Friends With Benefits Are Not True Friends At All!

Friends with benefits are not true friends at all!

I see so many references now days on here regarding this whole phenomenon of so called "friends with benefits." Its concerning to me that perhaps the most powerful and most wonderful aspect of life between two people is being squandered away and discarded as something more along the lines of a time filler in order to satisfy a biological urge.

Another noteworthy observation I have made is the element of surprise so many experience while being in a "friends with benefits" relationship. Questions are asked on GAG almost daily along the lines of "after having sex, why am I now having feelings?" or "why am I starting to fall in love with him so deeply after having intercourse when we agreed to not allow any feelings?" A true look into the psychology and natural design of human beings tells us why we should not be surprised due to the fact that we were built and hard wired this way from the get-go.

It is a scientific fact that the human brain processes multiple chemicals during sexual intercourse. Furthermore, orgasm in both sexes intensifies these bonding or imprinting chemicals towards the other person, therefore solidifying this physical bond. The feel of each others body both inside and out causes the brain to create new centers of recognition of each person toward the other. The very nature of the sexual act itself was by design meant to be the greatest and most powerful manifestation of true love between two beings due to the fact that its a tangible act of giving and receiving to the deepest physical level possible, using all of the 5 senses, and even arguably a 6th sense for those who believe in spiritual sensory.

I take issue with the idea of being so reckless with that most special bond by simply stating that every day friends can somehow have access anytime they wish to that which is not theirs. I would not classify someone in a "friends with benefits relationship" as a true friend because a true friend would not ever take advantage of another in this way through objectification, or to tempt the physical appetites of another of which they have no intention of catching their most intimate feelings once that person falls deeply for them. Ether be a friend and remain a trusted person who is loyal and yet maintains a non physical relationship, or become a true lover in which both people are loved by each other unconditionally as their foundation for the physical connection. Someone who is having sex and truly loved by the other will always feel needed, wanted, safe, cherished, cared deeply for, physically comfortable, orgasmic, and generally be a happy person in daily life because they know they belong to something very special.

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28 31
  • Oh no, he didn't.

  • best take ever! :D <3 this.

  • Kudos! I completely agree. 💙

    • Thank you :)

  • Love this mytake high five good job. :-) :-)

  • I personally would never do the "friends with benefits" thing. I had on every guys ask me and I said he can find himself someone else cause I wasn't that kind of girl. I wanted love first. And I found it! My husband is the first man I've been with and he will be the last.

    • Very well said :) I'm very happy for you.

  • It doesn't work. Someone will always catch feelings

  • Sexual bonding can be part of friendship.

    • Yes exactly, it can. Thats the point and so the problem is what happens when one or both never intended on bonding because they were only looking for the sex initially?

  • Just excellent. Here here! :)
    We're gonna keep banging this drum here 'till at least some of them get it.

    I tell the girls, if they're gonna give their sex away like this they may as well get paid for it. Whores get more respect than sluts in western culture!

  • I agree! In my opinion, sex is something special that should be shared between two partners that love each other, but I feel like a lot of people don't share this opinion anymore.

  • pepole want to feel love even if they can't find someone they feel is right for them on a life goal level as well as sexualy. Its a strong emotion but pepole have every right to want to feel it.

  • Friends with benefits does not work because like the post says. A friend will never take advantage of the other person as to the extent to have sex with the other one. If that person is a true true friend they will respect you and not use her or him for sex. If your friend wants to have sex he better hire a hooker.

  • I agree with you and this is a great Mytake

  • I don't want friends, I just want poon tang and money.

  • Wonderful MyTake. Wish more people were as smart as you.

  • Seriously!

  • I thinkFWB is a dangerous and unhealthy thing to do. It just leads to lust, jealousy, and heartbreak, and you're right, they're not real friends. In my opinion, if two people were truly friends but found each other attractive they would date each other properly.

    • Exactly, its actually quite natural to first be real friends, be loyal and selfless, and then find out later they developed feelings and then commit, become lovers, marriage, and so on. With the correct order though they developed those connections in the right order.

  • "Friends With Benefits" sounds nicer than "Fuck Buddies."

  • For this... i don't really look to that

  • It's a relationship with no further I guess. Both are needy for some benefits

  • I agree

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