What is Gender Identity and how it differs from person to person?

When we refer to science, we see things in absolutes. It's either yes or no. It's objective and not subjective. Thus according to science, there are only male gamets or female gamets. Objectively, you are either a male or a female and in rare biological cases, a Hermaphrodite (two gamets in one body). But when it comes to identity. It's more of a subjective matter.

Let me give you are small example. Suppose you were born in, say Canada, but you feel more at home with Mexican culture. Many people will find it strange, nonsense and offensive. But that won't change that fact that you feel more at home with Mexican culture despite being born as a Canadian. You can even opt for a Mexican citizenship if you had the means but till then you can wear Mexican clothes and accessories or whatever is available.

What is Gender Identity and how it differs from person to person?

Similarly when a person is assigned to, say male, they might feel more alive being a female. They cannot change the fact that they are were born as male. But they also cannot change the fact they love being female instead and feel more like themselves. Some opt for surgery while others just choose to opt for feminine fashion and whatever is available. And it's okay. It's okay to choose something that others normally don't choose. It's okay to be different. It's okay to feel like yourself by not confining yourself.

(Please don't bring religion into this discussion. Also I am choosing to be Anonymous but I don't want to be attacked for presenting my opinion.)

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  • I understand people's "feelings" might be hurt, but science does not care about people's feelings or opinions. I only care about science and facts. Some people "feel" the Earth is flat and some people "feel" that Pluto is a planet, but science says differently. It also doesn't matter if the majority of people agree on something, because science is not a democracy. 500 years ago the majority of people agreed the Earth was the center of the universe, but science was very clear that it is not.

    Science is very clear that homo-sapiens are a binary gender species. Are there non-binary gender species? Yes, but humans are not one of them. Our closest relatives, chimps, do not have trans-genders. Archeological evidence has yet to find a single trans-fossil of homo-sapiens or trans-fossil of our ancestors. In fact current science seems pretty darn sure that you can determine the gender of a human just by looking at the skull. These are not guesses, but facts based on evidence. I'm not transphobe and I don't think the right of trans genders should be taken away, but I'm a scientist first.

    • I also think that there is much to be discovered by science till it's discovered, but till then we have the evidence that are already presented. But some people just want to live their lives instead of being experimented with. The interviews we see in SM are really twisted and is taken in a twisted way. I have also heard that science is finding more differences in this whole gender thing every day. Like recently they discovered the there's some XYY chromosome.

    • You know that XYY chromosomes (Jacobs syndrome) is a genetic disorder? It's like a Down Syndrome - an illness.

    • @john_doesnt There are no non-binary sex-species on this planet. This is what we have on planet earth including the exinstc species: A-sexual, like bacteria, they have no sex at all Both sexes at the same time, like snails (having both gamits simultaneously) Can change sex in certain conditions, like the clownfish Are fixed as male or females, like humans Since binary means two, and sex are members of sexual reproduction group, then non-binary sex-species imply, sexual reproduction with more than two members (male and females), and that is simply not the case.

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  • We are all individuals and can’t be put into tidy boxes to predict our behavior. So with gender I often see people say that guys all do this and girls all do that. But isn’t it better to get to know someone on a personal level and not force them into their “group”?

  • It sound like the Canadian is guilty of cultural appropriation. And a male trying to act and dress like a female is gender appropriation I would guess.

    I think trans are simply depressed or have other mental issues. Meanwhile, they force everyone to participate in their fantasy and scream bloody murder if they don’t.

    • It's not about the Canadian being guilty. It's about them feeling more at home with Mexican culture.

    • I said that tongue in cheek as the world is crazy right now. Hopefully Darwinism will cleanse the world of the nut jobs as they don’t procreate as much. You can be a cross dresser. You can even have surgery and live as a woman and society will accept it. But hopefully you can pass for a woman. What’s wrong is to claim that you are a woman with all of the experiences that go with it. Being raised a girl, having the experiences of a girl at a young age, having periods, thoughts of dating and marriage as a young girl/woman, the fear of a dark parking lot at night… JK was right. But what’s really wrong is forcing everyone to say you are a woman when you are not, cancelling people who state the obvious, calling real women names like chest feeders or birthing parent… WTF! All because you need you fantasy fed. You aren’t a woman. Period. Even archeology isn’t safe from today’s temporary insanity of having to cow tail to these delusions. The crazies can now die off as they won’t be forced into social norms and we will be left with people who know what they are. There are enough people in the world for this die off to not hurt mankind. It could happen surprisingly fast, perhaps 3 generations. This is good.

    • I agree with you on the fact that shaming others is just not done!

  • wow is this what the world is coming to.. there are men and there are woman , boys girls penis vaginas and hormones.. some of us have more then others and some have less then they should have , be as it may.. not everything is cut and dried , but we all get to thing and say and do as we like.. Im a man I have a penis and i do cry and i do feel and i do care and i do wish that there was more love in the world then there is now.

  • Your example is wrong.

    If you were born in Canada but "feel more at home with Mexican culture" then you feel more at home with what you BELIEVE Mexican culture is, and not what it really is.

    I can say I feel more connected to American culture as I am more connected to living in big, super expensive skyscrappers in New York than small house in the countryside, because every big city in America looks like New York (except it doesn't and you only believe it does)

    • Also true. Similarly the people who want to have surgery finds that particular look as their ideal look. They won't know other bodily functions like pregnancy and periods (I am giving one example only). But again, the Canadian is satisfied and that's all that counts.

    • So it's not really how you feel? :)

    • This guy explains it better than me


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  • We didn’t deal w this shit when there wasn’t internet

  • Till around the mid 1950's sex and gender were basically synonymous. Since then, gender has been expanded to be a spectrum. Under this idea, a person can identify as anywhere from 100% male to 100% female, or any point in between, at any time, thus "gender fluid." Sex is still male and female, with a small number of intersex.

    I have no problem with people doing their own thing. My only issue is when they try to force others to conform.

    • Agreed! Gender and sex were used synonymously because no one really showed up. The exceptions has to follow general rules too and the only time they got to express themselves was when they were home. For example it is a general observation that men are stronger than women but there are weaker men and stronger women, just less in number.

  • Gender identity is a made-up concept by a pedophile. It’s utter nonsense.

    • yup, doesn't meet the minimum standards of a science at all

  • gender is a pseudoscience. it does not exist at all

    a real science can be observed and tested and falsified. but gender can't be observed at all, you just have to take people at their word meaning it requires faith... meaning it is a religion

  • How would anyone get offended when a Canadian does Mexican culture? If it’s got nothing to do with them or others, they ought to get no offence. Simple as that. One thing I can tell you is you got to be free. Grow your hair, dread it, wear a skirt with no fear of getting kilt, or whatever. Fashion is all subjective, so it matters not.

    • Yet some morons imply that it is based on sex. Yes that applies to majority of the people but not everyone.

  • Some people on here were telling me I have childish fantasies. This is way more childish. My 3 year old knows what a woman is.

  • I "identify" as being 67 years old but the government won't start my social security!!!

    • https://youtu.be/M0uCLgFMC-c

      watch this, this guy explains it better than me.

    • the fact you post this forest video shows how poorly educated you are. he is an idiot who makes appeal to authority fallacies

    • @007kingifrit I;m smart enough to look down in the shower and be able to figure out my gender

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  • It's not so much people wanting to present as their preferred gender that people are getting annoyed with. It's people presenting as their preferred gender and then wanting to take part and use spaces that are reserved for people born of that gender. A trans woman isn't a woman and a trans man isn't a man and focusing on making life more comfortable for someone who chose to change at the expense of people who were born their preferred gender is wrong

    • Perhaps there should be a third washroom.

    • Probably. I honestly don't know what the work around would be. I just feel changing the rules to make on group feel better at the expense of another doesn't seem right

  • Its simple:

    facts over feelings

    Biology over psychology

    There are People who are born with both genders their genitals those should get the choice of what they are mostly other physichal features will help them decide.

    But actually that is where we should draw the line.

  • When you identify as something, ya know, like republicucks do

    • this comment is so bafflingly stupid and childish it's hard to believe you're 33, what do republicans identify as? and how would that in any way inform this subject? furthermore how would identifying as something meet the minimum standards to be a scientific field given that science must be empirical

  • Gender is guided by sex. You can't change it just by saying you prefer to be known as different gender, just like saying 'I want to be Mexican' doesn't make someone Mexican. What makes them Mexican is the genes they were born with.

    • So they are not allowed to cross dress or something?

    • Of course it won't make them Mexican unless they take the citizenship

    • I recommend reading sociology and anthropology

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  • Gender identity means nothing. If you believe and read into this bulkshit. It will ruin your life and society as a whole.

  • I agree, Gender identity is important. Body hair is a male gender identity. I think it's wrong that the media tries to feminize men by promoting them to clean off their body hair by claiming it's gross and pushing policies in the media that every guy has to clean off his body hair if they are in front of the camera through contracts and hiring agencies. If a guy wants to be a man he shouldn't be forced to be something else.

    • Similarly women are to shave their body hair to look more feminine. If a guy wants to keep chest hair, so be it. If a woman doesn't want to shave, so be it. Gosh I felt so awkward wearing skirts because every other girl my class used to shave. In fact I keep my feet covered because I am too lazy to shave. Although in summers I really need to shave because it's extremely hot I feel much cooler. Still can't wear a skirt and even a tank top because people keep staring in a oh-she-is-shameless-and-trying-to-lure-men-in-with-that- stunt-way) while the men roam around in half pants and bare upper torso. I cannot even do it at home while the men in my house are roaming only in shorts. Gosh I love some dresses but cannot wear them for these particular reasons. By the time I reach somewhere I am literally liquid.

    • By the way, in school it was skirt. And even in school people used to stare at our legs and it was so uncomfy!

    • It's gender identity, it's important in society. Nothing wrong with being a girl and nothing wrong with being a guy. But, I do agree that certain women shouldn't walk around demanding every guy clean off his body hair Fraudulently claiming it's gross to erase male gender identity from society and promote ladyboys walking into the girls bathroom. They also sound like Pedophiles demanding prepubescent boy. Fortunately, most girls know she is a Fraud.

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  • In many parts of the world people are concerned about whether or not they'll have a roof over their heads, or will even be alive because they have to dodge bombs and bullets every day, but in the pampered West people fret over their "gender", because they're so spoilt they don't have anything else to complain about and are so dense they don't even know anymore whether they're male or female!

    Why does anyone even care about this crap? Get your priorities in order.

    • this dangerous religion is mutilating 10s of thousands of children a year furthermore it damages science by lowering the standard of what counts as science and i don't consider it ethical to care about people outside my borders so yea, it is the biggest issue right now

  • Funny that any scientist will tell you there are no absolutes.

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