A Girl Was Raped. A Guy, Too. Does Anyone Care?

Rape is real, it happens. Women, men, anyone can be a victim. Have you been a victim? Have you sexually assaulted someone yourself?

Sorry for the novel. This is my first MyTake, I figured this was a good subject to write on after finding out someone was raped inside of my old school.

A girl was raped a week ago. A girl was raped 6 days ago. 3 days ago. Yesterday. Does anyone care?

A guy was raped a week ago. 6 days ago. 3 days ago. Yesterday. Does anyone care?

A Girl Was Raped. A Guy, Too. Does Anyone Care?

Setting the scene

The specific scenario in my mind, at the moment. It includes a school. The school I graduated from only a year ago. And a stairwell. The one in the back of the school, it's more narrow than the others, less frequented use. This scenario involves a girl and a guy, they're both 14. Both high school freshman. We don't know why. Maybe she flirted with him in class earlier, and that's why she was his target. Maybe he was high on drugs. Quite possibly both.

The last bell rings for classes. School lets out. Perhaps she stays later to talk to a teacher, maybe study some. The guy hangs out on the stair case, waiting. Maybe he was waiting for her. Perhaps he just didn't want to go home because he's beat by his mother or father when he walks in the door, because he went to school rather than run the family drug business. Either way he feels out of control. He might've tried touching someone who didn't want to be touched the week before. The month before. Liked the way the power felt when he was the assaulter, instead of the assaulted. The control felt so good, having control over something in his life, even if it was this one very wrong thing. This time, he decided, he would go all the way. He would rape the next female he sees, just because he can.

What I know

Some of the above is simply speculation. The only details I know for sure about the rape at my school was that it was after hours, in the far stairwell, and two 14 year old freshman. One guy, one girl. The girl fought him off for 25 minutes before being overpowered. It was all caught on cameras, several out of the 50+. There was no one monitoring them, like they should've been. And that when I found out today, I tried asking the people I knew at the school who still went there. When I asked who it was, one guy said, "Oh just some freshman." Another said, "It's Lincoln, what'd you expect". They don't care.

The guy is facing a life sentence in prison. There's no rehab for him, no mention of therapy in prison, no form of support. He's 14 years old. My younger brother is 15 years old.

I have been molested, nearly raped and killed by someone I know. I wanted nothing more than for him to be locked up for the rest of his life or for him to die. I'm still working on forgiving him, forgiving myself so I can move on. I am by no means rationalizing his actions, but he's 14. Life in prison? Will he ever get the chance to live, or to repent? He's 14 years old.

She's 14. Scarred for the rest of her life, traumatized. She will never forget that, ever in her life. It will probably be stuck on rerun in her mind for weeks, months, years. Trust me I know, because I've been there. Imagine your parents watching you be raped. Or being a parent and watching your child being raped. After it happened. On a computer monitor. Or do her parents even care? Is she even switching schools? Does anyone care?

A Girl Was Raped. A Guy, Too. Does Anyone Care?

The system

The system is flawed. They are teens yes, barely teens. The girl needs a strong support system, not much is mentioned of her in the articles or in what I can find. The guy needs help, not a life sentence. He had 2 charges and a felony before this, and he's 14 years old. What kind of broken home is he growing up in? What drugs is he using? You can be sure there is more to it than a horny 14 year old. I agree wholeheartedly, he needs several years away. I'm sure some prison time would do him good. Rehab, therapy, counseling. He should be locked away for a long time, but they are making it forever.

What age were you when you first fell in love? When you made your first mistake? Do you think the guy should have a life sentence, or should he do some time, along with rehab, parole, therapies, counseling, and other things in order to rehabilitate and ensure he is safe among society?

Does anyone care? Or are we a cold and callous society?

This happened in a school. To young kids, freshman. What were you worried about when you were a freshman, when you were 14? Because even 5 years ago, I was terrified. On freshman Fridays, the first Friday of the year, we got the shit beat out of us if we looked like freshman. Dumped in garbage cans. I've seen it happen, year after year while I went to school there. There were shooting threats. Riots. Beatdowns. Drug trades. Had police search us in the middle of classes.This is the first rape in the school. Last month someone had 7 bones broken after being attacked by a brick by someone who graduated from there, on her way to school. She was beat a block from where I live. I can't even tell you how many students have died since I started there.

A girl was raped a week ago. A guy was raped a week ago. Yesterday, the day before that, and the day before that. Does anyone care about them? I mentioned one case. There are hundreds, thousands. There is a rape every 6.5 minutes in America, the free country. These victims are living in shackles of fear. Doesn't sound so great and free, does it?

A Girl Was Raped. A Guy, Too. Does Anyone Care?

A Girl Was Raped. A Guy, Too. Does Anyone Care?

A Girl Was Raped. A Guy, Too. Does Anyone Care?

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What Girls & Guys Said

25 72
  • I mostly agree with this- male rape victims are a thing & should not be treated like a joke.
    I just see some problems within society that make some of your points invalid, as sad as it is.

  • Society is really messed up.

  • I don't think he should get life in prison, but ultimately it doesn't affect me and I don't care.

  • People care, the problem with the situation is we have people on the left using rape as a political tool. One minute it's outrage and marches and every absurd idea such as looking at a woman is somehow "rape". Then of course when it it necessary to bring in thousands of people from an actual rape culture and thy , not surprisingly commit thousands of rapes, these people fall silent as a stone. So, obviously the people who are the loudest about rape , care the least. With any luck , these "social justice" types will be marginalized and ridiculed into historical obscurity and genuine and serious people can address these kind of issues.

  • Thanks for sharing with us. Yes both Females and Males can get raped.
    Very well written MyTake.

    • Thank you

    • You're Welcome :)

  • Yes, Rape is the worst thing that can happen to a teen. It does affect mental health brutally. I agree with every part of your take. But whom should we blame? The 15 year old boy? Was it really his fault that he grew up that way? Or the parents who never slapped him for wrong things?

    Nobody actually cares except for the family of victim and criminal. People tend to forget unless it goes very extreme. At last they'll blame society for it. The same society they live in. But nobody is contributing towards its change

    • He's 14. Even younger. And I highly doubt it's his fault, yet he will pay. I disagree with a life sentence - who does that to a kid? Why are we not looking at his parents? Are they druggies? Does the kid need rehab or is he actually dangerous, more so than they let on? The're trying him as an adult.

    • In answer to who we should blame, I think there are multiple parties that should accept blame, the parents, the boy, perhaps even the hall monitors that were not watching the cameras when they should've been. I don't know the full details, because none of the students cared enough to remember them.

    • @MsMusic as you've mentioned in your take, teens now days aren't really teens. So why not to treat them like adults? I agree this isn't his fault and he needs rehab. Imprisoning for lifetime is worst decision.

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  • I do support making a society focused more on counseling those who are victims and those who are perpetrators. Life sentences with no chance of appeal make little sense to me, why not just do an execution then? We shouldn't have jails we should have rehab facilities. And life sentences are bs.

    As for what you are teaching people? Teach them not to be self-centered and then teach them all the immediate consequences of their actions. Don't teach them that things are wrong because it is wrong teach them it is wrong because of all of these things it causes even in the moment of doing what ever it is that they are doing.

    • We should have jails WITH rehab centers. We just toss people away without a second thought. A life sentence for a 14 year old. It's just wrong. He should do time, yes. Not a life. Looking at the Michigan laws, he should be convicted of a 3rd degree rape charge, receive up to 15 years (I say full 15), and be placed on the sex offenders list.

  • Most Care Not everyone it seem some blame the victims for some reason.

  • When I was 13 I was abducted, tortured and raped. Yet most people don't even think that a guy can be raped.

  • I agree that male rape cases are definitely getting kess attention

    Being hurt yourself doesn't give you an excuse to hurt someone else though. 14 is a kid, but they're not babies.

  • Oh look, another post about rape. *Yaaawwwnnn*

    • Ooh you just made my point. Go screw yourself.

    • In a perfect world: You get mugged and get the shit beat out of you requiring a lengthy rehabilitation. We say: "Oh look, another post about some dick getting what he deserves. *Yaaawwwnnn*"

    • Cry me a fucking river both of you. "We live in a society that should teach men not to rape women". What kind of sexist propaganda bullshit are you dumb females spreading. All this does is make men look down upon you even more. Stop dressing so provocatively, stop picking shitty men to hang around, stop putting yourselves in dangerous circumstances and stop being so fucking naïve. This whole post is such a long winded guilt-tripping rant. If you want men to take this shit seriously, and give a damn. How about including our statistics in the equation. Now both of you, kiss.

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  • I care but I just don't have time to waste watching the news these days so it I didn't see that it had happened.

  • Here we go... more 'rape culture'. Sure.

  • For the guys saying dumb shit over here i guy can be raped when he is drunk. but if a guy said that he got raped people will laugh at him and not take him serious that is why you dont hear anything from them

    • Exactly. If both parties are not capable of making sober decisions, then sex should not occur. Guys are raped, just like women are.

    • A guy does not have to be drunk. There are many other ways to rape a guy. If his attacker is stronger. If he is manipulated/black-mailed (the law defines this as rape, even if some people do not). And there seems to be an unfortunate belief that a man cannot be raped because he simply won't get hard if he's being raped. This belief ignores the fact that most men/boys who are raped (over 90% by most statistics) are raped by other men and are penetrated by their attacker. No hard on required to be a victim in these cases.

    • Men can be raped. Woman can be raped. It can happen when drunk, sober, high, asleep. I have seen or heard of every instance of that. There is more than one way to rape. It's horrible

  • How was the guy rape? It sounds in insensitive but I’m one of those guys that think guys wouldn’t complain.

    • This right here is why men don't complain that they're raped when they are. You can't blame your body for reacting to arousal but that doesn't mean you wanted it still. It's the same with girls. While being raped her nipples could get hard or some other form of arousal can happen but that never means that she wanted it.

    • That guy they put away was obviously a career criminal, that’s why he got life. That charge he got was the last of many. Why would a girl be messing with someone like that? But still haven’t answered my question... I didn’t read your make believe story. Just was curious about how was the guys was raped was it by another man? Or male students? I think that would be traumatizing for a guy.

    • It was a 14 year old guy raping a 14 year old girl. And it's a real story, really happened at the school I graduated from. Would you like the news briefing? Guys get raped too. I didn't want people to feel like I was being a feminist and focusing only on the female version, so that's why I mentioned guys.

  • ' I'm sure some prison time would do him good.' -> Time in prison does nobody any good. If anything it'll make him a harder psycho than he already is. It doesn't rehabilitate or help. But some people do need to be kept away from society, so it can be a necessary evil.

    Sounds like you're in a bad school / neighbourhood. Hope you can move to a more stable area / community when / if you get the opportunity.

    To answer. Do people care? Yes and no.
    A lot of people care but can do nothing about it. Caring and being helpless is the recipe for depression or just feeling shit overall. So many people just block the empathy out, and go on with life.
    So yes they do care in principle, but they cannot afford to care.

    Should he go to jail, he's only 14? Yes. I think he should be segregated from the rest of society, he isn't fit to live in it if he is going to harm others. Do I think prison is good or will help him? Absolutely not.
    I honestly think a proper institution where his mental health is kept in check and he is simply put away until he is rehabilitated would be a better option, unfortunately, I don't think that's an available option. And prison certainly isn't that place.

  • Let's be honest, nobody cares for any male issues. Today's society is more busy finding what's left of "male white supremacists" and destroy it rather than worrying about severe male issues.

  • This question and post is gender basis. Women and girls do just as much rape of boys and women.

    Both genders need to respect each other and self-space.

    • Fake news. 93.7% of perpetrators of male rape are men. Women are 3% of all rapists.

    • Two of the pictures are gender biased, but I meant for them to be directed towards general population, both male and female. If you actually read MyTake, I stated that both men and women can be victims, and never said that any one gender was more capable of rape than the other. However, @UsernameMadness, is correct. Males do take the cake when it comes to rapists. I am not saying that men are the only ones who rape, but I agree with the statement htat they are the majority. They can be victims as much as any female can though.

    • @MsMusic "but I meant for them to be directed towards general population, both male and female" Bullshit you did. If you had cared enough you would have taken the time to find a gender neutral picture to use. Instead you didn't give a fuck about us which is why none of us give a fuck about you.

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  • A girl can go to the police to find and punish the offender but guy can't. He would not admit that he was raped to avoid shame of being fucked in the ass if he raped by a guy. And if it was a girl, they would not take it seriously. He's in the winning, is not he? Anyway, she will be judged not for rape, but for hooliganism. Go feminism! Right?

  • All that stuff about teaching men not to rape a socializing them out of it is mindbogglingly insulting and utterly retarded.

    • Well men are overwhelmingly the perpetrators of sexual assault. To both men and women. So yeah that’s kinda the point

    • @JustAnotherGirlie Firstly, I don't accept that, it's debatable. Second, it wouldn't matter anyway because it's the base premise of "teaching not to rape" that I'm calling retarded. So your assertion doesn't have anything to do with mine.

    • I mean they are very related. But I’d like to know why you think socializing men not to rape is retarded? I think there’s a lot to be said here so I’m asking

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