For The Ladies, Reasons Why You Might Want To Avoid Men Who Shame MGTOW

For The Ladies, Reasons Why You Might Want To Avoid Men Who Shame MGTOW

Obviously, by now nobody needs a degree in rocket science to figure out that women’s approval is the last thing we MGTOW men care about in life, therefore despite the fact, this mytake aims at women do not mean I’m writing this in favor of women. however, if you are a woman and this is how you interpret it then be my guess as I really can’t change your views but to be honest the real reason why I write this is to lift the skirt upon those men who shame MGTOW because I do believe that they deserve to be humiliated once in a while.

Anyways here are the reasons why it isn’t a good idea to praise men who shame MGTOW.

Men who shame MGTOW are the true pussy beggars in society

For The Ladies, Reasons Why You Might Want To Avoid Men Who Shame MGTOW

This is the root to it all!

Obviously, both feminists and nonfeminists women hold an intense grudge towards the MGTOW lifestyle for the fact that we come off as misogynists to the masses and for causing a lot of systematic fears such as going against

· Dating

· Relationships

· Marriage

· Monogamy

· Starting a family

And many other bullshit that revolves around gynocentrism. However, many white knights who are obviously unsuccessful with women believe that shaming MGTOW is going to facilitate their chances at getting pussy. They think women are going to praise them in their nonsense and you’ll be surprised how many of these folks have made fools of themselves in the long run. Hell, I even encounter a few of these folks here in this site but I’m not going to say any names. So the bottom line is ladies if not to defend MGTOW or anything but if you really want to date a nice, strong and most of all smart man then I suggest you stay away from these folks that shame MGTOW. The odds are that these guys just want pussy and they really believe that they can seduce you all by shaming us.

Men who shame MGTOW have no directions in life

For The Ladies, Reasons Why You Might Want To Avoid Men Who Shame MGTOW

Those who shame it obviously don’t understand it!

Again, MGTOW men obviously come off as raging misogynists and I’m not gonna denied that most us are. However, MGTOW itself is not about hating women, unlike feminism MGTOW is not about

· Teaching men to oppress women

· Advocating violence towards females

· Taking advantage of the system and use it against the opposite gender

· Live off and exploit the opposite gender

· Start a family to gain selfish entitlement

MGTOW itself it's simply about teaching men how to live a peaceful life and enjoy themselves without living up to women’s expectations because as human being we deserve to get this large burden of ignorance off us. So if any man is dumb enough to go against this then he’s obviously an ignorant loser who doesn’t see any shades of grey in his live. If you ask me I don’t think these are the men to date or even get into a relationship with because their ignorance, lust for approval and mediocre agendas will not make them fit to take on a life where keeping a relationship stable, starting a family and pointing that family to the right direction.

Men who shame MGTOW are the true insecure white knights

For The Ladies, Reasons Why You Might Want To Avoid Men Who Shame MGTOW

Shaming others does not make you a better person and it does not give you any sort of supremacy in your gender!

If you have the need to shame others to make yourself feel better about yourself then you obviously have

· Insecurities

· Self-esteem issues

· Inferior complexity

· Overly inflated ego

And many other things that make you a very negative person by heart and if you shame people who don’t shame you or anyone else then this makes you far more worst of a human being. So, if you are a man and you are against MGTOW then you have all your reason to do so. However, if you want to shame us then this obviously means that once again you are insecure and the need to shame us says a lot about you. this isn’t going to get you anywhere and it further proofs you are not dating material, most women will pick on this sooner or later anyways.


So, there you have it folks, if you are a woman and you are reading this then I hope that by now you took this as a future heads up. Yes, you might hate us with all your heart but just remember that most men who try to go against us aren’t any better than us, you never know what true intentions are. Take it for me because I obviously learned the hard way not to trust women who go against feminism hoping that their actions are going to make them appear more appealing to other men around them. for the men reading I also you learn a lesson that going against us isn’t going to make you any more successful with women. to my fellow MGTOW folks who read this, I really hope you found some humor in this and hopefully from here on now we can laugh our asses off whenever we come across fools who think that shaming us is going to get them ahead in life.

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  • I'm most certainly MGTOW. I'm not a whiner not do I need a support group. I simply act out of self interest and am willing to accept the consequences of that, which can affect relationships and careers. If I were willing to play along, I could have mountains more easy pussie and probably have a higher paying job, but I would be "owned" to a certain extent. But I'm not taking myself out of the gene pool. Rather, I'm contributing to the Browning Of America and I feel like I'm cheating fate every time I look her in the eyes.

  • I didn't even know that was a thing

  • The way I look at life is to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and I look at the true aims of say MGTOW or Feminism before they are corrupted by society or things like internet forums. Okay literally only speaking of things in their purest forms, it is a question of people being happy or comfortable with their approach to life (with the usual qualifier of not negatively impacting on another group), if any group achieves this so be it, let them have it. Again if they look after or promote their own interests fairly, I have no issue with them.
    To your take yes there may be a element of "White Knights" which sometimes has negative implications such as you mentioned. How much is at a manipulative intentional level possibly not a lot but maybe at a subconscious level it may exist. I often feel that clichéd criticisms of groups are often a case of misguidance or misunderstanding. You can see argument between two supposed "Opposites" and have two thoughts that there is not a lot of difference in their ultimate aim or there is absolute no need for these two groups to be in each others orbit. When I see these discussions invariably break down, I just give them a wide berth.

  • I'm pretty sure MGTOW and Feminism are both controlled by the same people at the top of the pyramid.

    There is an enemy that we should all be united against and that enemy is NOT "team penis," or "team vagina."

    If you don't know who or what the REAL enemy is, it's a sure sign that you're feeding yourself on a steady diet of enemy propaganda, because they put it out in a million different flavors, but there's only two ingredients: Divide, and Conquer. So if you feel like you're part of a group that has to fight back against persecution, GUESS WHAT, you're a sucker and they fucking got you, you idiot. Get smarter. Quit falling for these fucking low-level traps.

    Nobody has time to baby-sit you anymore.

    • actually you are totally wrong, I'm a conspiracy theorists myself and I gotta say that is one very stupid and terrible way to look at it. I mean obviously "team vagina" started in the 60s claiming it was being oppressed by team penis all its life when we all know this was bullshit. before "team vagina" showed up women had the right to either work or be a stay-at-home mother/wife but now they don't have these options thanks to "team vagina" so this obviously screams out that "team vagina" was indeed created by our money hungry government. now those who you refer to as "team penis" in the other hand we haven't even been around for a decade. and if we were created by the same folks that created "team vagina" then why have we been causing so much systematic fear lately? you have no idea how much money the government has been losing now thanks to us waking up men and steering them away from marriage, alimony, child support and many other bullshit

    • so with that said you are the true sucker here who needs to work and do more research on his conspiracy theorists before making a fool of yourself even further on the near future

    • Nothing you said is very convincing. They don't care about money, they have printing presses, they can make as much money as they want, and more. They care about CONTROL. So as long as money is the best tool for control, they'll use it, but if they can get more control over people without making as much money, that's FINE BY THEM. MGTOW and Feminism are both about dividing people and alienating people and getting large groups to hate and fear each other instead of uniting against the real enemy. That's not to say the problems addressed by MGTOW and feminism aren't real. Yes, there really is an epidemic of gold-digging sluts. Yes, most women are either consciously or unconsciously man-haters thanks to feminist propaganda. But guess what, the MGTOW movement isn't going to solve those problems, it's going to make them worse, because that's how groups like this stay in power and increase their power, by offering solutions to the problems they themselves create and exacerbate.

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  • MGTOW or as I like to call them, maggots shame themselves. I'd like to avoid guys who are dumb enough to follow that way, thanks.

    • follow what way?

  • I'm pretty sure you have a lot of post that are about hating women and only wanting prostitutes... So I think I'll do the opposite of what you say. Because I would rather avoid guys like you.

    • that's very cool, because honest guys like me who know what they want in life find women like you repulsing anyways. your need to turn this into a personal argument says a lot of red flags about you till then I hove you have fun dating and messing around with hypocrite liars who will do nothing but trick you and play with your emotions by making you believe that they love you and most of all CARE about you when in reality all they want to really do is use you for sex.

    • hope*

    • Lmao and you wonder why you're sexually repressed and single Casa

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  • MGTOW movements is to what I know hypocrite so people who shame it have a reasons to do so...

    • mgtow is not a movement

  • You would think the White Knights would like more men to go their own way: less competition. It's understandable for women to hate MGTOW; they need men on the plantation paying into the system.

    • which explains why we get hatred from both feminists and nonfeminists women

    • It's women's nature to try to make men miserable and not allow a men's only thing. Why is it LGBT, not GLBT? Didn't the term Gay become a trend first?

  • Goodtake. It's kind of like Hollywood liberals and Clinton donners like Harvey Weinstein who claim to be feminist and pro-womens rights antisexism meanwhile they are using their position to bribe actresses into prostituting themselves out to him for movie roles.

    For The Ladies, Reasons Why You Might Want To Avoid Men Who Shame MGTOWFor The Ladies, Reasons Why You Might Want To Avoid Men Who Shame MGTOW
    • never once did I said women should approve us mgtow men instead, so FAILED!

  • MGTOW is simply male feminism lets be brutally honest, they're both decrepit/toxic and useless organizations.

    It's because I understand both groups and seen what they're really like that I see just how much is wrong with them and how messed up the people in these groups are.

    • would you say black people are messed up thanks to the KKK? or the Jews over the Nazis? or Christian in the middle east thanks to ISIS?

    • The KKK hasn't even done anything since the 70s, the Nazi's didn't just kill or target jews and Islam did result in the christian population in the middle east going down to almost nonexistent.

    • nobody needs to kill or hurt anyone to take action against folks who give you any sort of commotions on your gender, race, skin color or whatever it is that makes you who you are. we are all humans and deserve to have our own rights as well. and at least we mgtow don't condone violence as one of our strategies

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  • I don't like to proclaim myself to be for any specific movement. I select specific issues that different movements introduce and decide whether to support them or not. After all, movements often are corrupted by their leaders views. I'd rather just be an outsider to all movements with my own opinions on different matters.

    • except that mgtow is not a movement and we dont have leaders. we have experts who teach us new things in life such as how to avoid female drama and all that other bullshit but they are still not leaders to us. we dont all try to operate under the same mentality, unlike feminism

  • The MGTOW I met IRL are disgruntled loners.

    • Is being a "disgruntled loner" against your religion?

    • LOL I don't have a religion

    • That's not an assumption. These are just two shallow judgments. One can be justifyingly displeased with some state of affairs. and also being a loner is not a valid judgment either, most deep thinker philosophers and engineers were loners. Extroverts tend to suck on social environments much like energy vampires.

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  • You're confused about the mgtow movement. It's not that they're 'pussy beggars', they've simply decided the fucking their getting ain't worth the fucking they're getting. :)

    • someone needs to reread this whole mytake from beginning to end

    • Not this someone... fuck no. Too Long Didn't Read. You think all that crap is worth reading in the first place.

    • yeap no wonder why you sounded so way off topic, just to contradict yourself and bite your own tongue hard afterwards. lol I must say this was very scumbag move you did

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  • I don't care about MGTOW as long as they don't bother women. If you want to live a single bachelor's life go ahead. It's not my business.

    • that's cool but just remember that men who oppose us are the true threat to women if you sit down and really think about it

    • Your whole agenda is to shame these men. Why do you care so much?

    • @MzAsh because I want to give them a dose of their own watered-down medicine

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    I agree.

    "I suggest you stay away from these folks that shame MGTOW. The odds are that these guys just want pussy and they really believe that they can seduce you all by shaming us."
    Men want as much pussy as the next Joe across the street.
    Men/women, who shame MGTOW display, that they do care about this group/lifestyle philosophy and not only their distaste towards it but also their not-so-nice side obviously, which should be taken into account.

    But so did you
    "If you have the need to shame others to make yourself feel better about yourself then you obviously have"

    Since you called me a white knight this has backfired right back at ya. My magical mirroring shining armor has reflected this.


    All that however doesn't change the vocal one's, who identify themselves as MGTOW/MGHOW openly hating on all women. They are the one's bringing dirt to themselves and the MGTOW. Ask anyone (whether you care or not is not relevant) what they think of MGTOW and you will get feedback in form of "women haters", "bitter neckbeard virgin losers, who can't get laid", "WOW playing basement dwellers like the nerd in southpark" and "Misogynists". This isn't about that they are actually attacking MGTOW. This is the feedback, that should be taken into account and then see if you can stand out from it. Although it's not very likely.

    Same with anything including feminism, bronies, furries and any ideology.

    Just pure philosophy here.

    • "Since you called me a white knight this has backfired right back at ya. My magical mirroring shining armor has reflected this." lmao dude are you on drugs? so you been holding a grudge on me ever since, ey? I guess I really did hurt your feelings with that if you've came this far with that. also lets not forget that night I called you white knight you used a shaming tactic yourself before that. you said mgtow men are too misogynist all because we refuse to se women like soft angelic creatures. yet we never condone any harm or hostility towards the,

    • Nope. I'm not holding a grudge against you. I'm not lashing out on you. I am merely recalling you calling me a white knight. Back then I was pointing out misogyny found in *SOME* MGTOW. It looks like you felt addressed. Were or are you one of those MGTOW I described earlier since you responded to me? Because I encountered other few MGTOW, who didn't.

  • I believe the criticism is unwarranted, but I don't think MGTOW critics are necessarily directionless losers. They're just normies trying to justify their choices. Most of them anyway. Among the critics you'll get every dude from elite virtue-signaling twat to cave-knight loser. Basically all the kinds of male feminist.

    • yeah that seems rational, and "normies" should be between quotation marks... . Cause being a desperate horndog is as normal as being an expatriate nomad is.

    • @levantine99 The bulk of criticism comes from the mainstream, it obviously gets treated really badly by the media so I think normies is fitting. But ok, if you want to also reference male feminist white knights then go ahead. But I think the same urges that leads guys to be that will still influence regular dudes to rush to shit on MGTOW on behalf of women just because someone told them MGTOW was bad without knowing anything about it themselves.

  • This PSA is pointless because those kinds of men are their own undoing.
    White knights only receive likes, not women.

  • MGTOW and feminism are two sides of the same coin. I take the third alternative and go for the family unit as bastion of stability. The family as opposed to social movements are not trends and but are traditional. The family transcends such social movements in all aspects.

    • Very well said! I agree. I am engaged. Can't wait to marry and start a family.

    • actually feminism and mgtow are not two sides of the same coin because mgtow itself isn't even a movement. unlike feminism we do go around starting rallies, hitting the streets with preacher signs trying to get others to join us, and try to persuade society to support us as well. "The family transcends such social movements in all aspects." this is not true, in the real world when you start a family you and your new kids are automatically slaves to the system. you are automatically forced to work you ass harder than before to pay for everything to keep your new family alive and if the mother of your kids decides to divorce you then you have no other choice but to pay a lot more than before through child support, alimony, etc. all this while you don't even have the custody of your own kids

    • you should come up with better arguments than "slave to the system". if thats the only reason you want to die alone then so be it.

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  • "Those who shame it obviously don’t understand it!"


    they understand it well enough to see the problems with it. Considering latest trends, any sort of criticism seems to be "shaming".

    • mgtow doesn't follow trends and whether or not if you put others down in any way, shape or form is "shaming" whether its trendy or not

  • I really don't understand the whole WGTOW moment but found this My Take to be funny and wouldn't take it seriously.

    • thanks I say the same about you now with the fact that you took the time to comment this

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