Sex: The Truth about Double Standards

Now this is going to be a short mytake but I would like to address the double standards when it comes to casual sex, hooking up, one night stands, etc.

Sex: The Truth about Double Standards

Now I do not know how it is for gay men relationships but I will do my best to address both.

Sex: The Truth about Double Standards

However for this part I would like to address the only type of relationships that I am familiar with, heterosexual relationships. So without further ado, here we go.

Sex: The Truth about Double Standards


If a women has casual sex, it has no benefit to her whatsoever other than lack of self esteem and a possible baby out of wedlock. If a woman who has had casual sex gets married or in a relationship and the guy knows she had it, it will bother him even if he is a guy who has hooked up a lot as well. No matter how many times she may have proven she is not the same person, she will be constantly reminded of her past no matter what. Especially if the guy has an excuse to bring it up. She may always be seen as a ho, slut, pick a name, etc.

Sex: The Truth about Double Standards


A men can sleep with a lot of women and still be seen as a gentleman no matter what if he decides to settle down with one woman. It's almost as if his past has disappeared, see the difference? A man will not be constantly reminded of his past by his girlfriend/wife. Even if a girl he has hooked up with who he remembers in the past, it still will not be looked down upon because in society men are expected to "just be boys" and release their primal urges.

Sex: The Truth about Double Standards

Of course even lots of hookups in sex are looked down upon in the gay male community. A man will be seen as having issues if he gets around a lot, and similar to women (not just like women) men will look past them for relationship potential.

Sex: The Truth about Double Standards
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  • Well yeah... thats kind how it works

    If you're a man whore you're a stud and women want you and men wanna be around you and learn from you.

    If you're a woman whore, women and men shame you and decent guys avoid comitting to you, slut shaming has a purpose, its not going away, so dont be slutty and you're good to go.

    P. S : even sluts advice their sons to not marry sluts, thats how bad it is.

    • You're not using your logic. Being logical is much more important than being polically correct. However the importance of the two have recently flipped. The truth is men are very different from women. Biologically Speaking, the role of a man is to procreate and spread his genes as much as possible where as the role of a woman is to be selective. That's the reality. So when a person negates all of those things, that person is either illogical of not very intelligent.

    • @Mysterioustruth We expect women to be pure and picky before we date them cause no guy wants his kids to be born from the same vagina that had 10 dicks in it, and a wife that swallowed a gallon of semen from multiple men... sure sex is fun and all but for women its risky, not just babies and stds, but the fact that it lowers their value a lot and crushes any bioological advatnages they had over men ( such as being able to pick the man they want and not settle for less ) if a woman is a slut she is either dumb or has issues and both scenarios are not ideal. most men dont think about all of that they're more like " she's been fucked a lot... i dont want left overs and used goods, plus i dont wanna be reminded everytime we take a walk how many guys banged her... " by men i mean men with options, i have a couple of friends, kinda average looking and short they admitted to not caring about how slutty a girl is, they have no options and they know it.

    • Right so I guess we agree. Men and women aren't the same.

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  • "if a woman has casual sex, it is of no benefit to her"
    Really? what about, you know, sex? If its of no benefit to her then why do they literally call it friends with benefits. Why is it literally the thing people reference when comparing all other pleasures in life to it, that people say its "better than sex" only when something is really really incredibly fucking good. And you think yourself so above the male race, that the only fucking thing you can think of is how this pinnacle of all pleasures might inconvenience you, or how you can use it for your ego? You're fucking stupid and mercurial. No one should ever have sex with you, you ungrateful shrew. And i guarantee you there are a shit ton of women on their site that owe their whole "society thinks you're a hoe if you have casual sex" victim complex exclusively to bigoted misandrist kikes like you, and they're flipping out on me about it. Fuck you a million times over.

  • More people think it's acceptable for men to have sex with multiple women than it is for women to have sex with multiple men because men have far more sperm than women have eggs. So they do not feel that a man's reproductive health is as valuable as that of a woman's. I've heard friends point this out to me and you are right. It should be equally looked upon by both sexes.

  • Naw, these are just old generalities. Sluts will always be sluts, same for the guys.
    You think that handsome devil that gets around is really gonna settle down and be true? Uh, no. You would do well to choose wisely, treat kindly.

  • Except women do get some benefits from having casual sex?
    I know it's not for every woman but some of us aren't that hung up on "happily ever after."
    And luckily not every guy out there is a sexist moron with double standards.

    • Haha good one

  • Nothing new here. Men get praised for sleeping around... by other men but I see that less and less of that after I left college.

    But there's also the virginity double standard too. Where a male virgin is shamed as he's assumed to have issues and seen as undesirable while a woman is seen as having self control and more pure.

    I don't subscribe to these double standards though.

    • I have no problem with male virgins

    • I didn't say you did nor am i a virgin but that's the general double standard.

    • I almost cried. Thank you for being evolved and educated. We need more men like you in our society.

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  • You're so fucking wrong on this, I don't even know where to begin.

    You really want to know what the truth is about casual sex? Go ask a man whore.

    • Go listen to the song "Thrash Unreal" by against me

  • This whole argument is a waste of time. It is what it is, it never will change. Part of it is that women who sleep around get called out by other women worse than by males!!

    • The truth is women and men aren't the same

    • @Mysterioustruth True

  • "to women it has no benefits". sorry, you lost me there. women do have desires and urges and they not always want to be together forever to live hapily ever after. they do like sex without being in a social contract to never leave that person and for having a child there´s birth control... we´re living in the 21th century. we don´t get pregnant if we don´t want to (if we´re not stupid).

    i mean it might be your preference to not have causal sex but it doesn´t count for everybody (specially girls too) and obviously both bartners get sexual stimulation, a feeling of physical proximity and apreciation by the other. it´s not just for men. sex is for both. casual or not.

    men can sleep with many women and still be a gentleman... yeah kind of. not really but kind of. same goes for girls though. you have that "promiscuous" stigma to you, if you do it and this will be bad if your desired partner doesn´t like it, no matter if you´re a man or a woman.

    i think the double standard you´re speaking of doesn´t exist anymore. it´s just a social stereotype perpetuated by jokes and some very conservative people. promiscuity has advantages for both genders and it´s not generally seen as a bad thing for each gender.

    • Agreed there's the same benefits to guys having sex as there is for girls, we're not a different species and might actually like sex for the same reasons.

    • @19magic some girls have that inflated ego of "the guy will cum anyways and i don´t" as if this is only about a guys pleasure.

    • Well some girls are dicks and don't know enough about their own pleasure, because they've never explored it themselves. They just expect the guy to know how to get them off, without doing a thing to indicate what or where, then say that the guy was shit.

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  • I am sorry, that I cannot relate to this since I am a virgin but my thoughts are that promiscuous and non-selective sexual partners isn't exactly morale regardless of gender.
    But it seems to impact women more than on men. I do understand and acknowledge that.
    "Players" or "Fuckboys" could get a reputation as such and won't find a quality woman for long term just as much as whores. At least I think so.

    Yeah, I have no experience in all of this.

  • Not that I believe women should be shamed for their sexual habits, but here's a couple things I've noticed.

    *Sleeping around has more of a negative effect on more women than men. Yes, there are those women who can sleep around till the second coming and still be the same person they were before. But more often than not, I've seen that women who sleep around more tend to be a little more unstable in regards to their emotions and self image. Now, you can say something like "it was their instability that caused them to sleep around in the first place." While that's certainly true in a lot of cases, I also think something can be said for the girl gradually believing that her self-worth can ONLY come from sleeping around.

    *It's honestly pretty interesting. I always hear talk of men chewing women up, spitting them back out and then talking trash about them afterwards. What I DON'T hear a whole lot about is that situation where the genders are reversed. I've heard of guys who have slept casually with some number of women, but were still genuinely decent towards them afterwards. Sure, maybe he wasn't super romantic or gentlemanly with the women, but he still didn't really brag about it either. He just saw it as something nice that happened one night. On the contrary, I've witnessed far more cases of women bragging loudly about sleeping with a guy. Maybe it's just that I grew up in a small town where practically every girl tries to act ghetto regardless of their actual origin, but still. For all the guys I knew who slept around a lot, maybe 1/2 of them were obnoxious about it. For all the girls that I knew who slept around, it was somewhere between 2/3 and 3/4 of them.

    Once again, I'm in no way pushing for slut shaming. As I've said before, I'm all for equal opportunity. But those are still my experiences.

  • You don't bring into it the different sexual and relationship preferences of each gender where age, experience, maturity, wealth and other factors can influence those preferences. For instance men do not want a relationship with a promiscuous woman so naturally promiscuity has no benefit besides sexual gratification for a woman, for a guy who marrys a promiscuous woman there will always be the legions of other men that have had her. Then women practice their own double standards preferring experienced older men and regarding inexperienced or men with low numbers as somehow less as a man.

  • Men actually DO get bashed for being " man whores " nowadays , in Western " society " it is open season on men , men are bashed & blamed for everything & are labelled as " rapey , thirsty , creepy " routinely by girls / women. Also , ironically most " slut shaming " is done by other women.

  • yup pretty true

  • It's simple, really. It's not a double standard. It's two different sexes gauging each other by their own standards.

    A girl who sleeps around is like a guy who is "friends" with a girl and helps her around her place, gives her stuff, and is a shoulder to cry on as she dates other men.

  • Promiscuity -in my opinion- is nothing to be proud of whether it's a man who does it or a woman. And when it comes to choosing a partner I would want to know his sexual past or if he had any to begin with (would prefer him to have none) cause promiscuity is definitely not something I'd let go so easily and I'd most likely forget the dewd after finding out. No excuses.

    • The truth is women and men aren't the same

    • @Mysterioustruth of course, but still it's not an excuse. :)

    • Yeah all I'm saying is that it isn't as bad for o man to be promiscuous as a woman.

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  • I think it goes for both genders.
    Men and women who sleep around a lot, casually will have a harder time staying loyal to a single person.

    • You're not using your logic. Being logical is much more important than being polically correct. However the importance of the two have recently flipped. The truth is men are very different from women. Biologically Speaking, the role of a man is to procreate and spread his genes as much as possible where as the role of a woman is to be selective. That's the reality. So when a person negates all of those things, that person is either illogical of not very intelligent.

    • @Mysterioustruth and what is your point? You haven't told me where you disagree with me

    • I disagree with the fact you think it's the same. I think both is bad but there's definitely a difference.

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  • I hate premarital, casual hookups and flings for BOTH men and women.

  • We're superior, I know :)

    • No. You're not.

    • @Ragini You're not using your logic. Being logical is much more important than being polically correct. However the importance of the two have recently flipped. The truth is men are very different from women. Biologically Speaking, the role of a man is to procreate and spread his genes as much as possible where as the role of a woman is to be selective. That's the reality. So when a person negates all of those things, that person is either illogical of not very intelligent.

    • @Mysterioustruth I agree with the biological part. But then, how can u say that? I mean, no doubt men are supposed to "spread their genes" but women aren't "selective". And here, instead of talking about the biological part, I'd wish you talk on the financial, political, economic part. #Nohardfeelings

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  • "Women dont get anything from it". Errrr ehem "enjoyment?" Do you know how sex works?

    • There is a study that shows that most women do not get an orgasm from sex

    • Dunno about the study but i always make sure my girl has hers. There is also a study mentioning than most girls would cheat if able to, so you must be a slut. Get my drift? Dont be absolete just for the sake of a study.

    • Women orgasm from sex. If men don't "do it" right they might not, but they should. And I know what study you are talking about because it was picked up by mainstream media and that is what is was saying.

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