No Means No! Sexual Assault and Rape Are Not Justified or Gray Areas

So this is a long time coming I think for me. After the Stanford case, many questions on here and people questioning me personally. I really have to ask, do people not know what it is?

I see a question where a guy is forcing himself onto a girl over and over and over again despite her saying no over and over and over again, at which point he tells her off, pushes her and leaves. That's not justified. You committed sexual assault - that's a crime. You tried to make it her fault - that's manipulation and you are a douche.

No means No! Sexual Assault and Rape are not justified or gray areas.

Those are what causes rape. If you are drinking, you take responsibility for the amount you drink, where you're drinking etc, because regretting it, does not make it rape. However, if you say no while drunk, it does become rape. If you are unconscious on the ground, that is not an invitation to others. Perhaps you made bad judgment in drinking that much, but that's still not an invitation or permission! Only one person is the victim in that instance.

If you don't understand what rape is; watch the tea video: (there's swearing)

And finally, a point that bothers me that I saw asked (hopefully by a troll). How is it rape if s/he orgasms? Because biologically that can happen. I don't want to have sex but you kiss my neck? I'm going to get wet and horny, doesn't mean I may still not want sex! A male can wake up with an erection, get them randomly, doesn't mean it's him saying "yeah just jump on me". If you have to ask yourself "am I sure" then no, you shouldn't do it.

But this also goes for people that didn't want it, but say nothing. If you don't give off any impression to your sex partner that you don't want sex, then it isn't rape. And maybe internally it feels like it was, but you can't label that person as a rapist either. They didn't know. I would start getting annoyed if my SO asked every single thrust, every single finger, every single kiss "do you still consent?".

I leave it with this final photo in regards to why victims are not wrong for fearing men or women after their assault. Even if it is a generalisation against a gender. I got cheated on once, spent 2 years hating all men. I KNEW you weren't all the same, doesn't mean I could bring myself to truly trust anyone for a while.

No Means No! Sexual Assault and Rape Are Not Justified or Gray Areas

Now, my little rant is over, everyone please be respectful in the comments.

Sorry this a little all over the place, didn't want it too long but it all just popped into my head.

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9 43
  • this is stupid there are plenty of gray areas in this.

  • I agree that rape is rape.

    But let me ask you this. Imagine for a moment that you were a guy, and that you were in prison. Now if you were in the showers one day and you dropped your soap, would you bend down to pick it up?

  • why do people frame it like this wasn´t common knowledge/common sense?

  • And once alcohol is shown to be in the system of both people, both parties arguments are inadmissible.

  • No gray areas, so what if they're both drunk, both the man and woman, and they have sex? Consent can't occur because they're under the intoxicated, but they both are. So who raped who?

    • By law they raped each other. And that's what it is. And if you wanted to press charges best hope you press them first. However, I am not going to argue that here because my beliefs in that are a different argument and I'm sick and on my phone.

    • I don't think drunk sex should be considered "rape". I know many people say that your ability to make decisions is impaired when your drunk in a similar manner to how it's impaired when you swallow a date rape drug. But the difference is this: the person who was drunk willing put themselves in the mentally compromised state while the person who swallowed the date rape drug did not. If someone with a mental illness went into a psychotic state hit someone while driving they wouldn't be punished because in such a state they can't be held responsible for their actions. However if someone was drunk and hit someone they would be held responsible because even though they were in a deluded state like the psychotic person, they willingly put themselves in that state to begin with. Oh and as for our last conversation, what you saw wasn't a derogatory statement but a typo. B is next to N on the keyboard so But turned to Nut.

  • Exactly,
    Rape is rape no matter what, anything else is just trying to justify a morally reprehensible act

  • Ironically the same people who go on about this... Will hush up quickly if things like the Cologne rapes or African/Arab on white rape is brought up about Europe...

    • If you think feminists who decry rape at home accept it abroad, you're an idiot... we're against sexual assault wherever it happens, whoever it happens to, whatever the circumstances. However, we have far more power to actually effect change in our home countries and ally countries than we do to effect change in distant countries and cultures. So that's where we focus our energy.

    • @Sara413 that's why the police is always there for, to serve and to protect. I can be selfish and still masturbate because a fear that all women are skanks and sluts, even it's a generalization against the gender. It's really difficult to approach a woman who isn't a slut because all women have an inner slut. I am an emotionally strong person and I don't care about having sex.

    • @Sara413 If I want sex, I'll masturbate and I don't care about the outside world.

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  • You are right about the no means no part. And I would like to include that yes means yes.. And maybe means maybe.

  • sorry... i'm laughing at the pie chart that's not even a pie.


    • Yeah, there's no slices to eat.

  • Why are you saying common sense.

    Just stay away from drunk girls or high on something stay away they ain't worth it

    Girls are the devil. In those environment

    Then we have enlitled sociopatic men who doent care who will do It any way.

  • Although I agree with the concept, I don't quite understand what your point is.

  • If you are talking about date rape, then yeah, it's a problem.
    If you are talking about straight rape, then the rapist does not care!!

    I say that the girls need to learn some goddam jiu-jistsu. Nothing says no like an arm bar!!!

  • If alcohol were gone, rape would probably go down by like 20%. Also spousal abuse, divorce, unplanned pregnancies, violence would go down.

    If holding this view makes me sexist, I guess I'm a sexist then.

  • In regards to the take responsibility while drinking...
    A female with any alcohol saying yes is still considered rape because "women can't make rational decisions when alcohol is in them" YET a male who is absolutely fucked up drunk is expected to have the mental capacity to make a rational decision on if something is going to far? How the fuck?

    Women also need to stop the "assumed no" attitude and "NO means NO... Except when it doesn't because I want to see just how much you are willing to fight for me" crap.
    Rape is actually not common, justice statistic show it's been less than 1 in 1000 over the last decade. That's including assumed "not come forward" cases, and doesn't exclude the approximate 40% of false accused claims.
    When it does happen the rapist should be burned at the stake... but that should also include the endless list of female teachers who are raping our children or other female rapist. Yet time and time again female rapist are excused, ignored, or given a slap on the wrist. It's easy to push the idea that rape is a mostly male crime when almost all female rapist are ignored.

    Every time a rapist is a male, there is a massive campaign pushed to light a torch behind the "Men are all rapist" machine, but every time a female is a rapist... "crickets". Let's stop the bullshit rape hysteria, stop expanding the definition of rape to include regret, alcohol, feeling "obligated", etc. and start punishing the crime equally across both sexes.

    • No one should get away with raping someone whether it's a guy or girl

    • @99percentangel They shouldn't but sadly the truth in our society is that women are given almost nothing for most crimes in comparison to males for the same crime, and until there is constant and massive campaigns and social pushes to attack and shame women for the crimes the way people constantly lynch mob any male (even the ones falsely accused). Then male victims of crimes by women will not be counted and only when confronted with it will people say "well it shouldn't be that way".

    • There is no real statistics on false rape claims. The statistics stand for not insufficient evidence, in it also includes false claim. The reports I've seen its 8% unfounded/false reports in the US. There is in no way 40% false rape reports. It's actually quite uncommon.

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  • Grey areas exist. If two drunk people have sex, is it consenting? And if not, who raped whom? Did they rape each other?

  • This post is complete and utter hate and bullshit. If you think that pie chart you posted is ok, you're just delusional. I hate rapists more than the next guy, but were animals. You go out with your ass or tits or both hanging out, you're going to get a lot of BAD attention from horny animals (humans) who have a sexual instinct. I feel like women think they can just run around in society drunk and/or half naked guarded by a big bubble, but if things go south, they just go blame everything and everybody. I don't think so. Wake up and GROW up

    • And where did I say that that is not true? This post is not bullshit, we're animals yes, but we're also of higher intelligence. And while I think people should take responsibility, we lock our house and our cars don't we? Well how about not walking down dark alleys practically naked and wasted. But even if you leave your car unlocked accidentally, just like if you drink that one drink you weren't aware was really strong because you couldn't taste the alcohol, so your car gets broken into or you pass out... it's still the thief who broke in, it's still the rapist who raped you. So while I believe in taking preventative measures, in the end, it's still not your fault that someone is a rapist.

    • Listen. Here's the bottom line. When you go out and get completely shit faced and are dressed where 30% of your body is covered and you're surrounded by low life scum, you should expect the worst. It's your fault for putting yourself in such a horrible situation. Why would you expect a completely wasted scum to act any better?

  • I hope people read this and understand it and be smart. But many fellas on the internet don't listen to reason.

  • I don't want to have sex anymore because women are becoming hoes, sluts or dirty skanks these days. I don't care if it's a generalization against the gender. If I'm unmanly because of my safety against a STD, I'll be more than happy to accept it. I've blocked all of my dating sites and I've stopped going to bars and nightclubs.

    • And we're supposed to care because. . . ?

    • @Jxpxtxr Isn't it "manly" to act like a total dick and get as much STD as we possibly can?

    • You're just so pathetic whining about this under a completely unrelated topic tbh..

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  • I can't speak for anyone... However I've had the shittiest luck with women... and being the age I'm at and being shut down enough times... you begin to question in your lonely madness... just how and what to acquire... the unattainable... and I'm not paying for sex when weed is a sure thing... sounds like something a creep would say? maybe... all I know is women repel from me and I ignore them so I'm the last dude to pull a sexual assault... plus all the porn addiction has caused sexual maladaptation to the point where I just want to bust a nut... and move along with my life... long story short I thought about raping a chick... just to get being a devirginized over with... it didn't seem like it was my style so I didn't...

  • all this rape and sexual assault stuff makes me feel afraid to initiate anything with a girl/

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