What Feminism Really Means: A Slew of Eye-Opening Facts

What Feminism really means; Facts about feminism.

First off, I'm a feminist.

Second, I think way too many people have these misconceptions about feminists because they've been misinformed, or they've been scared off because of social media warriors. Whatever the case is, I'm here to (maybe) enlighten you.

Contrary to popular belief, feminism has nothing to do with belittling men; in fact feminism doesn't support sexism against either gender. Feminism works toward equality, not female superiority.

Feminists respect individual, informed choices and believe there shouldn't be a double standard in judging a person. Everyone has the right to sexual autonomy and the ability to make decisions about when, how and with whom to conduct their sexual life. Meaning: we don't believe in slut shaming.

What Feminism Really Means: A Slew of Eye-Opening Facts

But it lets take a look into some actual facts:

-Women earn 78 cents for every dollar a man makes.

-Only 17% of the seats in Congress are held by women.

-although 48% of law school graduates and 45% of law firm associates are female, women make up to only 22% federal-level and 26% of state level judgeships.

-Even in the 10 top paying jobs for women, females earn less then men. Only one career, speech pathology, pays the same regardless of gender.

-Despite previous attempts to ratify a UN treaty guaranteeing the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, the U.S. refuses to support an international bill of rights for women signed by nearly every other nation on the planet.

-According to a recent survey, just 20% of Americans consider themselves feminists, approximately 8% consider themselves as anti feminists, while 63% said they are neither. However most respondents (82%) believed that men and women should be equal, with just 9% saying that men and women should not be equal.

What Feminism Really Means: A Slew of Eye-Opening Facts

-Globally, about 1 in 3 women will be beaten or raped in her lifetime.

-approximately 38% of all murders of women globally are committed by their intimate partners.

-according to the U.N., 99.3% of women and girls in Egypt have been subjected to sexual harassment.

-Over 130 million women around the world have undergone female genital mutilation. This is when girls have either part or all of the clitoris and inner and outer labia cut off, without anesthesia. Often they have part of their vagina sewed up as well.

-approximately 1.2 million children worldwide are victims of human trafficking, and over 80% are girls.

-In ten countries, women are legally bound to obey their husbands. Only 76 countries have legislation that directly targets domestic violence; just 57 of them include sexual abuse.

-worldwide, just 24% of senior management roles are held by women.

-just 1% of tilted land in the world is owned by women.

-in the 1990s, the pop group the Spice Girls introduced the phenomenon of "Girl power," which assumed that women could use society's expectations of female behavior to multiple patriarchy and achieve success through female bonding.

-Some feminists argue that men's liberation should be included in the aims of feminism becuase men have also been harmed by traditional gender roles.

-in 1950, women comprised less than 2% of the U.S. military. Currently, about 14% of active members in the U.S. armed forces are women.

What Feminism Really Means: A Slew of Eye-Opening Facts

-women are more likely to get a high school diploma than men. In addition, over 60% of college degrees in the United States are rewarded to women.

-Women hold the highest IQ scores ever recorded.

-The first women to run and finish the Boston Marathon was Roberta Gibb in 1966. However, becuase women were not allowed to officially enter the race until 1972, she did not get credit for it.

-the U.S. Congress places in the bottom half of nations governments around the world in terms of women members.

-The fifty-two countries have had a female head of state over the past 50 years, including India, Bangladesh, Sri, Lanka, Pakistan, Liberia, and China. However, the United States is among those who never have.

-America women are twice as likely as men to retire in poverty.

-In Saudi Araba, women are not allowed to drive. However, Saudi women are currently challenging this law.

-in 1770, the British Parliament proposed a bill that women using makeup should be punished punished for witchcraft.

-in Ecuador, abortion is illegal unless you are "demented" or an "idiot." Additionally, the law is often used to criminalize miscarriages.

-About 14 million girls are married before they turn 18. In 2014, an estimated 14 million girls worldwide, some as young as 8 years old, were married.

-in Saudi Arabia and Morocco, rape victims can be charged with a crime such as engaging in illicit sex. Tragically, a sixteen year old in Morocco killed herself after a judge forced her to marry her rapist under a law that dismisses rape charges if the parties marry..

-women are not allowed to vote in Saudi Arabia and Vatician City.

What Feminism Really Means: A Slew of Eye-Opening Facts

-In the early 19th century, married women in Europe and the U.S. had no legal identity apart from their husbands, a status known as coverture. This means that women could not be party in a lawsuit, sit on a jury, own property if widowed, or write a will. Custody was also usually granted to the child's father.

-in some parts of India, roads safety laws do not apply to women. An exemption that kills or injures thousands of women each year.

-in Yemen, women are considered to be only "half a witness" this means that a single woman's testimony isn't taken seriously unless it's backed up by a mans word. Additionally, women cannot testify at all in cases of adultery, libel, theft, or sodomy.

-mothers of newborns are guaranteed paid leave in 188 countries, only 9 countries do not: Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Surinam, Tonga, and the United States.

-The introduction of the birth pill in 1965 helped women choose between a full time career and motherhood, or do both.

On top of all this, I feel like there is a situation where men aren't treated the same way as women. That is: male rape victims.

Another thing is that believing in gender equality also leads me to believe that under the circumstances that we go to war, women should be drafted! That's not beneficial to women but gender equality doesn't always equal positive things.

Hope this helped some of you and maybe the fear of calling yourself a feminist is gone 😂❤️





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15 51
  • I habe no problem with real feminist
    Unfortunantly most woman that claim to be act more like elitists than feminists

  • why is it that feminists can provide an near endless amount of statistics (with our without context) but no actual solutions?

    how come a man has all the responisbilities to a child but not all the rights a woman has? if you believe in gender equality, then WHY is there more interest in sterilieation of dogs but NOT in male contraceptives? we still have NO contraceptives which can match up female contraceptives.

  • I really wish all these feminists (pro or anti) mytakes would stop.

  • — "Feminist: a person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes"
    No. A feminist is a person who believes in the social, political and economic equality of women to men. You might think that these two things are the same, but they are not. If feminism were about "equality of the sexes", it wouldn't be called feminism.

    — "Feminists respect individual, informed choices and believe there shouldn't be a double standard in judging a person."
    Are you every feminist? You probably aren't. Some self-proclaimed feminists do believe in double standards, and that doesn't make them less of a feminist, because then we're getting into no true Scotsman territory.

    — "But it lets [sic] take a look into some actual facts: […] women earn 78 cents for every dollar a man makes"
    You know what's better than just facts? Unsourced facts! Sure, you provided a few links at the bottom of the take, but five clicks later and I still have no proof that women earn 78 cents for every dollar a man makes. And that claim cannot possibly be true because there will always be fields where women earn more. An average doesn't mean anything.

    — "the U. S. refuses to support an international bill of rights for women signed by nearly every other nation on the planet"
    A bill of rights for women? I hadn't even heard of this before, but that is a bad idea. Equality can and will not be achieved if you try to achieve it through inequality. Attempting to end "the patriarchy" with bills that are specifically about women's rights is like fighting fire with fire.

    — "just 20% of Americans consider themselves feminists, approximately 8% consider themselves as anti feminists, while 63% said they are neither. However most respondents (82%) believed that men and women should be equal, with just 9% saying that men and women should not be equal"
    You clearly find it difficult to grasp that not everyone who supports equality is a feminist. Let me explain.
    I believe that in order to start treating two groups of people equally, you need to stop seeing them as two groups. Instead "men and women should be equal", I'll tell you that "people should be equal".
    This, inherently, does not make me a feminist by any definition of the word. Does that mean that I don't support equality? No. It just makes me an egalitarian, and not a feminist.

    • — "Globally, about 1 in 3 women will be beaten or raped in her [sic] lifetime." As true as this may be, you're not giving a statistic for men to compare this one to, so your argument is worthless either way. — "approximately 38% of all murders of women globally are committed by their intimate partners" Again, no statistic for men. You didn't study law, that's clear enough by now. — "Over 130 million women around the world have undergone female genital mutilation" One out of every two males in the US has undergone male genital mutilation and nobody gives a fuck. — "Some feminists argue that men's liberation should be included in the aims of feminism becuase men have also been harmed by traditional gender roles" …at which point feminism stops being feminism.

    • — "[…] about 14% of active members in the U. S. armed forces are women" Males are generally physically stronger than females. This is a fact. There should not be more women in the army in the name of equality. Soldiers should be selected based on their capability, and males are simply more likely to be capable enough to be a soldier. — "over 60% of college degrees in the United States are rewarded to women" That really isn't that big a majority. — "Women hold the highest IQ scores ever recorded" It's impossible to summarise one's intelligence in a number. IQ tests are pretty arbitrary. And besides, why does the gender of these people even matter in the first place? — "In Saudi Araba, women are not allowed to drive" In Saudi Arabia, homosexuality is punished with death. This doesn't mean anything. — "rape victims can be charged with a crime such as engaging in illicit sex" Not sure how this relates to feminism. This take isn't about the rights of rape victims.

    • — "women are not allowed to vote in Saudi Arabia and Vatician City" Again with the Saudi Arabia argument? It's still just as invalid. And only hardcore Christians live in Vatican City, they probably don't even care. — "maybe the fear of calling yourself a feminist is gone" It wasn't a fear in the first place. Believing in equality just doesn't automatically make you a feminist. Deal with it.

  • Feminism won't change anything trust me.

  • As a communist I support feminism.

  • hun it's called subversion don't fall for it

  • You've just posted a pack of lies which has confirmed once again that feminists are liars. Feminism isn't about equality, it's about destroying the family unit and giving women special rights. Feminism is a cancer to relationships and has driven a wedge between men and women. To hell with feminism.

    • Word

    • @slimstiffy what?

    • This are facts. Look it up dumbass. Maybe the first one isn't true, but the rest are actual facts.

    • Show All
  • You're just like all the others, with the "I'm here to educate you" You sound so entitled.
    As for some of your points, i have never heard the one in three statistic, men are more likely to be raped, so that seems stretched.
    Not all feminists care about men. Just google crazy feminist. So many results.

    • Well to be fair I said to "maybe educate you" and the statistic is true. And no I'm not a crazy feminist. And you know if you really don't want to hear about feminists then why did you click on my mytake?

    • I was wondering if you're defferent

    • Different*

    • Show All
  • I love how triggered all the guys are lol

    • Because the op put a bunch of bullshit on there.

  • You couldn't make it up. Oh you just did, no more feminists please.

  • I can't even. There's so much wrong here and it's all been addressed a million times before. I swear I just respond to basically the same Take written a week later.

    • I think she made some new points and they were good points if you don't feel like arguing why show up and complain about the post. You have something to say or you do not. Attacking her I integrity just looks like a cover up. Dor your own vacancy. She presented facts. If you doubt the validity then argue it out. If you don't want to deal then why he here. Well. done OP :-)

    • @AriadneSky thank you.

    • @AriadneSky The facts presented are largely inaccurate, misrepresented, or coloured to fit a narrative, e. g the wage gap, which means I feel like I should be using the words 'facts' loosely. Why list all these "facts"? Are we supposed to consider feminism necessary because of this? Spice girls? Where do they fit into all this? Like, what are you trying to get at? I'm here because I think it's important to note that this is old news people have addressed before and you should get up to speed. It's like an 18th century physician lecturing modern doctors about balancing the humors. I have argued these "facts" before, many times, and having just done it earlier that day I really couldn't be bothered. So go find one of a million other people than can explain to you why you're being ridiculous.

  • The women earn.78 cents compared to 1 dollar for men is a totally misleading statistic. It ignores every criteria except how much a man and a woman earn. It doesn't care identical jobs, education, experience, time at work , and every important characteristic. When all variables are taken into account it's been proven that women make.97 cents compared to 1 dollar for men. And the last three cents is due to women not negotiating for higher wages.

  • Someone who is not even 18, is going to lecture us all on what feminism is?

    Sorry kid. It doesn't work like that. And here's why.

    It might come as a shock to you, but the world existed BEFORE you were born.

    So did feminism.

    And guess what? It was more than capable of telling the world (by action and word) what it stood for, LONG before you were even a glint in your parents eye.

    You can talk about what you think feminism is. And that's as cute and relevant as a 4 year old telling us what married life is like.

    Why not educate yourself first before trying to have an opinion which you then try to foist on your elders?

    Look up what feminists did when the woman (Erin Pizzey) who founded the sheltered homes for battered women, tried to set up a sheltered home for battered husbands.

    And it's not all in the recent past either. Look up what feminists did to the scientist who landed a probe on a comet. (And then compare that with their usual mantra of not judging a person by the clothes they wear.)

    Look up recent studies which showed how women are the biggest slut shamers on Twitter, and how feminists reacted to that study.

    Just... look something up for a change. Educate yourself.

    • I'm soon to be eighteen in a couple of months and I'm very bright I was put two grades ahead. I'm in college.

    • And it's fine you can still think of me as a kid and that's fine I just wanted to help some people on the understanding of feminism if you're against it then that's your decision

    • Did you bother to look up even ONE thing I pointed you to? No. That's why you're a child.

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  • The only case you made is that countries in the third world need feminism.

    The wage gap is a myth here.

    Andrea Dworkin and the lady behind S. C. U. M. (society for cutting up men) are just as much feminists as you are. Just because you "claim" that they aren't "real" feminists doesn't make it true.

  • Points lost for using beyonce, a known racist and misandrist.

  • Just got to say about the statistics where women get paid less that those statistics dont take into account what the vast majority of women actually work at to earn a living for instance beautician, childcare, admin and other such work roles dominated by women dont pay well as opposed to male dominated industry roles such as construction, welding, oil rigs, fishing and other such jobs. Basically men always go to jobs were there is money were women prefer jobs that they enjoy were working at which will have fewer hours per week and more holidays this accounts for the pay gap. Women are more likely to retire in poverty because they pay less into tgeir pension, retire earlier, live longer and mispend much of their earnings. If 60% of women are graduating college then this needs to be set right with the countries gender and racial demographic. Women are poorly represented in politics but if we could get one good respectable female politician that could change that (Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton are just awful). IQ tests are not a proper measure of intelligence if that were the case racists could argue that black folks are dumber than white folks which is bull. On abortion I dont believe in it and with modern contraception it shouldn't be necessary for a woman who's not ready to be a mother. I have no problem with people getting married aged sixteen. On paid maternity leave I agree that should be a thing as well as paid paternity leave but remember those things aren't free in the countries you mentioned the tax payer ( you) pay for it out of your own pocket one way or another. I think like hundreds of millions of male babies have their genitals mutilated each year. Many countries in the world are barbaric medieval places not just for women but they will get there eventually after all women have only started getting rights this last hundred years.

  • Even in the 10 top paying jobs for women, females earn less then men. Only one career, speech pathology, pays the same regardless of gender.

    Women, on average work 12 fewer years than men. Women also work 11% fewer hours per year. Men get more because they work more.

    Women hold the highest IQ scores ever recorded.

    Nope, only fools report demonstrably false stats. Only 2 women make the top 10 of high IQ and neither are in the top 5.

    mothers of newborns are guaranteed paid leave in 188 countries, only 9 countries do not: Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Surinam, Tonga, and the United States.

    This is legal theft. Why should I subsidize you to have children? If you get paid leave I as your co worker have to work harder to cover your lack of work while you're "bonding", further since you're being paid I'm being stolen from, not only do I have to do your work, I have to give you the profits of my labor. Slavery ended in 1865. If you want a kid go for it, but don't expect me to pay for it. And no, I'm not being selfish. You are.

    women are more likely to get a high school diploma than men. In addition, over 60% of college degrees in the United States are rewarded to women.

    A degree in Lesbian Dance Theory is useless. Men tend to get degrees in subjects that lead to good careers, women tend to get degrees in worthless subjects that have no earning potential.

  • I disagree on the matter of IQ but as someone whom has a personal IQ over what is considered genius..…I also know several woman near and dear to me that are most defiantly are under appreciated that are in my group which by the way is over 93.225% of us... I want equality for all and not just some, that is not equality , that's the status quo... I appreciate this very much... only through education and communication can we grow as human beings... Thank you so much

  • I'm glad someone isn't bashing feminism as if it's all about women getting what women want or trying to kill off males. Thank you for writing this. (Also, another point I'd like to add in order to debunk the whole "It's ALL ABOUT WOMEN" debate, feminists actually got the definition of rape changed from only saying that women get raped to saying that anyone can be raped, and also several feminist groups have been known to donate to the causes of male rape victims)

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