The Continued Gender Debate

I’m confused.

As a healthy, adult, female I understand I have a right to feel safe in no matter what I choose to do. Yet, is it really a “right” or just a privilege we’ve convinced ourselves is actually a “right” to have to take away from the dangers we face as females in today’s society? Then again, have females ever really been safe in whatever society or timeframe we’ve found ourselves living in? Even if we go as far back as the Bronze Age or Roman Era, were we really even safe then, greater or less than we are now?

The Continued Gender Debate

For example: Sexual assault on college campuses. You pay to attend a university and you expect a certain level of security while you’re there. You don’t want to get shot or assaulted while there as a student within reason, but what constitutes reasonable assurances we’ll be safe while attending college or anywhere else for that matter, such as walking through a shopping mall.

Do we as females really understand the risks we take when we step outside the boundaries of our home? Do we really comprehend the dangers lurking beyond such protection and how our choices make those dangers worse or increase the chance something is going to happen to us if we allow ourselves to forget just how dangerous other people and for the most part, males are to us in association with their wants, desires, and sexual drives?

Let’s say I go to a college party and while there I choose to drink and become intoxicated to the point I can’t stand up or protect myself. In an ideal world, I should still be safe, because surely no male is going to come along and rape me or assault me. While as a female we are attractive to self-assured, dominant, males who are strong and powerful, we also want them to be sensitive, caring, kind, and remember that barring those exceptions to the rules, males are typically bigger, stronger, and faster than us girls.

The Continued Gender Debate

Yet, realistically, I’m not safe because if I do become so intoxicated I can’t consent to any sexual activity or protect myself, I might be sexually assaulted by someone sticking their fingers or other foreign objects inside of me while I lay there unconscious, or I might just be sexually assaulted by being physically raped.

However, if this were to happen, do I share part of the blame of what happened to me because I chose to drink or does the male share all the blame because he should know, supposed to already know, he’s meant to be both the protector of the weaker, fairer, sex, such as myself while also being the aggressive to attract suitable sexual partners or mates to form a relationship with?

I could choose to isolate myself from all males, take up the ideals of the mythical Amazons and be so mistrusting of males we only use them for breeding purposes, but then that’s not really addressing the issue; more like ignoring the root cause here and putting a piece of tape over a hole in a Dam and hoping for the best without actually solving the problem.

Should a female be able to go and do whatever she wants without fear of being raped or sexually assaulted? Absolutely, I one hundred percent agree. Should males know not to sexually assault or rape a girl they find intoxicated or passed out, because the girl is unconscious and intoxicated and can’t actually consent to sex? Absolutely, I one hundred percent agree with this too.

The Continued Gender Debate

Still, do I also feel, as a girl, we should also be mindful of our actions and not place ourselves in unreasonable risk by what we choose to do or decide to do like drink so much alcohol we’re unable to put up a defense against someone choosing to harm us? Yes I do. Absolutely I do. We should be responsible for our own safety first and foremost, as well as counting on the chivalry of guys around us not to be jerks, perverts, or rapists.

Yet, it still leaves me confused why, especially on college campuses, with the number of girls being sexually assaulted on campuses around the country and around the world, does members of my gender still whine and complain when they are sexually assaulted or raped after they’ve done drugs or consumed so much alcohol they can’t even stand up.

Where do we draw the line between being empowered, being assured we are the equal of any man and can do whatever we put our minds to do and can compete in a male dominated society and world, and then playing the “gender” card when we are hurt, assaulted, or raped, because we feel playing and being the victim is the only way for us to be heard or to achieve justice.

The Continued Gender Debate

To use the analogy, if we swim with sharks, do we really have the “right” or privilege to complain when we’re attacked, or can woman only really compete with the “sharks” if we shame them so badly they stop being sharks altogether, and are gold-fish instead.

The Continued Gender Debate

Maybe we should just stop doing drugs and getting drunk...

The Continued Gender Debate

No longer confused---just angry at my own gender now.

The End.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Good take. A few girls I was at college with claimed rape after getting drunk and banging some drunk guys. One girl accused a guy who took her home after she got wasted and couldn't remember, turned out that some guy had banged her but it was earlier on before she started drinking.

    • It is a shame more and more such things happen. Thank you for reading my take. I wish our gender would not behave this way.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Yeah. You know who can pass out in public and be safe?


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8 21
  • I think your last bit right there is the best part. I think most girls who claim sexual assault or rape on campus either regretted the sex they knowingly went into and just want to blame it on the alcohol to make themselves feel better or put themselves into a dangerous position while getting drunk without people around them to protect them

    While I don't go to college, I am an attractive girl, so this is something that I keep in mind when I have the option to drink. I have a low tolerance, so I could very easily get taken advantage of with only having three drinks because that's where I tend to partially black out. Due to this problem, I only drink when I know I'm with good friends who I know will keep me safe. And I still go out to a club and have fun because I trust the owner and bouncers there to keep an eye on me if I do drink too much (if you go to the same place every weekend, you can develop a relationship with the staff too). But if I'm hanging out with people I don't know or I'm in a venue I don't normally go to, I won't drink at all. A lot of girls could prevent their problems by developing safer drinking habits as well as having better friends

    Drinking too much can also be a problem for men. I remember the time my neighbor (who was an alcoholic) did some things with this nasty girl who was doing laundry. He laid on our porch for two weeks after that complaining about how gross and nasty she was and how he threw up and had to take a shower afterwards and how miserable he felt because he let her take advantage of him. Now I was there for part of it, so I can say that he was excited going into it, but felt bad about it afterwards, so he felt taken advantage of. I'd say most of the girls claiming assault or rape on campuses are involved in this type of scenario

    But decent Take overall. I agree that we shouldn't attack sharks until they turn into goldfish because a decent percentage of the attacks could be avoided by not swimming in shark-infested water

    • Thank you for your comment. It is much appreciated and I'm delighted you enjoyed reading. This was my first try at doing a MyTake.

    • You're welcome. I don't think women should live in fear, but they do need to accept and prepare for dangers A couple of weeks ago, some guy tried to lure me and my friends to his car to drink vodka. A girl has to be smart in this scenario to make sure she doesn't get taken advantage of. If yo

    • If you're a girl by yourself in this situation and you go ahead and drink the vodka, you are asking to be ruffeed and raped

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  • This is a great Mytake. Thank you for sharing. I do believe you're on to something here with how you feel and the way you're trying to figure out the roles. Is this the first one you've ever submitted? Good work on this one if it is. I am not convinced there is a good answer to the debate which would cover all the points you're trying to put out in the open and you're going to get both negative and positive feedback from both genders possibly due to how you're presenting your view, but overall, I believe you're on the right course in figuring this out.

    • Thank you for your encouragement. Do you really think I'm on the right idea here?

    • I mean it. Truly. I believe you have the right idea. Just keeping trusting yourself; your heart and your instincts.

    • Thank you. You are very sweet and understanding. I really do appreciate your encouragement.

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  • Although this take has some decent ideas about girls taking oneness of their own actions which I totally agree with. I noticed you pushed some common misinformation.

    the 1 in 3 or 4 or 5 propaganda is complete bullshit and easily proven with crime statistics. But this nonsense has been propagated so forcefully by feminist since it was created by Mary Koss in the 80's for miss magazine that it has now become "truth" in these echo chambers without any actual truth.

    The vast majority of guys around us actually aren't jerks, perverts, or rapists.
    There is not an epidemic number of campus rapes happening at schools. (Yes there may be occurrences, but it is closer to 4 a year than the 3800 needed for the 1 in 4 stat to be accurate)

    I don't agree that we are "swimming with sharks" in reference to males somehow being thoughtless monsters. Again males protect women selflessly more than they attack women mindlessly.

    I do agree that we should be angry with our own gender for acting like entitled spoiled children and then playing victim when our actions bite us in the ass.

    But I thought it was important to point out the common misconception that women are all victims and men are all monsters.

    • Asker has her own agenda, and she's just sure she's a victim. [shrug]

  • I agree that we are somewhat responsible for getting intoxicated enough to not protect ourselves, but, I believe 100% that if you rape someone, the victim is not to blame. Ex: I shouldn't have gotten drunk but he should not have raped me because if I can't say no, that doesn't mean yes. That goes for everyone. Instead of teaching girls how not to get raped, just teach people not to rape anyone. If he can't keep it in his pants, he deserves punishment. I don't care about his urges, go jack off, don't try to penetrate my unconscious body. Or touch me sexually at all actually. Will rape ever go away? Probably not. But rape isn't excusable, ever. Here is a nice thread on how I feel about rape and explains it wonderfully.

    We need to stop seeing it as "Well, they didn't say no" and start seeing it like "Well, they did not say yes" and morally I would hope that anyone with intentions of hooking up with someone who is saying yes but clearly in a state that they aren't making thought out decisions, you shouldn't go for it, even though they said yes.

  • the numbers are probably unrealistic but...
    Not a day goes by in college when I am not reminded in negative ways I'm a girl,
    by how I am looked at or talked to. Call it what you want: teasing, harassing,
    making rude, mean or sexually explicit comments. I don't walk around campus in
    any way that says 'come harass me', or 'please invite me to undesirable situations.
    And they think this unwanted behavior is normal. I would be made to feel ridiculous
    if I reported it. If I tell the guy to fo or ignore him, then I have to worry
    if he will continue it or assault me in revenge for something he started.

    It's very complicated. We live in a sexually liberated society. When girls are
    viewed as sexually open even in a minimalist way, that doesn't mean we want to
    take further than that drunk or not. But you can't tell them that. They just don't
    get it. This behavior has become culturally patternistic, as there are those
    in the media and in politics who by their behavior and rhetoric have opened the door
    and given permission for others to follow their examples and copy them.
    Then you have to deal with morons who who cry foul you didn't fuck me, you Femnazi!
    Generally speaking, even when you have set your limits on parties and drinking,
    girls are not safe on campus, in their homes, or anywhere on the planet.
    Angry at your gender? Please, no!

    • That is the ‘social force’ of young males and raging hormones. All girls schools do exist. Generally, I do not agree with the idea that special restrictions should apply to normal behaving beings. Rape is a tough concept, because like the shark analogy do you have a right to not be bitten by a shark if you hop in shark infested waters? Would the shark give a shit? People are not sharks, but again I think there are some good points in this take. It’s like sex. Do you engage in unprotected sex assuming the right to not contract an STI? I actually had a college girl once get on my case because I was asking for consent every step of the way. She said it was a turn off and I said I did it because of rape culture— and I was scared of raping her so I wanted to make sure I got consent. And this is the problem. Rape is a double standard sort of thing. It’s like creep shaming: creeps are just ugly guys. So who’s a rapist? I’m starting to believe that there’s something not quite right about all this after thinking about these issues some more.

  • good take, vent or rant. whatever you want to call it. We have a right to feel safe But an obligation to keep ourelves safe. <3

  • That's nice. When WE say something like that, we are accused of victim shaming...

  • You as a healthy, adult female? That's a self made diagnosis?
    Just kidding. Great Points. What they call rape is usually just REGRET. and because girls care A LOT about the opinion of society, they blame their shortcomings on others, to not get stigmatised. If a girl doesn't attend suspicious parties, doesn't use any substances, and concentrates on her studies (what college exists for) i thin she'll have no problem. if she has, she must report it to the authorities and the campus admins.

    *closes tab*

  • Keep in mind most domestic or sexual assault claims are "reruns". Girls who have a history in choosing abusive men or choose to stay with the same guy.

    Also keep in mind if college were that dangerous father's wouldn't be signing up to spend thousands of dollars, to send their daughter to college.

    • Not true. People know how dangerous college can be and they still send their daughters there. We all know how dangerous driving can be and we still do that anyway too. Just because something is dangerous doesn't mean all the time that people won't go ahead and do it anyway. Look how many people still try to climb Mt. Everest.

    • If you had a 20% deathrate every time you got in a car you'd be dead within a week. That's 1 in 5.

    • So you're telling me that your dad would be fine with that level of chance that you'd get into a car accident or sexually assaulted? Sounds like daddy doesn't love you very much.

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  • Yeah, it is pretty silly. I should be able to walk around with my money on display, with my windows and doors unlocked, and not be robbed in an ideal world because people shouldn't rob. But that's obviously not how it works in the real world, and there will always be bad people. It just goes to show how retarded people have become that you have to explain this to them.

  • the 1 in 5 myth again... /le sigh.

  • “Should a female be able to go and do whatever she wants without fear of being raped or sexually assaulted? Absolutely, I one hundred percent agree. Should males know not to sexually assault or rape a girl they find intoxicated or passed out, because the girl is unconscious and intoxicated and can’t actually consent to sex? Absolutely, I one hundred percent agree with this too.”

    Actually I disagree. You should not feel like you have the right to do whatever you want and never risk facing the downsides.

    If you put yourself into a drug lords den you should not be surprised if something happens to you. You may be shot, or maybe you lose a finger. Whatever, the drug lords don’t give a shit. It’s your responsibility to not go near drug lords.

    Not all men will assault, some will even protect, but I do not believe you have the right to feel safe around men who will assault. Just like I do not believe you have the right to feel safe near a drug lord.

    • Building on this, I think the issue comes at the vagueness of rape. Because rape is consensual it is subjective. Because it is subjective, the same guy could do the exact same things to two girls on the same night at a college party, for example, and for one girl he is a rapist but for the other girl he is ‘hot potential new bae.’ The problem is with ‘not saying no doesn’t mean yes.’ We need a ‘Yes means yes’ policy of affirmative unambiguous verbal confirmation for every action, or, we need to not consider ambiguous cases as rape. Here’s why: while it is possible for a girl to feel violated without speaking up for herself, it is impossible for the guy to have any idea what he’s doing is in the wrong without clear verbal direction. In this case, the girl should receive sympathy and some sort of neutral counseling and services by institutions, but the guy should not be punishable. He could have no way of knowing that what he was doing was not well received. Punishable rape should only be when ‘no’ is ignored. ‘Yes’ should be valid consent. If women find a man asking her for consent prior to sexual contact a turnoff then she should also lose the right to convict men of rape in ambiguous cases. You can’t have the expectation set that men are not to ask for consent before making a move *and* the expectation that you will never be wrongfully assaulted. That’s the same as hopping into shark infested waters with a pound of meat — but you’re only going to allow one of the fifty sharks to eat that meat. That’s not how it works. And it doesn’t make sense. Good mytake.

  • Think about this, what are you comparing yourself too? If you compare men and women and their chances of being hurt (including rape) you find that guys in some cases are almost as likely to be the victim, and in others extremely more likely to be a victim.

    So safe compared to what? Women are a protected class, have been from the beginning of time, there's actually a biological imperative for men to protect women. There are hormones in female tears that calm men (no men don't have that advantage), and many men find men who harm women unacceptable.

    There are government organizations that are set up specifically to protect women and children. So what more can we do?

  • The 1in5 study is flawed. I read it through completely and it has so many flaws in it that it hurts me.

    And quite frankly - the number is ridiculous to begin with.

    • I think its higher. close to 1 in 4

    • @SarahsSummer I am aware of those two numbers. Doesn't change the fact that the study is majorily flawed and thus it's simply wrong.

    • flawed? you've done your own extensive study on the subject and found the number to be higher or lower?

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  • 1. Stop getting drunk. An intoxicated female is like blood in the water for a shark. It draws the predators. All that is self evident, but try telling that common sense to an entitled princess whose mind has been manured by her Gender Studies lecturers.
    2. Stop opening your legs for the bad boys. The vast majority of young females are attracted to all manner of sociopaths (bad boys) as moths to a flame. These 'exciting' and 'fun' but also sociopathic males are the ones who will hurt you, both emotionally and physically. Young women crave the drama and the pain. They want to live in their own personal soap opera.
    3. Get your arse to a dojo, become a dedicated student and train hard and often.
    Few women will pay heed to these suggestions, because it would require them to:
    1. Deny their bad-boy fixation.
    2. Stay sober.
    3. Put in the hard work to become proficient in a martial art.
    Women who want to survive in the multicultural nightmare that is being inflicted upon us will have to know how to defend themselves. If you choose to not do the work to become fit and proficient in a martial art, odds are that you are going to be raped and probably killed. Statistically, the predators will most likely be some of the Muslim 'immigrants'.
    Look up the rape statistics in Europe to get a clue.

    • Here here! Politically not correct though. Oh well, right?

    • Here is a factual response to the Feminist lie that one in five women will be assaulted sexually at university/college.

  • Sorry, but I stopped reading when I saw the "1 in 5 women on campus get raped" bullshit. I am so, so sick of seeing people like you perpetuating that feminist lie.

    • And I am so sick of people like you ignoring the issue. Carry on with your blinders on and continue to be self-deluded.

    • I will begin caring about feminist issues again when you feminists stop being dishonest, deceitful, hateful, bigoted and sexist toward men and boys. I am continually amazed at how you feminists somehow expect men to support women's issues when you continually deny and minimize men's issues and are so incredibly dishonest about the women's issues you support. Do you REALLY not see that? I mean come on...

    • ^^This. Good for you. When I first heard these exaggerated claims I was shocked. Then when you really dig into them and separate noise from reality it's a whole different scenario. It's like every other libtard lie purpetuated around this country and the colleges are leading the way. What a bunch of bullshit.

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  • It's all fabricated bullshit. Like fake media. You have NOTHING to be afraid of.
    Carry on.

    • Yeah. Tell that to the next and the next and the next person who continues to be hurt, either through manipulation, peer pressure, or through their own bad judgement.

    • What do you mean by, 'their own bad judgement'? So tell me this... if 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted on campus: 1. All men are rapists? 2. 1 in 5 men are rapists? 3. A small number of men are rapists committing the same crime over and over? Rapists need to be caught and jailed - just like everywhere else in society today. The whole campus rape culture thing is manufactured by third wave feminists.

    • @Browneye57: Regardless of your own personal view, I believe people will read this and make up their own mind, which is the whole point of a debate and discussion such as this. You trying to just throw out numbers to be critical of another's view or opinion is very short-sighted of you in my own personal view, not to mention as a male, I hardly expect you to understand what my gender deals with on a daily basis.

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  • What about Men? Oh yeah men don't have to worry about being raped or beaten right?

  • The 1/5 women was a survey done 2 decades ago, were sexual assault ranged from rape to a women simply been told she has a nice ass, not even her getting touched. The eastern Congo which has the highest sexual assault rate in the world is about 1/20 people (not just women). To think a universities in first world countries are worse that the Congo is just feminist propaganda.

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