Girls, Should We Just Give Up On Sex?

As in intercourse. There are statistics for women having trouble with orgasming from it, and lots of women say they love foreplay more anyway since it gives the best orgasms.

I've been really thinking about this. For me, I think I could at least try to have a foreplay-only sex life. I want to see what it feels like to be intimate without intercourse.

Girls, Should We Just Give Up On Sex?

I know people might reply and say that I won't find a boyfriend, but I like really getting to know him before sex anyway. Otherwise if we disagree on any big things, I won't know until we talk a lot. I feel like if we hit it off then he'll want me. Or he may love my idea, you never know.

And I still know this is sexual activity. So before anyone says anything: Yes, I know we're still partners and we are basically having sex. This isn't to get my partner count down. I'm serious.

I like looking at the pros and cons, and to me it's like: Oral can get me and him off and feels amazing. Fingers can be wider than a dick and can honestly last as long as I want them to. What reason is there to have sex?

Our intimacy can be from our relationship...I feel like you can have deep intimacy without sex.

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What Girls & Guys Said

19 43
  • Sounds like you have emotional hangups about sex.

    • Like what hangups?

  • Anyone can choose to be single and stick with masturbation, but you should recognise that the vast majority of women cannot orgasm from penis penetration alone.
    Most women will enjoy a great orgasm from combining the two, and guys should accept it as normal!
    It is natural and normal for females to masturbate while having sex with a guy, it only needs your brain to be in the right place, and you will orgasm every time you have sex with a partner!
    Don't forget, that whatever the physical stimulation, orgasms come from the brain, responding to a combination of physical and mental stimulus!

  • I can go without intercourse as long as I get to cum somewhere after I eat her out, preferably her mouth if pussy is off-limits. Going out on a limb here and assuming most guys will be like this.

  • Yes you can have deep intimacy without sex. There's actually a guy who's job is to dry hump. Girls seriously pay this guy to dry hump. Anyways, I feel for you. The sex I have with my wife is amazing. We cum together each time. I know this is rare but everyone should strive to find this kind of compatibility.

  • So if you meet a guy where you both hit it off perfectly. The chemistry is great. You find him attractive, he finds you attractive. You get along absolutely wonderfully in every way, until you get to the sex topic. He's not up for just foreplay if there's not penetration as well, but you only want foreplay. What happens then?

    • Then he either still chooses me or not. I could make him like me so much he can't resist lol

  • Sounds like maybe you need to be in a lesbian relationship.

    But I got to ask about this one "Fingers can be wider than a dick..."


    Either there are some real pencilpenises out there or you've been dating you've been dating some guy whose last name is Treehands!

    • Multiple fingers lol

  • You should do exactly what you want and enjoy that. If your partner wants something, he should ask you in a respectful way, then you can decide how GGG you want to be about it. If you're willing to experiment, great. If not? Also great. The he should respectfully understand what you've chosen and extend to you the same courtesy.

    If you don't want to have sex, don't. Just be as up front as you can and you can find find people that are cool with that. In fact, there's probably plenty of guys out there that would prefer it. I feel like I could totally be down for that.

    • Thanks :)

  • Depends.. how important is it to you that your partner feels as close and as intimate with you as you do to him?

    If you don't care how your partner feels and you don't care if your feelings of intimacy towards him are reciprocated then yeah this would probably work for you.

  • we aren't even getting sex to begin with lol

    • I'm not getting sex from my boyfriend so does that mean he feels this way? Lmao

    • @Sweetmagee2 lol if i walk up to a girl and ask for sex or even ask her out one of two things is gonna happen to me, 1- a slap that sends me flying or 2- she rejects me in a polite way. if you do the same you're probably gonna get dat sex within minutes of asking.

    • hahahaha well my boyfriend doesn't even ask for sex with me therefore I don't want to even do it

  • Sounds frustrating

  • You want to remove the one thing that women bring to the table.
    Enjoy your cats.

  • I gave up on sex myself a long time ago after I've learned that women saying "before I have sex with a guy I must feel an emotional connection" is all bullshit.

    if this was the case then pornography and prostitution wouldn't exist in the first place. the bottom is that women only get around when they know they are gonna get some type of hyped up benefit out of the sex, whether its money or status. and for the orgasm part its been proven many times that very few women are able to orgasm during penetration alone so whenever I have sex giving the girl an orgasm is the last thing I give a fuck about because that is one of the top ways you can ruin such a good time.

  • Nope, I like dick too much!

  • Even one of my friends has a girlfriend and they're not married and not even engaged! He plays with her breasts every night and says foreplay is fine before marriage! The truth is, it's not! Engaging comes first, marriage comes second, and sex comes last.

    • Only for those who share your beliefs.

    • @Titanic1912 What about all the people eho have had sex before marriage?

    • @MysteriousDarkness, sex before marriage is wrong, too.

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  • "Or he may love my idea,"
    Yeeeah, good luck with that.
    Your best bet is some ugly 35y. o virgin who has no chance to land a normal partner and will settle with this kind of arrangement to get something out of it at least.
    I mean I don't want to mock your idea, it is just the reality you will have to face.

  • You know? I agree with you here, and I'm probably the only guy who's saying this. It's just safer that way...

  • You make it seem like all guys think blow jobs are better than intercourse which is not true. Of the guys who do think blow jobs are better not all if them would be happy with just a blow job and hand job.

  • OP is a ugly feminist who gets no dick

  • good job

  • Fuck that, I need dick.

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