Why do some guys feel like you owe them sex after one date?

Sex is a bigger deal then a few dollars you spend on one meal. That I can also pay for myself.

I understand sometimes girl feel comfortable with it but don’t make it an expectation.

Also the first date should not be at you place of residence, nor mine.
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28 92
  • Some guys are jerks. Many guys date weak, immoral women that throw sex around like candy at a Macy's Day Parade.

    Stay strong.

    • That's a little harsh, I had sex on the first date, we're still together almost 20 years later, sometimes the connection is just there...

  • because they're not men...

    they're disposable feminine cleansing products one might use on a summer's eve...
    and the bags they came in

    • 😂 👏

    • @NicoletteXO lol, cheers...

  • Well see good luck as a guy getting a second date with let’s say 50% of women if you split the first bill. It’s expected of us.

  • At least it makes it easier to spot the jerks and throw them away early on.

  • Sounds like that's all they are after. If a man really wants to get to know you better, he'll be willing to wait until you are comfortable with it. In fact, he should insist on it. Those sound like boys, not men.
    When it comes to sex, you don't owe anyone anything. The price of a meal or a night out, ANY meal and ANY night out is worth paying for the pleasure of your company. Anything more is not a part of that deal and is completely at your discretion/comfort.
    Agreed, a first date should not be at anyone's residence, unless maybe you've known each other a while and one of you plans to cook dinner or something. Again, sex is never "owed".

  • It really depends. Some guys might pressure for sex, but we live in a world now where a woman can freely choose to sleep with a guy on the first date if that’s her consent and what she’s comfortable with. It’s her body, and her own personal decision to make. If there’s consent, it’s really not my place to judge.

    • But really after I just splurged on Taco Bell and let you get the supreme. How can you say no. Yeah Well unless you need to get the bathroom. 💩

  • Well. "owe" is the wrong word to use.

    To be honest, date sex is like a marriage proposal - the outcome should not be in doubt, if you have done the right things.

    A lot of people don't do the right things and expect miracles to happen.

  • I've never expected sex after any first dates I went on, although I was always open to the possibility that that kind of thing could happen. However, I am offended by women who expect me to pay for everything on a first date, and a second.

    • You get what you tolerate as men.

  • Because it's worked for them in the past and then they expected every time they take someone on a date. Laugh in their face

  • Men need to start involving themselves in their kids lives and teach their boys how to be responsible kind men. Or better yet guys can stay home with the kids and do the house work losing their self worth, while us women freely have wonderful careers and make wonderful money

  • Eh, They are guys. Primal creatures. Let them know before the meal whether they are getting any. Men need straight communication or they just don’t do well. They hate guessing games.

    • Ewwwwwwwww

  • Each person should pay their own way at first so nobody feels obligated or used. Problem solved.

    • Well then is it considered a date or are you just friends

    • What, you expect the man to pay just because he is a man? If you think he doesn't like you romantically for not paying then does that mean you don't like him romantically when you don't pay?

    • @Justneedtokno Will you only feel loved if someone spends money on you?

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  • Expectations? And goals.

  • We shouldn't.

  • That may be more the girl's opinion than the guys. Let's face it, guys are biologically built to always want sex. That's what the male pheromones are telling the female, and she is likely picking up on it. That our male bodies are always ready for sex though doesn't mean that our brains (#1, not #2) want sex after the first date. If we like the girl, our brains are telling us to go a bit slower. Yes, we want sex but only when (and if) the girl wants it too.

    • I think the asker is referring to those guys like above you that don't allow brain #1 to dictate their actions rather let brain #2 take over. Which is unhealthy for any relationship even if both parties are on board. It creates false stability that will collapse unless rectified

  • Cause they’re sexist assholes. You don’t owe them anything.

    • Lol imagine finding a connection to sexism here.

    • And we don't owe you any free dinner, or free anything for that matter. Yet if we refuse, you instantly consider we're not worth it. Guess you're a sexist asshole too.

    • @Guanfei if you want the pleasure of my companionship (NOT sex), you need to buy me dinner. At least the first couple times.

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  • No guy should expect sex after the first date, When me and my first ex went out we went to a Restaurant of her liking then she gave me my birthday gift it was special then we went to one of our houses spent the day and her step-dad made supper I ate we watched TV and then she walked down with me to catch the bus to come home none of us didn't drive but it was a nice day.

  • Haven't got a clue except that, it's a sign of the times! I'd NEVER do that to a girl!! If she WANTED sex on the first date, I'D probably have to think about it before I said, yes!
    In the `50''s, `60's, `70's, even the early `80's, if a guy got so much as a kiss at the end of the first date, he was lucky!!
    In a way, I kinda blame it on the media!! Too much emphasis on sex in movies and what passes for music, today! Then, you've got companies like Disney putting subliminal sex messages in all of their movies!! Gee, I wonder why people today wanna fuck so much? Well!!!

    • The great irony is, people actually were having more sex then then they are now. Maybe because they actually had some sincerity and class during the dating process, and as a result ended up with a real and ongoing connection.

    • @NicoletteXO I don't know if they had more sex but at least they had lasting relationships. These days, it's like, "Who are you fucking today?" Instead of finding someone that WOULD BE a good match with you, they just marry the first person they see, fuck for a few months and then get a divorce because they didn't know everything about each other! THAT'S WHAT DATING IS FOR!!

    • Yeah, research consistently shows we are actually having less sex now than then!

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  • Don't forget, they also judge if a girly is willing to fuck on first date.

  • "Also the first date should not be at you place of residence, nor mine."

    Why not?
    That alwase the first reson for a guy to date.
    The differences are just the approach.
    Some boys are more patient than others, but they all follow the same thing.

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