Alright, everybody prepare for an angry rant. I don’t typically do these all that often but today I had another experience that just tipped me over the edge and brought up a whole lot of past resentment. Before I start, I just want you all to know that this is NOT intended to be a “fuck men” bashing sort of take, this is a take that is specifically complaining about SPECIFIC types of men I have met, not men as a whole.

With that said, I can’t believe how often I find myself absolutely repulsed and turned off by some of the dudes out there. I get it, when you find somebody attractive, you want to tell them … but there are SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE WAYS DO SO without puking out: “Nice tits honey” or “Hey mama, you wanna ride?” or “Wanna know what I’d like do to you?”

No, no I would not sir. I’m also not your mother, and I know my boobs are nice but you can appreciate them silently like everyone else.


I want to meet the person who told these people that making remarks like that will get them girls. I also want to meet the girls who are into that kind of shit so they can help me understand just why it is that this is apparently just so kosher and normal to some folks. Literally, I do not understand the guys who think if they honk at me and invite me in their car (while I am dressed MODESTLY) that I will actually do so, or if they make comments about my body I’ll suddenly be so swept off of my feet that I’ll just hurl myself at them, or that if they tell me they want to do dirty shit to me that my pants will just hit the floor like magic and their fantasies will be fulfilled. What fairytale do these people live in? Tell me, please.

So, here’s just a recap list of things that immediately turn me off when being approached by guys on the street ... grab a drink and a snack for this one:

Sexual remarks about my body

If you think I’m beautiful, just say that instead of: Oh baby, your tits are nice. That ass! I’d like to hug those curves! Stop … just … stop. You may as well have just shouted at me: I’m a creepy, horny fucker who can’t stop ogling you and I severely lack social awareness and self control, so I am absolutely NOT the kind of guy you would ever go out with. Remember that the next time you want to make a remark about a woman’s body. Especially if pepper spray is legal in your state.


Staring at my boobs like I don’t have a face

And no, before anyone asks, I don’t wear revealing clothes. I get that you can’t always help but look, but you do NOT need to stare like you’re making eye contact with my nipples, okay? It’s rude. Stop it.


Asking me to get in your car when I don’t know you

I don’t know what kind of parents you had, but mine taught me to not get into vehicles with absolute strangers. To even suggest to a woman you see on the street to get in your car with you says three things about you:

- You’re probably a fucking rapist
- You’re wrongfully assuming I’m a prostitute even though I’m completely covered
- You’re yet again a creepy, horny fucker who is so naïve that he thinks I’m going to get in his car and show him a good time no strings attached. AKA: You’re poorly socialized and delusional.


Shouting at me to try and get my attention, especially when you refer to me as any of the following


If I’m across the street, the bar, or wherever, you either come up to me or wave to get my attention. Don’t start shouting at me; its super rude and embarrassing considering it catches EVERYONE ELSE’S ATTENTION considering EVERYONE CAN HEAR YOU! If you can’t approach me just let it go, man.


Continuing to pursue me when I reject you/tell you I have a boyfriend

Buddy, I’m a nice girl. If you approach me and try to flirt with me I won’t immediately grow horns and pull out the mace, alright? But I am going to reject you or tell you I’m with somebody to try and end the situation, something you need to accept. DO NOT … under any circumstances continue to pressure me into giving you my number, social media, or to go out with you, because all that says about you is: “I don’t give a single shit about your comfort or your status because I am a self-centered dog that’ll probably cheat on you.” There’s persistence … and there’s being a total pest.


Trying to block me in/corner me

Worst places to get hit on are on buses, planes, and elevators. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been cornered by a guy on a long bus ride. Literally, I have had guys block me in my seat and physically put themselves in front of me with their arms propped up thinking they can box me in, etc. It’s fucking intimidating. You might think that by forcefully keeping me there or cornering me that your chances of getting with me are raised but they aren’t. You’re actually scaring me, I’ve labeled you a total creep, and the second I can escape I am going to and make sure I never run into you again. Just do not do this shit, please.


Refusing to let me leave when I said no

If I say no to your advances and I try to leave, don’t … ever … grab my hand or arm to try and prevent me from leaving. Don’t try to block the exit or beg me to stay, let me leave you clingy, desperate creep. It is NOT going to change my mind about you, period, so just knock it off, PLEASE.


Cussing me out, apologizing, and then expecting me to un-reject you

If I reject you and you decide that’s grounds to call me every dirty name in the book … well, all I can say is fuck you too, you self entitled prick. But if you plan on doing this, at least be a man and follow through. Don’t try to apologize to me later and then expect to be in my good graces, let alone expect me to reconsider going out with you. You weren’t my type to begin with, then you called me a: “Fucking stupid ass cunt and a cock tease” … yeah I’m not going out with you, nutjob.


Trying to guilt me into going out with you

Please don’t give me the poor me crap if I reject you. I hate to say this, but I don’t care. It isn’t because I’m cruel, but it’s because you’re a stranger, I do not know you, and you can’t make me pity you enough to go out with you. So don’t tell me: “Oh I’m a great guy, but no one gives me a chance, I thought you’d be different” or “You just won’t go out with me because I’m ugly. You really shouldn’t be so shallow. I’d treat you like a princess!” Stop. I’m sorry you’re having a hard time, but trying to make me feel like shit is not going to light the fire necessary for me to be attracted to you enough to go out with you. It makes you seem petty and manipulative. Besides, you only approached me because you thought I was hot, hypocrite.


Touching me ... period

If I am not reciprocating your advances, don't touch me. At all. Period. Don't grab my waist or hip, don't try to hold my hands, touch my arms, brush my hair out of my face, none of that shit. If I am not your girlfriend, do not grab my ass, rub or touch my thigh, try to whisper in my ear, or get anywhere near my boobs. I will make the biggest scene if you touch me.


That’s all the rant juice I have in me. I want to reiterate that this does not apply to men as a whole; it’s likely a very small portion of men who are just ignorant, poorly socialized or just plain weirdos. Thanks if you read all the way through and you guys have a good one.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • "Until women start ACTUALLY approaching men (as opposed to just saying they do), they DO NOT get to "creep shame" men who actually have the courage do it. Sorry, but you do not get to have it both ways." Said 1 GAGuy and I totally agree.

    Since females expect us to be the 1's to approach them, say the right words at the right time in the manner that y'all want while also dealing with the fear of "rejection" that comes with it.

    While 95% of y'all in the other hand, wouldn't even dare to approach a guy with y'all scary selfs. Yet y'all have the nerves to "complain about how we" go about it? Umm ya can't have your cake and eat it too #Done #NiceTakeTho LOL

    "Creepy ISN'T SEXY" and COWARDNESS in a girl isn't ATTRACTIVE at all. So why don't y'all grow some ovaries and come out of y'all comfort zone instead of complaining about it for a change? So y'all could be the 1's in control of how things went ^_^

    • If you grope someone, you deserve to be creep shamed because that's creepy. Approaching and flirting is different than straight up harassing somebody. You can't assume to right to grope, harass, made crude remarks and be a total creep because girls won't talk to you. It's still against the law.

Most Helpful Girl

  • It's funny how some guys here clearly have gotten offended by this take. Makes me wonder if they've ever touched a girl inappropriately, or said offensive things as "flirting". Why else would they be SO OFFENDED by being told that HARRASSING a girl is wrong and creepy? You clearly stated that not every guy does this, and the examples you provided are clearly illegal/threatening/aggressive behavior that is not appreciated by ANYONE. It's not like you're saying "omg this one guy once told me I'm PRETTY! What a CREEP!"
    Yet some of the guys commenting here are making it seem like they just witnessed you shooting a puppy. Geez.

    • But... I like puppies

    • I know right? It makes me assume they're all hella creeps.

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  • "It’s rude."

    Umm, what are we, ten? That's nice. That's your opinion. As a matter of fact, however, if it's not illegal, then it's just an action. If you don't like it, that's your problem.

    "Stop it."

    Make me. Otherwise, STFU. If this is something that's harming the people who behave this way more than it's harming the people who are the recipients of the behavior, then it's something that will naturally either stop... or alternatively, "they will get theirs." In other words, the penalty of engaging in a behavior that is "wrong" is that you must live with the consequences of that behavior. That, in and of itself is nature's penalty. If that's not enough, society steps up and mutually agrees to make such behavior "illegal." Otherwise, there's no basis for one's individual Jedi willpower to command that others act or behave a certain way.

    With respect to what other guys have said,

    The reason comedy is funny is because it confronts and exposes the truth or reality behind a social problem, that is otherwise uncomfortable to confront or expose. Comedy provides an emotionally safe medium of release, the freedom to express dangerous, prohibited, or uncomfortable opinions.

    When male "and female" comedians like Amy Poehler and Tina Fey write comedy marketed to a mass audience of both men and women, with the network's reputation and ratings on the line, they're not about to aim to appeal to a very narrow niche'. They're aiming for mass appeal. If a few odd balls here and there have a problem or are offended, that's okay - such is the nature of comedy, speech and expression in general. All that matters is that the masses find it funny.

    The fact that Tom Brady's sexual harassment skit garnered such mass social acceptance for its comedic value is just evidence of the mutual acceptance and acknowledgement (i. e., by both men and women) of an uncomfortable reality:

    1. When a guy is attractive, and he does (X), he's less likely to come off as creepy.

    2. When a guy is not attractive, and he does (X), he's more likely to come off as creepy.

    If a fat chick bends over and I see her underwear and ass, I may barf a little bit in my mouth (and think, "Eww, that's gross and disguising"). But, if an attractive girl bends over and I see her underwear and ass, maybe I'll start feeling happy in my pants (and think, "Damn, that's fuckin' hot").

    • I don't understand why it's such a big deal for some girls to stop denying this, yet insist they have "standards" and are "not easy." You can't have it both ways, logically. You are either selective and react differently to the same exact behavior depending on what kind of qualities the person has (i. e., attractive/unattractive), or you're indiscriminate and anyone will simply do. And, between the two, I don't exactly see what the hell is so shameful or embarrassing about admitting that you are selective and have standards, and perceive the same exact behavior differently depending on who it is that is engaging in that behavior.

  • A lot of people here are saying "wow but if they were HOT GUYS HITTING ON YOU you would be fine with it!"

    But let's just face it, this isn't about hitting on anyone.


    Bitch please. If Brad Pitt walked up, slapped my ass, and called me honey, I would rip his stupid face off. I don't care how you look. If you disrespect me, I will destroy you. That's sexual harassment, dickbags. See if you still want to call me honey when you're in the hospital.

    Now, if any guy, attractive or unattractive, compliments me in a less disgusting way, like saying "Wow, you're beautiful." or "I really like what you're wearing." that would be cool. i would say thank you, and strike up a conversation regardless of what he looked like because I know better than to judge by looks.


    how fucking hard is that for you

  • Fully understand and its taken the right way. It's no wonder the rest of us guys get labelled as optional psychos too. Iam sorry you have to put up with this very poor excuse for masculinity.
    You say you'd like to meet the person who told them. Well I suspect there was nobody to tell them. Particularly no man or farther figure to teach them real respect for women so instead they act like feral boys. Sadly I also suspect that some poor girls fall for this and so they continue with this appalling approach

  • While I would like to apologize for the experiences you have had, I am also aware that I'm not responsible for them at the same time. I am the sort of guy you never see, in the sense that I will observe you but not make it obvious and I certainly wouldn't say anything to make you feel uncomfortable. If I am interested and available my favored approach is to wait and watch and then try to find a common ground we can talk about, and just take it one step at a time, this way you are comfortable with every step along the way. Additionally I have also found that by approaching this way, if it turns out you are not interested you have a multitude of ways and opportunities to prevent the possibility of any sort of relationship from developing in the first place, this is a good thing, because this way nobody gets hurt (nobody likes rejection). The only down side to this approach is that more often than not women don't even know I like them. :-(

  • You know the guys that would do this sort of thing really wouldn't care about this, and most of the guys who read this probably already know all this. And, like you said, the smaller portion of men who are just ignorant, poorly socialized, or just plain weirdos are just gonna be that way... Contrary to popular opinion, men aren't rabid sex animals who need to be taught that raping women (or otherwise grabbing at their naughty bits) is not okay. And the guys who do that sort of thing don't care if it's okay or rude or evil or not.

    As for boobs, well, they will be stared at. Sorry. It's gonna happen. 'Revealing' is anything with an distinctive outline, to say nothing of any degree of cleavage.

    As much as I'd like to enter a room and scream, "DON'T LOOK AT ME!" And honestly, I would, feeling eyes on me from all directions. Not that I'm hot or anything, just general gazes. I just shrug it off and keep walking, because honestly, it's not going to accomplish anything except make more people stare.
  • It is so highly appreciated by a girl when a guy is a gentleman!
    Most men thankfully are kind and respectful, and it honestly is such a bonus if he's nice, and not creepy.
    Too bad many take a lot of offense to this take :( They should be content and confident if they are not the type of man you mentioned hahaha :)
    Honestly guys, girls love gentlemen.
    Nice take!

  • ^^ My review of this with few changes:

    If a guy makes sexual remarks on my body and he's a stranger to me, I am NOT flirting with him, I'm turned off ALWAYS. No boys, if you're hot it won't help. You say that shit and I'm backing away from you embarrassed and feeling humiliated.

    Staring at my boobs. Meh, I don't know about that. ALL guys look, no matter how subtle they think they are they look sooner or later. If they look, I'm fine with it I guess. I cover up and if they OVERDO it and it does become uncomfortable, I just leave.
    This IS related to whether I myself find the guy attractive. If he's attractive to me, I want him to look (without being nasty and ONLY staring at my tits). And if he's unattractive I am uncomfortable because I don't want to attract the wrong kind of attention and possibly expose myself to danger.

    Asking me to get in your car if you're a stranger. NO! Fuck no, wtf is wrong with you boys? If a male super model drove up to me and asked to get into his sleek sports car, I'd just be stiff polite and praying he doesn't come out of it and try to kidnap me. NO! NEVER! EVER! EVER IS THIS ACCEPTABLE!

    Shouting at me? Meh, as long as you're no insulting me. I sincerely don't care one bit. Nothing is being revealed to others about me, but about you. Yeah, it's a bit uncomfortable, but I just ignore you and keep walking. Again if you were attractive and yelling nothing would change. I'd still avoid you because I think you're IQ is bellow 90.

    Pursuing after I rejected saying I'm taken. I rejected. I agree with this girl. This is totally annoying and creepy. Accept the rejection I don't play hard to get by flat out pushing you away. This often comes packaged in with some of her other points like guilt tripping, cussing me out-apologizing-and then expecting me to un-reject you, cornering, grabbing.

    And lastly I fully agree with DON'T. FUCKING. TOUCH. ME.
    I don't care how hot the guy is. This is about being grabbed by a guy you barely know, or worse a total stranger. INSTANT FUCKING ALARM in my head: let me go, let me go, let me go! I don't like it, I don't touch random guys I'm not dating, flirting with, or am related to. Unless we're flirting, there is some sort of rapport/intimacy/shared DNA, DON'T TOUCH!

    • Women touch me all the time, women I don't know, at shopping malls and restaurants, does this mean they are allowed?

    • @Calex No touch by accident. Not shake hands. Not something that's considered a socially acceptable touch for two strangers. I mean put your hands on me with aim to flirt, while I am not reciprocating your flirting. Putting your hands on me after I reject you. Invading my personal space in a way I have not indicated it is permissible. And all this is ten times worse if I don't know you. Then I'm only freaking out. This isn't something I should having to explain in detail to a socially adjusted human. Are you bit of an Aspie? (just asking, not trying to be rude)

    • I don't know what an Aspie is. Anyway the women that touch me touch my shoulders, my back, and lower back (place I dislike being touched the most) Is that allowed?

    • Show All
  • Umm, is this happening to you a lot?

  • So basically, no approaching girls whatsoever because it's creepy? Got it.

    I've pretty much known that the past ten years anyway.

    • ummm, smart ass, that's not what she said. Maybe you just can't read or something?

    • @Elizabeth21_ She doesn't have to SAY it. It's the difference between explicitly stating something and INFERRING something. She never did directly state "All guys who approach are creepers." However, she gave a ridiculously long list of times guys shouldn't approach girls, in a VAIN, shallow tone, IMPLYING she thinks all guys are creepers. I can pick up on tone and INFERRED meanings quite easily.

    • @Elizabeth21__

  • Waving or showing basic human courtesy or decency sometimes gets me treated like this by women. Must be where I live and work, the locals are just very crappy human beings. Since when is waving hello and smiling from 25 feet away the same as the stuff you list above? Because I've been called "creepy" for a lot, lot less than the stuff you list.

    For those who do the stunts you list above, nothing might be enough to knock sense into them. What many women don't understand is that with a guy like me, rejection isn't that hard: just give me a reason that isn't bullshit, and show me respect when giving it and setting boundaries. The respect will be returned.

    If she strings me along, constantly tries to feed me bullshit, disrespects me, and chases me away in the end by badmouthing me to strangers that pose a credible threat to me, that's how she winds up on my shit list. I'll generally avoid her after that; but she's a fool if she thinks she'll ever get me to do her a favor again.

  • If any of my 3 boys yelled something like that out in front of me I would smack them. They know better.
    The staring at the boobs thing all guys do. most of us are much better at hiding it then others and you don't continue if you get caught. lol..

    • Here's the thing, I don't mind if guys look. That's totally okay and I understand. It's the shameless gawking, I'm sure you've seen it before.

    • yep, know it and done it. but If I did it glaringly it was as a joke to a girl I knew. Like when I was in high school working at the mall and there were a number of kids my age. so this girl who was friends would walk up and ask me something and I would just stare at her tits the entire time I was having the conversation with her. Until she realized what I was doing and hit me lol. but otherwise most guys know how to look without getting caught or being obvious. it is necessary when married. But the low IQ idiots out there will do it. Anytime you get multiple guys out for a "guys night", we do it. If you have immature guys (or young guys) that are drinking, forgetaboutit.

    • We can't really help looking - but most guys have the manners to at least try and avoid as long as possible, and its hopefully only a quick once over glance.

  • Well girls think any unattractive guy who hits on them is creepy.

    • No they think creepy guys that grope and harass them creepy.

  • The problem is that losers have ruined trying to meet women in public on the streets. Women have to put up with so many ugly butthole losers that its not surprise they just try to get from point A to point B without trying to get involved in some liaison. The guys who cat call are especially retarded. You've got to wonder what instilled that behavior--it certainly isn't effective. For 99.9% of people now meeting on the streets probably won't work because they're are just too many risk factors now with some stranger.

    And guys always get super butthurt and tearful about the fact that women let hot guys be confident to them whilst labeling ugly guys as creepy. Um yeah, it becomes creepy when its unwanted which is what ugly dudes often don't understand. Hot women don't want ugly dudes obviously. Why would they expect themselves to be wanted by hot women when hot women are already pursued by many hot guys generally. People need to go for people in their range of attractiveness. Going for someone out of your league with confidence dripping out of your ass and ears is probably going to get you labelled as a creep unless you have an impressive silver tongue.

    • Wow. That's blunt. But true! I never thought of it that way... but yeah... If you don't take care of yourself and aren't at all charming, trying to hit on a girl who obviously takes pride in her appearance is a bit odd, and definitely comes off pretty creepy.

    • After all, people want to date an equal to themselves. Otherwise, it feels like charity, or... you feel like the dead weight (in the other direction).

    • Well and its especially bad when the ugly dude gets all hurt and talks about how super ficial the woman is. But notice he isn't going for someone on his level. He's trying to get someone WAY out of his league. Its ridiculous. I can't believe these guys manage to stay in the gene pool. Its like: how are these people procreating at all with their insane ideas?

  • I 100% agree.
    Pathetic men with no regard for how other people feel.
    If I see a pretty, attractive, sexy woman in public (covered in clothes or not) I silently appreciate in my brain and keep on walking. If we are in close proximity and make eye contact, a simple smile and away I go.
    I get so enraged at hearing men do shit like this.

  • You go girl. Honestly i couldve wrote this myself 😂 it isn't all men either. There are some really good guys out there but i feel like i can't even walk put my house some days without experiencing some level of sexual harassment

  • "Before I start, I just want you all to know that this is NOT intended to be a “fuck men” bashing sort of take, this is a take that is specifically complaining about SPECIFIC types of men I have met, not men as a whole."

    All of this was lost or simply ignored by the guys who do this. They've been called out and they don't like it. Nice myTake. <3

    • This is unrelated but can I ask you why exactly you support Planned Parenthood @SilenRose Do you know how many people they killed? (Notice how I'm saying people instead of fetuses)

    • @Shayan_Mortazavi

    • @Shayan_Mortazavi Not a person. It's a fetus and do you know the risk that come with giving birth?

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  • But what about the difference between creepy and awkward, they mix a lot

  • Its only creepy when she's not that much into him

    When a girl is really into a guy, he can be creepy and she most likely won't even see it that way.. In fact she might become creepy as oppose to him being creepy

    • If a guy perves on me, regardless of how attractive he is it's still creepy. I have had "hot" guys do this stuff to me and it still bothers me. Seeing as you're not a woman you don't have a place to say this is how we feel.

    • It's just shameful and a pity that every man's comment is defending these kinds of actions.

    • Yes i understand It can be creepy sometimes

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  • Well some of us are not creepy, we might look creepy but it is just that we are overwhelmed by you that we act like total idiots. I have being label a creepy guy before i admit, but it was because i liked the girl too much and i was too aggressive and didn't go at her pace that i really blew it. We see each other everyday because we work in the same floor, but it has being almost 3 months and we don't even look or talk to each other anymore, it is as if i have never met or talk in real life, complete strangers now.

  • Yeah, ignorant people, you are right

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