Intentionally Having Fatherless Children is A Selfish Act

Intentionally Having Fatherless Children is A Selfish Act

My sister recently had a baby with a gang banger. Why have a baby with a druggie? She said that she didn't really need a father to be around. She just wanted a "Latino" baby. Knowing from the get go that her druggie hookup Dad would never be in the picture, she chose to have the baby anyway.

About 99.% of my friends are women. My best friend is a girl and we were talking about sex. She tells me, "You I am 31 years old now. I feel like if I was having fun with a boyfriend and my birth control didn't work..I would have the baby anyway. I can take care of myself. When will I have a kid or get married?"

I was recently dating a single mom. She tells me, "I never really thought I wanted to have kids. But when I got pregnant I went along with it. The father didn't want it. But I went along with it because I wasn't sure if I'd get the chance." Later it was revealed that the father was just a hookup and had started dating a different girl. This was the loop in draw.

We live in a society that marginalizes the role of fatherhood. We have women that are intentionally having broken families.

There are women who have every access to adoption or abortion and other means of not having a child. But they are choosing to deny a child the right to exist in the world without a father.

Fatherhood matters. Fathers are crucial in a child's life. Yet, the idea of fatherhood has become a form of blackmail in relationship disputes. It has been relegated to the role of sperm donor.

It seems that women are choosing to have babies selfishly without even considering the consequences and impact that no child will have on a father.

Not having a father scars a child for the rest of their life and slows their development compared to secure families.

The responsible thing is to have an abortion. Wait until marriage to have a child. And give your child the blessing of a planned pregnancy where both parents are fully invested and in the picture.

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23 36
  • Even if the man stays around when the baby is born, he could still leave later on. How many married fathers leave the household and the children end up us fatherless kids?
    Just kill every child then. I won't intentionally conceive a fatherless child but if the dad isn't there anymore for whatever reason , I won't kill my child.

  • Considering the worst things come from single mother homes, I would say its an incredibly selfish act.

  • Intentionally having a fatherless child is not a selfish action, but an abusive action against the child, period.

  • Having a fatherless child isn't inherently selfish, as sometimes the father isn't the rightb"father" for the child. I myself would be fully willing to accept another child as my own if given the chance and be a father that they didn't get to have.

    Any man can be a biological dad. But a man who takes time out of his own schedule to ensure the child learns real life lessons is the real father.

    • If daddy isn't in the picture. then why move forward with the pregnancy?

    • I answer a question with a question, why have a child if mommy doesn't want to be a mommy? We develop this biological desire whether we want it or not. Sex is recreational as much as it is functional. No human is the same. Wanting a child isn't inherently selfish, I want one myself but I tire of the dating game. Not all women want pregnancy but want a child. So they adopt instead. Wanting to care for the young of our species is a biological right that we still dont fully understand.

    • I totally agree with you. But here is the rub. Women now have the power to terminate a pregnancy to make sure that they bring a child into a world in as secure and stable a situation as possible. And yet they intentionally are emotionally harming children by denying that to a child. These women can wait for another boyfriend. They can have an abortion and wait two more years until the relationship is solid and they are married. They dont need to just go through with a pregnancy because the condom ripped one night while she was having sex with her boyfriend. LIke none of that needs to happen. Maybe getting an abortion and waiting 2 years means the couple are now married and ready to plan to have a child. right?

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  • Good writing information and facts I hadn't considered.

  • What i find selfish is how some women will get pregnant, doesn't matter how, and will not want a father but wants a baby. She acts like the dna she gets is get property and doesn't care how the father feels about it. I can donate sperm but what about having kids? What women will let me impregnate and then i can have my daughter? I want a family and i want a wife. I just like being treated like a package to be thrown away after being used.

  • HAHAHA that's so funny. I love it. Typical woman.

  • It will never happen, but I think intentionally becoming a single-mother should be a felony. The impact on children and society as a whole is undeniable. Kids raised by single-mothers:
    - Are more likely to not graduate from high school.
    -More likely to abuse drugs and alcohol.
    -More likely to be a victim of violent crime, including murder.
    -More likely to commit violent crimes, including murder.
    -More likely to be incarcerated.
    -More likely to have learning disabilities.
    -More likely to have personality disorders.
    -More likely to have children out of wedlock, perpetuating this problem.
    -More likely to be habitual consumers of welfare.
    -Girls raised by single mothers begin having sex much earlier than their peers from dual-parent homes.
    -Boys raised in single-mother homes are much more likely to be arrested for juvenile delinquency.
    There are absolutely, positively, zero positives to a child or children NOT having the BIOLOGICAL father in their life.

    The retort will be "what if the baby-daddy is bad or he doesn't want to be involved in the childs life"? My answer is DON'T HAVE CHILDREN WITH MEN LIKE THIS!!!

    • Let's also add that children of single mothers are: -Much more likely to be the victim of sexual abuse. -Single mothers are much more likely to physically and emotionally abuse their children. -Single mothers are much more likely to allow sexual and physical abuse of her children, by her current boyfriend, to keep her relationship in tact.

    • @EmilyyVip Reported for spam.

  • Fatherless children are way more likely to be highschool drop outs and criminals.

  • You have to watch your back, you can't trust others to do it for you

  • Too many means of support for the woman to have "Fatherless Children"

  • Good take

  • Bitch pls. Thats horrible. most boys need a role model or guy to talk when something is bothering them.
    I would be different person without dad.

  • It is a passion for playing with children

  • Society doesn’t value fatherhood as much as motherhood. But maybe it’s a reaction to men trying to control women.

  • Fathers are indeed necessary, but the state is not on the side of fatherhood any longer.

  • I grew up without my father and just based on the people I know that grew up with one I can definitely say I'm a better person then them

  • Of course you are tight that a kid need father and mother or it won't develop properly. It can turn homosexual.

  • I think women who didn't have a good relationship with their father are more likely to be single moms because they may think all men are evil or something like that

    • There is a reason that the term "daddy issues" Is a thing. Women are biologically looking for a good father figure to raise kids for a mate and when they are raised with none or a shitty father it messes them up and they start looking for someone like that to mate with.

  • Don't know

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