Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for Their Actions (aka Rapists)

Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for their actions (aka rapists)

Perpetrators use rape-supportive attitudes and sexual assault incident characteristics to justify forcing sex on their victims. Logically, perpetrators who can justify their behaviors are at increased risk for future perpetration.

If you don’t know what perpetrator is, It is a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act. In this take the term perpetrator shall refer to the rapist. And rape refers to unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body parts, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.

Recently, In 2005 Rhina Wanger and her colleagues from Wayne State University, Detroit carried out a study of perpetrator’s behavior. This study examined the relationships between rape supportive attitudes, sexual assault incident characteristics, and the post-assault justifications of 183 men sampled from the community who self-reported committing at least one act of sexual aggression.

Men’s sexual aggression toward women is a pervasive problem in U.S. society. Between 25–57% of men report having perpetrated a sexually aggressive behavior against a woman since the age of These acts range from verbally coerced sexual contact to physically forced penetrative sex, with verbal coercion and the victim’s incapacitation the most commonly reported tactics

Justifications given by perpetrators for rape are as follows:

1) Women are Seductresses

Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for Their Actions (aka Rapists)

Seductress is a woman who seduces someone, especially one who entices a man into sexual activity. A woman can seduce someone but perpetrators assume that all women are seductress, meant to get fucked or always have sexual motives when interacting with a man.

2) Women mean “YES” when they say “NO”

Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for Their Actions (aka Rapists)

No wonder wrt this point since #MeToo movement. When she says “No” she secretly or subconsciously means to say “YES”. Every woman is a slut deep inside but keeps saying no so all you’ve to do is push her little bit (Rape her) and she’ll accept it.

3) Women are sex objects

Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for Their Actions (aka Rapists)

A common medieval thought, women are sex objects whose function is to be sexually available to men at all times. Women are created for only one reason i.e. Men’s pleasure. They’ve no motive in life except pleasuring men and producing babies.

4) Men are entitled to sex for being “MALE”

Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for Their Actions (aka Rapists)

Similar to the previous point, it says I have a penis and because of that, you owe me sex because….. I have a penis! They assumed that as a man they could take what they wanted from the woman and hence raped her.

5) Most women eventually relax and enjoy it

She actually enjoyed getting raped (how?). That’s one of the reasons given by rapist to rape her. Even when holding her at a gunpoint, they actually thought she is enjoying getting raped.

6) Nice girls don’t get raped

Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for Their Actions (aka Rapists)

Like nice guys finish last, nice girls don’t get raped. They’re always fully clothed, they aren’t promiscuous etc. But inversely it also implies she deserved to be raped because she isn’t a “Nice Girl”

7) She asked for it

She wanted me to rape her. That’s a ridiculous logic but considered true by the rapist. “She wanted me to rape her”. I think as long as it isn’t a sexual fantasy, no woman will want to get raped without consent.

8 ) I was unable to control my sexual urge

Believe me, although it isn’t a valid excuse, it is most logical of all arguments. I couldn't control my urges hence forced them on someone. I know it isn’t justifiable but sounds most logical yet rapist has to be blamed 100 percent. It is the only justification in which rapist doesn’t blame women for rape (!)

9) A Husband cannot rape his wife

Justifications Given By Sexual Perpetrators for Their Actions (aka Rapists)

Marriage gives you right to have sexual intercourse with your partner even without their consent. In other words, it is “Love” and not “Rape” if you’re married to that person.

10) It was a minor wrongdoing

This is most laughable of all. Basically, you’re not accepting rape as a crime. Wtf? Is a rape joke or something? You’re destroying someone’s sexual life and yet you’re labeling it as “minor wrongdoing” ??

Note: These points do not reflect author’s views. Founded by a scientific study and published as a scientific paper, those are views of confirmed rapist form Virginia prison.

What do you think of those justifications? They’re absurd in my opinion but you’re entitled to share yours! I’m enabling the anonymous option for the same but if you write comments justifying rape, it might get removed due to G@G posting rules.

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16 41

  • This is like the "gentlemen" pedophile thing the media has been pushing lately. It needs to die, no excuse for forcing yourself onto an unwilling person.

    Even if she is a slut, why rape her? She's a slut! You dont need to rape her!

  • It seems like the central issue for a lot of men is the frustration that many women simply change their minds at really inconvenient times. It's fucked up, and it's not fair, but women do have the right to change their minds. Sometimes that change happens when you are both naked and she's fondling your junk, and it's really frustrating. As men we have a responsibility to go slowly enough that she can feel like she is in charge. It lets you savor her, and it lets her know that her feelings are your priority (aka: better sex for her).

    I think that most men sort of hover that Aziz Ansari line where it's like rape but it's not really rape because she should have been more decisive about saying no... I call it consent under duress. I think people are so hesitant to give Ansari the boot because if they do, they need to start asking themselves some hard questions.

  • Not only is rape wrong, I don't see how anyone would get pleasure from the sex considering the other person blatantly didn't want to have sex with them.

    Part of the pleasure of sex is knowing that someone else finds you attractive enough to have sex with and them enjoying it too.

  • All of these sayings have a modicum of validity behind them.

    A girl CAN say no and mean yes.
    A girl CAN wear revealing clothing and hope for a cute guy to hit on her.

    Its possible. But that doesn't make it a rule! Just cause the girl hopes she'll get hit on by a cute guy and have a great night with him doesn't mean she wants YOU. So in the end the difference between a rapist and a non-rapist really just boils down to empathy.

    If you lack empathy you project what you feel onto the other and you're completely closed off to receiving signals and emotions from the person in front of you. So the dude who holds the girl at gunpoint and rapes her genuinely believes she enjoyed it, because he did, even though any normal person would be able to tell in a second she's scared to death and is having the most horrible experience of her life.

    But its never so simple. Sociopaths don't make up the majority of the population. Most guys have a minimum of empathy and they can tell when the girl looks scared, sad, happy, excited, seductive etc... They're not obviously projecting their desires irrespective of the girls state of being.

    Also, communication is mostly non verbal. For the following dialogue:
    -The earth is flat.
    -Yeah, right!
    This can take on two completely OPPOSITE meanings based on the tonality, body language, rhythm of speech of the second or even the first person speaking. "Yeah right" can mean, "yes absolutely", or "no fucking way".
    So "women mean yes when they say no" (or when they say nothing) is not false 100% of the time, sometimes thats actually the case. How you tell the difference is with empathy, by reading body language, feeling the emotional tenor of the interaction etc...

    I think a case like this would be incredibly hard to judge. Factoring for the fact that (even though it is also a fraction of the population it does happen), there could be simple buyers remorse. Girls can be sociopaths too. I'd say it would be quite hard to get a clear cut judgement. This is basically all a grey area, there's no black and white, and its all case by case. But its a very interesting debate for sure.

    • Now I'd like to address two things: 1- 57% percent? So dude if you have a dad and a granddad and a brother that pretty much statistically GUARANTEES that one of them is a rapist? Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Here! I call bullshit all the way, sorry , not sorry man. ->Sources and research methodology if you want to give this any credibility because thats an un-fucking-believable number. I mean even in Egypt which is like rape capital of the world (real forced intercourse followed by possibly killing the girl cause she's a slut now kind of cruel insanity) it doesn't hit those numbers. (Sources, the UN reports on violence against women!) 2- How exactly is coercion defined? "If you dont suck my dick I'll kill you?" -> Sounds like legit coercion. "I'll post those pics of you to your company forum if you dont..." -> legit blackmail "Look its been a week if we dont have sex I'll get with someone who wants to" -> is that rape by coercion? I don't know. The coercion thing is unclear.

  • Rape is never justified.

    But there is a difference,

    Do you lock your doors in night?
    Do you lock your car while driving?
    Does your car have air bags by company?
    Does your car have anti locking braking system?
    Does police give you speed ticked while driving fast?

    If yes, then the reason is Safety.

    We all want to minimize the chances of accident by ensuring security and taking precautionary measures.

    If a male is standing outside a pub half naked, and he gets raped by women no one will point a finger at women.
    But if a woman gets raped outside a pub when she was wearing skirt , people will blame men for that.

    Wearing short clothes, giving eye contact to men when you're not interested, showing your Boobs and ass provocatively, passing comments and taunts etc are called teasing.

    If you tease a Lion like that and if he attacks you, will you blame the lion 100%?

    Now we have cases like a 13 years old girl is raped, or an 70 year old woman gets raped. That is LEGIT rape.
    In this case, the accuser should be tortured to death slowly. Maybe follow Greek style of bull heating chambers.

    But if you're enticing a man and teasing him by wearing short provocative dress and since man is an animal, if he attacks you sexually and then you blame all on him 100%, then you have to give it a second thought.

    But hey, its my thoughts you can agree or disagree with me. It's up to you.

    • You're going receive hella dislikes lol

    • Men are not lions, lions are savage animals who can be shot if they go after sheep or simply because a zoo can't take care of them anymore.

    • @Jackblue I say shoot all of the predators 🔫. @Hungry_Shark I have to give eye contact with all of my customers, infact eye contact is extremely important in every day life. What should we be wearing by the way should we all dress like nuns? Well there goes the fashion industry 😐

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  • That's messed up. Those are just excuses though. They're smart enough to know what they're doing is wrong.
    Nice take!

    • I can't believe we've rape supporters on this thread. Opinions supporting rape are upvoted and others are downvoted

    • Wow that's so messed up. I have no words

    • Some of the things my guy friends have said to me over the years makes me think that many guys really aren't smart enough? I once had my 2 friends complain about times that they were trying to have sex with girls, but they were too drunk to get wet.

  • Bueno

  • All things that make someone less than human

  • Rapist are high in the psychopatic scale. It doesn't surprise me they en been murderers when they ate not stop in time.

    • end* stopped*

  • And meanwhile while people decry "rape culture" Europe and America literally imports actual rape culture from south of the border, Arabia, and Africa.

  • given that rapists end up in prison, noone's really buying their 'justifications', hmm?

  • Man, a short biased and unscientific study of a prison population does not add any real insight into sex crimes committed in the US. There are over 300million of you and I would learn more from listening to victims. Some people are evil, that's generally why they end up in prison.

  • I agree with what you are saying however, the statistics that you used include "verbally coercion " now if that includes threats than I would agree that it is rape or at least sexual assault, but they also include things like verbal pressure in other words nagging and guilt tripping. That cannot be considered sexual assault unless if a woman nags her husband to do more household chores it is slavery. The number of men who have committed sexually aggressive behaviors is high, but not 57%.

    • To the girls who down voted me, are you really saying that if a man says to a woman don't be such a prude have sex with me it is sexual assault (without saying or doing anything else). It may be kind of rude, but it is something you want to put men in jail for? If it is thank God I am a virgin.

  • Rape is about control not sex. Give these guys axes, an island, and no guards, and they'll take of the problem themselves.

  • No excuse women have the right to say no. Admittedly some girls do dress in very horny way and can get the old man to rise if Pervy enough take a photo and release your self but her body is out of bounds unless she wants you to. Even a wife can say no to her husband!!!

  • Rape is all 100% about control of a victim for one's psychological pleasure, not nessearliy sex.

    I admit before I was a Christian back in college I tired to convince a female friend of mine into oral sex.

    I held her against the wall in the library staircase trying to make her agree.

    She was a Christian and liked me and wanted a relationship with me, since I knew that, I felt I could use it to my advantage and convince her just for oral sex, but she wasn't haven't it.

    Yeah, I was a little devil back then...

    • You were a savage 😎

    • But now you still think a wife... even if they are separated owes their husband sex. You told me that I should have let my husband just rape me because it was my duty. That is what you said on a previous post.

  • A rape is never justified. I repeat, never

  • Hmmm... I actually agree with every one of those reasons.

  • I can understand a poor guy doing a rape, we all need and deserve sex, some of us can't afford to pay for sex, what's a poor bloke supposed to do? But why did Harvey Weinstine do all those rapes? He's rich, he can afford to pay for sex, there's no excuse for doing a rape if you're a millionaire.

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