What happens if you stay away from sex for a long time?

What happens if you stay away from sex for a long time?

First: Confidence goes down and mood disorders start to arise. It especially affects women who don't have a partner to talk to about it.

Going without sex for two months is a way to torture your body, a feeling that normally starts to feel in a week.

In some men and women, hormones drop suddenly. Women have problems with their periods, men are lethargic due to decreased hormones, the heart does not want to work.

Due to increase in hormones, women start gaining weight, obesity, pimples on the mouth, irritability, aggression increases. BP also seems to rise and fall. Many types of latent diseases also occur.
Men start having insomnia. Thoughts of sex keep running through the mind throughout the day. Hunger is lost, due to which weakness also occurs.

Staying away from sex for a long time makes it difficult to get satisfaction and orgasm during sex. For men, it becomes more difficult because of not getting tension in their body.

Therefore, regular sex after the age of 18 is essential for a good and healthy life.

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Most Helpful Guys

  • I think you covered a lot already in your description. Very well done. I find that the longer I stay away from sex, it’s actually too easy to orgasm and ejaculate once the opportunity comes around. If I haven’t been inside the vagina for a long period of time, I’m sensitive enough that I might not last very long the first time inside again because it feels so good to be inside and I’ve missed it so much. I also do start thinking about sex more. I will wake up more in the middle of the night with a massive erection. I tend to get more erect during the day and any little thought can lead to sexual desires.

    In general, loving sex and touch is very healthy for the mind, body, and soul. It is healthy for women and staving off depression. It relaxes and relieves stress. Its healthy for the heart. It’s also healthy for men to ejaculate frequently in order to keep the prostate gland and other components that make semen healthy.

  • Yeah, it's definitely not good for you. It's been a little while for me. I don't sleep well, and I think about sex constantly. If I'm in a store and I see a girl walked past me, I will undress her with my eyes, lol.

    My self esteem and confidence has plummeted through the ground. I feel that I'll never have sex again, that's how bad my self esteem has gotten.

    I do try to masturbate, I don't think about sex as much if I do it three times a day. I'm starting to feel unattractive too, like no one wants me. So, lack of sex probably does destroy a person.

Most Helpful Girls

  • High sex drive. I do miss having a cock in me n to play with but I masturbste at least once to control my hormones

    • 👀👀👀👀

    • How often you have to trouble your fingers for this noble cause 😂

  • Nothing lol. So many men and women on planet Earth don't have access to regular sex.

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5 36
  • Well I think your right in so many ways there are many more positive and negative things about it to

  • When I hit puberty I felt like "Love is a drug and I need to score."

    I finally got it from my first girlfriend when I was 16. She was 14 and had been in one, short-lived relationship, so she wasn't a virgin. She was also on the pill. We went together for about a year before moving on. She was good people. A very pretty, nice, normal girl. I am actually Facebook friends with her. She's a happy grandma now.

    My second girlfriend was 16 when I was 17.

    So I don't know if it's necessary to wait until 18.

    I had several more girlfriends in my life.

    During dry spells, I was horny all the time and felt frustrated. My my self esteem and confidence dropped. I exercised a lot to burn of the excess energy. And I masturbated to relieve my pent up needs.

    But I always found a new girlfriend eventually.

    By far, the best one was 30 when I was 36. She fit my idea of the feminine ideal, physically. She was also hypersexual and orgasmic. I loved everything about her and she loved me. We lived together for over a year. I certainly wasn't sexually frustrated when I was with her. She made me feel like a sexual god. I hadn't even dreamed that kind of sexual ecstasy was possible.

    For reasons that I can't explain, we couldn't be life partners. But I still love her and will never forget her.

    I finally met my future wife when I was 40 and we've been happily married for almost 26 years.

  • Sounds awful, but fortunately it is not true. Humans come equipped with extremely dexterous hands with opposable thumbs and all extras. This allows them relief so that they can still focus on other things if they choose.

    I admit that having sex is my favorite thing to do, but I do not depend on it to that extent.

  • "if you stay away from sex for a long time" . . . you end up spending too much time on G@G!

  • Why just after the age of 18? People develop an interest in sex before then.

    "Due to increase in hormones, women start gaining weight, obesity, pimples on the mouth, irritability, aggression increases." - So that's why there are so many woke, blue-haired social justice warriors! :D

  • You stop caring about it or you go insane with frustration. It's not the same for everyone.

  • i don't think they change the rules

  • You become an absolutely amazing oral slave:)

    • You're so horny and frustrated that unless you're at work or asleep, all you can do is just keep playing yourself, and hope that' eventually the fearsome case of bluer than blue balls will gradually abate. But be abundantly clear that I'm not upset or angry at any of the beautiful women who have teased and frustrated me relentlessly for weeks... it can be difficult to deal with sometimes, but please, please don't stop:). Thank you so much, ladies 8><3

  • I was willing to angrily scream at you how wrong you are, but I'm too hungry, depressed, and haven't really slept in two months.

    On a more serious note, I haven't had sex for 7 years now and I'm constantly angry, depressed, hungry and tired, so... doesn't seem to get better over the years

  • I find that if I don’t have sex for a long time I get more aroused and distracted by thoughts of sex. When I then have sex I don’t last very long because I have not had release for so long.

    I agree that regular sex is important. In a marriage I think it is important for the husband and wife to make time for regular sex. From the man’s point of view I need the regular release of sex and orgasm. It is also a way to renew bond within marriage. Regular orgasm and ejaculation is good for my prostate.

  • This may be the case with you but if it is, it's likely because youve tended to use it as a outlet for feeling better in any negative situation you've found yourself in. In general people tend to want more sex when they've been having lots of sex. If someone has infrequent sex, the urge is far less.

  • women naturally have hormonal cycle of more estrogen or less. these are natural not caused by intimacy or abstinence. same as "before 18" abstinence does not cause "drop" in hormones... wait this mytake complained BOTH too much n too little? that is so illogical it must be for some agenda.

    also the word "torture"? when any girl can "self satisfy". something is "fishy".

  • I just love the picture used here!

    • That’s how I’m going to pound you

  • I I so agree, sexual frustration is a real thing , when intimacy and affection starts fading in a relationship so does the relationship, why sex is important in a relationship. to me. My ex started to deny me intimacy and affection , Anytime I tried to initiate it with her she would make excuses not to have sex with me , when it was never an issue before between us. I started feeling depressed and irritable, and yes my sleeping was completely off , my mind was racing with negative thoughts as to why she was never in the mood anymore , i started to feel frustrated and moody , I tried talking to her and asking her what the problem was? I asked if she still wanted this relationship etc. , she could never give me A valid reason , it was all bullshit excuses I started feeling like she didn’t value me or love me anymore and felt she was up to no good , to find out she was up to no good , so that was my final straw to end it with her , so If a girl starts using sex as a weapon towards me , and tries to make me feel like I have to earn it from her, she is best to be prepared to be kicked to the curb where she belongs , I will not be in a relationship with a girl that doesn’t think sex is important period , If I feel I have to constantly beg for it and feel like I am the only one that initiates it , and constantly feel like have to earn it , she isn’t the girl for me , and I will end the relationship or I will cheat on her , I know cheating is wrong but to me it isn’t wrong when a partner is constantly denying you intimacy and affection without a valid reason in my eyes they are already cheating on you , so I no longer become a sitting duck with sucker written on my head for a girl that doesn’t know what it means to be in a relationship, Relationships are about give and take , if someone is constantly giving without receiving then it becomes a one sided relationship, so for me to even consider getting into a relationship again? The girl is going To have to prove to me that she isn’t selfish and that intimacy and affection is important to her as well, I will no longer be with a girl that holds intimacy and affection over my head like I have to earn it from her , she is best to stay on the streets where she belongs whether she is physically cheating on me or not , she is still cheating on the relationship is how I look at it. And I hate when a girl just says use your hand to get off , it’s so not the same , I will go just go to that other girl that doesn’t want me using my hand

  • We usually stay off for a week cause our sex drive would be over the roof (Cause we cuddle and kiss each other the whole week LOL) and that makes the make out session just super awesome!

  • If you stay away for too long, you forget how to do it, in particular you have to relearn how to pleasure your partner.

  • Well,,,,,,,,,,,, I haven't sexually assaulted anyone... yet ! LOLOL

  • Have you ever heard of prison sex?

  • Dear young people,
    None of the things listed in this post are true so do not burden yourselves thinking you gotta get laid or else you’ll go mentally ill & drop dead of myocardial infarction; it’s all bullshit! In all honesty don’t trust 3/4th of the shit even your own peers say on this subject and dudes quit adding 2-3 inches to your junk because it’s getting ridiculous at this point & girls if and when the time comes where you actually cross a dude who’s 14 with a 9.5” penis as round as a peanut butter jar; kick him in the dick & run because that shit is diseased! Good lord!

  • I haven't had sex in over 7 years. My life has improved positively, and dramatically since I stopped wasting my time chasing women trying to get laid. I am a good looking guy with good genetics at a good place in life. I can get a woman anytime I want. I have no fear of rejection. It's just not worth the hassle. I decided a while back that if I really want to get laid, I'll just pay for it.

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