Do Women Have It Easier Getting Laid Than Men?

Do Women Have It Easier Getting Laid Than Men?

When it comes to being able to get laid, women in general hold the most power (as to whether that happens or not). Most women, don't have to initiate a conversation with a man in order to capture his interest for a one-nighter. All we have to do, is put on clothing that flatters us, style our hair, and the power is all ours, when we enter into a nightclub with pure intent to get laid.
Our looks that attract will have a flock of men noticing and approaching us.
Why do women hold so much power? We do, because there's a old fashioned mentality circulating in this world, where men have to be the aggressors. They have to go after what they want.
Although times are changing, and women are finally stepping up there's still a fair amount of people set in that mentality.
When a man finally builds up enough courage to pursue the woman of his interest, it is our choice as to whether we give that man the green or red light.
Most men are in a situation, where they have to have confidence and courage, to walk up to a girl and attempt to make things happen. If a man lacks this courage, most likely he will be overlooked by tons of women. He will have a hard time getting laid!
If a man is extrememly unattractive and in combination with that, does not know how to talk to women he is at a huge disadvantage, unless he works on the way he expresses himself towards the opposite sex.
I've seen very unattractive women be able to get laid.
They don't have to be the smartest, the best dressed, or the most lady like but it's still easier for them
as opposed to an unattractive man.
The sole fact that the ball is most likely in their court, is again what gives them the power.
If the shoe was on the other foot, and we lived in a society where men typically had to stand back and wait to be interacted with at social settings, i would say men have it easier getting laid.
But until then this view point stands.

What do you think?

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What Girls & Guys Said

17 64
  • I thought this would be yet another female take on how it's "just as hard for girls as it is for guys" but I was pleasantly surprised. Nicely written.

  • I once asked a question with a poll in it, "Is sex just a phone call away?"

    Something around 10% of the male responders said "yes." About 80% of the female responders said "yes."

    Whereas it's easy for women to get sex, they explained that the sex they would get would be for the most part undesirable. In terms of actually having sex they want, it is about equal.

  • I kinda think that it is easy to get laid bit hard to find a person you want to lay with that is probably my experience,

  • Women get sex easier but men get relationships /marriage easier. You can be a average faced faced, plump dude but you treat the girl right and she will commit to you. Girls on the other hand it takes a lot to get get a guy to commit.

    • Don't sleep with him. He will commit.

    • I see where your coming from. But your saying is a one night stand is easier to get to than marriage? Then for women the key is not to lower your standards.

    • @Splintercell true, too many lower their standards until they are non existing. specifically physical standards.

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  • Yep... it's true women can find willing sexual mates easier then guys... we are unfortunately for many years driven by hormones that override our ability to say no to an opportunity...

  • If women thought/felt the same as men regarding sex there would be no doubt women have it easier. But, because women need that emotional tie, in that way it's harder for them I think because they won't just sleep with someone, where guys will usually.

  • I posted my own Take on this topic weeks ago. I wouldn't say it's EASIER for women to get laid, but I certainly wouldn't say it's harder for men either. In fact sex is far easier for men to get in these times than it ever has been, and that's because a lot of women do make it that easy. Once upon a time the only way a guy could pretty much get available sex was to pay a hooker, nowadays we have more options than that. A lot of the guys here who think it's easier tend to base it off their experience where they had a hard time with it, but that's not really the norm.

    A sad truth is that a lot of women are still easy lays for a lot of men, which women try to pretend isn't true but is. And there are guys out there who have girls "on the side" while they're already with a girlfriend or wife.

    So overall I can't say it's easier for a woman, but I can't say it's hard for a man by far either. Society has programmed us to think it must be easy for women just because they're women, playing up their appeal much more than is really the case. Hell, if I really wanted to get laid right now I could go out and I'm pretty sure some girl would say yes.

    • Wow your prolly a desireable guy. If I go out I prolly wouldn't be able to score a decent girls to get laid with.

    • @Bananadream It's really not about my looks, bro. Although a lot of women have said they think I'm "sexy" or handsome, that's not what I depend on. It's about your confidence and knowing what you want.

    • well its all about looks, thats why i got hit on 3 times by three different women while on vacation who wanted to have some fun with me , i wanted to but was busy so couldnt do it ( it doesn't happen anymore... ) ... yet my 2 buddies didn't get hit on even once , looks are everything.

  • Yes its true, but its half and half. It can be extremely frustrating to want to have sex but not be able to, then again women often have to deal with crude remarks or unwanted attention and we dont.
    I know from speaking to my female friend that the differences in online dating between genders is massive. She gets loads of men just wanting sex, I get no offers but at least the women I speak to are not going to use me...

    Which is better? I dont know as I only have my own experience to draw from.

    • Exactly. Advantages and disadvantages...

  • Not if their surrounded by men who don't believe in themselves.

  • These unattractive women who are having an easy time getting laid: what sort of men are they getting? Would Kate Upton or Elisha Cuthbert or anyone decent-looking touch those guys' dicks?

    • I honestly have no idea. They might be getting top-notch guys.

  • Mentality is not nearly the most important factor though. Ask any woman that had testosterone treatment what happend to her libido.

  • The have it easier in a lot of things related to sex

  • No shit.
    Also, fuck that bald headed bastard

  • Men usually don't care about things like height, money, race, skin color, etc like women do so women's chances is much easier than men.

  • I disagree with your assessment of the cause. I think men have naturally higher sex drives creating an unequal demand for sex. Women use this differential to maximize their advantage and take the easiest route (which is just the human thing to do).

    I'm tired of hearing how women's sex drive is just as strong as men's. That is CLEARLY not the case, looking at people's behavior and the dimensions of the sex work industry. The only other explanation would be that men simply can't control themselves, which is also clearly false when you see how much responsibility is heaped upon men, and how stoic men are expected to be (and actually succeed in becoming).

  • Men do not have to be so discriminating when it comes to sex as they are not the ones left holding the baby. A man can have many more children than a woman in his life time. So men have evolved to be more aggressive about sex and women to be more cautious.

    • Neither are the women. There is something called birthcontrol, which comes in various ways.

    • @vlrdngr We are animals who have evolved consciousness. However, we still have a subconscious and we are still influenced by it. These instincts have not changed much over the last few thousand years. Evolution is a slow process. Your genes know not of birth control.

  • Ofc. Aloott of Guys will fuck just about any girl usually.

    Getting sex is easier than taking a shit.

  • Why do people care about getting laid anyways? Being with someone you love is much more satisfying than some stranger.

  • wrong. stacy you seriously have a disconnect from reality. women have an easier time getting laid because they are not as horny as men also all women can get pregnant and men can't. its like you think with your brain and not your brain.

    • Wow this is the most retarded horse crap I've ever read.

    • I won't even begin to break down on how wrong you are. I hope u are joking? Yes.

    • of course im not joking.

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  • Exactly! And that's why it is so vulgarly CRUEL to look "your feminine best" & show off those curves, legs, & made up faces...& the hair... why is the HAIR so Damn important? Get your hand out of it & stop figuring for 1 minute... Try it. Bet you girls can't.
    Anyway... so cruel to us men who know you're not trying to look so sexy for us & we won't get some?
    If you're going to put on... put out!

    • Well, some women get dressed for themselves. In other words , not necessarily for the opposite sex but because dressing a certain way makes them feel good. Other women do it for pure attention reasons.

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