Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

Note: All of this only applies to women who aren’t delusional enough to think he’s ever going to leave her for you. He’s not. They almost never do, and even in the rare cases when they do, and the two of you actually make an attempt at a real relationship, it will ultimately be doomed because you will never be able to fully trust each other. That said, if you aren’t looking to break anyone up, or steal anyone’s man, but just want to enjoy being a part-time lover, here are some reasons why you might absolutely love it.

The Build-Up

Whether it takes place over the course of one night when you first meet, or you know each other for months, there’s always that time before you give in where you really try to not sleep with them. Maybe you’re genuinely trying to hold back, or maybe you’re both just pretending to hold back because A) you want to appear to be good people, and B) the whole “oh no, we mustn’t” game is insanely hot – either way, those hours/days/weeks before you give in are the most intense foreplay ever.

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

None of the Boring Stuff

You know that feeling when you’re in a relationship and you have days where you just don’t feel like putting in the effort? Sure, you care about the person, but you really can’t get it up to, like, have a conversation with them, or pick up their dry cleaning, or have the mind-numbingly dull “what should be do for dinner?” conversation. Sleeping with someone else’s boyfriend means you get to be their shining escape from the monotony of monogamy, not a bored participant. That’s a very fun role to play in someone’s life.

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

You Feel so Much Sexier

Odds are, if he’s stepping out on his girl, he’s bored of fucking her. Or he wants you so badly that he’s going to sleep with you despite being happy with her. Regardless, no man will ever make you feel as desired and beautiful as the one who know he shouldn’t be with you, but is anyway. Being the other woman makes you feel awesome about yourself.

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

It’s Incredibly Exciting

Of all the kinds of chemistry you can experience with someone, there is absolutely nothing hotter than the forbidden “we really shouldn’t be doing this” sexual tension you have with a man who’s taken.

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

You have More Time for Yourself

Sleeping with an attached man means you aren’t obligated to see him except when you want to, and have time. He’s not going to be taking over your TV to watch sports when you want to watch Mad Men; he’s not going to be hanging out waiting to talk your ear off when you get home from a long day of work and just want some peace and quiet. “Oh, you feel like going to dinner right when I have yoga class? Call your girlfriend (and then call me later.)” You’re always free to say you’re busy and it’s no big deal, and even when you do see each other, he’s usually just in and out.

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

You Can Skip The Gym

Nothing gets your heart rate up like contemplating the possibility of his girlfriend coming home early from work. Being the side-piece comes with built-in cardio. Yayyyy!!

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

It’s Laid Back

Who cares if you do or say the wrong thing, or have food in your teeth, or didn’t have time to shave? There’s a refreshing freedom to be human and flawed when you know all those little imperfections are overshadowed by the biggest turn-on of all: You’re not his girlfriend! That’s a pretty hard boner to deflate.

Reasons I love Being The Side Chick

Having Secrets is Fun

It just Is :)

2 7

Most Helpful Girl

  • I thought you'd say you had multiple guys, not just being attached to only 1 guy. If that's the case, you may want to look into why you want a guy cheating on his girlfriend to commit to you.

    I think this is why people are being so cold on here. You're helping him cheat (which I think is 1000% his fault), but also trying to make him your boyfriend too.

    • Read the first part, I'm not trying to make him my boyfriend.

    • You said near the middle that you love how he makes you feel desired and beautiful. Even if you say that's not the same as wanting to be his girlfriend, I disagree.

    • Loving attention is not the same as wanting the guy. When someone compliments you and you feel good inside, does that make you want to be with that person? Or do you feel good and just move on?

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Most Helpful Guy

  • "Reasons I love being the side chick: I'm not good enough to be a man's one and only, so I search for pieces of shit because that's all I, deep down, know I deserve."

    • Lol, so accurate.

    • Do you think there is redemption for this poor wretch who fails to meet the high standards of your impeccable and error free life? Perhaps you should shed some light for all of us on walking the path of moral perfection. If only society had it's act together the way you do!

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17 28
  • would you be ok with it if the guy was to have more than one woman that he is seeing on the side? as i would imagine that a guy that is prepaired to sleep behind his partners back may do it with more than one person?

  • Well written my take!!! I agree forbidden sex is really hot and I'm sure it is exciting trying not to get caught. You get all the fun of sex with some extra suspense and some extra cardio lol.

  • "A bunch of reasons why I like to justify being a shit human being!"

    - Because it makes me feel good.

    ~The End~

  • I can agree with some (but not all) points here that have been made. I try not to judge other people and what they do in their personal lives. But here I feel I must say something in the absolute nicest way possible because you need to know this. *AHEM*, THERE IS A MOTHERFUCKING REASON THAT SUCH THINGS ARE LOOKED DOWN UPON YOU GOD DAMNED MORON!! Let me be frank with you here. This attitude is incredibly toxic. Have you ever sat back and ACTUALLY thought about the consequences of your actions? Have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered to yourself "How the FUCK did I get to this point in my life?" I honestly doubt that you have to judge by this post alone. When you can't take an objective back-peddle from your life and take a critical look at your actions and the repercussion that may ensue because of them you are bound for life-long heartbreak. You are very clearly being used to fulfill a selfish desire of his and the fact that you go along with this and get some kind of sick and twisted power trip over belittling and undermining something somebody else worked hard to build and develop makes you an even worse person than him. They put in blood, sweat, and tears to build that foundation of trust and love to build a home, family, and relationship on top of. You are knowingly going out of your way to undercut and destroy that. The worst part of it all is that you are enjoying it and you don't even feel remorse for doing so! Frankly, you and everyone who agrees with you should never be in a relationship because you are undeserving of love, care, and admiration. You should be ashamed of you blatant lack of empathy and lack of humility. I strongly suggest you take an objective stance on your life and reevaluate where you want it to be in thirty years and whether or not you want your epitaph to read "Town Bicycle" because currently, it seems like everyone gets a ride. The first time is free obviously;.

  • How broken does a person have to be to not only help destroy some one elses life (he is cheating on some one who has placed their trust in them and they have abused it to that persons detriment) for an ego boost because they deep down inside think they are undeserving of anything more? Pretty fucking broken it would seem. I don't know whether I should hate you for being such a worthless human being or pity you because you clearly hate yourself more then I ever could.

  • Lol! All you are is easy p****. You think you're a bad b**** when you're just a sad little girl with low self esteem and no self respect. If you got all that going for you, you wouldn't have to sleep with someone else's man. The longer you're a side chick, the longer it'll take for you to find a relationship of your own. If you're not careful, you're going to die alone; "Here lies Becky: Cum Dumpster".

    • That was very disrespectful. You have offended the lady from having an honest profession.

    • Pontificate much?

  • You are proud huh... of course you are. you are sleeping with another woman's man, you are undermining a relationship, destroying someone's family, but you think you got something, child please, you are a heifer.

    • Yes, and she's the very first ever to do so.

    • You can't say that she is not pregnant yet. lol

  • But you'll always be 2nd best that way.

  • So like... a friends with benefits/no strings attached type deal?
    None of these are at all exclusive to being "the side chick."

  • I expected there to be only one reason and that reason being, "because I'm a classless human being, who can't put myself in other people's shoes." Very disappointed.

    • Don't worry, just go to class

    • @pinkesweet I dont have class today. Although I graduate on Tuesday with a certificate in Nurse Assisting.

    • Congrats baby! My mom is an NP

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  • This is delusional.
    You are not "irresistible" you are convenient. You are one of the few girls desperate enough to say yes to a taken man.
    I honestly feel sorry for any woman that get's an ego boost from being the cum dump of a looser. (hate using these terms. But anyone that has side pieces is devalued to this kind of language)

    You clearly have never been in a good, loving relationship. Nor do you have that great sex otherwise he would want you 24/7 not once in a while.
    A loyal and faithful relationship with MIND BLOWING sex. You want to fuck everyday for years. Morning and night.

    Trust me, his main girl is good in bed otherwise he wouldn't have married or committed to her. (am talking about modern relationships here in our generation).
    HOWEVER I say this as if the stinky ass dick of a cheater even matters.

    • Perhaps you might live a little longer and gain more experience before you pass such harsh judgment. You will always meet and even know people who's behavior falls short of your expectations. THis is one woman expressing her approval for a clandestine relationship which most societies frown upon. Yes, most of us are raised to see this as wrong. You are still a young women and may want to think a little more about what drives committed partners into the arms of others.

    • @lucius46ad I believe age to be irrespective in this issue. My generation is currently glamorising the whole "side chick" relationship dynamic. Especially in pop culture. A situation built on lies, self-gratification and manipulation. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having an open relationship. If a couple agrees to see other people - good for them! That's pretty cool in a way! I am aware of what makes people be unfaithful but I believe it to be childish and dishonest. I have a baby myself. If my partner ever would prioritise his SEX LIFE over family - he would definitely be out of my life so I can find someone that actually respects me and my daughter. It is that simple. At least be honest with yourself.

  • You're just enjoying without the consequences/responsibilities. It's so immoral.

    Being a side-chick isn't sexier. Being a women yourself you're putting another woman down. You are not sexy but the guy is just a horrible person tricking you into believing you're the ultimate seductress to use you. There is nothing great about it.

    Everything's so wrong about this. Dear you're more worth than being a side chick don't make yourself cheap.

  • You sound like a shit quality human being. Jesus lmao. It's takes like these that make me question society as a whole. The amount of up votes makes me question people even more. Not all relationships are boring. If you're bored, then you're not in the right one.

  • You sound like a really shitty person.

    • I give to charity.

    • Lol @askers pathetic damage control

    • Can I have some, I'm in need lol

  • Women want what other women want. It's as simple as that.

    • @Snuga2Allie read this and welcome to the real G@G

  • you're terrible

  • There's a lot to be said for the points made above.

  • Good for you this is the 2nd or 3rd time I've seen this thing posted.

    Goodluck in court or on the curb when some chick eventually decks you for being a boyfriend stealing hoe.

  • There’s a refreshing freedom to be human and flawed when you know all those little imperfections are overshadowed by the biggest turn-on of all: You’re not his girlfriend! That’s a pretty hard boner to deflate.-

    this is the biggest turn on, you lady have men wrapped around your finger,
    you figured us out, who are you i am very curious message me ,

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