Sex Isn't A Sin Or Shameful

Sex Isnt A Sin Or Shameful

I felt it was important to do a take about the topic of sex. For reasons which I will get into later in this take. But the biggest reason is: *Some people act like sex is a sin, or a bad thing....

Sex Isnt A Sin Or Shameful

It's not the sex itself that is sinful, it's people that make it that way...

Sex Isnt A Sin Or Shameful

I've seen posts about Masturbation being a sin, posts that use words like pervert or slut to describe people that like sex. Being sexual or sensual doesn't always have to mean someone is a pervert or a slut....

The actual definition of a pervert:

a person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.

Not every man or person who likes sex is a pervert, yet whether we use it negatively or positively, can't we just stop using it out of it's original context?

Why do we need to use these labels to describe an act that is not only natural but can also be beautiful as well as healthy? Which leads into the next reason....

*Health benefits of sex

The Benefits of a Healthy Sex Life
Lower blood pressure.
Better immune system.
Better heart health, possibly including lower risk for heart disease.
Improved self-esteem.
Decreased deprfression and anxiety.
Increased libido.
Immediate, natural pain relief.
Better sleep.

More about the health benefits of sex for men and women can be found with provided links....

Sex Isnt A Sin Or Shameful

Besides the enjoyment of sex and the health benefits of sex there's also the benefits to having a healthy relationship....

*Sex and relationships

While sex itself is not the most important aspect of a relationship, sexual compatibility is. If sex and frequency of sex is important to you, it's better to pair with someone with the same sexual needs. If intimacy in the relationship is more important than the actual sex, it's better to pair with someone that feels that way as well.... How important sex is in a relationship depends on how important it is to both you AND your partner.....

In a culture where we are so quick to label or judge, we should think what affect that may have on people that may already struggle with their sexuality or what is considered acceptable or not....

Sex Isnt A Sin Or Shameful

Now myself... I'm personally grown enough now to the point that at 48 I'm comfortable with myself, my sexuality, I don't seek out or need acceptance or approval other than from a partner... Anyone else either accepts me or they don't... But I wasn't always that way.... It gets easier when you get older and realize all the time you wasted worrying about things that shouldn't matter, like what society or others think about what two consenting, legal adults do in their sex life.... But can't we make it easier for people that still worry, care or struggle with that?

In closing, stop shaming others for their sexuality....

Sex Isnt A Sin Or Shameful

But, damn if you do want to shame people shame the RIGHT people...

Like people who CHEAT...There's so much debate on here about what's considered cheating, but keep it simple....

Sex Isnt A Sin Or Shameful

As always thanks for reading 💜🌹


27 25

Most Helpful Guy

  • Agree and disagree.

    Sex is a beautiful and amazing thing we can enjoy in life deep intimacy... within a committed relationship. Obviously, we are wired for sex... one of the most important things... is to reproduce and we get large dosages of chemicals, share bacteria and such to keep us bonded for the duration. It doesn't work as well as it used to in our modern society, but that's another topic.

    Note I've already eroded the word marriage. Marriage should be part of that commitment, but down the road. Centuries back, it was the precursor... for good reason, there wasn't much of a way to prevent offspring showing up. Now there is... so we can start early. But offspring can show up anyways without notice.

    Our society started to degrade it further with the ideas of "casual sex".. sex for fun and such. With birth control, we've unleashed a generation of new thinking... sex... is a drug. We threw out love, building family. So many young people don't want kids, have hookups, etc.. We've lost some important things.

    Sex is great, but it isn't everything, you are right. It's very important, but there are other things important.

    It's designed to make offspring and offspring need 2 good parents working together to have the best chance of success. Failure means the offspring can suffer terribly. That is a major reason our society is a mess.

    We need to reframe sex in the minds of society so it's put in it's proper place, so we can save the future generations. It's not a sin, but the way we use it is... and it is causing a lot of suffering

    • I agree 100%

    • I'm a Bonobo and I disagree my good sir.

Most Helpful Girl

  • Sex is awesome. It's a gift to mankind -- of course it gives us pleasure, but it's also the way we procreate. Perhaps, the most magical and miraculous thing us humans can do.

    Having said that, sex is also a form of bonding between individuals in both a physical and emotional manner. Soul ties, I believe in them. And I think it's important to act responsibly and understand the implications of sex before doing it. Issues include becoming attached to a toxic person (through a soul tie), contracting STDs (a biological and natural sign that points towards the danger of having multiple partners) and giving birth to children who may potentially be unable to identify their biological parent (mostly father since women are the birth givers), and sometimes even being born into a couple that's not ready to have a baby at all -- can you imagine the psychological implications that would burden a child (and later adult) with?

    Again, sex is great. It's amazing. But it has to be done responsibly.

    • Agree 100% you should of wrote the mytake... Well said!!💯🌹

    • Thank you! :)

    • No, thank you!!👍🙂

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What Girls & Guys Said

27 83

    Sex Isn't A Sin Or Shameful

    Why don't you tell us what you really think? ... lol

    I LOVE IT!

    • Thank you! Always means a lot coming from you 💜🙂🤗

  • Masturbation Isn't A Sin Or Shameful Either!!!
    Anybody Want To Second That?

    • I meant to include that in this take, more than I did but had my hands full watching my grandson, so this take was a quickie lol pun intended 😂 but no masturbation is not a sin and there's benefits to Masturbation as well

    • I Believe You Can Edit Your Question / Answer or Update it

    • This is a mytake not a question so there is no update for it

  • I totally agree! Brava! Great editorial!

    • Thanks

    • Question : Are females over doing it with webcam sex and masturbating?

    • @anewme why just ask about females? Don't females and males do that? I personally don't and wouldn't, I personally don't believe in that, but I'm not going to call people sluts and pervs that do. Unless it would be my partner/boyfriend/husband if was in a relationship, THEN I would say something...

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  • I'd say there's a correlation between fow fucked up people's attitudes are to sex, and how fucked up they are to other elements of the world.

    • Right!!

  • The assertion that Christians/other religious people think sex is a sin is a straw man argument. I'm a Christian. I'm married. I both have and enjoy sex. I'm not sinning. The assertion is that having sex outside of the bonds of marriage is a sin. It's also a sin to view pornography since Jesus said "That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart" (and this applies to lusting after other men as well). That's not by any means the same thing as saying that sex is bad or even that celibacy is the highest form of living (the Catholics do believe that, at least in regards to their clergy. However, most all other sects of Christianity do not believe that and do allow their clergy to marry/have sex).

  • The Song of Solomon in the Bible shows God doesn't consider sex a sin, at least within a marriage. But He does say lusting after a woman to have sex with her is a sin. Matthew 5:28 : but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. It is also interesting to note that whoever marries a divorced person is committing adultery. It is man that has profaned sex with porn, casual sex, and marital cheating. In a marital setting you are right, sex is not shameful or a sin.

    • Its so crazy new info now angels had sex with same women I have sex with now?

    • @anewme And that is why they were called "fallen" angels. They lost their wings big time.

    • So hard to imagine for me still

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  • I haven't figured out how to copy memes on this stupid new Apple computer.
    I was picturing the Church Lady. "Could it be... Satan?" LOL

    • HAHAHAHAHAHA! Thanks for helping me out there, buddy.

    • 👍👍🤣🤣

  • Nice post...

    I know there are a lot of Religions that say premarital is a SIN.

    I just know too many of my gfs that waited on sex, married a guy right out of high school, and of the 6 of them, 5 are divorced with kids. Sex with their spouse was poor to disappointing, the man often had a small penis (think Asian small), and was only interested in his pleasure.

    I will not marry a man if I have not seen what equipment he has downstairs and knows how to use it. My sex life is important to me!

    Likewise, I want him to know he is not getting some "dead fish" woman that tolerates sex.

    My real mom is 100% filipina and was raised Catholic. She divorced my dad, my step dad, and left a really great boyfriend over sex. She said if you are not making babies, then sex is a sin.

    I don't want that kind of relationship. Sex was made for reproduction AND for enjoyment of the man and woman. YOU all do know the Clitoris serves no purpose EXCEPT to give the woman pleasure. and it is a lot bigger than the penis is (most is hidden under the skin and only the nub sticks out.

    • Great answer,!!💜

  • Yes! I don't know why some people care so much about my sex life that they actually opened up a church

    • Would it be nowadays maybe just food for thought tasty not such a panic if Im independent but a random nsa female pay for great sex we Both ! enjoy and say goodbye? Fine.

    • Lol I get enough for free

    • @anewme stop all the replies on this post

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  • I opened this expecting to argue, but you are absolutely correct. The act of sex is beautiful, it's cheating and uncommittal acts that desecrate it. Thank you very much for this!

    • Thank you 💜🙂

  • Women are the ones who keep crying when men don't look at them... and when the wrong men do look at them. Make up your minds what you want.

    And no, you don't get to decide what is sin and what isn't. Scriptures written thousands of years ago say.

    As to shame.. the woman who created Sex in the City has renounced it and said she was wrong to make that show because it sells women lies and puts them on the path to destruction. I'm guessing that she's a better judge then men, right?

    • That said, I don't look down on people for what they do... but does it impact their lives often in ways they didn't expect? Absolutely. It's like a credit report. If I'm not renting you a place to live I don't care what your credit score is. But if you want to stay at my place, all of a sudden it matters.

    • That said, I don't look down on people for what they do... That's the point I was making... Let them and God worry about them, people need to stop thinking it's their business to judge, shame, label others instead just worry bout themselves and the people in THEIR lives

  • sex B-tween a husband and his wife is a wonderful and loving thing ! thanks

  • Aside from the religious Zealots (probably not getting any) why post the OBVIOUS?
    Too many Judgmental idiots, making you question, or annoying you, that you post what most SANE, RATIONAL people KNOW?
    Ignore the religious zealots, abusers, and judgmental fcks! They are their own "punishment" in this life, judging others, hating their own faults!!
    Sadly, they are too deluded to know they are confused, and judgmental, and believe the religious Dogma, and think they have some right to press that on others!

    • What's obvious to you or me may not be to impressionable young people that can be swayed by the things they see, read on the internet

    • @brainsbeforebeauty My dear, you know, as well as I, that we cannot help/save all from STUPIDITY! Hopefully Darwin's theory, and the "Darwin Award" saves the human race from being overwhelmed with idiots, like in that movie, Idiocracy!!

  • You know how it goes people are quick to try to talk that shit. Especially to women and it isn't fair especially since they have to go through soo much already giving birth and nuturing life. There is nothing wrong with them exploring their sexuality and enjoying the pleasures they deserve. People need to stop all that lying bullshit pretending to be all innocent judging people but making excuses for themselves. Sex is fun and it feels amazing. Knowing that you can provide some intense sensations for your partner to enjoy. Things would be safer and healthier we were all open and ok with talking about it without judgement. People wouldn't try to cover up problems they are running into because of shame or guilt and could get the help they need. We are all here because if that pleasure and unless a person is invited to your bedroom to be intimate the should keep the judgments for themselves and stop trying inject negativity into other peoples lives when it doesn't concern them

    • Very well said and so agree

  • pervert "a person whose sexual behavior is regarded as abnormal or unacceptable"... hum I ask what is normal? This means different things to different people. Same applies to what is unacceptable. The verb rathere then the noun makes more sense it says " alter (somthing) from its original course, meaning, or state to distortion or corruption of what was first intended " This can get deep but, I myself do not see sex as a sin if you love that person. Look at the divorce rates married under god not sure what happened there. If a person has sex before marriage and has kids and is always is there for the family no matter what I don't see gods issue. Its a hyptical and I know this was not really about god I think you told someone Im just trying to see all sides. I don't think I have a clear answer on your question or topic but, thanks for the thought. Reading between the lines I see what you are saying.

    • Thank you! I don't think many did! And I agree with your answer. Just because there's some sex acts some might do and others wouldn't, as long as noone's being hurt and it's between two consensual legal adults, I don't think that's for anyone else to judge or label pervert or slut. Yet, I've been called whore just for writing this take 😂😂 No sex, but I'm still a whore hahaha and stuff like that is another reason wrote this. P


    help support blood stain men.

    ban male gential mutilation,

    you can blam the fucking jewish people and muslims and cathlics, for causeing MGM and shameing mastorbation and sex, their evil scum begs. that hate nature,

  • Thank you BBB! This was a good and encouraging mytake.

    But unfortunately for me, many of my friends at church would not agree with this. Although I take a different approach. I come on here to explore my sexuality non physically but I know simply being on girls ask guys would be shamed and discouraged by my church.

    It's more about what other people think I guess... But as you basically said in a nutshell, screw them! Be your own person!

    But to me, while it's probably hurting in ways I can't even see or think about, I will try to wait for the right girl at the right time

  • Great article. And I agree... about the shameful part. About sin, well more on that later...

    • 👍👍 sex itself isn't a sin, people make it so

  • I grew up as a Catholic and I remember a Priest telling us that masturbation is a sin because we are interfering with God's plans. He also held up a Playboy magazine and said all these women are going to Hell. The Catholic church were experts at making you feel guilty about sex unless it was done in marriage.

    • Yeah, your priest will tell you that while having sex with a nun or alter boy.

    • The big difference is most Protestants believe unless it's Scripture, it's not that important. Meanwhile Catholics believe plenty of things besides Scripture hold the same importance. So they can add what they like.

    • @JuliaStyles About 20-years ago, when the "Priest-Alterboy" scandal broke out, a man said that when he was an altar boy the Priest would touch his dick. He complained to the Priest's boss and the boss said the Priest was just showing his affection.

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  • So I want to be completely honest here, and it will probably sound religious even though that's not entirely my intent. I do agree that sex isn't shameful, but I can't entirely agree that it isn't a sin. As I spoke about in one of my recent Takes, and what I will continue to be honest about it, is that I am a "Christian" (non-Republican!) but I have had sex out of marriage, yes. I don't make any excuses for that, and I know I probably shouldn't be doing it, but I have to be honest and say that I am not spotless about this. So you can say it is a sin, yes.

    Basic fornication that many, many people do is certainly not great I will say. In an unmarried relationship it's considered sinful, however I personally think sex becomes seriously sinful and shameful when you're having random sex with people simply for the sake of sex, and with several people. At this point, you pretty much are just "whoring around." I also believe sex becomes seriously sinful and shameful when you can be in a relationship and see nothing wrong with cheating on your partner sexually. And I do feel that sex also becomes sinful and shameful when we are not having discipline and showing no limitations to who we sleep with, what kind of sex we have, and feeling very liberal about it.

    This is just how I see it.

    • I would agree 💯 with your reply... A couple together for let's say 10 years and for whatever reason don't get married I wouldn't say that's a sin, at that point in some states, they'd be considered common law married. People jumping in and out of bed with multiple people, having sex with strangers, demeaning sex, what is supposed to be a special bond shared between a man and women in a loving committed relationship... I agree it's wrong... But people go too far in what they say is sin and with judgement that is meant to be between that person and God

    • Nice addition to BBB’s MyTake...

    • @brainsbeforebeauty That's true. It should stay between them and God. But people want to have it both ways: broadcasting they're having sex but not wanting to be judged for it.

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