The Solution For the MGTOW, Feminists Once and For All!

Lately, there has been this MGTOW movement that is rising. Many tend to demonize them and bash them to feel better for themselves, or because they are programmed to do so, but the MGTOWs arguments aren't without merit.

The Solution For the MGTOW, Feminists Once and For All!

There are injustice and double standards in society sure. Yes during a divorce women have it better usually. Yes, they are more likely to get the kids. Or when the crime of rape is executed by a woman the penalties and moral condemnation by society are much lighter. Yes, women get much easier certain types of jobs. And yes being a pretty female opens many doors in life. And in the dating game its women that choose mostly.

But there is an equal amount of double standards serving men. Like getting certain jobs that are considered "male dominated", being the logical ones versus women the emotional ones. Supposedly being better at finance. Handling stress situations better...

The Solution For the MGTOW, Feminists Once and For All!

MGTOWs make a certain huge and self-sabotaging mistake though.They choose to only search for the evil and injustice in women and not actually introspect the evil and injustice within themselves.

Despite the general perception of MGTOWs as basement dwellers that are just bitter on girls not giving them sugar, many are divorced men with kids. Many had relationships etc. They claim women are bad in certain ways. Can you really put all women in a category due to some bad experiences though? In the end, who chose this bad/manipulative/cheating/never satisfied/whatever else woman in the first place? Wasn't it you?

Men are guilty about choosing a bad partner as women who constantly whine "where did all good men go" are. When we are not spiritually mature, and our heart's desires are tainted and we pick people with our lower instincts as our criteria, we are in for a heartbreak. You should also consider your own stagnation during a relationship that can cause problems to your partner in the long term.

The Solution For the MGTOW, Feminists Once and For All!

In my opinion, the problem is not the moral degradation of women or the injustice in the society. These are just byproducts of the main problem. The problem in our society is that we all, literally, NEED JESUS. Christ transforms your life, your heart, your desires. If men instead of being carnal playboys showed women the good path by advancing spiritually themselves. Women would inevitably follow. I deeply believe that its men who shape the morals of society. Say from social mimicry, say from peer pressure women, would feel the need to adapt, and everyone's lives would become better.

The Solution For the MGTOW, Feminists Once and For All!

When boyfriends though are perverts. When they have certain addictions. When they use and discard women. its normal that toxic people will be produced in the process. When people face relationships as a codependent parasitic symbiosis instead of the union of two mature self-sustainable spiritual individuals. When families don't give timeless values when kids are leafs in the wind, what kind of foundations can they develop? That's why I mock conspiracy theories about social degradation. Yes, cultural marxism exists, but the perpetrators of the disease are no one else but our selves.

The Solution For the MGTOW, Feminists Once and For All!

The problem isn't specific genders, the problem is narcissism in our hearts that makes the world the shit hole it sometimes is. As for people mocking you for being on a spiritual path. Rejoice! If they feel the need to throw poison at you it means our by the grace of God virtuous life indirectly judges their own spiritual shortcomings, and that you are already on a good path if you have such sudden enemies. You can't please everyone and you shouldn't. You should only please God and through that, you will be able to truly develop and share godly the love with everyone as well. To the degree we ostracised God from our lives to that degree injustice will keep ruling the world.

But it doesn't only apply to men. Women could make the first step as well in spiritual development.

The Solution For the MGTOW, Feminists Once and For All!

So... feminists and MGTOWs, you now know how you can "fix others" by fixing yourself first of all. We want to remove the little toothpick from others' eye when we have a huge log stuck in ourselves. That's why all political ideologies fail as well. Thanks for reading.

The Solution For the MGTOW, Feminists Once and For All!

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  • This is a great my take, But i would rather GiFt them This & move along...

  • A fundamental misunderstanding that @levantine99 has of MGTOW is that she thinks that MGTOW want to fix women, or the dynamic between men and women.
    MGTOW are not interested in fixing anything, or anyone, other than themselves.
    We have walked away from all forms of interaction with females, so far as that is possible in society.
    It is the Men's Rights Advocates who want to fix things. They have been trying to do that for the past 30 years and, so far, have achieved nothing.
    This is why MGTOW consider it an act of futility to attempt to engage with women and society, in an attempt to address the considerable legal problems that Feminist lobbying has caused.
    These problems include, but are not limited to: grotesquely unjust divorce laws; Title IX; Affirmative Consent; Listen and Believe; false rape allegations being used as a revenge weapon; false workplace sexual harassment allegations; preferential treatment being given to women in education and employment; and men being told incessantly by screaming harpies and the media that we are vile and that our masculinity is toxic.
    In Britain and parts of Europe, a man can be charged with an Orwellian thought crime and sent to prison for following his normal heterosexual interest in women and approaching a woman.
    Catcalling was the pretext upon which the laws were introduced, but the way that they were written criminalised any form of interaction that a woman decided that she did not like.
    Here in Australia, moves are beginning to use the same pretext to criminalise heterosexual interaction.
    It is clearly part of a global agenda by Feminists to criminalise heterosexuality.
    Add all that together. . . and some people wonder why every day more men take the decision to shun women and go MGTOW.
    The most interesting among those who criticise MGTOW are the Feminists. They should be delighted that we have walked away and are no longer interested in women. We have given them what they said that they wanted.

    • See I can sympathize with everything you have cited above, up until your last sentence. There lies my point of objection to the MGTOW lifestyle. Don't you feel some urge or sense of obligation to fight against this madness perpetuated by these radical modern male-hating "feminists"? What about procreation? Don't you have a desire to have some children who would carry your ideals and principals to the next generations? Please note that I am not attacking the lifestyle here; you seem thoughtful and logical and I am genuinely curious on what you (and other men of the MGTOW) think about what I wrote.

    • @TwistedLogic The act of going MGTOW is in of itself a blow against the female collective. Women need men to support them, no matter what they say. We have removed ourselves from the pool of men to whom women can turn for economic support and protection. Aside from what government extorts from us in the form of taxation, we will no longer give a penny or a moment of our attention to women. Women said that they needed us in the way that a fish needed a bicycle. Okay. Fine. They are on their own, especially when the Islamic rape gangs kick in their doors. Eventually, enough men will walk away that women will become frantic, as they see for themselves a future as childless cat women. This is beginning to happen already, hence the steady increase in the vitriol of female criticism of MGTOW. We have taken women at their word. They said that they did not need us, did not want us, that we were all rapists (Andrea Dworkin) and that we should all be killed (Valerie Salanis). Okay. Goodbye!

    • You are definitely right about the societal shift that is happening in the West. I am pretty much isolated from the media, television and social media, yet I am sensing a lot of what I deem unhealthy changes in the relationship between the sexes (how they view one another, their social roles, their representation by the government, etc...). However, sir, I would still appreciate you thoughts on the following: - You are painting all women with a broad brush, would you agree with that sentiment? - It is possible to meet a well educated female who appreciates culture, biology, and historical context that she would have a realistic view of 'feminism' (meaning freedom to vote, having equal rights to men, etc...), would you be willing to change your views if that were to occur? Or is it a matter of principal and a form of social riot? Thank you for getting back to me. My attempts to converse with MGTOW men have not been fruitful in my experience.

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  • "MGTOWs make a certain huge and self-sabotaging mistake though. They choose to only search for the evil and injustice in women and not actually introspect the evil and injustice within themselves."

    how is any of this self-sabotaging?

    "They claim women are bad in certain ways. Can you really put all women in a category due to some bad experiences though? In the end, who chose this bad/manipulative/cheating/never satisfied/whatever else woman in the first place? Wasn't it you?
    They claim women are bad in certain ways. Can you really put all women in a category due to some bad experiences though? In the end, who chose this bad/manipulative/cheating/never satisfied/whatever else woman in the first place? Wasn't it you?"

    you do know men aren't psychic right? we can't tell if women are gonna be conniving backstabbers in the future and lets not forget that women make this mistake a lot more than we do

    " If men instead of being carnal playboys showed women the good path by advancing spiritually themselves. Women would inevitably follow."

    this is bullshit because obviously women aren't interested in choosing the right path, they are more interested in choosing the path that's gonna get them the most money, status and attention they are actually fiening after

    "So... feminists and MGTOWs, you now know how you can "fix others" by fixing yourself first of all. We want to remove the little toothpick from others' eye when we have a huge log stuck in ourselves. That's why all political ideologies fail as well. Thanks for reading."

    don't know about feminists but we are already fixing ourselves by stepping out of the gene pool and dedicate more time to better ourselves instead

    • you develop a discretion of spirits the more you advance spiritually. this is a confirmed by daily experience of conscious christians.

    • I'm sorry, not saying I'm atheist or anything but I practically no longer believe in Christianity or any other religion

    • You only deprive your own self from the chance to live a serene and fulfilled life. What if you gain all the kingdoms of earth and lose your soul? it would all be in vain.

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  • lol fam if dudes wanna go MGTOW and gurls wanna go WGTOW then fuckin let em, who cares. Its their life.

    • And then humanity will go NO-TOW cause it will exist no more. well... environmentalists won't complain at least.

    • lol babies won't stop being born, people's stupidity and their hormone induced urges won't allow for it.

    • "babies won't stop being born, people's stupidity and their hormone induced urges won't allow for it."

      Truly Indeed. Well said.
      Then we have those fanatical natalists shaming childfree members for not reproducing in this already overpopulated world, whereas the population count keeps skyrocketing for the worse.
      But that's a different story.

    • Good point. Most people nowadays are lazy and don't have the motivation to maintain a relationship because it is hard work. That or relationships are not natural and forced, hence why they are hard. Who knows...

    • @ThisDudeHere Relationships don't need to be hard work, but two egos connecting, two minds meeting, without stillness, or introspection, and questionable consciousness... that will always be hard work.

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  • *Sees she mentions JESUS, Religion and god*

    MGTOW and Religion (like water and vegetable oil) do not mix.

    • On the contrary i've seen many of your leaders get this way. Its almost inevitable it think. There are two ways. Stagnation and nubing experiences through booze and distractions, or studying the bible and praying as i see many mgtows now doing. Their life gets true meaning and their subtle resentment wears off. Resentment is toxic to ones self first of all... .

    • That's good on them. If they're not the women hating misogynists like the vocal type you could see on the YouTube comments section on MGTOW 101 videos ("all women are *$#@&%!!!"), then they are the true MGTOW. But i never saw a religious MGHOW anywhere.

  • So many women want to be beaten and raped. It's hard be be Godly and still make it with these women. I've tried, and I've been passed over for more hard core guys. In the heat of the moment, hormones rule over salvation with these ladies. Better to just bang her hard and prey that she doesn't slap you with a rape charge afterwards. Such is my reason for going MGTOW.

  • Nice take.

    "MGTOWs make a certain huge and self-sabotaging mistake though. They choose to only search for the evil and injustice in women and not actually introspect the evil and injustice within themselves."

    This is something i concluded for myself after researching the mgtow movement. Altough, im not into victim blaming (im sure many mgtowers had some horrible experiences with women),
    I think one of the problems with them is that they dont seem to touch upon faults of men at all. But to be fair, they deal with mens issues exclusively and only have goals for male wellbeing and safety, so i dont think they are bothered with male aggressors, plus the feminists are doing too good of a job pointing out male aggressors , to the extent of demonixing regular men, so i guess there is no need for mgtowers to add anything there.

    But either way, realizing that none of us are perfect, and accepting the reality we live in, has made me abandon both schools of thinking (feminism and mgtow)

  • "But there is an equal amount of double standards serving men. Like getting certain jobs that are considered "male dominated", being the logical ones versus women the emotional ones. Supposedly being better at finance. Handling stress situations better... "
    How many women are willing to work over time for those kind of pay? Most women aren't willing to work 70 to 80 hours a week. Most women want balance in the work place. Also women aren't earning those higher pay jobs they get. They are getting higher paying jobs under the quota requirements which is usually under gender equality.

    "Men are guilty about choosing a bad partner as women who constantly whine "where did all good men go" are. When we are not spiritually mature, and our heart's desires are tainted and we pick people with our lower instincts as our criteria, we are in for a heartbreak"
    Some men are blaming the women not all all MGTOW men. Most are educated men how women are. I didn't start going my own way due to heart break I went my own way due to advice of married men who told me their experience in marriage.

    I can tell you most women are working against men not WITH MEN.
    Men are getting arrested for false rape and boys are getting raped by older women these are serious issues. Maybe if women call out other women for their lies would be better.

    You do not get it society is anti male and doesn't care high rates of men are committing suicide.

    Odd you talk about god and but you talk about double standards about men having higher paying jobs. Men are suppose to be leaders. These same women who earn higher income refuse to marry a man who earns less. Let's look at dating where most men are paying for all if not all dates. While women cry about wage gap they hold no responsibility in social settings.

    • "When boyfriends though are perverts. When they have certain addictions. When they use and discard women. its normal that toxic people will be produced in the process." Women are the ones really doing it. Having several relationship at the same time or monkey branching man to man. A lot of men know that the woman there are with is not there's. It is just their turn to be with the woman for short term relationship.

    • You hit the nail on the head and are 100% correct. I employ 12 women. They can barely work 20 hours a week. Forget 70 hours a week. As I explained in an earlier thread. Women are taking jobs and careers from "real men" that will actually do something with those jobs and careers and not quit after 10 years once they find a wealthy male to take care of them. Feminists created the MGTOW movement. Men just had enough and not all are basement dwellers. They are just disconnecting and doing their own thing. Yes the men that are doing this had to go through a learning curve , education if you want to call it, to get there, through the bad relationships and unappreciative women. The tribe is the feminists and it is seen in every single aspect of the media, movies, shows and everywhere you look. It's actually disgusting to watch. But hey, if I'm out at sea on the Titanic , I'm not giving up my life boat seat to a woman. With this role reversal Men and Children First!

  • "MGTOWs make a certain huge and self-sabotaging mistake though. They choose to only search for the evil and injustice in women and not actually introspect the evil and injustice within themselves."

    "In the end, who chose this bad/manipulative/cheating/never satisfied/whatever else woman in the first place? Wasn't it you?"

    LMBO: You hit them with the truth.

    Wicked men often fall into the hands of wicked women.

    Proverbs 22:14: The mouth of an immoral woman is a deep pit; He who is abhorred by the Lord will fall there.

    Ecclesiastes 7:26: And I find more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, whose hands are fetters.
    He who pleases God shall escape from her, but the sinner shall be trapped by her.

    • exactly. its ALWAYS a two-way thing.

    • One with the spirit of God has transformed desires and standards, and also discerns the spirits of others. The secular man usually is aroused and impressed by the jezebel woman. The enlightened man feels pitty and sympathy for her fallen state. He can pray for her but would never marry her.

    • Right. 😊

  • MGTOW are just attention seeking losers who aren't getting women. If you really didn't care about women, you wouldn't preach it online 24/7

    • MGTOW videos and forums are directed to men. The point it to warn men how the system works, how society works and share personal experiences of how the women they have been with acted within relationships, and within marriages that ended up in divorce. No one is forcing anyone to do nothing. I am not a MGTOW but I might as well start a channel and say everything that happened to me through all my relationships, which will basically echo what many other men say. It is what it is. By the way I've slept with over 20 girls and I don't validate myself for it. I'm not a loser, I have a steady job and I'm building a career. Yet I guarantee 99% of what MGTOW's are saying isn't bullshit. Honestly your speech sounds more like what a feminist would say. If you want marriage then good for you. Wish you all luck but when the chips are down it might be a little too late to re-think things over.

    • My man! You have not been there yet! You are waaaaayyy too young to understand. It will take a while for you to get there. But you will get stomped one day by a woman if not several and then, grasshopper, you will understand.. what MGTOW is all about. Youngsters in your age group need to listen, ask only questions and otherwise not be heard. Absorb the info, you don't have to use it, just look out for what your hearing from the MGTOW's. You have not been with enough women to know, but look out for the signs.. they are out there with these women. Especially in your age bracket. A whole sea of crazy bitches!

    • Thats a part of the problem divide and conquer. Noone is better than noone. We are al sinners towards the glory of God. And we can all transcends our lower instincts.

  • You know what the big problem is in the 21st century? Division. So many people want equality, yet they make separate movement for men and women. Why not make a single movement for equality, or even better, for equity?

    I never understood why so many women prefer to consider themselves as feminists rather than equalitarian or equitarian. If we unite, we can achieve bigger goals for the future in peace, not through aggression like a lot of feminists tend to do.

    • I've claimed egalitarianism, but so many people simply try to disqualify it by saying men and women aren't equal, men and women aren't the same. Men, Tarzan. Me, Jane. That's all.

    • @MzAsh Men and women aren't equal, but the goal would be to treat them equaly. That's why I prefer being equitarian : there are some areas where men and women can't be treated equally, but there should be treated fairly and as close to equality as possible. A good example would be in physically demanding jobs : men will always have an advantage and employing more men would be the logical choice. However, this "advantage" should be "compensated" somewhere else.

    • I agree. Obviously men and women have differences and those differences should be celebrated. But both women and men can coexist in a balance.

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  • Wow, I thought this was going to be a bullshit postmodern take, but I was actually pleasantly surprised.

    Long live traditional Christianity.

  • Absolutly correct !!

  • love it

  • I say reclude them inside every single Church, Synagogue, Mosque, Padoda and everything else religious. Then nuke those places.

    We'll solve two problems at once.

    • Your hatred is what needs nuking. You have way to grow to present yourself infront of God. First take care of your own sticky points before you start nuking others.

    • I believe in Mars, God of War.

    • When the demons surround your deathbed to claim your soul (as they do for all of us), [and when the moment comes you WILL see them and feel their eerie presense], then please do pray to this Mars guy and see if there is any effect. You can also try Buddha, Kali, and whatever else pagan deity you wish. Also when your plane starts crushing i'm sure that "Mars" is the first scream that will come in mind. Not Jesus.

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  • I liked this take, didn't think I would but frankly, it was well thought out. Well done :)

  • Interesting myTake

  • Let put it in star wars terms. Feminist are like the Jedi. They try to change the world. Yet they do nothing to change themselves. So their changes and victories are short lived. Because they never truly learned from the past so it eventually repeats itself. Mgtow are like the sith. They work on improving themselves, than they work on changing the world. As the world changes they make self adjustments. Always learning from mistakes and taking steps to not repeating them.

    • that was pretty weak... and also... since i bothered to completely read the metaphor... it's also wrong. because it assumes that men are evil and feminists are good. it also relegates MGTOWs desired goals to make right their many injuries to merely 'perceived injuries' by the righteous feminist women. the MGTOW movement is a sociological response to a generation of males who are not getting their basic needs met. ALL creatures NEED safety and to reproduce. to reject normal mating patterns within the species goes against basic instinct urges, and therefore shows that there is something very basically wrong with society. John B. Calhoun did a famous study on overpopulation and unlimited resources... which is very close to where we are at in america now. MGTOW movement is following the experimental model to the letter.

  • Interesting read thanks for sharing.

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