If You Only Want A Woman For Sex, Go For It

If You Only Want A Woman For Sex, Go For It

Once upon a time I would’ve thought this is a bad mindset to have as a guy, and growing up I would always be irritated by people saying how guys just want sex from women, but now as a grown man things are different and I don’t get upset about stuff like that anymore. In fact nowadays it oddly turns me on when women get mad and say how that’s all guys want, but that’s another story. Life and experiences have shown me things about women and sex, and eventually this world will show you those things whether you believe it, expect it, or are ready for it or not.

I understand some guys won't agree with me or advocate what I'm saying, and that's okay, but I still want to say it for other guys who are looking for a romp.

Women are doing the same things...

Before now I would never promote a guy going out to get just sex from a woman, but why have I changed my mind? Because a lot of women themselves are not innocent and are seeing guys just for sex. So if a guy wants to see a woman just for sex, so be it.

If You Only Want A Woman For Sex, Go For It

Some women will read this and might say, “Just because some woman is a whore and sleeping around doesn’t make it okay. Two wrongs don’t make a right.” And that would be a fair and correct argument in another situation, but wouldn’t apply here because I’m not saying guys should just go out to fuck as a get-back-at-her kind of thing or try to prove something or compete with women. I’m saying that a lot of women are getting mad about guys who just want sex, but are lying and being dishonest about their own sexual behaviors and pursuits.

Many of them are having sex with guys and don’t care about a relationship yet are trying to demonize men who are either doing the same things or are looking to do it. So my point is that basically guys really should not be worrying too much about how they look for wanting just sex if that’s what they want, and that women are really in no position to judge them for it either.

The real truth…

Are all women doing the same thing? No, and I’m not even necessarily sure I’d say most women, but I do know that a hell of a lot of them are not innocent, especially in these times. A mean but true fact is that women really are crooks about sex no less than men are. That really is the bottomline. And if you’re new to interacting with women frequently or even dating, then you’re gonna find that out pretty fast. And they’re doing no good by lying or denying their activity.

If You Only Want A Woman For Sex, Go For It

A lot of us guys know the stuff our female co-workers, neighbors, bosses, classmates, even family members, etc. are doing while they think nobody knows it. Hell, even my ex-coworker was sleeping with guy after guy - some who were married and one who I think was a teen - and at one point she even tried to get me into her, but got annoyed because I wouldn’t take her bait. One of my other co-workers even recently got knocked up by her neighbor and he’s married. Last year we even had a Muslim female manager who was sleeping with the other managers, and she was married, and got fired when corporate found out. And on my last job? My 19 year-old co-worker at one point was trying to ask questions about me and my age to see if I might be game for fucking, and I wasn’t into her.

Females are not as angelic about their sexual habits as they’d like you to think, and a lot of us guys already know it anyway. So if your own habits and intentions as a guy aren’t angelic either, why try to pretend to be? Be up front. If females are labelling guys as being preoccupied with sex and only wanting women just for that, who cares? It doesn’t affect you. Do what you want to do as long as you make that clear to her. However, you don't have to - and shouldn't - try to get sex from women who are taken like those women are doing, but stick to ones you know are single. Seek the sex, but keep cheating out of it.

They’re proud of it too...

Another truth is that a lot of women seeing men for sex are actually bragging about it in private with their girlfriends - and sometimes even other men! You have two-fold situations where some women who sleep with men fast don’t talk about it for fear of the slut factor, and then you have others who actually like to brag about it because they see it as empowering and a good sign that they’re attractive and can get any man they want.

If You Only Want A Woman For Sex, Go For It

And honestly? Women are being hypocritical. They’re proud of their own sexual activities, but hate it if guys are proud of theirs. They don’t like being treated as easy lays for men, but will treat men the same way vice versa. They will hate it if they find out that a man they’re sleeping with has 10 other women on his phone that he’s meeting up with, yet these same women were texting and messaging 10 other guys too. They don’t want a guy who’s fucking her to brag about it with his friends, but she’s bragging about the same thing with her girlfriends, how she finally got him, how good he is in bed, or even how big. They want to sleep around like they want and not be called sluts for it, but are getting mad at guys who fuck lots of women or want a woman just for sex.

Women are getting used in turn...

Women aren’t being honest about the stuff they do and why. They’re complaining about guys always wanting sex or how hard it is to find a guy who’s not focused on it, but a lot of these same women are really only complaining about it when it’s inconvenient for them or if the guy who wants to sleep with her isn’t her type, but she’ll be perfectly fine with giving it up easy to some other guy she’s really turned on by. That’s when she’s okay with random sex or hooking up, until she finds out that that guy is using her on a string along with other women he’s fucking. Then she gets mad and her opinion about guys changes - or gets worse. They think they’re winning by getting sex with all these guys, when in turn even these same guys are usually still using them and a whole host of other women. That’s how the cycle goes.

If You Only Want A Woman For Sex, Go For It

Are you using a woman if all you're seeking is sex? In a way, yes. But by being real and letting her know that's what you're interested in, she knows what to expect. You're not pretending to be a good guy just to get between her legs while you have other hoes on speed dial. You're making it clear what you're about, and if she wants to then it's fine.

As long as you’re honest about it…

My mantra has always been that if you want sex with a woman, be up front with her about it. That’s how I’ve always been. You don’t literally have to say, “Hey, you look sexy, would you be interested in sleeping together?” This would probably work online more than real life, and if you’ve at least talked to her for awhile, but in talking to a woman in real life you don’t exactly put it that way.

If You Only Want A Woman For Sex, Go For It

Just be honest and upfront about what you want. And while you will get women who look down on you for it and think you’re a no-good, you will be surprised that you will also get other women who will respect your honesty, even if they still don’t want you because of it, they still respect you because they know where you’re coming from. And there will also be others who actually think it’s hot that a guy knows what he wants and they get turned on by it. So don’t play the game of putting on a goody image but really having dirty intentions in private. It’s just a waste of time.

Men and women accept sex differently…

One thing I’ve learned in life is that women often are much more likely to be persuaded into sex if you two are completely alone. In public where they can be seen by other people, women are not generally going to be receptive to a sexual invitation from a man in the open. And this is because by nature women are more self-conscious and paranoid about how they look in public than men are, and they especially can be worried about how they look while a guy is talking to them in front of other people. But things are different if a woman is in private with you. When you get a woman alone you are 10 times more likely to interest her in sex if you’re good at conversation, very relaxed and playful, and can make her feel good with you.

If You Only Want A Woman For Sex, Go For It

A lot of people like to live by the logic of the street experiments on YouTube that show how easy a woman can get laid by asking random guys in public while a guy asking random women gets almost no takers. Genders accept sex differently. Although I doubt most men themselves would really say yes to a woman in public, it can still happen if she’s quiet about it. But to reel a woman in generally can’t be done in the open like that. A lot more women than people know are game for fucking as long as the invitation allows her more secrecy. As I mentioned early on, they really are no more angelic than men, they just want that to be what most people see.

Be confident and suave…

By this I don’t exactly mean trying to seem smoothe or slick, but taking each situation with a woman lightly. With no high expectations but seeing it as a possiblity. Treat it as fun casual interaction when you’re trying to make a move, and if she’s not game for a fuck just be playful and maybe laugh about it, and just smoothly move on like a guy hopping back on his motorcycle and revving up: “Okay, that’s cool. See you ‘round anyways.”

If You Only Want A Woman For Sex, Go For It

You’re gonna get both hits and misses. That just happens. If sex is all you’re seeking right now then go for it. Who cares if women are labelling you as whatever? Has that ever stopped horny guys all this time? Do what you want.


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17 41
  • DURR IF THEY DO IT IT'S OKAY YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!! (After generalizing all women)

    I don't give a flying fuck what some people think is okay, using people for sex is a juvenile mindset and anyone still trapped in it was brought up in a matrix of bullshit!!! Have sex with the one you love and only the one you love and be happy, do anything else AND FACE DESPAIR, YOU REAP THE HARVEST YOU HAVE SOWN AND STARVE THROUGH THE WINTER

  • yea they are doing the same alright but for money, status, and favors. so is best not to use them for anything otherwise you're giving them truckloads of reasons to feel self-entitled over something

  • Yup. A slut is a slut regardless of gender. :)
    And yes, it DOES make a difference in the big picture of life.

  • If I did that, I'd hope they have good Poundcake! It's all sex without love! I found the real thing is Poundcake!

  • Whether or not a someone likes casual sex or has been with 50 different partners, there is nothing wrong or shameful about a person having sex. A promiscuous person is not less "innocent" or "angelic" than a person who is a virgin.

    • They totally fking are dude... you really think everyone views virgins as pure for no reason at all? There is a lot more going on with sex than putting a stick in a hole and anyone who realizes that is conservative about it. Healthy sex is between you and the one you love, anything else is degenerate. Also, for the women especially, no man wants a girl that's slept with 50 guys, no good man anyway. If someone has slept with more than 15 people I would completely discount the idea of dating them, and I wouldn't fk them either

    • @Goochbreaker There is reason to believe virgins are more "pure". Having sex doesn't change who a person is, devalue them, or make them "impure". If you don't use birth control, it can make someone pregnant, and unsafe sex with an STD-infected person can give you their STD, but that's about it. That's not a reason not to have sex, it's a reason to buy condoms.

    • did you hear me when I said that sex is more than just the biology of it? There is a subconscious, emotional aspect that most people simply do not understand. You are damaging yourself, and you won't realize it until much damage has been done. The reason a man wants a virgin for a wife, traditionally (and good men still do or at least not a slut) is because of the emotional bond, once a woman has slept with a few dudes the possibility of forming that bond properly is probably out the window, and she will never be a good wife in the same way a less sluttier woman would have been. Habits get ingrained, why get used to the idea of sleeping around if you eventually wanna end up with just one person?

    • Show All
  • Ja! I REALLY LOVE SEX!!! 😍

    Sex, sex, sex ♥
    It's how I feel love and loved 😍

    • To the butthurt downvotes: The truth hurts and I'm not sorry. Loving sex is being part of being a man and there is nothing wrong with it 😉 it's only natural.

  • Never stopped me. If she makes an impression though and I enjoy her company I'll want to see her again. Who knows maybe one day we'll be taking long walks together holding hands and giggling like kids.

  • I only want a woman for brownies and laundry. Is that alright?

    • No problem but in return I want you to fix my car and toilet.😂deal?

    • @Maria1980 I can fix your car, but I'd hate to put a plumber out of a job.

  • I rather don't feel crap.

  • I don't have to take her under my roof, do I?

  • At least someone on this site has a positive outlook on sex and women.
    I don't know why people don't get that women like to bang to.

    • The reason why sex is still such a profitable business is because sex is mystified. The more you label it as deviant or bad, the more you will want it. Read up on the countries that watch the most porn (most are pretty conservative).

  • being honest is hard at first but i feel like after a lot of girls who say no thank you to that kind of dynamic eventually you learn how to quickly figure out which ones are ok or even prefer it

    • Exactly.

  • I love this take. However I don't think this advice will work for me as I've already tried making my intentions known, got nowhere, and now I'm too demotivated to waste my time further pursuing women.

    • if you aren't successful with women, this take is fking poison to you more than most, don't love it

    • @Goochbreaker Meh, women make us this way though perpetual dismissal of our needs until we no longer value female affairs.

  • Funny thing is that it's a myth that guys just think about sex. In reality sex is on more women's minds than men.

    • Ehhh... nope. Lol. I mean, we think about it but guys have us beat by leaps and bounds.

    • The article says that more women think that sex is essential... not that they think about sex more often.

    • Show All
  • There is no such thing as a girlfriend. It's your turn and you know it. Even if you get lucky to marry her it usually only temporarily. Not all men want to have sex with women. Men have given up because that's all a lot of women want.

  • There used to be a time, When men used to be only more into hook ups and casual sex, and women were more Monogamous, innocent. but these days, women are more ahead of men in casual sex with lots of men. but, there are some innocent, monogamous women still exists.

    • Yes, seems to be the case.

    • i hope i can find one that is monogamous.

    • Sadly a lot of innocent monogamous women are cheated on by their men with the same “hoes” you speak of and because most men are not monogamous, they will miss out on those women because those women don’t want community d*ck either. They want a respectable man.

  • Dude your Mytakes be too long winded... Anyways I say let people do whatever they want with their bodies and destroy themselves...

    • So don't read them. Simple. Lol.

    • Lol true.

  • I agree

  • That's what I think about sex. But the problem is the Indian girls. For them, Sex is a big deal. They don't see a guy with such beliefs to be a good character. They themselves want to be manipulated. I have seen many girls here dating guys who are manipulative and they aren't aware of that. They don't like the straightforward way. Even, if I get no match by being honest still I would never try to manipulate a girl into having sex. Let's see If I give up on this way if I don't get what I need. But I will try not to. And for the most part, I won't give up on this way. As the feeling of cheating itself is horrible.

    • Open and honest is the way to go. It can be frustrating, but all in all you can only control your behaviour. Good on you for maintaining your values despite the frustration. You'll find girls who appreciate the honesty, and are looking for the same things.

    • @coralee yeah it is frustrating but at least i feel good about myself.

  • I agree

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