Sex, sluts and relationships

I hear women often ask the question

Am I a slut?

Well let's get something straight, this is a topic I've wanted to write about for a while due to the overuse and misuse of the term.

To answer that question we must first answer the main question.

What is a slut?

According to Oxford dictionary a slut is

A woman who has many casual sexual partners.

Sex, sluts and relationships

Now if being a slut is an act than how could someone dress sluty?

From what the media tells us it is to dress provocatively.

Sex, sluts and relationships

This looks fine to me and so does this.

Sex, sluts and relationships

The clothes you wear do not make you promiscuous, it is the actions you take that do. So calling clothes "slutty" makes no sense.

Lastly I will talk about slut shaming and relationships.

Why do women hate sluts?

Simple, because they aren't getting any and are jealous.

Sex, sluts and relationships

They may claim to have the moral high ground and what not but at the end of the day they are just jealous because they can't get a guy.

Sex, sluts and relationships

If you want sex than do something that will make you look better than the other girl or at the very least be more outgoing and confident than you currently are. Guys always want an attractive and confident girl.

Sex is not only with the person you love but something you do for fun

Now for those of you that claim that you're waiting for Mr. Right to take your virginity and that is why you look down on sluts. I've got news for you. Sex is no longer about love and respect and whatever else you think it is about. It is about having fun and enjoying yourself. It is very unlikely that you will find someone in this day and age that wants a loving relationship with very little sex. Those who claim they do, most likely say that because they can't get it anywhere else so they have to wait for you to give it to them.

Sex, sluts and relationships

Sex should not be seen as something sacred because it isn't. It is a physical act between two consenting indivuduals. If you keep claiming that it is you will never find a guy that will want to be with you since all relationships require it. Some require more than others based on the sexual needs of each individual.

So go out there and try to meet someone. Whether it be just for sex or for a relationship.

Life's too short to be constantly judging people who are happy. Instead go find your own happiness.

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What Girls & Guys Said

41 39
  • Just because someone fucks a lot of men, doesn't mean they get a bunch of sti's. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SQUARE HEADS

    • Lolol

  • Awesome take, slut shaming shouldn't be a thing

    • Thanks

  • In the second pic of girls they may not be sluts, but they surely are horny teens who don't know how to use makeup xD

    About the dress, if you don't know you can look it up and see that prostitutes dressed in a special way in last centuries that the style of these girls look exactly like them. In other words you would see this kind of clothing and bad makeups and hair only on prostitutes some times ago. Now you see it on teenage girls. Is that an advance? In your dreams maybe.

  • This is gonna be Ad Hominem at its highest but,
    It'd be nice to see who's behind those strong thoughts buddy.

    Always said this, and always will,

    if you don't voice your opinion publicly, it means you don't believe in it strong enough.

    • I'm working on another myTake it will cover everything I said in more detail, answer the main questions and you will be able to see who I am. Me being anonymous does not mean I do not strongly believe this, it means I value my privacy.

  • I hate how the whole slut thing only applies to girls? why is that?

    • shitty double standard.

    • There are man hoes too. Right on girl

    • I Have Never Applied The Term Slut To Only Women, Guys Can Have Mutiple Casual Sex Partners Too, I Have Always Said They Are A Slut. Pinning Such Names On Only Women And Not Men Who Do The Exact Same Thing Is Wrong.

    • Show All
  • "Now for those of you that claim that you're waiting for Mr. Right to take your virginity and that is why you look down on sluts. I've got news for you. Sex is no longer about love and respect and whatever else you think it is about. It is about having fun and enjoying yourself. It is very unlikely that you will find someone in this day and age that wants a loving relationship with very little sex. Those who claim they do, most likely say that because they can't get it anywhere else so they have to wait for you to give it to them."

    That isn't true at all. I get offers for sex from really hot guys often, I turn it down because sex is more than getting off to me. I was in a seriously relationship with a very attractive guy who was super horny, but a virgin by choice. So it does happen.

  • I don't slut shame for 2 reasons, 1. It makes it easier for me to get laid, and encourages women to have sex 2. I believe anybody should be able to do anything they want regardless of the activity or gender, the way I see it, is it doesn't affect me so I don't care

    • Eggs-actly!

    • Real talk, every bro in the world should support this movement cause it makes getting action easier m/ more frequent

  • ladies i just want to say that this is all his opinion and not the rest of the males.
    you WILL be judged if you dress slutty or have causal sex with a lot of partners.

    and to the asker: who the fuck are you to say "I've got news for you. Sex is no longer about love and respect and whatever else you think it is about." who the fuck lied to you and said you are the authority of this shit.

  • This is the most ignorant, nonsensical thing I have read here all day.

  • best take evah! seriously, there are so many guys and girls who slut-shame and then show clear sign of sexual frustration in Gag, it even became annoying! It also makes Gagers look like losers. "Oh, sex and attraction are so slutty things to do! i am SO superior by being alone all the time and not having any interaction with the other gender!"

  • I don't give a fuck about "slut-shaming" I'm still not going to be dating any whores. It's been proven that women with a high count of sexual partners are less likely to have stable relationships and more likely to get divorced. Plus I just find it extremely distasteful.

    • So you would only go for a virgin than? You know most girls sleep around these days it's normal. You should do it too, you'll like it.

    • It is against my beliefs to do such

    • Can you explain the reasoning behind these beliefs?

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  • Yeah I've sleep with girls on the first date most the times and I never judged them for it

    • I actually think they are really into me when that happens.

  • One of the best takes I've read in a long time :) thanks :)

  • depends. i think we still have the double standard of female sexuality.

  • You must be a slut!!! Why do you feel you need to defend

    • Or a loner who can't get laid so he thinks making this will make the sluts come running to him for sex.

    • Yes probably never been laid

  • I think that it depends. I mean that being a slut is not just having sex with one or more people but also by doing what ever it takes to have sex. I mean wearing a shirt that says titties across it or a boobies wristband is to me looking for attention. Acting like she wants sex and talks sexually to every man she sees is slutty. but looking her best to me is not being a slut or combing her hair or leaving it a mess is not a slut. wearing earings is not slutty.

    • Nothing wrong with wanting sex, it is just an urge we must fulfil. Some are more desperate than others but it is not your place to judge their life decisions.

  • This is horrible & such a sad & irresponsible way to live.

    If you cannot see yourself raising a child with the person, then you should not be sleeping with them. It's just that simple.

    Sex is not only about pleasure, it is a means of reproduction as well. It's sad careless people never take children into account when living recklessly.

  • No woman is a slut. I believe every woman has the desire deep down to love just one man, but she can be deceived into believing the satisfaction that sex brings, can help her to find that. It is not true. Life is difficult. Abstaining from sex is hard, and sorting through men is even harder. Trust your instincts.

  • Horrible article. Women and girls please don't take this advice. The author did try to touch upon some important aspects but he got it all wrong as his reasoning is all wrong. If you run around having casual sex as a replacement for meaningful relationship then you won't be happy and only much more miserable. There are sluts out there, there are respectable women and also respectable women who have casual sex but these three are three very different kinds of people.

  • Nice. Amusing and informative.

    Could you help on mine? Is this female friend a slut?

    • Thanks I just answered it. I'm the first guy that wrote an answer.

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