Sex Shaming Needs To Stop!

Sex Shaming Needs To Stop!

People love sex - obviously.

It's RIDICULOUS that when a man has sex, he's praised and asked how many kills now, was she good in bed, etc.

But when a woman has sex? She's shamed. She's told she should keep her legs closed. If our sex count is more than you can count on your fingers, you're a slut. But for a man, the higher the number the better is what we've been conditioned into.

Why does it even matter how many dicks have been inside of me? I'm still the same person. Instead of being shamed, we should all just be praised. Good for you for enjoying your body and sexuality. As long as it was consenting, there is no problem.

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  • "we should all just be praised", ahh shit. I thought we were done with this 1990 - early 2000's bullshit

  • Your an awful person, not a woman or a gender, but as a person, you use the gender/male argument to sleep around. Its not acceptable, I wouldn't do this myself and i'd look down on a prospective partner doing this, and if it was a child of mine, i'd set them straight, promptly!

    • Well said mate. These young people are scandalous. Some don't even believe in distinguishing male and female any more. They're being brainwashed off their media tools. The crazies want to break down the fabric of an individual human to make them more pliant and controllable. Remember when we were teens men were men and women were women. The world's full of sideshow freaks now and the gender lines blurring more and more

  • Honestly the only reason why people care about stupid things is because they have no life. Seriously why do you care if you went to school with someone who went in a porno? or slept with 99 people? their lives are patheic so they have to feel better about something. If it doesn't affect me I wouldn't say shit because I don't care.

  • A lot of you guys evangelicalize women who don't sleep around like they won't be as bad as women who do.

    It's like I say. The amount of people a girl sleeps with when she's single, won't dictate how she'll be in a relationship. I've dated girls who have been with 15+ people and they're awesome to be around with. And the girls you guys try so hard to idealize turn out to be complete nightmares. And that's not to say that girls with a few to no partners are crazy. But that doesn't excuse them from being bad for relationships either.

  • It really doesn't need to stop. It needs to continue. It's societies only defense against VD. I'm very sure you don't go around and get paperwork proving people are clean before you have sex with them. Relationships exist as a pact, you go into it knowing this person is clean, you both have sex together, you both stay clean.

    If you need multiple partners to get you off, you're only going to be part of the problem when you wake up one day with some new VD and have to call a bunch of other people whose lives you've also ruined

    • It doesn't protect against anything. It just makes people more sexually repressed and secretive, which, in fact, leads to secret trysts and more VD.

    • @brain5000 Yeah, I don't know about that. That sounds like heresay and not like there's any kind of actual evidence for it. Sexual repression isn't necessarily a bad thing for everybody.

    • I admire your skepticism. Check this out - teen pregnancy rates in the 1950s were at their highest. This was a very repressed time. I think you're right to be concerned about public health, but I don't think shaming, especially focusing only on women, is the way to go. Shaming is really a pretty horrible thing to do.

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  • It's RIDICULOUS that when a woman is a virgin, she's praised. But when a man is a virgin he's shamed and humiliated.

    If you wanna solve the problem, solve both sides. Stop with the hypocrisy.

    • Really? Do men go around proudly proclaiming their virginity? How does this work? I have to ask because I have never, ever, ever seen it.

    • @brain5000 they don't go around saying it, but if someone asks, they either have to lie, or if they say they're virgins, they get humiliated, people laughing and shit. Sometimes people just assume that person is a virgin and shame them. Like when they laugh at nerdy looking guys for being virgins.

    • Fair enough. I don't think that focusing on one bad thing without denouncing every bad thing is hypocrisy.

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  • I would not change a word of that post - Well done

  • I agree with you.. Every man wants a sexual woman. We just don't want her to be sexual with everyone. The idea that guys want a woman who hates sex and keeps her legs closed is ridiculous... Its important to understand women who do not like sex have very unhappy men. Sex is best in a marriage but even in a marriage some women are to uptight to please there husbands.. I have always hated slut shamming because it sends the wrong messages to women.

  • I will never understand why women keep crying about this. You get called a slut who Cares? I don't, only reason why a woman will call you a slut is because she is jealous and a man will call you a slut because he is threatened. lol, most women aren't virgins, we gotta stop acting like victims we are the majority. lol

    • I dont care if im called the word slut. But i dont want to be shamed that im not afraid to admit that i enjoy sex

    • To me a word only has as much power as you let it. So wether I do or do not have sex and get called a prude or slut I could care less. Doesn't matter anyway to get called a slut because guys will still have sex with you and care less

    • if you don't want to be shamed then you care what people talk about you. Shaming is verbal.

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  • Being a slut has nothing to do witrh having a happy, fulfilling sex life.

    • bravo. That is what i have been telling many people. they think being a slut=sleeping around. lol.

    • @azanun Well, you might not like me very much when I add to what I just said. But there are instances when someone's promiscuity/choice of sex partners can hurt other people. For example, over my lifetime I have met 2 girls with questionable mental health who exclusively slept with other people's partners (not to say those partners had no fault in it). I think those ones deserve to be called something., I don't know if 'sluts', but something.

    • Why do you think I dont like what you said? Lol. Only in very rare cases sluts sleep with single men. There are more taken men than single ones. So yes sluts are bad for society

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  • There are some strange notions that women only get shamed for sex. I think women are looking towards the wrong people to clap for them. The idea that men are celebrated for having lots of sex has a context. First off its the men celebrating not women so it isn't universal. Second, men aren't universially celebrated. Do we tell men who have sex with a bunch of prostitutes that they are awesome? Nope. Men can be mocked as "chubby chasers" or made fun of for who they sleep with. It has to do with having sex with desirable women. Because men desire women they don't relate to women desiring men. Finally, you do realize women don't praise men for having lots of sex. Men have been called dogs, players, and fuckboys for their sexual habbits. Is that not "slut shaming"? And again we can't forget some of the worst shamers of women are women calling each other sluts rather than praising each other. The point is this isn't so one sided. People should jist be kind to one another and keep their mouths shut.

  • I agree with you. As long as it's consenting and neither partner is cheating on somebody else (and both people are taking precautions) then it's a great thing.

  • I wrote an article exactly the same as this and used the exact same picture. Hope you didn't steal it :)

  • To me sluts are what most men yearn for. As they say every man wants a slut in bed and a proper lady in public as a wife. Unfortunately how many husbands can attest to having such a wife/partner? I had the good fortune to have a girlfriend who knew just how to be a slut and it was the biggest turn on ever. So ladies if you are bashed about by other ladies who call you sluts... be proud not ashamed because MEN LOVE SLUTS.

  • Why did I not get any praise when I slept around? I got literally none. When women say men get praised I have no idea what you're talking about. If anything we get looked down on. Who actually likes players? Player is most often a negative word. They're seen as sleazy, dishonest, disrespectful towards women for not wanting to commit etc. I've been called disgusting after revealing the number of women I've been with. We haven't been conditioned into this. Anyway, why should we be praised? While I don't really give a shit whether people judge me for it or not, I don't think it should be praised, and eventually I stopped sleeping around. There are so many STDs out there and so many unwanted pregnancies through "accidents", why would you encourage promiscuity?

  • It's unfair hour men has taken over a majority of the media and society. Sluts aren't even a good comparison to women who's been with multiple people.

    Sluts have sex for money. Categories are the true cause of hate towards a specific type of person. If you do this, people will decide for you who or what you are.

    If a single person in one of those categories messes up then that will cause the entire category to be hated. People hate Germans because of Hitler, people hates Arabs because of 9/11 people hate Rapist because they rape, people hate this that and the other...

    If someone attractive enough comes up with a conclusion they'll believe them based on attractiveness. There are more people like that than there are righteous in our novus ordo seclorum. Blame not the category, but the individuals who give the categories a bad name. Soon men and women will be replaced with machine anyhow...

  • I love the idea of marrying a woman who has sewn her wild oats, has come out tested and clean, and is ready to commit to one man. I don't get all of these guys who want to marry a sexually repressed and likely unreliable over the long term woman. Also, I do want a woman who likes to have sex. It's important! And I don't want one who is ashamed of liking sex.

    This makes me different from a lot of the men here, I guess.

    • Also... let's not pretend anyone believes women are doing anything bad or wrong. This is about men controlling women's bodies. You see men asserting pretend power over women all over @GAG, why do you think this is different? It is just that in this instance, it just so happens women are sensitive to it and it works.

    • It needs to stop working, and that is where you come in, ladies. :)

  • The idea that men are "praised" is so exagerated. After highschool most guys dont give a shit about eachothers sex lives. In fact guys who brag about how many women theyve slept with are often seen as annoying.

    And in the rare scenarios where a guy is congratulated, it is by other MEN, NOT by women.

    I have never seen a woman praise a man for sleeping around or call him cool. I have, however, heard the terms: manwhore, womanizer, fuckboy, and player being used to describe them tho.

    Men do tend to judge female promiscuity more than make promiscuity but its not as polarized as you suggest. Also there's a lot of women who judge promiscuous men.

    A study at the University of Illinois by Allison and Risman surveyed 20,000 undergraduates at 20 colleges and universities and found

    "63% of men say they lose respect for women who hook up frequently, while only 41% say they feel the same way about men who engage in the same behavior. However 70% of women say they lose respect for men who engage in casual sex, while less than 60% lose respect for other women"

  • honestly men should be shamed for being sluts too...
    a person that has a lot of parteners is kind of disgusting to me but yeh maybe i m closeminded or smth

  • Actually, the more dicks you have inside of you, the worse of a person you are. BUT, I am totally against these double standards of slut shaming! We shouldn't single out woman who are whores--we need to shame men who are sluts too. Everyone who is a slut, whether they have a penis or a vagina, should be equally shamed for sleeping around. It's fucking disgraceful. Everybody just wait until you're in a committed, monogamous relationship--it's not that hard!!

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