Why do "we" condemn prostitutes but put porn stars on a high pedestal?

Why do

Why do people condemn prostitutes but then praise porn stars?

The people that call prostitutes such harsh names, are those who have watched countless adult films and praise those who are in the porn industry.

Instead of a porn star getting rebuked with names that bring criticism and judgment (like a prostitute would), they are often considered very talented and amazing women.

The name alone, "Pornstar" or "Porn actress" clearly conveys societys perception of them.

The ability to win countless awards for their very publicized sexual acts, also expresses this.

Why do "we" condemn prostitutes but put porn stars on a high pedestal?

Why are porn stars put on such a high pedestal?

When in reality, they are doing the very same act a prostitute is doing, getting money in exchange for sexual activity.

If you ask me, they ARE prostitutes.

They are better shielded behind a less ugly title.

They are more socially accepted in this world, while the other one isn't.

Main Misconception(s)

"All prostitutes are forced into sexual activities or have pimps"

We cannot group all prostitutes as one.

Although this may be the case for some women (forced into sex trafficing), there are many prostitutes who are independent and do not have a pimp.

They find clients by themselves by posting ads or taking clients through their own website.

Why do "we" condemn prostitutes but put porn stars on a high pedestal?

By acknowledging the similarities, we must also acknowledge some of the differences.

  • In Porn, the pimp is production. (none the less)
  • Both the male and woman get paid for engaging in sex together.
  • Prostitution is illegal in most states, while porn is not.
  • Pornstars pay taxes.

When you take out these uncommon factors, the common denominator remains the same.

Pornstars are prostitutes.

(By definiton, those that get paid in exchange for sexual activities)

So, if you're okay with pleasuring yourself while your television screen displays images of people engaging in such acts,

do not harshly frown upon someone who does the very same act (but is perceived by society in a very different manner).

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Most Helpful Girl

  • You made an excellent point. I always wondered this since I first discovered these things. They both do the same exact thing: satisfy sexual desires. But yet, one is okay and the other is not? Why is this? In Nevada, pristiution is legal however. So, I guess they see how stupid it is.

    Eh... it could be the fact that they don't want people having sex in public places. I mean, they don't want to see people fucking in the park or something while children are there. I guess that's why it's illegal in most places. They want to shield children away from sexual things.

    Since you can pull up porn literally anywhere on the Internet, it's legal. You can keep it to yourself and you aren't "offending" people's line of sight. It is already filmed in most cases and it's not in a public place mostly.

    But when it all comes down to it, all people in the sex industry are condemned.

    Sorry for rambling lol, I was just trying to create a theory on why prostitution is illegal yet porn is not.

Most Helpful Guy

  • your exactly right and for me at least I don't respect porn stars either I just fap to them I just see them as a sex figure same with prostitutes. I guess the only difference is that people think porn stars are more sexually tested than prostitutes, but they are not at least not escorts escorts get tested more than prostitutes and the same amount as porn stars. The thing with testing even if you test someone who is sexually active there are some STDs you could have gotten 2-3 weeks after already being tested and you don't actually get until 2-3 weeks later for example Syphilis doesn't show up in your system until 2-3 weeks after transferring it.

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  • Prostitutes are often forced into it against their will through slavery or pimps who get all the money so there's no benefit for them. Or they're forced into it because of a drug addiction that they should really get helped for.

    Porn stars aren't forced into it and aren't doing it to feed an unhealthy addiction, it's purely a job they want to do and "enjoy" doing. They get benefits and it's their choice. It's less dangerous too because she knows the guys she's sleeping with, they're not a danger to her (there's always someone around too) and they're checked for STI's. None of these things are a given for prostitutes, they're usually in danger of being attacked or getting an STI. It's illegal/condemned for the best interest of the woman.
    It's quite different.

    I have nothing against prostitutes that go into it for their own reasons and without force. If they're doing it for drug addiction, it would be preferable that they got help for their addiction, not arrested.

    • I addressed the issue you bought up. That is the most common misconception. There are plenty of prostitutes that do it with free will and that do get regular check ups. Porn stars by any means are not safer and are at the same risk as independent prostitutes. Check out the videos I posted here. Usually when these occurrences happen they are more hidden in the industry to give the impression that porn is something it isn't

    • Yes all of these points were bought up in my article and may I add, there are also escort agencies that do background checks on "johns" before letting them spend time with these women. an independent escort it also able to do the same.

    • Not all prostitutes have pimps and no one is forcing them and the law would be on their side prostitution at least here and most other countries is illegal they obviously want to do it themselves as well.

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  • We also lionize a lot of 'casting couch' female film stars, not to mention, most people won't say a word of criticism about AIDS propagating gay prostitutes.

    So it's not all that inconsistent, really. People pretty much defend most forms of prostitution, these days.

    Those who DO criticize femal, traditional prostitutes tend to be those of us who criticize more 'modern', trendy forms of prostitution as well.

  • I do agree, porn is prostitution and that should be illegal.
    I actually think porn is worse, but that's a different story

    But ya I agree it's SO bizarre to me that guys put porn stars on a pedestal. And what's also bad is that trivialization of porn is making the acts appear as normal. Guys expect that in the bedroom.
    Many girls think it's normal to get dumped if they don't perform oral or even anal. Well it wasn't in our parents generation. And some of those things are just dangerous and unhealthy as well, you heard her, she had to take pain killer and got anal tears

    • when I say I think porn is worse, I mean strictly for people who do it on their own will. I do def think prositution is far more prone to sex slavery and human trafficking

  • I always wondered this myself. Nice take.

  • I've wanted to know that for years. It's okay for people to have sex for money filmed, but if they want to run their own personal services business it's a no-no. It's stupid because porn stars are the same as prostitutes, they just do it on film for a big company instead of themselves.

    • One is famous and the other is not Glam vs no glam :/

    • @Bards It's so stupid. Porn stars are tortured and suffer way more in their job than prostitutes do.

    • Yeah but people who are getting off on their work usually don't know or sometimes dont care. Prostitution is usually more abusive I think and most of those girls are being pushed into it from a young age. Even their parent will put them into it. My mom's ex boyfriend told her once when he was in his car, this young girl came to his car door and ask him what they usually ask when they went bussiness and he refused. He say a women (most likely her mom) near by when he watched the girl leave. She was going to the lady. Prostitution is usually human trafficking too which is way WORSE than a pornstar. Those women go into that field willingly usually and take the risks. They do crazy surgery and degrading things, yes, but its because they want to. Asa Akira is a famous porn star and she reallg likes her job. Her husband is a famous pornstar too and he's a producer. James Deen is famous and he likes his job. James said that pornstars enjoy the acting and can separate it from their daily

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  • For those who aren't not agreeing with take owner let me tell you something. The whole debate is on the word "pornography". Do you what does it mean?

    The word pornography is composed of two Greek words. The first is porne, meaning “harlot", The second word is graphein, meaning “to write.” In other words, pornography is literally “the writing of harlots.” fyi Harlots are Whores, Prostitutes, Hooker whatever you wanna call them, they are paid for sex and no they do not always choose who they have sex with.

    ----------------------> case closed <-----------------------

    • Fascinating. :)

    • Thanks @BelleGirl21 😶

    • Do you know* what (I always make mistakes :( )

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  • The most ludicrous thing is that in a place like America for example, porn is a major money maker and prostitution is criminally punishable? Where the fuck did that come from😭

  • I completely agree. It's because many people enjoy porn. They're biased. Watching porn is free, easily accessible, cannot give you any STDs, and is far more socially acceptable than sleeping with said prostitute in real life. However, like you said, they're all prostitutes anyway. They're all having sex for money. So yes, it's double standard.

  • Who puts porn stars on a pedestal? I've never heard this.

    I also don't think that just because "we" don't necessarily condone and activity, means that we have to automatically condemn the person doing it.

    I really don't agree with this at all. I just feel sad for the girls in both professions.

    • It's my observation. Porn stars are more accepted in society. Don't believe me? Ask the millions of men who jerk off to these women. These are the very same men.. who say they don't agree with prostitution. How can you say you disagree with something when you are one of their biggest supporters? That is what I am getting at here.

    • Tbh... if there was no market (demand) for pornography or prostitution, there would be no available careers in those lines of work. So you can add the consumers of those products to the top of the list if you really must condemn someone.

    • You totally flew by my point. I am saying THERE is a HUGE contradiction with people. That is what this whole article is about and that is what I am pointing out in my initial response to you.

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  • Nobody does that. People condemn porn stars, prostitutes, strippers, and sluts all the time. I don't think any of them should be hated.

    • A large percentage of men jerk off to these women , despite what their lips say , to me that isn't condemning them. That is showing support of their films.

    • I don't think men condemn porn stars, OR prostitutes or strippers or sluts. For the most part, it's women who do this.

    • Both sexes do it. I've heard a lot of men call prostitutes derogatory names as well as women. I've even heard some men say they would never date a whore like that. But those are the same people watching porn.

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  • Never thought of porn stars being on a pedestal.
    They too come under scrutiny for their profession, just the compliments far outweigh the negativity in many cases.

    Both are prostitutes

    • And even the "compliments" are crude and could be seen as offensive. Basically turning a person into a piece of meat.

    • "Just the compliments far outweigh the negativity in many cases"... my whole point.

    • But as my follow up thought says, the compliments are never "oh she is pretty" "By golly I think she is tremendous" They are all; "Sexy whore" "I'd love to xxxxx" etc

  • Great take! Those women have said that have ripped during sex, gun held to head and forced to perform, anal scenes that weren't supposed to be done. They spoke about the pain and even pain down there after porn. Not sure why people idolize them

    • God yeah I know. Porn is horrific compared to prostitution according to the ex porn stars.

  • nice take!!
    tbh i don't get it too... they are both involved in the same kind of activity

  • Prostitutes don't pay taxes.

    • ... that was already stated here. Did u even read everything?

    • The side street prostitutes.

    • Yep, stated already

  • Good point. For the record I consider them all people of low moral character.

    • Ouch that kinda hurts

    • @i_am_repulsive I know and I know a lot of people won't like it but it's the truth. I mean people wouldn't exactly brag about having a porn star daughter in law for example. Or it won't end up on any tombstones... "Dedicated wife, mother, friend and porn star"

    • I guess. All I am saying is that it hurt me in particular because I used to be a pornstar like a lifetime ago

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  • I think three reason for this phenomenon is cognitive dissonance.

    A prostitute is very much attainable, anyone can put up some $$$ and u have access to her body

    A porn star isn't as attainable, She's seen in the same class of availability as other celebrities. Thus she is more revered.

    • Even so, it is still hypocritical to despise one and not the other. That's pretty much saying money defines your worth. If someone disagrees with an act... disagree with it fully, not have someones networth be the determining factor. It's like someone saying... I dislike black women. But then that same person turns around and says, I only like them if they are UPPER middle class.

    • But thanks for your answering. It does make sense although I clearly disagree with the reasoning.

    • A prostitute I am sure would be willing to let some guy bang her while he films it. There have been plenty of people who just get a camera and bang a female without actually having a film license.

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  • I don't despise them but I wouldn't date them either.

  • Wish I had seen this before I posted my short "take".

    Good take!!

    • Thanks :)

  • I don't put either on a high pedestal or any pedestal really.

  • You have a point.

    I heard porn star Carmella Bing describe herself as a whore (not that she wanted to be called that by others). She said she had come to terms with it and that she could earn more escorting than acting in porn.

    On the other hand, the sex industry has many different job types, and just saying they're all the same is not 100% honest, I think.

    And what about stuff like Game of Thrones? That has erotic scenes in it, but you wouldn't call those actresses prostitutes?

    Also, much as I respect that some people have had terrible experiences in the porn industry, I'm not convinced you can lump everyone in with them and just condemn it.

    Surely it depends on the people involved?

    I'm not saying we should ignore the problems, just... acknowledge the complexity.

    Still think it's a great point and we could do without slut-shaming in general, which is all this is. Often by people who enjoy their "services".

    • Thanks for sharing your views. Yes, the sex industry has many different jobs (great that you pointed that out). But it is evident to see from my article I am only speaking about the porn actresses that have sexual encounters for money.

    • "Yes, the sex industry has many different jobs (great that you pointed that out). But it is evident to see from my article I am only speaking about the porn actresses that have sexual encounters for money." What do you mean by that? Do you mean that my point is irrelevant, since you're focusing only on porn actresses? Because my point was that I find it simplistic to equate porn actresses with prostitutes, even if the similarities are much greater than society currently acknowledges. Or do you mean that your article is only about paid porn actresses, not amateur ones? Or something else entirely?

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