The Justification of Rape in Today's Society

I firmly believe that nothing justifies rape, absolutely nothing. But, sometimes I feel as if I am alone in this. In my time on this sight I have come across a few men who have tried to justify sexual assault to me, and I was apalled. I have even come across some men in my real life who have tried to do the same.

Sexual assault happens to both men and women and it needs to stop being justified. No matter what the person has done in the past, no matter what they are wearing or doing, or if they originally said and yes and then changed their minds.


If a woman is breastfeeding, this is not an invitation to look at or touch her breast. If a girl or guy is dancing seductively, this not an invitation to grope them.

The other day I had a man, one of my professors in College ,tell me that if ia woman does not want to get raped then she shouldn't dress in a way that invites a rapist. Do you know what this means? It means that he thinks that if a girl wears a lowcut shirt or a miniskirt then she is asking to be raped and that is wrong because it is a justification of rape. Everyone should have the freedom to wear what they want.

Wearing sexy clothes does not cause rape, rapist cause rape.

So many people treat those who come forward with a rape claim as if they are dirty and liers is this is not good for the victims. It makes them feel as if you don't care and in most cases the rapist walks free.

My cousin was sexually assaulted by her father and they did nothing because in the end the jury came up with ways to justify it. It wasn't until she was seventeen that he signed over his parental rights.

I am saddened by modern society. The justification of rape is so common that it makes my heart hurt. I only hope that one day the justification of rape is haulted and this horrible crime is taken seriously along with other forms of sexuall assault on both men and women...because it can happen to men too and people need to quit acting like men are immune to sexual assault.

The Justification of Rape in Today's Society.
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  • Your stats are wrong. "97% of perpetrators will not spend a single day in jail" is based on a faulty survey by RAINN. The survey treats "rape" *very* loosely, and assumes that every single accusation is 100% correct.

    Rape is actually on a steady decline, and has been ever since the 90's. It's not suddenly more common.

    • How do you know the survey is wrong? They may have given a loose definition include the lgbt people. Or even to include guys who could've been drug/roofied.

    • @CandyStripes77 well, they're not necessarily "wrong", but the conclusion is entirely incorrect. 97% of people who have been directly or indirectly accused of sexual misdemeanor, have not spent a single day in jail. Sexual misdemeanor can be something as simple as a girlfriend who begrudgingly goes along with sex one time, even though she's not really into it at that moment. That's how loose the definition is. Rape is still far too common, but to say that only 3% of rapists actually go to jail, is an exaggerated scare tactic.

    • Well, they'd probably go to jail for at least a few hours when they were arrested. But I think OP meant prison. Except, I would believe that most don't go to prison because they could just take plea bargains and have lesser charges, if they were charged. Sexual assault can be hard to prove I've heard.

  • Just to put it on the record. Rape isn't justified by anyone. Maybe the rapists themselves, but no one else and especially not society as a whole.

    Now, some people might say a girl made stupid decisions that lead to rape but that's not exonerating the rapist or justifying his actions. It's saying don't do stupid shit that put your safety at risk.

    "Should" you have to worry about these things? No. But the reality is you do have to worry about it. Bad people don't give a shit about what's right or how things should be. Treat the world as it is instead of whining about the fantasy you think it should be. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Period.

    Should I have to worry about people breaking into my house at night? No, but the reality is that can and might happen and I have to prepare for that likelihood regardless of how I think it should be. Saying I was stupid for leaving my door unlocked if I live in an area that has a lot of breakins doesn't justify a thiefs action. But it is a true statement that it would be dumb of me not to take precautions.

  • You are absolutely right, of course: victims aren't responsible for rape, rapists are responsible for rape.

  • Rape culture is a harmful myth, it has been debunked and only Religious Feminists believe in it.

    • @Jager66 "Rape culture is a harmful myth, it has been debunked"... in the MRA and MGTOW realm only.

    • @jacquesvol Nope. Rape culture has been debunked, it has been exposed as a harmful ideology. This has nothing to do with MRA's or MGTOW, it has to do with the reality of rape, just ask R. A. I. N. N. if anyone is an expert on this issue it would be them and they back up their position with logic and facts. Two things Feminists and regressive leftists are fiercely allergic too.

  • I agree with you but there are dangerous people all around the world you can't let your guard down, i wouldn't wear a mini skirt and a low cut top at 4 am in some club without someone escorting me and staying with me the whole time, you can't go out with barely nothing and expect a rapist or a man who's easily tempted to stay calm. You're showing off because you want to and because it looks good but some people will get the wrong idea and that's always the case. No need to try and convince everyone that it's not your fault, it's obvious but think about hoe you could've avoided it. For an example a girl with a bikini tempts more guys than a girl with a sweatshirt.

  • Everybody has the right to look at whoever and whatever they choose. This concept of eye control is contrary to democracy. I agree that no one ever "asks to be raped" but I will say that their are things that people can do to keep themselves safe, and no clothing is not part of that. If you tell victims that their was nothing that you could've done differently you remove the idea that they can not keep themselves safe.

    When it comes to a man raping a person, we do not live in a rape culture. Even in our prisons, rapists are not accepted. Everyone agrees that rape is a horrible crime, and that rapist are horrible people. Most people, understand and believe that men can and do rape. And when a man is even accused of rape his social credibility is pretty much ruined.

    On the other hand, it is the belief of many people that female rapists do not exist. That a woman can not rape a man, and that "made to penetrate" is not rape. This philosophy has it's roots in activism by the feminist movement, who wished to keep rape as a "tool of the patriarchy to suppress and mean women." Using the concept of "Every Woman" where the individual becomes a representation of the whole.

    Or in other words the only rape cloture in the west is the one that feminism has created.

  • 1. "Wearing sexy clothes does not cause rape, rapist cause rape."

    There was a research a while ago where several convicted serial rapists were asked for their predator-scheme. Little clothes / clothes that are easy to rip-off were highly prefered. So while the clothes do NOT cause rape, they do invite rapists.
    It's like you have the choice to look left and right before crossing the street or just walk. I personally would choose looking left and right and I would choose wearing clothes that don't make me a more likely prey

    2. That picture at the end is just fear-mongering based on the 1in5 study which is utter bullshit. I read the entire 100+ pages of it.

    3. Learn what confirmation bias and selective perception is. It will help you greatly understand that you are seeing and perceiving what you want to see and perceive. We humans are subjective and biased and the earlier you understand that you are, the easier you can actual try to create objective views and decisions on things.

  • There is no justification for rape.
    That is my view as a white man. That is the normal view of white men.
    There are other races that have cultures in which rape borders on being a socially accepted team sport.
    This is one of the reasons why it is a monumentally stupid idea to allow such people to enter Western Civilisation.

  • You do realize that the unbelievably major part of the male population thinks that rape is wrong, right? The majority of men you meet aren't gonna rape you, because they know it's fucking wrong. The very miniscule part of the male population (and it's extremely small) don't give a fuck about the evil of rape and just do it anyway, even though they know it's wrong, but that's still an extremely small part of the male population. Rape culture doesn't exist, but dumb women like you who hate men continue to push an idea that it exists.

    But you know what is an epidemic? A false rape accusation culture, where women are encouraged to fuck over a man's life with a false rape accusation if he does or say something the dumb bitch doesn't like. Between 8-50% of rape cases filed by women are false accusations. But many times, the man gets convicted based on the words of the bitch alone. A man actually spent 29 fucking years in jail because a stupid girl like the author of this MyTake decided to accuse him of rape, when he didn't do the crime. He spent 29 years in jail because of a vindictive and selfish bitch. What's even worse, is that women don't face consequences for false rape accusations. I could list all the other cases I know of, but I won't waste my time doing that.

    You're nothing more than a man-hating bigot who juat got out of her gwnder studies class, and decided to go anon while writing this because you knew you'd get flak for your MyTake. All you are doing is scaring women away from men and basically calling men a bunch of rapey Neanderthals. Women like you are why relations between the genders are so fucked up, is because you put out bullshit that's vitriolic and makes women look line idiots. Women like you are why I honestly don't like the female half of the human race very much.

  • we do not live in a rape culture.

  • Let me guess, you just came out of gender studies lecture and think *you* got it all figured out. Well, newsflash honey, you're an idealistic ditz who doesn't know shit about the world that surrounds her. Whoever's teaching this shit to you, is equally dumb at best, and deviously malicious at worst.

  • Exactly. Some people don't understand how hard it is to prevent it from happening. And some do understand because they can relate.

  • In lebanon too there's a lot of rape from DARESH these days
    They are terrorists and there very strong they kill people and hurt then in the name of GOD we want them down but there extremely strong
    So it not possible to stop rape
    And besides human that rapes a girl is an animal not a human coz human would never do this
    I was raped when I was 17 from the ass
    It was extremely painful don't recommended to girls
    I wish we could find a way to stop rape

  • Eh I'm just going to assume that we're talking about a country like India here and not the USA, because there isn't a rape culture there in my view. You don't have incidents like what happened with the Rolling Stone @ the University of Virginia occurring in an actual rape culture. In an actual rape culture, you have media and authority figures doing everything possible to hide rape, while in the USA, you have the media doing everything it can to bring rape cases to light, both the false and true.

    Oh and P. S. Sexual assault doesn't automatically equal rape. The U. S. is a huge place population wise. Of coarse there's going to semm to be a lot of pretty much anything happening due to the sheer size of the place. What matters most though is how the general public views these crimes. Last i checked, the U. S. population in general wasn't pro-rape or sympathetic to rapists. I know some feminists like to get all hot and bothered over a collection of dudes on twitter who will make some snide post about what the victim was wearing as evidence that we live in a rape culture, but until i start seeing the stats which show the majority of the population is pro rape, or at the very least sympathetic to rapists... i'm not going to buy into this idea that we live in a rape culture. Never.

    • @Negrodamuss
      "not the USA, because there isn't a rape culture there in my view."Thee, Sir, must be joking.
      "Out of every 100 instances of rape, only 7 lead to an arrest, and only 3 are referred to prosecutors"
      When rape is called "forcing sex" or "surprise sex" many people don't consider it rape anymore.

    • @jacquesvol the military definitely has a problem with rape instances, which i forgot to mention. Other than that, no rape culture. If you want to believe in it, thats fine. i won't stop ya. But i don't buy it, and probably never will

    • @Negrodamuss The Army isn't a tiny group: 475,000 Active personnel (2016) 540,000 Reserve and National Guard personnel (2016) 1,015,000 total (2016)[3] 4,948 aircraft[4] according to Wikipedia. And then there are all the military contractors working for the MoD. No idea of their exact number but 'enough'. Not a negligible group thus.

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  • Totally lame. I doubt your professor at college said that or else he'd have gotten in trouble.
    This myTake is overracting.

  • Of course nothing justifies it! Just ignore all the haters. People would not be disagreeing if they were victimized and no one believed them.

  • I remember reading a post about how women are afraid to go out at night and think that if someone's following them they'll get murdered.
    ... Well yeah, EVERYONE feels like that woman or otherwise.

  • "If a woman is breastfeeding, this is not an invitation to look at or touch her breast."

    See, this is the kind of attitude that makes people not take you seriously. So you have the right to breastfeed in public, and if someone looks, that's sexual assault.

    Meanwhile, we have things like male statutory rape victims paying child support, and that's all fine.

    • The author of this probably wouldn't think that men paying child support when they were raped is okay. "... and people need to quit acting like men are immune to sexual assault." I also think in this context she does not mean casually looking at a woman's breast if it is fully bared for feeding her child. Learing would be a more appropriate word. Men walk around half naked all the time, its still rude to stare at their bodies, especially if they aren't engaging you. She doesn't intimate that it is sexual assault.

    • @BambooforPanda Then can you explain what the sentence ""If a woman is breastfeeding, this is not an invitation to look at or touch her breast." has to do with rape?

    • @M_A_X It's part of rape culture thinking. It's the same kind of thinking as if she dresses slutty, it means I can fuck her. People should be able to feel free from harassment and violence and still be able to function normally. Fair point though. Despite my initial stance, touching or leering at a woman's breast is legally a form of sexual assault. So I can't entirely speak for what she meant. I think a lot of men get to thinking that they are being accused of being rapists for being men. Some articles are actually written like that. This one I found very balanced though as it actually avoided using "man" as rapist and "woman" as victim, for the most part. There are things that happen where men are unfairly accused or even prosecuted but this shouldn't be used as an excuse to ignore a real problem. It happens in all kinds of crimes. And if someone is unrightfully slandered with the label rapist then they have the legal grounds to sue.

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  • Pretty weakass points you make, unenlighted and over-rated cliches "nothing justifies rape" (as if you have come across every possible explanation that ever existed) , "NO means NO" ( I thought no meant yes)

    *** If you are a normal person, the points ii am gonna make are GONNA PISS YOU OFF, reader's discretion adviced. ***

    1. Strictly biologically speaking, Rape is justified. Animals do it all the time. It helps in keeping the species alive. Aren't we all animals first and foremost? You ain't gonna stop a dog forcing himself on a bitch, are you? Why don't you extend the poor bitch the same courtesy as you would to a human?

    2. Rape is something that can leave someone traumatized and being intelligent creatures we humans decided to not do it. Just like killing, or stealing, or smoking weed. But, buddy, do you notice we have an explanation 60% of times for each of these.. We have an explanation for killing , explanation for stealing, explanation for smoking weed.. People just get pissed if we have an explanation for raping , sounds fair to you? I am not saying rape is not bad, its heinous. But at least be fucking unbiased to what the other person has to say instead of coming to an ignorant conclusion for fuck's sake.

    3. So now we know rape is biologically acceptable but not in humans because we consider it a bad behavior and put it in the category of killing, stealing and smoking weed. That is, its a crime.
    So why do we give it so much attention? At least we have to agree we give it more attention than it deserves. It certainly deserves less attention than killing in my opinion.
    The truth is rape has been feminised too much, picture rape , what do you see? What is the gender of the perpetrator and the victim. I blame this on the media AND the people. Ignorant fools, men are raped as much as women, in prisons. No one takes about their rights though.. Even if they do, thats all they do - talk. Men are still raped at the same rate in prison as they were used to.

    This is victimization, women are being victimized (rape is just a medium) and everyone wanna be a hero and voice their opinion against it.
    Killing isn't victimized much, you shoot someone he's dead. Raping is victimized, "Oh poor girl, someone raped her, here have a rugged blanket, this will make you feel safer."

    If you read this long ass post, congratulations here's a cookie. And refuse the urge to punch me. Only making RATIONAL points here. If you think I didn't , point it out.

    • 1. Strictly biologically speaking, murder is justified. Animals do it all the time. It helps in keeping the herd clean and orderly. 2. We have lots of explanations for rape: lust, lack of self control, frustration, controlling and dominating the other, self assertion thus. 3. Raping is victimized? Yes, If so, where's your problem?

    • @jacquesvol 1. That's what I said. 2. Revenge, anger and so on.. The funny thing is if someone is threatening your life and you get pushed onto your primal instinct of survival and actually kill someone in self defence, its justified. But if someone's sexually reading you to 'to the absolute point where you get pushed onto your primal instinct to reproduce and you rape someone, let alone justified. Its deemed to even consider it as a possible justification. 3. Its victimized , and it courses ourselves to show emotions. We can NEVER be unbiased when we get our feelings attached.

    • Society rightly considers the instinct to survive more justifying & urgent than the instinct to reproduce or to dominate.

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  • "if a woman does not want to get raped then she shouldn't dress in a way that invites a rapist. Do you know what this means? It means that he thinks that if a girl wears a lowcut shirt or a miniskirt then she is asking to be raped and that is wrong because it is a justification of rape."

    That's not what he meant. You know aswell as him that our formerly safe societies aren't safe any longer. There are tons of animals in our society pretending to be humans. And we are not allowed to point these animals out until it's too late. So since your society can't protect you it all comes down to you and your ability to be smart. Why walk out into the woods clothed in meat if you don't want the wolves to come near you?

    If you want the animals off the streets so you can be truly free, then vote for serious politicians and not the backstabbing traitor trash you currently have in office.

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