Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

First Off

This article is meant to be informative. I want to say before I even begin that, I Do Not agree with the treatment or view points towards the LGBTQ in the Midwest or anywhere that is discriminative or hurtful to them. I support the LGB and it's members.

I am writing this because I want people to understand how differently they are treated in the Bible Belt and throughout the Midwest in general, as compared to other places in America.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

By observations I've seen on GAG, I think people naïvely think, on the coasts or in larger cities, that views and acceptance on homosexuality are the same throughout the United States of America. I'm sorry to have to tell you guys but they are not. In fact in some places the treatment is horrible and even deadly.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

It's Dangerous and Can be Illegal

Travel advisories for LGBTQ members have been issued in five different states in the Midwest and South for years and years now. In three different states all in the Bible Belt not only is crossdressing frowned upon, it's actually illegal in some counties.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

Individuals will be charged if caught crossdressing in public with attempting to impersonate a woman which is charged as a sex crime. Drag shows are illegal and gay bars just don't exist period.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

Violence Toward Transexuals

Most homosexuals in rural areas of the Midwest can not even be openly gay becaues of the danger it imposes to their safety. Over 40 transexuals have been beat to death or killed already in the Midwest in the year 2020 alone. These crimes just do not make the headlines or national news, so most people are unaware of this huge problem still occuring.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

Race or Age Is Not a Factor

Ages of these individuals who were killed ranged from 16-52 years old and were mostly men impersonating women. Race or age did not seem to make a difference in these horrible murderous crimes against transexuals in the Bible Belt.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere


2020 was the 22nd consecutive year that Democrats in the Missouri legislature have fought for the passage of the Missouri Non-Discrimination Act, or MONA, which would ban discrimination against members of the LGBTQ community. It was the 22nd consecutive year that the Conservative majority rejected the bill without even allowing a vote.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

Did You Know?

In Missouri and Arkansas entering 2021 you can still be denied services, an apartment, or not hired for a job for who you are or who you choose to love without any legal recourse? It's true and it happens everyday.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere

It's not okay that some people in the Midwest do not except and embrace the LGBTQ and the many wonderful members of its community.

Hopefully, in the future people will stop this crazy, violent, behavior and realize that their views towards homosexuality is horrible, unfair and just wrong.

I hope the Bible Belt will change it's views and understanding towards the LGBTQ community in the future.

Acceptance Is Not Everywhere


Until that time comes please be aware not everyone is on the same page as you reguarding the rights and acceptance of The LGBTQ. It can be dangerous and unsafe for them in some places in America, sadly even today.

Thanks for reading everyone 💖....

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#wowgirlRocks #wowwgirl #girlsaskguys


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16 79
  • I’m glad you posted this great post ! 🌈❤️

    • There should be laws to protect us from the hate of society

    • @ct1243 There is, just depends where you are.

  • I hate gags but it’s absolutely ridiculous that it’s illegal to dress like a girl, wtf?
    What isn’t illegal now? Do we have no freedom? TF!!!
    Only things that are bad should be illegal, like murder thief rape etc etc...
    But small things that aren’t hurting anyone like dressing as a girl... why the fuck is that illegal? We have no freedom! Wtf?

    • @AnnNoid Wearing the traditional clothing of the opposite sex and presenting as such should not by itself be a problem. It is when you act in a sexually inappropriate manner that it becomes a problem.

  • This is GaG, so all the guys here will just talk about that time when they were attacked by a transexual or beaten up by some gay person.

    • I was attacked by a trans sexual

  • I spent most of my life in the Midwest and can confirm, it can be really bad there for LGBT folks.

    Years ago, at work I had an employee who was trans. We were working on a project involving a number of different states, including some in the Midwest (Indiana, Illinois, Michigan) and some in the South (Louisiana, Texas). When we traveled for work or went out on the town to do some team building, we all decided we shouldn't let our trans team member go anywhere by himself, just to be safe.

    I have another trans employee right now, but we're in a stronghold city on the West Coast so I don't really have the same concern I used to have in the Midwest.

  • Very nice Miss Wow

  • My only question is why did you specify you support the LGB but not the LGBT

    • I was thinking the same thing

    • @Rippersavage absolutely

    • @The_Inquisitor yes..

  • I don't support it they're annoying and make their sexuality their personality and make everything about sexuality. “OMG THIS CHARACTER IS TOTALLY PANSEXUAL ” Yeah I rather not.

  • Seems more like their problem, than anyone else's, to be honest.

    Being "accepted" is not a right, neither is it a right to shove personal issues onto others.

  • The core of america problems is due to the bible belt. Why america won't do what is needed to be done to get rid of it is just dumb and confusing. Oh yeah send troops to deal with extremists over seas rather than deal with there actual own in there backyard.

    • I thought the core of America's problems was due to California. "Get rid of it"? How do you propose we do that? Set off nukes at the San Andreas fault line, and hope that Commiefornia slides into the sea? Actually, that's not a bad idea.

    • Nope it's always been due to extremist Christians who went ageist the founding fathers in there in fundamental view that state and church should be separated which in simple terms means no biblical thoughts should impact the view on laws in there country, So even if some wacko christian hated gay's this would never be a good logical reason to found or create a cultural bias to it.

    • The ironic part this was all done to separate themselves firmly from the great British empire and there dogmatic with religion and laws. And of course monarchy. But we actually got much less over time anyway and receded are control, and separated are laws with religion actually better than america did by just slowly overtime letting it regress on it's own. And seems like america is way worse off now for trying to fight it. In hindsight if they did what England did and let it recede naturally it may of been better off.

  • MONA is an acronym for the cruelly misleading Missouri Nondiscrimination Act. MONA represents a menacing domestic threat to religious freedom. If it passes it could serve as a mechanism for LGBT people to claim discrimination in a variety of ways, triggering lawsuits against religious organizations and people of faith who want to run their businesses according to the dictates of their faith. So the "discrimination" of LGBTQ is debatable and more of a grey area than is described here.. Also people like to mention how many Trans people (mainly Transwomen) are murdered every year not takin into account why they were actually murdered.. There is not any indication that they were murdered because they were trans, but that they were murdered and happened to be Trans.. Just like Feminist and BLM a lot of this info distorted to gain power.. Gay men actual out earn many of their heterosexual counter parts.. A lot of the groups Antifa has many Trans individuals who happen to be very violent.. So this is less about acceptance and more about compliance at this point..

  • Agreed so much hetrophobia, antisemitism, Christianphobia, anti-conservatism, sexism, anti white racism out there these days.

    Acceptance Is Not EverywhereAcceptance Is Not EverywhereAcceptance Is Not EverywhereAcceptance Is Not EverywhereAcceptance Is Not Everywhere
  • I want people to know that Canada is guilty of the same. I think too often we're held up as these ultra liberals who are never awful. But we have the same problems here. Trans women, especially black or indigenous trans women go missing all the time. I went to high school with a kid a few years younger than me who couldn't come out to his parents because they would have kicked him out. I'm only 22 and I remember when gay marriage was legalized here. It hasn't been that long (a few provinces started legalizing it in 2003 and it took until 2005 for the rest to follow suit).
    I bring this up only so other Canadians on here don't think we have no work to be done. We are far from perfect and there is still a lot to do

  • This is a great Take

    • Thank you

  • I do not condone violence against anyone like that, neither would I ever go out of my way to in any fashion make life harder for someone because they are homosexual or trans. But the only pictures out of this collection I would agree are hateful are the ones burning the flag, and the man with the signs. The rest is simply quoting Scripture, because they like me believe in them.

    It's not a one way street you know. Emphasis on what the Bible says on sexuality is reactionary because violence against Christians and people who do not support lgbtq also exists widely, and not just in America. Accusations of being worse than Hitler or spreading hatred or "hate speech", simply for uttering the phrase; I disagree.

    So while it must be said that people who act like the man with the "God hates fags signs", certainly aren't true believers and are indeed spreading hatred, tolerance for the lgbtq isn't the only issue here. I would fight against harming or killing anyone regardless of what they call themselves and how they live, but the whole notion that the majority of Christians are these torch-wielding mobsters is a gross misrepresentation of the real majority.

    And as a side inference, the rainbow flag is a Christian symbol in origin representing God's covenant with mankind, which has been stolen by the lgbtq community. Many of us Christians have long been inclined to take it back.

    • I would also say that it isn't within anyone's right to force me to *accept* anything with regards to the title. Live in peace with certainly, but I do not like it when people assume it's a given that everyone must abide by complete acceptance else they are hateful and bigoted.

    • Exactly, the rainbow is mentioned in Genesis and is an important symbol that represents God's covenant with mankind that was entered into after the Flood. These people are trying to take that away, but we all know what happened to them at Sodom and Gomorrah.

    • @Yaaten Indeed. Sodom and Gomorrah were ruthless examples of sin's wages being death.

  • Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, as the saying goes. Why are you so supportive of such abominable behaviour? How can you not see how corrosive the acceptance of such evil is for society? Why do the letters keep expanding? (It's now LGBTQ, but soon there will be an A for asexual, and P for paedophile). I will never accept this twisted garbage, and your post is a disgrace.

    • 1. Two people love each other, it isn't abominable, it is happiness. Love is a gift and when two people share it it is a beautiful thing. 2. And it's evil how? Let's see here, challenging gender norms- well actually that's good since people are expressing themselves better which will lead to less misogyny. Not reproducing? Well we certainly don't need more people in the world, in fact we're suffering overpopulation. 3. LGBTQIA+, ace iz sometimes used in the spectrum, look it up. 4. The community will ALWAYS draw the line at age and consent. P/dophiles have tried to mainstream a flag before and the community rallied against it. Love is love as long as it's consensual and mutual and p/dophilia will never have a place in the acronym. 5. Have a good day, I hope this cleared some things up 🥰

    • @angeliquedevereux2 "Two people love each other" - What if one is 13 and the other 55? Still "beautiful", or downright creepy? What about a brother and sister? "How is it evil?" - Well, for one thing the encouragement of such relationships is counter-productive to the survival of the species. Yes, I realise the human race is at this point in time very far from becoming extinct, but there were good reasons in the past for having laws and taboos that constrained certain unions. "LGBT is a spectrum" - How convenient for those like you who support things like this. People now say the same thing about autism, whilst claiming that it isn't a mental problem (which it clearly is). It's denial of course, denial of reality, and the reality is that there are those who have autism and those who do not, those who are heterosexual and those who are something else. Where did you get this spectrum idea from? I ask because I really do not know, it makes precisely zero sense to me. "... the line at the age of consent" - Well, the age of consent can be changed, can't it? "Love is love as long as it's consensual" - No. I think there is more to it than just "consent". You know, like responsibility, commitment, fidelity. Old fashioned values that most young people have never even heard of, never mind take seriously. Yes, it is a good day! I hope I corrected some of your misconceptions. :)

    • Yes I did say, it draws the line at consent. If one is 13 and the other is 55 it's p/dophilia, that's a fact. Love between a man that's 31 and a man that's 34 is still love just as much as love between a man and woman of the same age. There were also rules in the past that said women can't vote and POCs should be slaves but of course they changed. As the world evolved, we evolved but something as basic as two adults in love is still a debate. Yes LGBT is a spectrum, that's a fact. If you're Bi you could prefer men over women or women over men. If you were omnisexual then you could prefer non binary people over men and women. I never said autism was or wasn't a disorder but yes I believe that is a spectrum too. Yes I realise there are lots of factors besides consent but to add all of them would take too long to mention, it's easier just to say that love is love as long as the two are at a legal age :)

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  • If people actually understood the Bible, this wouldn't be an issue. Christ's message can be summed up as follows: love is good, hate is bad, and we are all forgiven for being what you were created to be, so therefore we should forgive others for being what they were made to be.

    That being said, I can admit to being put off by certain behaviors that are more prevalent in the LGBTQ community. Ex: I don't want to hang around men who speak and act like teenage Valley Girls. But then, I don't want to be around teenage Valley Girls either, so it has nothing to do with them being men, or gay. I just find that persona irritating.

    But the big one is that I don't enjoy being around people who are easily offended. I like people who speak freely and allow others to do the same. I've met very few people in the queer community who don't get offended and try to start confrontations over any minor perceived offense, and I'm not the type of person who's gonna walk on eggshells to protect their fragile egos.

  • Homosexuality is not with God. Marriage was declared as being between a man and a woman; anything else should not be sanctioned by the church as being Holy Matrimony. Most churches have deviated too far in accepting worldly values as being Godly. God said to love the sinner but to hate the sin.

  • Hell it even happens in the big city like Milwaukee Wisconsin. It happens everywhere.

    My views on LGBT groups are total different, then the rest.

    Like me I'm what you might classified as a crossdresser, but I don't try to look like a female.

    I am even BI or at least BI curious.

    But I totally dislike that group. I see them nothing more then a hate group like the KKK, BLM and Antifa.

    I may not like them, but I am not going to go out of my way to cause harm to them. I will be cool as long they don't fuck with my personal Rights and Freedoms.

    And this comes from someone that's a man and wears women's clothing.

    To each their own I say

    • Go you for not giving a fuck about gender roles or steroe types. I am really sorry that you have experienced as much hate as you would from the KKK or any amount of hatred, and you and I are kind of in the same boat but I am on the fence about females not males, but enough about me. I am someone who will let you like both and not force you to pick a side.

    • @dragonbot14 hey thanks

  • The Bible condemns homosexuality in the strongest possible way.
    In Leviticus 20:13 Moses wrote that homosexuality was “detestable” and that those who engaged in homosexual acts must be killed.
    In 1 Corinthians 6:12 Paul also described homosexual acts as “detestable” and revealed that homosexuals were damned to Hell.
    Homosexuslity is condemned in similar terms elsewhere in the Bible.
    It is, therefore, impossible to be a Christian, or an observant Jew, and not condemn homosexuality.
    On this subject, the Westborough Baptish Church is correct in scripture.

    • @coachTanthony The condemnation of homosexuality that is made in the Old Testament is carried through to the New Testament. If you have a problem with that, take it up with God.

    • LOL I don't care what testament it's in... it's ridiculous.

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  • I agree 110%

    but at the same time I dont care cause the way I see it humanity is already fucked up and lucky for me I never felt like I was part of it.

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