True that. This guy is insane. Worst thing is he's dangerous. He can destroy lots of people especially girls. We are few girls (we have a good sexlife and we all consider getting married in the future) who are trying to get him back to under the rock from under which he crawled

    • @fortunately how is it destroying girls to expect men to take responsibility for the consequences of having sex? (If people have sex out-of-wedlock, a man could abandon the woman if she gets pregnant; if they're married, he cannot.) If anything, the people destroying girls are the ones encouraging them to have casual sex, in which case they have a good chance of being abandoned to be a single mother raising a kid all by herself. No birth control is 100% effective

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  • I encourage being careful with your sex life, and any partners. You ought to understand that to have sex is one of our most natural urges. Eating and having sex and part of the makeup of our brain. I discourage people from jumping on the first person they can find, for the wrong reasons. Many youngsters feel pressure to do it too soon from other social pressures. That being said, there is nothing wrong with healthy, safe, sex. Listen to me men and women, be with someone you trust, some one who attracts you and respects you, make sure there are no STDs or babies created, and you are fine to do as you please.

    • Your right, but there is nothing more wonderful than having sex after marriage in honeymoon... the right place with the right person and blessed from. l god

    • I disagree. I have gone years without sex. you can live without it, for real!

    • @LongKock I sure couldn't do without it for more than a week maximum

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  • What a bunch of crap.

    • LOL why you say that?

    • @coachTanthony Just the butthurt of boys who can't close the deal and want to trash all women for it.

    • Why would I be butthurt? I'm married, I have a great life.

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  • Very good mytake. I used to be 100% for this. I still agree with a few points and hope my future kids follow through

    • Thanks for sharing dizzi girl 😊

    • That is a good idea

    • The whole idea of virgin marriage is ancient stoneage first of all. On top of this it's hypocritical that it's the GIRLS who seem to be told to stay virgin. Guys are free to do whatever they want. This virgin marriage concept was no doubt invented by a man with a small penis that also had a brain that was small enough that he couldn't even think far enough that boys would have no sex either if all the girls would stay virgin. Thirdly it is a terrible idea if they both stay virgin cause they get to bed now both inexperienced and then they are bound to have bad problems with their sexuality. This whole muslim/christian brainwash, which is mainly encouraged by men, about sex as a dirty thing should be fought with all means possible. Girls are getting scared of their bodies and natural drive and instinct and this is wrong by any standard. Disease and pregnancy are the main arguments from the virginity preacher but that can be avoided by using a condom and then the preacher guys say "it can break " and yes it can but very very rarely and even then there is a "morning after/regret pill"

  • I can't wait for your next post in which you describe what to do to the girl who doesn't "choose" to remain a virgin until marriage. My money is on you advocating "a public stoning". Also, can you cite one legitimate, accredited study that backs up your assertion that "Studies show that when young people engage in premarital sex, their academic performance declines" cause I think that's complete bullshit. Also, if you think young people who aren't engaging in premarital sex don't have any sex drive, you're as clueless as this idiotic post makes you sound.

    • I am with you on this

    • @ThisIsMyOpinion me too. This guy is ancient. I'm w u al da fucking way

    • Good argument these brainwash people must be defeated

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  • 1) It destroys you and those close to you... in what way?

    2) Where are these studies? Also, generally speaking, teens shouldn't be having sex anyway. They're going to, of course, like they're going to do all sorts of things they shouldn't. Just seems like a moot point is all.

    3) PFFFFFFTTTTT!!! Wut? Women can't feel safe and secure in relationships outside of marriage? And people, of which women are roughly half, don't like a little danger and excitement in their sex life? Sounds legit. That's why BDSM doesn't exist.

    4) Er... No. Virginity isn't that important. It's creepy to me how people, especially the religious, fetishize it. The most important thing a woman has to give to her spouse is her intellect and character. A tiny flap of skin and an awkward experience means absolutely nothing in the scheme of things. If you think a woman's worth is measured in the thickness of her hymen, you're a sick individual.

    5) Practice safe sex kids.

    6) ^ Regular checkups don't hurt either. Well... hopefully your doc's hands aren't too cold.

    7) You got one. One accurate, reasonable, if a bit minor point. Good for you.

    Oh wait no, that's crap. If you get your partner screened, are in a committed relationship, and practice safe sex, your chances of avoiding STDs are the same whether or not you're married. This in no way argues that it's better to wait until, marriage. Furthermore, while condoms can break, they generally do a good job of preventing the spread of STDs. You make it sound like marriage is a magic shield, and even with protection you're basically flipping a coin.

    8) The ten commandments do not forbid premarital sex. They do forbid adultery. Deuteronomy clarifies that if a man has sex with a virgin and they are found, he must give her father 50 shekels and they'll be married... that more condoning post-defloration marriage, than condemning premarital sex.

    How about instead of quoting ancient texts from the older books you'll happily cherry-pick from, but ignore in favor of the new estimate when it's inconvenient to your narrative, we just look at the new stuff. How about we take jesus' example, and don't judge people, and hang out with whores, and lepers, and the dregs of society.

    9) Use condoms. Use contraception. If both fail, use plan B. If it's too late, abort that sucker. I agree. Nobody should have to grow up at a disadvantage like that.

    10) Or... they won't. Maybe people will have good memories of past lovers, accept that it was a fun part of their lives that just didn't work out, and move on as whole, unhaunted human beings. Where are you getting this?

    Who really reads this emotionally manipulative trash with a straight face and applauds it for being well written?

    Maybe there are good reasons for waiting until marriage to have sex, but I don't see any here. I can think of one; you want to.

    • Amen. I wish there were more of you commented these bullshit thread that this Tony dude floods up under different names

    • @Nataliewin should I assume you are a slit because you say amen to men who defend female promiscuity? These men are pussies.

    • @Nataliewin Thanks. I find it disturbing how often I've seen stuff like this on the front page too. It's a slow process, but there's a reason these modes of thought are gradually dying. Just another generation or two and these guys will end up getting laughed out of town. And sorry a certain someone was just rude to you. I'm embarrassed on their behalf. These people are so great at being good, loving neighbors, and meek little servants of their lord, huh? @Милашка To assume makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me," as they say. Let me let you in on a secret; not everyone thinks the way you do. She could be a virgin. She could be a married woman who has only had sex with one partner, whether or not she waited until they took their vows. She could be asexual and abstinent. Or she could go after guys like a big game hunter; who really cares, and who does it hurt? Even if people choose to stay chaste and pure, they don't have to impose their own personal morals on everyone around them, even if the thought of someone else being able to think freely frightens you. You don't know, and you sound like a presumptuous ass. Does a world where people are allowed to think and live their lives differently than you really disturb you that much, to the point where you've got to go around slinging insults to people you don't even know? I don't envy you, you must find the world an especially terrifying place.

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  • Horny women are nature's greatest gift. People who think procreation is the only reason for sex don't know what good sex is like. I feel sorry for them.

    • Me too.

    • @Michelleshalley I'm always horney

    • @Michelleshalley I love horney women

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  • What if I don't want to marry? How long am I supposed to wait?

    • Don't wait for nothing honey. Use condoms and stay safe. I wish you a great sexlife.

    • Thanks, but I'm not serious anyways :)

    • Of course not

  • Guess what? For some people pregnancy is ALWAYS unwanted. Stop fucking acting like all people dream of having some 3rd person in marriage. So it's not really a valid point.

    • You should behave more and have some respect for other people's opinions...

    • If you don't want criticism turn don't pay to open forums.

    • @slatyb pregnant? Isn't that what condoms are for?

  • So just women need to stay virgins until marriage, not men? Hahahah

    • Virginity is related to women but it's better if the man stay virgin too...

    • How is it "related" to women and not men?

    • Because a woman's vagina is totally different than a man's dick, also a pu*sy have an hymen and must be broken only after marriage or by the right man...

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  • I honestly agree. Virginity is more valuable than people in popular culture think it is. And it should at least be given to someone who you can absolutely trust with the most intimate side of yourself

    • Well said and tnx for sharing

    • Sex is overrated and for the most part, not needed.

    • @LongKock I can't remember. Its many years ago (and many guys)

  • How do you feel about masturbation then?

    • I love it personally. I own a bunch of toys

    • @Michelleshalley me too I don't think I could live without toys. Vibrator plug etc. My boyfriend use them on me too

    • @Nataliewin I have a lot too

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  • this is dumb af

    • Why is that?

    • No need to get that bitter girl.

    • @Милашка it's funny I think personally but also sad to see that people are so brainwashed that they encourage each other

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  • Or just let the decision up to the girl, won’t you? 😂

    Why you gotta talk about our virginity men, why?

    It’s ours. We decide the bennefits of holding on to it longer or not! 😎

    *Mic Drop*

    • Tnx for sharing, you gave your opinion and i gave mine *drop the mic*

    • I admit I didn’t read it. But the title just irks me 😂 And yes I agree with waiting, but more particularly for solid love. If the act happens before or after marriage will depends on each person’s timing.

    • And I also think men should wait. For love at least. Everytime you have sex I feel like you give away a piece of your soul, when you are not with someone you love.

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  • Are you attempting to promote virginity before marriage or virginity for girls before marriage.

    • Virginity for girls before marriage but it's better if a man stay without sex till marriage too... I myself waited till marriage, it was hard but worth the wait... i wish if i could of just paused myself in honeymoon...

    • So you aren’t exactly the expert on premarital sex or any consequences of it. You are just relying on Anecdotal information to bolster your personal choice and preference. Sorry but, based on my own knowledge and information, your diatribe on the subject is condescending, and uninformative. Good luck

    • That's your own opinion and tnx for sharing

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  • I didn't read it but I agree that there are many reasons it's preferable for a man or woman to wait till marriage to have sex

    • Such as?

    • @ThisIsMyOpinion Certainty that the guy will support you if you get pregnant. Certainty that the guy won't abandon you and break your heart after he gets sex. Less chance of STDs. A closer bond since it is an experience you've only shared with this partner. More sexual satisfaction because you're not comparing to sexual experiences you've had with people who are better in bed.

    • I can agree that it is more safe in terms of STDs and pregnancy. Still as long as people take the right precautions that is really difficult to happen. As far as more satisfaction and a close bond I don't agree. Having previous partners doesn't make the physical bond you are sharing with that person less special. It's different with everyone you are with. And it does not have more value if you only share it after marriage. Of course that bond doesn't exist in one night stands, but those are for pleasure only. Abouth the satisfaction, imagine that you only find out that you and your partner are not sexually compatible after you get married? It can happen. No matter how much you train some people just don't click at that level. If you have a "test drive" before you can marry knowing what you are taking for you life.

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  • I don't want to wait. I like sex waaayyy too much to wait years and years

    • I waited 29 years... then I got married so yeah my Wife was my first

    • @LongKock if I marry now my husband will be my 32 lol

    • Your happy and not ashamed, well you know what you are, nothing more than a little disgusting hoe

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  • I am non religious. I don't wait for sex after marriage because I just love sex so much. However, I respect others' decision to wait. I have a few of religious friends whom I feel sorry for because the two of them are gonna marry an average Christian guy who makes less money than my fiance. My fiance was a virgin. The best part is he is rich and we are getting married in Dec. Life is never fair though 😊

    • Congrats on your wedding hon. And life is not about money

  • 10 reasons why a guy should not tell women what to do:

    1) Because fuck off.
    2) Because no one cares.
    3) Because why would anybody listen to you to begin with?
    4) Because you can find a woman with the same morals instead of pushing that shit on us.
    5) You're the one who is more likely to be a virgin between the two of us so take your own advice
    6) Repeat the above five.

    • She nailed it @ChronicThinker

    • Someone's bitter 🤔

    • Then gorls can't tell guys anything either.

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