Dear Whiny Men...

Dear Whiny Men...

Dear whiny men,

It's disconcerting that some of you (EMPHASIS ON --->SOME<---) believe that this world has apparently gone to hell in a hand basket because ALL women exist to, in your words, what, suffocate you, or only date literally the worst your sex has to offer us, or take all your money and run, or ditch their so called ordained role of unemployed intensely devoted wife to you and baby maker to your offspring. So you feel that these are the sole reasons your life is horrible and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, do you?

Come on friend!!!! Really? Some of you are the same exact people that like to tell minorities that they should get off their asses and stop blaming white people for everything wrong with their lives. You are the same ones who tell poor people that they have plenty of the same opportunities as rich people, if only they'd try a little harder. You're the same people who think anyone with a "label," shouldn't get any "extra privileges" handed to them because we can all just, you know, pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and do a little extra and fix our lives....EXCEPT... when it comes to your relationship to women. How is it everyone else needs to STFU and deal with their lives and their own situation and own up to their part of all of this, except apparently you?

Oh let someone mention the word women, and your face flushes, and your head practically explodes. Women, women, women...boom, boom, boom! If women were truly so all powerful and controlled every aspect of life, why aren't we in the majority of power positions on this planet? Why aren't we making equal pay around the globe? Why are women still to this day fighting for fertility rights and maternity leave and the right not to have the worst of you (which you claim we all date) punch us in the face or rape us and get away with it without so much as a slap on the wrist? How can you possibly have so much power in this world and still feel as though you are somehow completely helpless creatures incapable of scraping together your lives in the presence of a woman?

Dear Whiny Men...

Everyone has bad experiences with someone or something. It's just a fact of life. Of course many of you have had some bad experiences, but when you take that, and make it your blueprint as to how apparently the entire rest of your life and everyone you meet in the future is going to be with no deviation and start blaming even the completely innocent of injury to you, that's when I'm going to pull the whiny man card and call it for what it is. Bullsh*t!

When sh*t doesn't work out in your favor in this world, the competent, the intelligent, the problem solvers, the successful people, they take the hit, analyze it, and they find solutions. They don't spend years of their lives whining about how unfair the sh*t is because while you're busy wasting time doing that, the rest of us, including your fellow man, will have moved on and found ways to improve their lives and future relationships.

Here is a reality of your situation: just because you are a man and you merely exist, does not mean happiness, money, a perfect relationship, a perfect marriage, kids, a great job, a great house, any of that, is guaranteed you OR anyone else on this planet. You think just because you're a good guy, a girl should automatically just fall into your lap because you give her an ounce of kindness, or just because you got married, life should be perfect from there on out? You gotta get that fantasy out of your head! Even in the best relationships, there are issues and issues that are caused by the TWO people in those relationships.

Dear Whiny Men...

Women, plural, are individuals. Different minds, different experiences, different wants and needs. There is no one size fits all and yet, in the whiny man's mind, no woman can ever treat you well, or ever wants the good guy, or only wants your money, or is taking over everything when that is so far from reality. A woman can even present herself as the exact opposite of your negative script you have in your head for all women, and you still refuse to see that it's not all women. It's so easy for you to slap those labels on all women, but let a woman say "all guys this, or all guys that," and OMG, that's soo not true, let me write a full page brief about it in the comments. Can't have it both ways.You can't keep projecting your insecurities or all your past relationships on every woman because every woman is not the same. The only person that hurts in the end is you because you are so wired to doom all women and all relationships to them, that you wouldn't be able to see good if it walked right up to you.

Don't let hurt or this level of delusional thinking take over your lives. Instead of play the pity party role, as you suggest to anyone else with a label, pick yourself up off your butt and go out there and find a solution in a new person, in a new experience, in making yourself a better person, whatever it takes, because the world doesn't stop and wait for any of us to sit and whine about it all. Women aren't going to go away no matter how deep a hole you live in by yourselves and this idea that you can avoid women in anyway or that other men should is just insuring that you will literally rid yourself and others like you right on out of existence because survival of the fittest doesn't happen if you're not even on the chess board.

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What Girls & Guys Said

15 59
  • I think both genders are whiny and have unrealistic expectations these days. We live in fucked up times. You just have to ignore all the fuck-ups and stay in your lane, doing your thing.

  • The ties those men are wearing in the first two pictures are horrible. They are as horrible as you post is awesome. Which is very.

    Reminds me of all those "red pill" dumbasses. Don't get me wrong though, most humans are dumbasses, male or female! lol

  • No matter how you say it, if you say anything against men, some of them will simply get butthurt no matter what and will call you a whiny feminist,
    It's very true. You deserve more likes. :)

    • Oh absolutely. This take has nothing to do with feminism or equality or anything of that nature, but 50% of the males responding are like, "this is a feminist rant." Every woman with an opinion and a brain is not a feminist and not always trying to make a feminist argument. Case in point.

    • Exactly. Men should stop calling every opinion which is somehow against them, stupid or that it is from a feminist. It's getting really boring and ridiculous.

  • A lot of the men like this just refuse to look at themselves. Every judgement they have is outward. Their experience is real - every relationship they have ever been in ends badly, and they feel like the women are being some way or another. The problem lies with these types of men themselves. They instigate the problems and blame the woman. It's the same reason they blame every other type of person for their perceived problems. This isn't a problem limited to men, by the way. Anyone can have it! Men seem to be socially enabled or encouraged to, though.
    So, everyone, hint: If it seems like everyone else has all these problems except you, look again. Maybe it's you. If you think all women (or men, people of some given race, religion, sexuality) are crazy and don't know it, how do you know you aren't crazy and don't know it?

    • I couldn't have said it better myself, and thanks for actually understanding this post. How can everything, quite literally, everything be the fault of someone else when as an adult we have autonomy over ourselves. Even in bad situations, we have some ability to change our plot in life. As someone said above, if you're in the bad relationship---get out, move on to someone else who gives you peace in life or be single and work on yourself. That's not earth shattering advice that is impossible to achieve, that's a common sense some have difficulties in achieving and stay and stay until whatever it is begins, in their minds, to ruin them and their lives and they project that outwards to everything and everyone thereafter.

  • We are living under feminist government. Males who are accused of sex crimes aren't given the due process of law. Female sex offenders aren't even dealt with. Government forces parental responsibility on men who did not consent to have those responsibilities. Government forces money transfers in the form of welfare from males to females whom they do not even know. Government forces businesses to discriminate against men. The list goes on and on and on.

    The fact is irrelevant that some women, and it really is a minority, believe in true equality and therefore reject these misandric injustices. I think that it was in response to the pick-up artists that some manosphere figure said, "You can't alpha the system", and he is right.

    And, before you whine any more, you should know the following. In the days before legal abortion and before the invention of the contraceptive pill, almost all women were on strike against pre-marital, or at least pre-engagement, sex. Were those women misandrists? I say, no. They were being rational.

    • And what we are seeing now is mass female panic. There is a male response against feminism. And women are now recognizing it. And to the distress of feminists, it is not coming in the form of force. Men are simply checking out of society. Many of these men don't even understand it themselves. Very few men are explicitly so-called MGTOW. But, we all know men who just can't be bothered.

  • I agree with your assertion that no one is entitled to anything. I disagree with your assertion that men who complain are "whiny." I would like to see some women disparage other women who complain about their bad dating experiences as "whiny." Not to be whiny, but that never happens, because women are allowed to have feelings - it's their feminist privilege.

    • This has nothing to do with people or men who complain or whine about women----it does have to do with those that take those complaints and use them to blame all women, in this case, for all their problems in life. Vast distinction to be made. Your last relationship sucked, of course you're going to complain, but when you use it as a crutch to then assert that all women everywhere are the problem, that's where reality needs to hit you square in the face, because everything in the world is not the fault of people you've never met.

  • So a feminist is whining about whiny men... interesting 🤔

    • I'm pretty sure you don't even know what feminism is. It's one of those words you like to use probably on every take you read where a woman has a thought, opinion, or idea because you don't actually know anything about those thoughts, ideas, and opinions, other than to say, "feminism, yup, it's feminism. I wrote it down, so it is." If you actually read through this and understood it, what has this to do with you know, actual feminism?

    • Well most feminists seem to point to the dictionary definition which, depending on your source, is something along the lines of " the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men". However, in practice not all feminists have the same views on what the specific issues are or what is the best course of action to address those issues. So while you may have a particular view of what femism means, I would be willing to bet that there are feminists whose views of feminism and what it means is different than yours. You don't get to decide what it really means or who is a real feminist and who isn't

    • And how come you get to define what feminism is and women don't? And if no one gets to decide it, so what? What is your point?

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  • So a whiny feminist is whining about whiny men? Interesting well have fun in your safe space.

    Also if you are going to post something like this at least have the balls to not hide behind a anonymous mask, o proud feminist come on be a man, face the music and don't hide.

    • Where exactly in this take has this got to do with feminism? Where EXACTLY if you read it. Do you even know what feminism is? I'll be waiting.

    • O I just took a gander and assumed you are one since your rant is similar and or very typical and standard cookie cutter rant that feminists do. And your attitude is similar to theirs as well. O I know exactly what feminism is per defintion and actual meaning of the group. But what definition and meaning of the group are and what the group and its members actually do and advocate are two entirely different things.

    • Your response is typical of 90% of men who pull the "feminism" card. You assume because a woman wrote anything, that it 'has to be' about feminism, but this take has nothing to do with feminism, nor am I a feminist. You didn't even read it. You just assumed, which basically is my point that you have no clue.

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  • the reason why people (not just men btw) complain is because if men does a bad thing most see it as a bad thing. if woman does a bad thing then most see it as woman nature.

  • A.) the world has gone to hell in a handbasket, and it has nothing to do with you. but you're a sociopathic solipsist so i wouldn't expect you to know the difference.
    B.) we don't think women were created to suffocate us. we think the women of this generation do it by choice, and that's actually much worse.
    C.) we disassociate ourselves from you because you go on wildly abusive, baseless slanderous rants like this because you're pissed off about your own ego and you genuinely and expressly do not give a shit about us. you as an individual have made that even more clear with this great big malicious pile of vindictive bullshit. we deserve better. we don't care if women like you are the only options left anymore. we deserve better, and having nothing is better than having you. better on our minds and souls, better on our hearts, better on our well being, and emotional stability. we lead more productive lives without you. until you are a net positive in our lives, no, no we don't have to bother with you. And i know that pisses you off, but fuck you. We have autonomy. Deal with it.
    D.) TLDR on the rest. Just having to read this horseshit is grating on the soul.

  • I noted that the author of the piece chose to not put her name on it.
    What she described as 'whiny men' have found a solution.
    That solution is to refuse to participate in a contractual arrangement with women that disadvantages men in the extreme.
    In what universe would a sane person enter into a contract that had a 50 per cent probability of failure and, when that failure occurred, everything that he owned would be handed to the other party and court orders for spousal maintenance and child support would turn him into the other party's impoverished slave for the rest of his life?
    A sane man would look at such an arrangement, refuse to participate and walk away. That is what we have done.
    Women countered by lobbying politicians to expand marital property rights to live-in girlfriends, after a qualifying period of time. Where I live (Australia), after two years a woman can walk out the door and take everything.
    The situation is:
    1. Display interest in a female = risk of education or career ending sexual harassment complaint.
    2. Ask a female on a date = risk of education or career ending sexual harassment complaint.
    3. Go on a date = risk an education or career ending false rape complaint.
    4. Have consensual sex with a female = risk an education or career ending false rape complaint.
    5. Cohabit with, or marry, a female = 50 per cent probability that all of his property will be handed to the female, as well as impoverishment for life via court ordered spousal and child support. Also, career ending false allegations of spousal rape, physical violence and, occasionally, of molesting his own children. These false allegations have become so common they are almost standard during divorce proceedings.
    6. If the man cannot pay the spousal and/or child support, men with guns (police) will be sent to put him in chains and drag him to a prison, where he may spend the rest of his life, due to a deliberate Catch 22 in the law.
    At the same time, men are confronted by hordes of screaming harpies dressed as giant vaginas.
    Feminists such as Valerie Solanas called for the murder of all men (especially white heterosexual men) and Andrea Dworkin declared that all heterosexual sex was rape, so, by extension, all straight me were rapists.
    So, dear anonymous opinion writer, you want men to walk into that sort of a hostile environment because you think that you are owed male attention and a wider choice of disposable economic support units (men).
    Adopt some homeless cats.

    • I chose leopard geckos.

    • that's exactly what i'm saying! her own bullet pretty much ricocheted and caught her right in the head when she brought up that... "How can you possibly have so much power in this world and still feel as though you are somehow completely helpless creatures incapable of scraping together your lives in the presence of a woman?" like all of us are a bunch of gods who get everything in life serve the way we want whenever we want. sounds like the typical attitude of a feminists brat.

  • dude I just pulled out my autoreader and made it read your whole article out loud all I can say is...

    "someone needs to take their own advice."

    because you don't sound so UN-whiny yourself.

  • A little long, but browsing get the gyst, and ya, we got a whole crop of whiny men these days. I think you said STFU and deal, and that's the best advice.

    Women are looking for a strong man to lead, to be their emotional rock, to dominate them in bed, and treat them as equal partners in a LTR. Otherwise, if he's weak or whiny, or emotional like the FI has been telling them to be for the past 20 years, she won't respect him, in fact will come to loathe him.

    This is red-pill wisdom. Some girls get it, some don't. Same for the guys. [shrug]

  • I agree.
    I hate to say this and I really do not want to say this but these "whiny men" as you call them have to "man up" and own up their mistakes and take on responsibilities.

    I see butthurt men here and at this point it is no surprise either. It just confirms what your MyTake is all about. We are given 2 choices by your MyTake: Either we can learn from it and become better persons, which quite frankly you are doing a good deed for us OR seal off from this and attack right back. I personally stick to the former. Cheers!

    • It's been quite the slog through comments from people who have literally not read a word of this and began talking about feminism or man hating or whatever else this isn't about, but to land on this comment, someone who actually understood what was said, gives me such peace. Most men and women have a grasp on the, if it doesn't work out, suck it up, get yourself together, fix what's broken as best you can, and move on mentality. This is what life is. Mature people figure this out and become the problem solvers of their own lives. When people can't handle that, and chose to blame the world, or in this case, all women for their problems, all they will ever get in life is stagnation and misery.

    • Hahaha, damn right. Especially what you just said "When people can't handle that, and chose to blame the world, or in this case, all women for their problems, all they will ever get in life is stagnation and misery." Sounds like MGTOW. It's always easier to be irresponsible and blame around instead of being responsible and deal with things :) I can clearly see how whiny men are unattractive. I know it almost too well by now as if I lived as a member of the opposite sex. This website has taught me quite some things by contributors such as yourself :)

    • @Megalul My point was proven. Thank you!

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  • Portray women as the victims - check
    Single out the white male as the villain - check
    Spout out some feminist lies to once again portray women as the victims - check
    Attempt to make the male feel inadequate because their behavior doesn't align with your world order - check
    Clear females of all collective guilt using the foolproof argument of individuality - check
    Add in some patronizing bullshit at the end in hopes of making the male more eager to return to the ways that would align with your world order - check

    Congratz girl, you got everything down!
    I hope many of these men took your great advice to their heart and will now stop "whining" so they can go back to coddling your privileged ass up so you can lay back comfortably without a worry on your mind as things are being taken care of again!

    • Haha, your response is most excellent sir

  • Women have more sexual power and are innately hypergamous, that is what causes all the whining mentioned above.

  • Hahaha. Sorry, but it's over. At least for White men it is. Almost all of them.
    Have fun with your "handsome", caring, intelligent Black and Brown guys, haha.

    • What does this even mean?

  • I completely agree.
    Now i will not whine, i will jerk off to hentai and play some video games while escaping the world.

    • sounds like a plan

  • Hmm. It is a part of life--that men need to focus on moving forward, and keep their eyes off the roadkill in the rearview mirror. Worry about what you can change and improve, don't waste needless time in an abyss.

    Flip side is... women gripe about men and dating 24/7. Sooo it's no surprise more men feel free to gripe.

    • I just want to make the distinction here... it's not griping, or complaining about the other sex that I'm speaking specifically to in this take. We all do that from time to time, including myself... what this take is focusing on is those that take that, and blow it to upward proportions where they use these complaints as a crutch to blame every woman, in this case, for all their problems big and small in their entire lives. "I can't find happiness because no woman ever likes the good guy," "I can never improve my life because the ex-wife completely ruined it." We can all improve our lives and move on, and leave it in the rear as you say. Not easy, but millions do it everyday and don't blame every little minutia on someone else rather than take personal responsibility for taking charge of their own lives.

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