A Burka is Not Going to Cure Men of Evil

A Burka is Not Going to Cure Men of Evil

Women around the world can often be seen wearing either a hijab, niqab, or a burka. Generally speaking the idea behind these garments as told to me, is to allegedly make a woman more modest, less vain, safer, reflect the teachings of her religion, and/or make a clear distinction that she is a woman. As a Westerner, surprise-surprise, I disagree with a lot of this, first and foremost, because for a lot of women it is not a choice to wear these garments. It's more of a, you don't wear this, and we'll kill you, or ruin you and your family, or shun you which kind of really goes against the idea of safety. Like seeing a woman's face or her neck or an ankle is grounds for killing her?!? I can't imagine why I or any other woman would be offended or angered by that, especially since men of these same cultures don't have to abide by the same rules, and not only that, they tend to be male dominated societies to begin with who dictate law without means of democracy.

As far as vanity, from the outside looking in, it would appear that these women couldn't possibly put much effort into their physical appearance, or why would they because as with the burka, no one can actually see them, but a lot of these women who are allowed to disrobe in single sex company admit that they are just as vain as their western counterparts spending a fair amount of time shopping for and doing their make-up because it will be seen by other women. This is of course not every woman, but vanity exists within these cultures, you simply don't see it out on the streets because it's essentially outlawed.

A Burka is Not Going to Cure Men of Evil

When it comes to this idea that it is for a woman's safety that she cover up because men are apparently so vile that they cannot contain themselves, well, I find that assertion absurd. I have the same problem in the US when a woman dresses in a sexy manner, with men that say that, well, she wouldn't have been raped at that party if she'd been wearing a sweater. I literally just saw on the news the story of an 80 year old who was raped. Guess who rapes people? RAPISTS! They don't care how young or old you are or what you're wearing, they are sick in the head, but guess what, how many other men are walking around on the street or at parties like that, who don't rape women because or what they are wearing and I don't know, they actually care/respect women, they aren't sick in the head, and they can look at a girl and be like, yeah, she's sexy, but I don't want to hold her down and force her to have sex with me...because I'm not a rapist!

Burkas/Hijabs, or any kind of covering do not prevent incidences of rape or some men from doing and saying terrible things to women. There are many first hand accounts of women wearing such garments that report the same things that women in the west report--cat calling, groping, lude comments, and even in some cases, actual kidnapping and/or rape. You have to keep in mind that in the majority of these countries, even worse than the west, rape is severely under reported. In a lot of these countries rape is not even recognized as a crime to begin with making it pretty much a done deal that if you are raped there will be no recourse and if you come forward, few if anybody male or female will support you out of fear or out of knowledge that nothing will be done other than victim blaming/shaming and/or your own or your families ruin. That's incredibly convenient then for a male dominated society to have men come out and say, of course these things prevent rape or lude comments...look at how no women are reporting rape or harassment when they probably wouldn't even publish the story or allow the court case if these women did.

A Burka is Not Going to Cure Men of Evil

If you are a woman who wears these items because you want to and you feel it does provide these things for you, then by all means, who am I to tell you what you think and feel and experience, but it should be your choice, and not something forced upon you. A lot of these cultures do not support women's rights on even a basic level, so it's incredibly hard to then make the point that these clothing items when not worn optionally are helpful and promote women in a positive way because why would you need to force something on women if it's so incredibly helpful and benefits all.

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  • Its not meant for curing evil
    its meant to control women and make sure no one looks at yours
    and for some women they wear it to show they're against the west and their way of life will trump all, and the west is letting it happen.

  • TBH if they earnestly believe in a religion that treats women like second class citizens, then I don't care. I know it sounds cruel, but if Islam is the most important thing to them, then they can go ahead and live that way. I don't care. Muslims have the whole ME/NA to make their own. If they want to make eating pie punishable by death, I don't care. Just don't put them on the UN Human Rights council.

    My problem is when it comes here. I wish it would stay contained in it's own area, and that when an Arab woman comes to the US that she drop the hijab and her husband lose the kaffiyeh. The failure to assimilate is always always always a middle finger to the his culture. If you don't want to be as American as apple pie, then don't come. We don't need people to come here who want to make it more like where they left.

  • If they don't want to wear them, then they are welcome to take up arms and start shooting people. If they DO want to wear them, stop imposing your beliefs onto them...

    We are fully aware that it is impossible to control ones behavior... which is why we want out female acquaintances to carry guns, knives, batons. Nowadays it seems as though rape is the worst thing on Earth but not bad enough to warrant a violent response from the victim. "If... if we could just lecture and point our fingers at boys their entire lives then maybe rape will go away!"

  • I hear you girl. Too bad feminists turn the other way when ever this issue arises. Watch zakir naik videos. You will wonder how millions of yound muslims are being fed crazy thoughts by this fanatic. These kind of people are justifying stupid shit that is happening in the world. They keep the youth hostage to religion and create impressions that have negative influences in culture as a whole. This preacher even goes as far as to say that women should sit at his stupid preachings behind men so that he won't be distracted. Apparently he can't hold a boner! Imagine how many paychos like this are influencing young minds. These are the roots of evil for those countries. Remove these propagators and the culture will improve drastically.

    • I think more importantly, if the west leaves these countries alone and not make them busy with wars, they will improve drastically

    • @Blossom5 ikr

  • Why don't you run around naked? Cause you feel shame right? And why? Cause our society conditions you. Their society conditions them to more shame. I'm not a Muslim and I don't like burquas but hey I'm not the one to tell you that you can't wear a burqua. it's for the same reason you don't show your pussy in public that they don't show their whole body in public.

    • Actually someone posed the question on GaG once, if people think clothes should be outlawed, and the concensus agreed upon had nothing to do with shame, but the fact that no one wants to sit in period blood, or someone's sweat, or anyone with disease, or what do you do when it's 14 degrees outside in the freezing cold. That's why we have clothes, my friend. Not because it's shameful not to wear them. Also I might add, I have said it in my take, but I guess no one read the whole thing, but I have no problems if a woman opts to wear such things. I fully support that... but that's not what's happening for a lot of these women. The laws are such that they are meant to control these women and supposedly control men's rapists instincts by putting a burka on them... but that doesn't address the real issue with that, which is why should a woman feel so called shame as you say, for wearing whatever dress she desires. A man should be able to control himself. A burka cannot control a man for him.

    • We wear clothes for other reasons than necessity most of the time...

  • my mother is of the opinion that burquas are worn in afghanistan by certain individuals to conceal Asian features

  • I agree with @aledeeurope even though he ain't a true murican.
    But i think that one thing is missing from that culture... the fact that anywhere in the world guy's will rape.. it's just a fact. No amount of covering up will change that. But if you compare western culture to that of the middle east... particularly of that of Iran or Iraq you will find that as rapes go.. there isn't a series of murders or stonings after them... because the women allowed it. It's just a bunch of white guy's getting off and getting away with it.
    That being said Iraq and Iran before the 70's had a very progressive culture... that was until religious sentiment took over the ever growing chaotic government effectively changing a swath of the middle east into nonfunctioning corrupt governments.
    Granted the girls aren't that hot so the iranian revolution could be justified in some regard. They aren't all mia khalifa's who i hear... from a friend is a pretty cool gal.
    Case closed.

  • its because muslim culture is rape culture.
    they want to make their women look as pure and non sexual a possible so that sexual attraction (and assault) against them is unjustified, but so that the other "infidel' women are fair game for the rapin..

    • I'm a Muslim and I assure you when we hear about a rape case we don't say "that bitch deserved it". Chill dude lol

  • Extreme Middle East traditions are terrible to women over there.

  • Men aren't allowed to wear pants that show their ankles, men aren't allowed to walk around shirtless, women aren't forced to wear these things by religion except the hijab and if they don't wear it no one can do anything to them except God by religion.

    Men and women aren't allowed to show their body parts, telling someone they can't do a certain action will cause outrage among people so they use the old trick of "God will love you more if you do these actions" which works way more effectively.

    I am not disagreeing with your point. The countries that use Hijab, Niqab and Burka are Muslim countries and every country has their own adjustments to the religion, Men and women have certain rules they have to follow by religion if no one follows them they can't be killed or harmed by religion, it's the societies that enforce these actions.

    Go to a country like Iran where they use the death penalty for stuff that don't require the death penalty, they harm everyone that doesn't follow their rules not the religious rules then go to a country like Egypt where the majority of women and men don't follow these rules and are more open minded.

    The rape issues are really messed up though, majority of rapists go unpunished by law *doesn't mean the victim's family wouldn't purse the rapist*, especially the raping of kids which in my experience of reading about these topics is hardly mentioned.

  • Doctors day you shouldn't cover your nose as it traps the microbial organisms which cause resperitory problems.

  • The muslim is a disgusting example of humanity ever since the self serving bastard mohamid wrote the quran in the8th century... I always suscribed to the therory of live and let live. I'm not even sure about God or Christiany, though I'm pretty sure Jesus was real but his miracles sound like fairy tales to me. But what he stood for was good common sense and a sense of decency and respect... The muslim is a polar oppisite of this. Not all muslims are murderers and rapists but they remain quiet and watch as their brothers perform hideous acts against women, children, and humanity. Mark my words. They don't care about anyone except themselves and their basal instincts. Liars, theives murderers, child molesters are what they are...

    • tf? lol

  • Muslim women finding this piece of information out is actually not going to change their mind's. So you just wasted your time writing this mytake. Religion is not about right or wrong or logical all the time... It's about obedience. people follow what their religion tells them to because that's what religious person does they have to be obedient.

  • Niqab and Burka particularly, is weird and odd. It's a radical clothing. Full body cover... It's nothing but control for women. Religion has this obsession with women's 'modesty'.. It's bullcrap.

    • The quran and islam never said women should wear a burka. All it says is wear modest clothes, I'm muslim myself and find a burka way too much. We are taught to be active in society and I find that a burka stands in that way.

    • @DumbandDumbber It's the why behind that... why should they wear modest clothes... and the answer usually leads us to, well in order to keep men's sexual desires under wraps and to make sure they can sit in a room with a woman, she must be wrapped up. It's offensive to men everywhere and women. I do not think all men are roving rapist ready to hurt women, and statistically they aren't by leaps and bounds, and yet a woman "should" or "must" be modest, and in many instances, not by any choice of her own. Why is there no emphasis on teaching these so called over sexualized men to respect and honor women in a way that apparently does not lead them to wanting to rape them. Where is that mentioned anywhere? Or why do they not need to be covered up as well for modesty?

    • The "too much" you speak of starts with forcing a woman to wear these garments in the first place. I am 100% NOT talking about women who want to wear these garments and do believe they do what they say they do.

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  • Wrong wrong wrong everything your saying is stereotypical you should know the media lies. The burka was invented to prevent attraction to women so men had to choose women without knowing their appearence through the women's personality later on duscovering their appeared kind of like a present before your birthday it also prevents rape sexual assault etc. Secondly women are not forced to wear it fact is my mother has never worn one in her life and she's been marred for a good 40 years.
    The rest of your question I cba with because it's just the same stereotypical nonsense that's wron

    • under sharia law there is. where you live is probably moderate. but there are laws in certain places for it, furthermore saying there is no pressure to wear one is also bullshit there is plenty. its about location and the sect of islam you are in, someone of wahabi would probably force it when someone who is not would be less strict

    • also what media? most our media is for your kind whether good or not. almost no media says any of this

    • @TheOtakuMaid Maybe but sharia law is nothing to do with Islam and hence me. I live in the UK. The only bullshit here is your claim you say there is plenty but the facts state otherwise my mother was never pressured nor my sister nor my cousin none of them wear a head scarf. Location is correct Islam it's nothing to do with. You seem to think sharia law and Islam are the same thing very wrong check your facts.

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  • All my life I've seen more women wearing it with pride.

    I think that's what their religion teaches them. It's a part of their religion. If someone doesn't like it they don't wear it , they challenge those shariah laws , or the escape to a country which allows them to live the way they want to.

    There are flaws everywhere. One thing I've seen about them is that they are loyal to their community by choosing what options they are given religiously. They don't think beyond that most of them and they feel its best for them and are staisfied with what they get. That's what matters in the end, satisfaction of what you have.

    Before someone speculate about my religion , I'm not a Muslim.

  • girls r human too... they have the right to eat what ever they want , go where ever they want n also wear what ever they want... then why the hell is burkha system is still present... i m totally against it

  • Thank you. Clothing doesn't change a wicked heart.

  • You are right. It is just excuses.

  • You are very much so a Westerner. It is painfully obvious that you've not actually looked at the cultures you're discussing.

    "In a lot of these countries rape is not even recognized as a crime to begin with..."

    What countries are these? No, I mean with names, where I can look up the laws, not "you know, those countries, over there that aren't HERE! Duh!"

    Why are people so intolerant as to profess ignorantly about things with no qualms but then turn around and talk about freedom? Is this not oppression? Did you not just reduce these individuals and their entire nations to nothing but barbarians?

    And this is the "West" which has it figured out?

    • Have a look through some of my comments or better yet, look it up if you don't already have the knowledge. I am SICK of people on this site in particular DEMANDING proof and then when you give it in 3 and 4 boxes worth of comments of cited sources, and linking books, websites, articles, they piss on you and say, it's still not true or your source isn't good enough for them. I've done this so many times now, and gotten that BS response, so look it up yourself and if you don't believe what you read, then don't believe it. And saying I'm a Westerner, after I've already said as much, does not negate my ability to talk about abuses of power or rape or abuses heaped on women on an international level. Wrong is wrong no matter the culture, language, people, gender, etc. Add to that, I made it clear that if a woman chooses to wear these garments... I am all for it, but not when she is forced to by law or it could mean her death or disfigurement if she doesn't comply.

    • in gulf countries and north African countries they marry little girls, once the girl gets her period they marry her to a man at least 20 years older than her, and some of these girls die after having sex because their bodies are not meant for that yet , in lebanon the new law says that if you rape a girl and marry her its like you've never raped her, all the women protested against it but i dont think they changed it, they justify it by saying that their prophet mohamed married a 9 year old and have 9 wives. they use hijab to hide their women from other men , they dont want anyone looking at their women and they take it to the extreme, plenty of saudie women have been jailed, killed and tortured for going out without covering their face/hair, plus some of these women wear hijab to show their hate for the west. sincerely a guy who lives in the middle east.

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