Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

1. Clean Your Room!!

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

If you can't even keep your own room, a small square space a few metres by a few metres clean & organised how are you going to organise success in your life.

2. Goals

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

Set goals for yourself. Start off with small goals and build them into bigger & bigger goals. Retry or change your goals of they fail or don't work out.

3. Hit it Hard

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

No matter what you do, hitting the gym hitting the books, hitting the club's, hitting the pussy you gotta hit it hard. If your not improving yourself, building a better lifestyle for yourself, laughing, having making a point about learning about life making a point to have a better sense of humour but you are just sitting there and not being proactive& putting in the effort then what do think is going to happen.

4. Educate yourself

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

I'm not just talking about school or college but learn anything that mat be useful to you in the future. Don't rely on schools or colleges to teach you what you need to know as more & more schools are becoming more like state run day care for teens & colleges more like degree mills churning out debt laden graduates who can't get a job outside minimum wage jobs in the service industry. If you do go to college be sure there is a career at the end of the rainbow. I recommend considering trades or stems.

5. Learn to Fight

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

One day you may have to defend yourself from assault. You might not like fighting and may not become Chuck Norris but knowing enough to fend off an attack or neutralise an attacker giving you a chance to run or put your attacker down. Street fights can be particularly brutal because when you go down attackers will keep kicking you the end result being hospitalization or death.

6. Learn to Dance

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!
Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

Women love to Dance. If you want to get with a woman chances are they are going to want to Dance. Women always open the gates for a man that can dance so learn to ballroom dance, to line dance, shuffle dance whatever.

6. Dress well

Learn to dress well if you want to be taken seriously by women and by employers. You should own at least one suit. If your low on funds thrift shops will generally have anything you need. Develop your own style. Dress for the job you want, dress to attract the kind of woman you want. Remember if you dress like a thug society will treat you like you like a thug just like they will if you dress like a slob or a sex predator.

7. Role models

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

One great thing that helped me was great success role models but what also helped was failure role models. I study failure very carefully, I want to learn from my failures. Understand that nobody is doing anything you can't do and when people offer advice or help consider it.

8. Personal Responsibility

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

Accept complete responsibility for yourself and your failures in life. Act like a victim in life and you will be one. Today's victim culture tells people that they can't succeed because of their sex, race, sexuality, religion or socioeconomic status. That sort of thinking is self defeating. Maybe thats true outside of the western world. If you live in the first world you are not oppressed.

9. Confidence

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

Self confidence is something some seem born with but it can be learned and developed with practice. Cowering away in your bedroom because you are an impotent "introvert", " incel", "MGTOW" doesn't benefit you or change anything. Women are attracted to confidence, employers are attracted to confident men and people are less likely to f*ck with you if you have an auroa of confidence. Sometimes you gotta grab life by the pussy.

10. Learn to Tear that P*ssy up

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

Learning to please a woman sexually is important for the up& coming gentleman as it creates a reputation for yourself with other women so read up on, it practice it, communicate with sexual partners etc. You may actually find that like me a lot promiscuous women don't know what they like sexually despite their experience because they never learned and are too backward to communicate their desires so they can be grateful for the learning experience especially if she finally gets that big O. A sexual reputation spreads with word of mouth, women are always interested in sampling what other women have or had.STDs are a serious business so glove up on any casual encounter.

11. Learn basic Life Skills

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

This is rather simple, basically learn to look after yourself and be self reliant. So driving, cooking, cleaning, laundry, home maintenance, car maintenance, managing money, sewing, basic first aid and so. So many today lack the most basic life skills.

12. Never Show Weakness

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

Human beings are not too far removed from the animal kingdom and our primate cousins, we are all just one bad day from beating our chests and throwing our shit at each other. Showing weakness in real life whether it be some punk in the street, a work colleague or a bad neighbour invites attack. Bullies don't bully the strong, muggers don't mug somebody that can handle themselves, burglars don't rob a guy with an AR15( least not successfully), wolves attack the weakest in the herd. Even the most feminist woman deep down despises a weak man.

13. Accept life isn't fair

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

Life is not fair, nobody is going to hand you anything just because you want it, life doesn't always work out how you hoped & shit happens stop whining about it. You might have a sports scholarship in college and set to go pro but blow out your knee well tough, thats life. You may be engaged to the most wonderful woman in the world with a bright future ahead of you both but she dies in her sleep, tough. You may watch your mother suffering as she dies a painful death from cancer, well that's too bad. The world keeps turning with or without you & doesn't stop just because your life has collapsed. Shit rains from the sky on the good & bad alike. Also just because that cute girl you like rejects you & goes off with a football player well thats no reason to shoot the school up the next day to show her how wrong she was.

14. Learn to shoot

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!
Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

Learning to shoot in my opinion is a necessity for every young man whether for hunting, plink shooting, serving your country or for home defence. I've had to defend my home before, I was ok but the intruders were not. Criminals don't care if you are anti gun.

15. Marry a good woman but play the field until you find her

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

I wrote a comprehensive myTake on this. Things A High Quality Man Should Look For & Out For When Choosing A Wife!😍

15. Patriotic

Advice To Up & Coming Young Men!

Serve in the military, serve your community, serve among first responders, do charity work, represent your country in sports or academics there are many ways. Support your country & believe in it, do your part as a citizen.

4 15

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15 47
  • you left out the part concerning dramatically over-compensating for your weaknesses

  • All great points. Amen, brother!.
    Comment to certain guys about #12. Remember that being compassionate, and kind, etc. is NOT a sign of weakness. It is a STRENGTH. It is through our strength that we CAN show our compassion. The United States- for example- has paid BILLIONS in reparations to countries it defeated in combat. From our position of strength came compassion.

    • Agreed but be compassionate and kind after you've beat an enemy down, not before.

    • :- )

  • You can jackoff and still achieve the rest. Your list is good but it's not an absolute.

  • Absolutley right

  • Good advice actually. Given in a pleasant way...

  • Universities are not that expensive everywhere in the world.

    • Agreed but here colleges are more intrested in student numbers and profits, they will admit students who aren't academic and major in subjects that make them unemployable, of course kids take out loans to pay for college and often mispent their money partying, having no real world experience and having a few thousand in their hands for the first time they forget that the will have to pay it all back.

    • There's a guy that said it much better than I. " Just one thing I want to add. Going to college just to get a degree is a pure waste of money. the working market is saturated. Now you need to study and be able to sell the knowledge you have gained. A degree int he arts or languages etc is worth nothing, do an engineering or medical or anything that has mathematics, physics and chem. you will never want for a job. What you would like to study is irrelevant, if do it anyway, go minimum wage. I have 4 year electronic college qualification, and have never spent a day unemployed. Your career guidance counselors are useless. The Colleges are also useless, because they encourage those worthless degrees, why? they are like a business, they need bums in seats. It is all about keeping numbers and employing those lecturing these useless subjects in a job. To be realistic studying dance is really stupid one in 500 make it thus 499 have lost all their money. For young men study or learn a trade plumbing, motor mechanics or electricians, you will always find a job. Many of these people in the trades have opened their own business's and have really done very well." @Badballie

  • Good idea hehehe

  • I'll go with 14 out of 15 points, but especially 4. Educate yourself, If you ignore going to college/university and instead go through technical / trade school you can be out-earning your contemporaries who are at college/university and you'll have a 4 year head start on the corporate ladder without the college/university debt to payback with the option to attend a college/university if you need to add a qualification on a short course.

    • This is ironic because the only point i disagree with is the 4th one. I think educating should not always be in a technical/trade school. I think we need scientists and lawyers too thank you very much. Teachers are also important. So its really about interests and how well you do after school.

    • @_Jay_ read again, I never said that. The just of what I said is dontbwaste 4 years going to college and putting yourself into debt just to end up a barista in Starbucks. College should be those who are going on to be teachers, scientists, engineers, arictects and so on.

    • Yes... who else would go to college? If you plan on becoming electrician or sth similar then you're obviously not going to university.

    • Show All
  • "Serve in the military, serve your community, serve among first responders, do charity work, represent your country in sports or academics there are many ways. Support your country & believe in it, do your part as a citizen."

    Fuck no. This country has done fuck-all for men. I refuse to be a pawn for a country that views my gender as expendable.

  • LOL I like #4.

  • Marry? Under current law? Nope, that is insane.

  • You rock @White-Amercan89

  • I approve of the last point

  • 12 is a double sided axe. hope you realize that.
    If you don't look like you have any weakness people begin to question you and you become unattractive. only mentally damaged female's that are week goes for people that doesn't appear to have any weaknesses.

    Weaknesses shows you're human and can still develop, is one psychological part.

    Some people are attracted to certain weaknesses no matter gender. they can't get attracted to the strong appearance (superman appearance) .

    Some people are in to getting their Pussy/as teared hard, some others are in to vanilla gentle. you even have those that shifts how it should be to be good.

    Confidence isn't that black and white.
    It can be as attractive as repulsive.

    Some people doesn't have role models.
    They walk their own way.

    The clothes doesn't matter that much when it comes to it.
    Only status junkies does that make a big difference for.

    You doesn't need to dance. you can suck at it or never dance. doesn't really matter when it comes to it.
    It can be a turn on that you don't can and she needs to show the way to teach you, it shows you aren't good at everything, have weaknesses and aren't afraid of showing them.

    No one needs to know how to fight.
    Even if someone beats the shit out of you doesn't mean you have lost in her eyes (you have something that's called out alpha someone) .
    Also she can begin to get the pity and nursing part triggered that she wants to take care of you.

    LAURA is a stereotypical looser that tries to appear better than others, still a repulsive individual for most human's.

    Patriotic can be as attractive as repulsive depending on the person.
    (personal do I find it repulsive many times since it's a low intelligent behavior many times)

  • I've done all of this.
    The fighting part is true. I'm from the hood where even the smart kids had to throw hands.
    Can't be no geek off the street, gotta earn your keep. Lol
    However, I believe in weapons too.

  • I agree with the vast majority of this, but why would I ever waste time with a woman I know I won't be with for long? I know I'm just using her, I feel like shit, I can't be honest with her cause I'd just end it if I was...

    I'm pretty fking horny so give me a good logical explanation of why it's worth it to fuck sluts other than 'experience'. The good girl I'm looking for doesn't have experience and doesn't desire it, and once I get inside her head, there is no amount of experience that would change what I can do already...

  • Lol I think it's funny.. in your other mytake you said that a woman that has too many exes/ are has many partners was a negative thing.. and AND AND, how a woman dressing slutty isn't a really good woman.. yet, you say here to "... play the field..." and "... Tear the pussy up.." lol with pictures of two women dressed provocatively... lol 🤔🤔 I'm just observing and laughing over here... 😅

    • If you read my previous Mytake again there should be a part where I say there's a difference between the broken you pump'n dump and the women you marry.😎

  • these seem women centric. I don't live for women. I live for my self and a female I like may have a spot.

  • I don’t agree with some of them but overall pretty good

  • Pretty good except the last point and the one about guns. Fuck the military industrial complex, and everybody doesn't have to walk around with a rifle to, "be safe" 😑

    • We must live in different worlds. The military industry isn't hunting or home defence weapons. It's military equipment, military small arms, tanks, jet fighters, military transports, warships, helicopters, APCs, mines, bombs, shells etc.

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