List a common dealbreaker that many of your potential girlfriend/boyfriends had?

So say you met someone and they were great. Damn near everything you wanted. But then you discovered that they possess that one damn dealbreaker that you refuse to stick around and put up with. Say it just keeps happening with the last few guys or girls you initially vibed with, but you still refuse to lower your standards. What dealbreaker (s) would that be?
This is inspired by a question I answered earlier about dating people who drink. Its not a dealbreaker but its damn sure a turnoff. Its so common that if i made it a dealbreaker, I’d hardly have options lol.
As for the common dealbreakers I’ve come across with potentials...
—Those who smoke/sniff/snort/eat (weed, tobacco, edibles, and any sort of drug included)
—Those who drink TOO OFTEN (daily/weekly/monthly is too much for me to tolerate)
—Those who do not want kids until they are mid 30s/40s
—Those expecting sex early on like within the first few months (I do not consider a 1-3 month relationship longterm at all)
—Those out of my age range (5+ years older or younger).
—Those into anal sex or rimming.
Those are all just absolute no no hell no’s for me and we shouldn’t waste our time on eachother. I dont think these things make the person a bad person but I do think it makes them a bad fit for someone like myself.
+1 y
Dang i forgot my ABSOLUTE MAIN—If he doesn’t believe in God. PLUS —if he constantly says he's depressed no matter how hard I try to make him happy that day/week. —if he constantly downs himself and thinks im gonna keep feeding him compliments... Nah if you think you’re ugly then spend these next 24 hours being ugly cause you only get 1 compliment a day —If he's anything other than straight —if he’s still friends with his ex. Like good friends and hangin out alone together. I trust him but not her
0 4

Superb Opinion

  • I'm just going to run through all my exes, except one of them, and just tell you why they became "exes" to begin with.

    DEALBREAKER: First "girlfriend." She turned out to be queer ("bi"). I was left humiliated and exploited that I was used and abused by a gay woman. So yeah, queer women/bisexuals are a HARD dealbreaker for me! Never again going to be fooled by a lezzie.

    First REAL girlfriend wasn't over her 6'2" blonde Marine ex. A girl that isn't over her ex isn't a dealbreaker, but I don't want to deal with that.

    Third girl REALLY wasn't over her short "Nu Male" psychologically manipulative and abusive ex. He didn't even live in the same state as her anymore and all her female friends told her how toxic he was for her, but she couldn't get over him, and nothing more was going to happen between me and her because of that.

    Fourth one had to work on herself more and she wasn't ready to date a guy yet. She being 6'5" and later ending up with a 6'7" super-heavy black man, also makes me think she hated me for my small stature.

    The missing girl I won't mention was the love of my life and ex-fiancée and she died due to an apartment fire in November 2012. I never really "broke up" with her.

    The next one was working two jobs and had a broken leg. She couldn't handle a relationship at the time and I was kind of a simp to her (not that she took my money; I needed to grow more, too).

    The next one was the rich British girl who was legitimately insane (as in, actual mental illness; probably Borderline Personality Disorder, if I had to guess) and she shouldn't have been dating ANY man! Oddly enough, clinically insane women aren't a dealbreaker for me.

    DEALBREAKER: The eighth ex, besides having small little C cups, had one of the BEST bodies I ever seen! A very tall THICC redhead, similar to my fiancée, but more of a freckled Ginger. The sex was phenomenonal. However, after seeing an old Facebook Halloween pic of her from senior year in high school dressed as Rosie The Riveter, I discovered that she was a feminist. A textbook "all men are bad and need to learn how to not rape" feminist. She was only 22 at the time though, so early on into her indoctrination and hadn't completely sworn off all men yet, hence, there were little to no warning signs. After trying to talk to her about it and discovering just how far her feminist brainwashing had gone, I just couldn't respect her or see her an intelligent person, so broke up with her. (Oh, and I also later discovered she was cucking her "real boyfriend" in Idaho for me and never bothered to tell me she wasn't monogamous.)

    DEALBREAKER: Last girlfriend I had, in Spring 2016, was superficial, and much shallower than she seemed, despite being insecure about being a 5'10", 200 pound Indian girl. But yeah, she had L. A levels of vapid superficiality about her. She only wanted a GigaChad, deep underneath, and I soon learned the truth.

    List a common dealbreaker that many of your potential girlfriend/boyfriends had?

    Yeah, so gay women, polyamorists, feminists, and shallow entitled women are four dealbreakers of mine. Thank goodness I never dated a violent woman before, cause I'd be the type to slap the sh*t out of her if she laid her hands on me.

    • Im really sorry you lost her and due to a fire. Thats truly heartbreaking

    • Thank you.

Most Helpful Guy

  • lol... besides the four girlfriends I've had, I have only "dated" two other women, and that is it no more

    as in... we got some time know each other well enough, there was plenty of potential, we were into each other BUT something got in the way, not exactly a deal breaker but the fact that I met them at a city or state in which I was there temporarily and then, that was not going to work out that well, since I could not stay permanently and moving out for either them or me, was not really the best choice... I just call it bad timing... lol

    • Oh tea i can't do that to myself anymore. I've definitely dont he temporary shit and then someone moves. Thats why i need someone who will be permanently in that location from now on

    • yeah, that's the main reason why we decided not to go with it... if we cannot fully go for it, then we better not... lol

Most Helpful Girls

  • - doesn’t believe in God/ has a bad relationship with religion/ negative towards religion
    - is too fixated on looks
    - does any type of drugs
    - is bad with money
    - doesn’t have a provider/protecter mentality
    - hates kids/doesn’t like kids
    - goes to the club/parties
    - has a lot of female friends
    - is a momma’s boy
    - is really into social media
    - can’t keep secrets
    - likes to brag
    - has bad friends
    - isn’t family orientated
    - needs to be the center of attention at social events/ loudest person in the room

    • Why is being too fixated on looks a bad thing?

    • Omg yes! If he's a huge partier, irresponsible with money, or a mommas boy that puts her before his future, nahh.

    • @eyiphsoneuser because it means he’s shallow. As someone who dated a man like this, I speak from experience. Men who are fixated on looks will make you insecure about your looks and body in the relationship.

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  • If they have a deal breaker I dont let them stay lol I learned my lesson the first time.

    • You just dump them if you see anything that he has which is a potential deal breaker for you?

    • There's no such thing as a potential deal breaker, only a deal breaker. So yes I will dump them if they have a deal breaker of mine.

    • Straight answer. What are some deal breakers?

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9 36
  • I've never really dated anyone but there was this one guy I had a crush on, the main issue was that he was too impulsive and always started things with other people (namely, he didn't know when to stop joking around). I literally had to step in 90% of the time because his short a*s would have gotten beat and yes, I'm allowed to call him short, he was shorter than me by 3 or 4 inches.

    from potential crushes; too uninterested/cold, expecting sex too quickly, way too in love with porn, smoking pot and vaping, and too many inappropriate jokes (to the point that it didn't sound like a joke).

    • I bad to step in for my ex cause he was gettin beat tf up and he was taller than me and the person he was fighting 😂 people laughed at a girl tryna save him

    • lol, that definitely sounds like it. I surprised if he never apologized to you for that fight, it sounds so silly to imagine.

    • Nope instead he and the guy shookk hands and started hangin out. Silliest thing i ever seen

  • It was so long ago that I dated, I can't remember anything that was recurring other than pushing for sex too soon. Smoking was always an instant no from me.

    • I dont blame you

  • Damn deal breakers I thought I had it made but there's two deal-breakers on there the first one is I'm older in the second one is I like eating edible panties
    Damn those deal-breakers

    • Lmao edible panties 🤣 i was referring to like edible drugged foods lol

  • They weren't direct and honest about what they wanted or how they felt.

    Not only does that ruin your ability to have a relationship but it's incredibly disrespectful. If Im giving you my time and attention you shouldn't be wasting it on stupidity.

    • I agree. I can't stand an indecisive mf

  • The potential ones had no deal breakers at all

    • So why did the potentials never become actual boyfriends lol

    • Two didn't worked out cause it was too fast for me and I did run, another one didn't worked out cause he didn't want me and another one didn't worked out cause of distance