Sorry, Only Two Genders Exist

Sorry... Only Two Genders Exist

Anything taken to an extreme will often be looked down upon. You can't just take an extreme stance in life and expect to have no one expressing disapproval of it. You can't mutilate your genitalia because you believe that you are not 'assigned' the right gender and expect for everyone to think that it's normal. There are no unicorn genders. There are biologically two genders whether that offends you or not. Having a penis or vagina is not a social construct. Thank you, have a good a day.

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  • Meh maybe I'm just too Californian, but here's how it's viewed in the most LGBTQ city in the world.
    Sex - Male or female. Penis or Vagina. XY or XX. Whether you think you're born in the right body or not and that full thing, don't ask me, I've never felt that way or met anyone close to me that's like that so I can't comment. My advice is to stay open to it
    Gender - Man or woman based off of masculine and feminine traits respectively. It's typically behavior but is physical as well. ex: having wide hips is feminine and giving birth is feminine. Stuff like that. While I do think the majority of "gender" is behavior, some of it is set in stone. Regardless, even if you fit within certain criteria who cares. I don't care what the hell you call yourself if anything at all. But don't be offended when I look at you weird for identifying as a giraffe or something.

  • Totally agree!

  • Not to be an SJW here but gender isn't really a biological thing but more of a social construct and more based on social influences and characteristics so there's isn't much limit on this shit which is why Gender is bullshit it can mean anything and therefore means nothing and is useless.

  • I agree..

  • There are actually multiple genders. You can base it on chromosomes or genitalia.

  • Aren't there people born with both a penis and a vagina? In which case there would be 3 genders.

    • That's an extremely rare occurance and a birth defect. I'm not referring to individuals with birth defects. I'm referring to people that were born with normal genatalia and decide to nullify biology because of their feelings.

    • Very rarely, and only as a result of something having gone wrong.

    • Well if you exclude a gender caused by birth defects then, yes, you are correct.

  • Im an asexual tri-gender fox-kin and if you have a problem with that then you should jump in front of a bus because its 2016 and we don't need your kind of intolerance on this planet 😑

  • The thing about nondisjunction chromosomal mutations such as Turner's Syndrome (45, X) or Kleinfelter's Syndrome (47, XXY), is that these mutations occur TO determined genetically sex assigned gametes, meaning these were either genetically males or females before the genetic error occurred.

    Here's the bitter truth to people claiming there are more than two genders: 0% of human population are true hermaphrodites. Because a human being CANNOT be an hermaphrodite. People that are identified as intersex, meaning being born with ambiguous male/female genitals represent a 1%. It is very hard to pinpoint each individual of these cases, because there this 1% represents dozen of individual mutations that need further analysis, however, even if their physical appearance may look "intersex", by all genetic means these people are NOT a third gender.

    A good case to what I am explaining here is AIS: This is a person that looks female, but isn't. The reason is "she" has no female organs (uterus and ovaries) is because "she" is chromosomally XY (a man). However, HIS body is insensitive to the effects of testosterone (hence the name AIS) and the estrogen in HIS body makes HIM develop that way.

    People identifying as intersex such as the extreme case I presented reserve their right to choose what they want to behave like, or how they actually want to look like (remember this represents a 1% of human population). But our genetic content can't be altered, and we nonetheless are genetically either identified female or male.

  • Totally agree only two genders man and woman one has a penis and one has a vagina, and that's all there is to it.

  • I agree that there are only two genders, that doesn't mean they will always be aligned with someone's sex.

  • It is a self-evident biological fact that there are two genders: male and female.
    Everything else is a contrary-to-the-evidence delusion constructed by the insanity of Cultural Marxism.

  • Oooooh this is getting heated... :v

  • You mean sex right? There's only male and female true, but when some people (actual people not stupid trigglypuffs) say they don't identify as a specific gender they're talking about what society says a girl/boy has to look like and act like and dress like.

    Most people in that situation aren't retarded or saying "oh I am literally a male because I just feel like I don't have a hole in my crotch" that's stupid. What they are actually saying is I reject societies standards For how a male or female should live.

    Like one of my best friends identifies as more of a guy. She wears guys clothes, has short hair, can kick anyones ass at football (that's a fact) and she even chases girls like a guy but she doesn't say she's not biologically a female.

    • Sex and gender are synonymous

    • Fuck you no their not

    • Lol.

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  • What about those people in the world who have both?

    • But there are only two genders. Thats a biological reality. These people have a genetical mutation. Shit happens for them. I pity them, but that doesn't mean they are a different gender. It just means their mutation prevents them from being part of the two-gender system. And no amount of rhetoric will change that. Biologically we are meant to be men and women. Simple as that. And these people aren't meant to be part of that biology, but only happen as rare incidents of something going wrong as a fetus aka a mutation. Its like saying "dont say people have 10 fingers, there are people who have 12 fingers and you discriminate against them". Thats bullshit. People have 10 fingers. And those who have additional fingers just happen to have them because something went wrong when they grew up as a fetus.

    • Hermaphroditism.

  • There is a Mexican proverb that says
    "Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda."

    • We say that in Spain too, it's probably said in most if not all Spanish speaking countries :)

    • @AleDeEurope :P

  • We should make the change on people's identification so that it says Gender: Male or Gender: Female.
    If it says Sex: Male or Sex: Female it implies that the person is having sexual intercourse with that gender.

  • I personally think it's weird that it bothers you so much.

    • I take an interest in politics. What's wrong with that?

  • There is a third gender.
    1 has a penis, 2 a vagina and 3rd has a yoypad.

  • What this cuck said. Pain olympics FTW

  • I agree to a degree. I think questions in regards to abortion and LGBTQ fall into the same category, that is I have my own personal beliefs (I don't support either), but I still see them as personal beliefs. That is, I don't think they're cut and dry topics; there's a lot of gray area and a lot that I don't know or understand about both topics. Because of this I think people should draw their own conclusions and not let mine or another's dictate what their beliefs should be.

    • Biologically there are two genders. Everything else is irrelevant.

    • That's the position you've taken, I have no quarrel with it.

    • Whether you are or not it's a fact lol

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