How You Can Avoid Rape

How You Can Avoid Rape

On GirlsAskGuys recently, I asked a question regarding how people initiated sexual intercourse, and apparently, many people just reported that they don't overtly ask for consent. In many cases, consent is implicit. One person may signal behavioral cues. The other person may either welcome or reject the sexual advance. If the other person welcomes the advance, then the sex happens. If the other person rejects the sexual advance, then it's up to the initiator whether the initiator wants to ignore the rejection or respects the other person's refusal. If the initiator respects the other person's refusal, then the sex does not happen or stops immediately. If the initiator does not respect the other person's refusal, then the sex becomes rape.

Here are things that you need to know about how consent works in a legal framework:

* Consent must be explicit, implicit, complete, thorough, and informed. In addition to the implicit consent that is already exchanged between couples, you must explicitly ask your partner whether your partner wants to have sex with you. You must also give a complete and thorough summary of your sexual history. This is to help your partner to become aware of how many previous partners you've slept with and whether or not you've contracted STIs from those partners and whether or not you've been tested for any STIs. Finally, informed consent involves telling your partner exactly what is going to happen, which is sexual intercourse. You must be able to articulate that you are going to have sexual intercourse with your partner, how it is going to be achieved, what positions you are going to do, where you are going to do it, how long the sexual intercourse will take approximately, and that your partner can refuse participation in the act at any time at no penalty on your partner's part.

* Consent must be made by both partners above the age of consent. The age of consent may vary in your jurisdiction, so check your local laws and abide by them.

* Consent must be able by partners who are legally able to give consent to sexual intercourse. That means you cannot have sex with a minor (like I said in the previous bullet point) and you cannot have sex with a non-human.

* Consent can be withdrawn at any time during coitus, anal penetration, fellatio, or cunnilingus. If a person wants out, then he or she wants out. And the partner just has to respect that, even though the partner desperately wants to get an orgasm or sexual pleasure. The underlying belief is that the concern of another human being in conjunction with the self-sacrifice of one's own pleasure should be the priority. The shared activity should be about making love or making babies, and the sexual pleasure that springs out of the love and/or intention to make babies is a nice byproduct that Mother Nature has given in order to do it again and again and again.

So, this is myTake on avoiding rape and getting in trouble with the law. Stay safe, and have fun!

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14 38
  • implicit consent is sufficient.

    even women do not want explicit consent - it totally destroys their state of attraction. men could actually go through all the explicit consent stuff, sign a contract and still feel horny. but it's actually WOMEN who do not want this: women are the ones who get turned off by this kind of thing RADICALLY. they absolutely LOATHE it.

  • LOL! Consent can't be both implicit and explicit at the same time!

    And outside of California, what "legal framework" are you talking about with your affirmative "yes means yes" consent nonsense?

  • Barely any person ever requires verbal consent. People who demand that from other people are either socially awkward or simply never were in a situation. Alternatively they are so controlling that they are incapable of letting go and/or show any kind of passion.

    Consent is and can also be giving by actions and body-language and in case of misreading its really not that big of a deal to say no.

    The real world isn't how your fantasy world nor the many laws works. People will get at it and if it goes too far for either of the parties, they just say stop.

  • Please correct this. This isn't how to avoid it, but rather the facts about consent.

    • These aren't "facts" about consent. Consent doesn't have to be explicit. She's factually wrong about that. If someone says, "Unload my van." And I huff, slump my shoulders, and start unloading their van, I consented to do so, as evident by my actions. It's also evident that I do not WANT to, but that is not the same as consenting to. If I had said 'no,' that would be the notification that there is no consent, or my withdrawal thereof. From a legal standpoint, anyway.

  • The poster as regurgitated the insanity of O'Bozo's affirmative consent rules, which are being imposed at US universities that take government money.
    Affirmative consent is unworkable and intended to suck the joy out of any sexual encounter.
    The only people who support this stupidity are batshit-crazy misandrist feminists, who are so ugly and/or insane that they do not have a sex life, so want to ruin it for everyone else.
    There are ways to avoid rape. They are simple, obvious and involve some hard work. . . which would be why feminists would not accept them in their inverted alternative reality.
    1. Do not get drunk. Do not even drink.
    2. Do not dress like a street prostitute and then get drunk.
    3. Do not place yourself in vulnerable situations, such as lonely dark streets in the middle of the night. Young women have appalling threat perception and situational awareness, in general.
    4. Become a dedicated student of a martial art, such as traditional Shotokan karate, so that if the above fails you can defend yourself.
    • You sound like a bitter old man

    • @kavyareddy2 Vague shaming doesn't work anymore. Nobody is looking to YOU for indication of this man's social worth.

    • @kavyareddy2 How does not wanting women to be raped, wanting people to enjoy sex and wanting women to be able to defend themselves make me a "bitter old man?"

  • Women like you who believe this shit are why I literally don't bother with even flirting with other girls and why I would actually make her sign a fucking consent form before she and I ever did anything. Thanks for being a big reason the No Means No Law in California, which literally made it legal suicide for men to have sexual relations with women, an actual law. You'd probably cry rape if the sex wasn't good enough...

    You're obviously a Feminist who feels threatened by masculinity and wants to control masculinity. Sexist. Do you admire people like Andrea Dworkin, Anita Sarkeesian, Rebecca Watson, and Laci Green? If you admire any of those people, then congratulations, nobody should ever take you seriously. Only a Feminist would write this tripe.

    I find it amusing that you decided to go anonymous because you knew that your stupid MyTake would get lots of flak. I'm surprised you didn't close off the comments section, like a Feminist typically does. You guys don't believe in the freedom of speech.

    I also found it funny that you are basically indirectly addressing all men as if they don't know what the fuck is rape and what isn't, as if we are apparently a bunch of primitive Neanderthals to you. We actually know what fucking rape is and we don't need a fucking lecture from Feminists about it. The actual rapists just don't give a shit that it's morally wrong and just do it, anyways. I hope your ridiculous MyTake gets removed; you give women a bad name.

  • Good take, but it may be a bit difficult for some members.

    • "You must be able to articulate that you are going to have sexual intercourse with your partner, how it is going to be achieved, what positions you are going to do, where you are going to do it, how long the sexual intercourse will take approximately" This is a good take?

    • @0112358 No, it is not a good take. It's feminist retardity.

  • i dont agree with 1 at all 2 and 3 i do agree with and i only half way agree with 4

  • I like this take.

  • "you must explicitly ask your partner whether your partner wants to have sex with you."
    -Sure just zap out all the romance and turn sex into a robotic legal format.
    "Do you miss Dane give consent to have sex with me Mr. Doe?"
    "Yes I give you my legal consent for sex"
    "Then commence sexual intercourse! Begin the removal of pants if you are willing"

    What happened to a passionate and impulsive sexual initiation between two people who realize they both have the same chemistry and needs at that very moment? When two people can no longer control their sexual desires (or hornyness) and just go at it without any words at all.

  • "Finally, informed consent involves telling your partner exactly what is going to happen, which is sexual intercourse. You must be able to articulate that you are going to have sexual intercourse with your partner, how it is going to be achieved, what positions you are going to do, where you are going to do it, how long the sexual intercourse will take approximately, and that your partner can refuse participation in the act at any time at no penalty on your partner's part."

    Seriously? You're really going there and making idiocy reality?

    • by the way, for virgins reading this--if you actually follow her advice and try to get all legal and informed consent and explicate on everything you will do, etc--you will never get laid. Ever. It will dry up her pussy faster than pouring sand on it.

    • Actually, non-consensual sex occurs, because one partner misinterprets absence of explicit consent as permission to sex. Given the serious nature of non-consensual sex, the misinterpretation is not taken lightly by the other partner or the law. So, in case of doubt, make sure you ask for explicit permission to have sex, and that sex can end at any time at will.

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  • how would I increase my chances of getting raped?

  • This should be printed on flyers and given to arab immigrants.

  • don't want sex? Kick the bloke in the nuts, if you're a girl.
    Shove her the fuck off, you're a guy

  • Just speak it through the body.

  • Don't dress like you want it.

    • @StreetLevel Blaming the victim.

    • @jacquesvol Bullshit. Telling people that their choices affect other people's behavior is not an assignment of blame. That's an additional leap that you and your brain-dead feminist squad make on your own.

    • @Transigence Should it be my problem that you don't understand that? It looks more everyone's problem that people like you prefer blaming the victims and thus excuse the criminals. Something like: "Your honor, he was alone in that street, wearing those tight jeans with a bulge showing, after dark, had no gun or only a pipsqueak little cissy one thus our gay bro gang was really right to think he accepted being gang banged. He was asking for it with his nice ass."

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  • I am so glad i have a wife who loves me and we dont need a verbal contract everytime we have sex.

  • Sounds like great sex

    "What should we do first?"

    "Lets roll play, I want you to go into the hallway and pretend to be a pizza guy, then I will answer the door, and then I want you to ask me what to do next!"

  • ill make this simple gun or knife will do the trick
    kill the bitch or kill the asshole either way works for me

  • That picture is whoa.

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