Why I'm a Liberal

Why I'm a Liberal

Now, before we begin, this isn't meant to slam conservatives (but it probably will in the end, let's be honest), this is just to express why I'm a liberal and a devout liberal too.

I Don't (And Never Have and Never Will) Believe Trump's Claims About "Fake News" Are Real

Why I'm a Liberal

The news is not out trying to make Trump look bad. He really did all of the terrible things that he did (and even admitted to it) and just because your candidate did something nasty doesn't mean you can just blame the media or tell us liberals that we never do our research and we just allow the media to spoon feed us information when, in truth, conservative are the ones allowing themselves to be spoon fed information when Trump and his supporters tell you all news that tells us that he is doing bad stuff is "fake". I'm not saying that fake news doesn't exist (after all, look at many living people were reported as dead), but if there was fake news, I guarantee that it would be hard to keep up the lie since:

A. Different news stations and sources have different beliefs (whether political like Conservative, Liberal, etc. or religious like Christian, Atheist, etc).

B. There are multiple news stations and other news sources so if one news station is lying, they can and will be found out and would suffer severe consequences for their lies.

I Care About Other People

Why I'm a Liberal

I believe very passionately in LGBT rights (more on this later) and caring for the poor and for veterans (disabled or otherwise). Conservatives, I find, only seem to get offended whenever these issues are even mentioned like there could actually be men who want to marry another man! On top of that, the conservatives also seem to believe that the poor are just lazy drug addicts who are wasting their tax dollars.

I Believe In What Jesus Taught Us

Why I'm a Liberal

Yes, I'm a liberal Christian that believes in God, Jesus, and things like women's and LGBT rights. I'm a Christan because I believe that Jesus is the savior who died on the cross so that we can all enter Heaven if we love one another, help those less fortunate than we are, and not to judge others. Conservatives believe the complete opposite and still claim to be "Christians" when, in truth, all that they are doing is giving their fellow Christians (and conservatives) a bad name. I'm sorry that I had to talk about religion while talking about politics, but I felt it was necessary.

I Believe In The Separation of Church and State

Why I'm a Liberal

I understand that not all U.S. Citizens are Christians (and that's one of the reasons I love this country). Conservatives assume that everyone is a Christian and that we ALL must obey Christian laws. This is why they are against things like gay marriage and abortion. They need to understand that not everyone in America is a Christian and we need to keep the Bible out of the constitution.

I'm Not Easily Offended For The Wrong Reasons

Why I'm a Liberal

The conservatives claim that liberals are easily offended, but what I found was that we liberals are offended when someone else's feelings may be hurt because of the nasty comments by conservatives or even just that we may be not being tactful enough towards a culture to which we are not familiar. Conservatives get offended whenever someone else lives differently than they do or if someone tries to help make others feel included. If someone is gay, it should not bother you. If someone is transgender, it should not bother you. If someone is an immigrant, it should not bother you. If someone is not a Christian, it should not bother you. If a woman had an abortion, it should not bother you.

I Believe In Women's Rights

Why I'm a Liberal

Okay conservatives, time for a shocking piece of news. Are you ready? Women have sex drives just like men. Yes, I know it probably put you in the hospital to learn this, but it's true. However, you better have the doctor get the defibrillator ready when I tell you this: Not all women want to be mothers! I apologize for giving you your second heart attack from this, but you had to learn somehow. When you are against birth control and abortion on the grounds that it "goes against God" (yet, you have no problem with men taking Viagra), you prove to be so far in the past that you believe all women are good for is the birthing machine and you make the term "conservative female" either an oxymoron or tragic irony. Also, if you deny a woman her rights to birth control and abortion, you make women not want to have sex, even in marriage so you have to resort to rape (which is of course no problem to your kind since it's always the victim's fault).

I'm Not a Hypocrite

Why I'm a Liberal

You believe that everything should be banned except for your precious guns! You believe that women should have birth control or an emergency rape kit to prevent pregnancy yet you believe men should be allowed viagra. You claim the liberals are easily offended yet you boycott a company because they show ads with a gay couple. You want Muslims to be banned from the country on the grounds that there should no immigrates allowed in America yet you are okay with others (i.e. The Chinese (the country of which the majority of immigrants come from)) coming to America. So far, every conservative I've met has been a hypocrite of some kind. I want to think there is one out there that isn't, but I have yet to find one.

I'm Not Ignorant

Why I'm a Liberal

I don't believe that all Muslims are evil terrorists, I don't believe that war is the best way to solve our problems, and I don't believe in "fake news". But I do believe that what a woman does with her own body is her own choice, I do believe that all are welcome in my land, and I do believe that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. Whenever I see a conservative expressing their beliefs, I die a little inside as I hear them say nasty things about people they've never even met just because they are from a different country, have a different religion, skin color, sexual orientation, any number of things that would make a conservative think of them as the devil. I'm a liberal because I believe in kindness, generosity, the rights of others, a better America and, one day, a better world.

You can call me a "damn snowflake" but I will wear that "insult" like a badge of honor.

Why I'm a Liberal
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10 38
  • Liberalism is a mental illness. You really should seek professional help. :)

  • "If someone is gay, it should not bother you. If someone is transgender, it should not bother you. If someone is an immigrant, it should not bother you. If someone is not a Christian, it should not bother you. If a woman had an abortion, it should not bother you."

  • Ya'all need to get out more, and get exposed to a diversity of views, as you really have no actual understanding of what people with different viewpoints than yours actually think.

    As an atheist libertarian, your primitive views of those who differ with you made me giggle, just a little.

    • Your "literally Hitler" for disagreeing with a liberal these days, they are so intolerant

    • This place does provide a pretty good diversity of views, there's about a 50-50 left/right split, as far as I can see. Why don't you make your views known, rather than just pretending that the author's are laughable?

    • @Iraqveteran666 Wasn't Hitler liberal?

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  • "I'm a liberal because I believe in kindness, generosity, the rights of others, a better America and, one day, a better world."

    This can be literally anyone without having any label slapped onto their body.

    I care little what anyone calls itself - the thing, that I look for is the good person.

    I'm all for having equal rights and equal opportunities.

    I tend to isolate myself off from bad persons.

  • Most conservatives believe women are responsible for their reproductive rights and should thus pay for their own contraception not the government, contraception is not a right it's a product you buy just like tampons. Viagra shouldn't be part of Obamacare not should the penis pumps that were handed out like candy. Nobody wants Muslims banned, the only countries on the list are countries that are warzones and Obama did the same and so did Clinton. We want immigration to be controlled, just look at the massive ghettos in Europe. Free Speech should be protected, if your offended it's your problem. Liberals only want their free speech protected and everyone else's must be hate speech while a lot of the white privledge and your a racist rhetoric they come out with could by their standards be classed as hate speech.
    I believe in equality but most liberals believe in special treatment.
    For the record anyone that opposes free speech is a facisist.


    Liberals invented the term triggered for everything that offends them.

    • Googled Obamacare penis pumps. Did he secretly serve three terms, since he took a year to get the ACA passed and they were already handing them out in 2006? Even Fox didn't try to blame it on him.

      'Taxpayers paid nearly $175 million for vacuum erection systems (VES), commonly known as “penis pumps,” from 2006 to 2011, according to an inspector general report released on Monday.' www.foxnews.com/.../...id-double-retail-price.html

    • @goaded I didn't blame Obama I just said they shouldn't be available on Obamacare. Private companies love government contracts because they can charge twice the price and bureaucrats are too lazy or stupid to check what they retail for.

    • You did link the two, though.

      One of the advantages of a single payer system is that it should give huge leverage on prices. Remember, it was Republican legislation in 2003 that "prohibit[ed] the federal government from negotiating discounts with drug companies" en.wikipedia.org/.../Medicare_Prescription_Drug,_Improvement,_and_Modernization_Act

      Like the IRS, hiring people to keep an eye on bad behaviour more than pays for itself.

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  • I like this take. You became liberal because of that evil education though, huh?

    • He was educated stupid

    • Oops, *she

    • @HungLikeAHorsefly that's what I said. Why are you calling me stupid? Did you not understand what I said?

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  • good take

  • "Also, if you deny a woman her rights to birth control and abortion, you make women not want to have sex, even in marriage so you have to resort to rape (which is of course no problem to your kind since it's always the victim's fault)."


    1. Only some Catholics, who are democrat voters and not conservatives, want to deny women birth control. The rest of us just don't want to have to pay for women's birth control because apparently "liberated" women can't afford their own shit like regular adults.

    2. Ironic that feminists in the USA cry about how they need the freedom to kill their unborn offspring, and then cry about how men don't value fatherhood or responsibility enough.

    Even more ironic is when feminists cry about the female infanticide of killing/aborting females in India. Apparently abortion is wonderful, but when Indians use it to specifically abort female offspring it's horrendous.

  • Appreciate the effort. Read the whole thing. Id be grateful if you read my whole reply as well.

    Im a conservative. To get started, lets get to the core difference between conservatives and liberals.
    Say there are two farmers. one of them works, in his ricefields 12 hours a day, 4-5 days a week.
    The other one works 4-5 hours per day, when he feels good to do so. He never worked 5 days in a week.
    The day comes where they reap their benefits and they sell their rice. Now , the first farmer obviously made better quality and quantity ricegrains.
    So, his income was more than double of the second farmer. (my ancestors were farmers, but i dont know shit about farming, so please forgive me, if its a bad example) now you underdtand my example.
    Liberals believe , that both farmers deserve the ewual outcome, the equal benefit for their work. After all they are both farmers, they do both the same jobs. But i think we understand that the first farmer was a lot more dedicated and worked a lot harder. And thats were conservatives differ from liberals. Most conservatives actually DO believe in equal opportunity.(both farmers had the same size fields, same equipments, same time) but, not in equal outcome. We believe that those who work hard and show dedication, deserve better payment. Because, they provide better results.
    As you can see its unfair for the first farmer to only be payed the same as the second.
    However, liberalism turns this around to make the second farmer look like the victim, saying the second farmer may have smaller muscles, less endurance, isn't used to working the ricefields, and somehow make ot look like he deserves the same reward. But how is it fair to give equal reward for unequal result?
    Now lets switch over to the points regarding this take:
    On top of my head lets switch over

    • Sorry i submitted before finishing. I was gonna start with your point about immigration, so lets start there. You said yourself why conservatives dislike muslim immigrants, yet dont share the same sentiment for Asians. First of all, there are racists who identify as conservatives liberals, sometimes as neither, and i dont think they like either demographic very mich, but thats beside the point. You are right that conservatives show a dislike towards muslim immigration that they dont do for Asians. The reason is simple, muslim demographic do have an amount of terrorists and criminals that appear higher than in many other ethnic/religious populations. Sorry, but its true. Asians on the other hand, have probably the smallest violent or criminal percentage and are also arguably the most hardworking demographic on the planet. Not being stereotypical, but Asians raise the economy of wester countries. Muslim populations cause an increase in crime rates. Its a simple truth.

    • Conservatives acknowledge that fact, liberals ignore it. Moving on. Fake news is a real thing. Liberal media practices it, but says it doesn't exist. there's a video where don lenon of cnn cuts of a man for saying that one thing was fake news. If you need any more proof , just watch cnn now. I think its very clear that its biased. And as for trump, yeah they didn't say untrue things. But they said bad things about him. There are many sides to a person. You didn't hear about all the positive things he did. On the other hand, hillary was portrayed as a saint, despite all the despicable things she has done. Caring about other people, believe it or not, i care about other people as well. Their well being is of importance to me and i respect it, as long as they give me the same respect. We agree on the next points, i believe in jesus, im a catholic. I think god loves everyone, and i think we should love and respect everyone as well, regardless of their identity, race, etc.

    • "Liberals believe , that both farmers deserve the equal outcome, the equal benefit for their work." That's just not true. They do believe that people deserve to be paid a living wage for their work and that people and corporations that make lots of money (while depending on taxpayer funded infrastructure) should pay a reasonable share of those profits to maintaining that infrastructure. "Asians raise the economy of wester countries. Muslim populations cause an increase in crime rates. Its a simple truth. " Do you have any evidence for that at all? I don't think you do. Finally, the author was talking about what Trump calls "Fake news", not the real thing. Trump said that the inauguration crowd reporting was fake, that news organisations reporting that there weren't millions of illegal votes for Hillary were reporting fake news, when he was the one lying.

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  • A liberal who is also a christian! hahahaha
    The most self hating, self destructive ideology and the most self hating, self destructive religion! I admire this honesty. And yes you are both ignorant and a hypocrite.

  • There has been countless of times where news outlets lied to make Trump look bad. The same thing happened to Clinton, but it was mainly targeted at Trump.
    I love when you said you weren't ignorant, then you say basically say all conservatives hate people who are different.

  • You mention your not a hypocrite.!! But , Truethfully you are. You mention your a Christian, but your not at all conforming to the Commandments in the Bible!!! So ( tolerance) is the name of your liberal view of things. God..., will have his way with you...

    • For those of you who seem to miss an important fact, the Commandments were part of the Old Testament. Christians are those who follow the teachings of Christ who taught that loving God is most important and that loving fellow mankind is close to that. And to have mercy and forgiveness, and to not judge others. Sounds a lot like tolerance. Guess Jesus was a liberal.

    • @Red_Arrow For those of you that missed a important fact. !!! Do you feel anything about spreading doctrine that's isn't true?

    • I am not spreading any doctrine, true or otherwise. I pointed out an important fact that you apparently missed while accusing the author of this myTake of being a hypocrite for mentioning that she is a Christian, then you accuse her of not following the Commandments, when she is following the teachings of Christ. And I am not saying they are truth or not.

  • Care for an empathy message?

  • TLDR - Too Liberal Didn't Read

  • "against birth control and abortion, yet you have no problem with men taking viagra"
    There is a huge difference between birth control and viagra.
    Erectile-dysfunction isn't a choice, you can choose not to have sex or use condoms. I disagree with birth control being state funded because you can use your own money for that, condoms are pretty cheap too £3 for a pack of 12 I last saw. Viagra is needed because it's for guys who's willies have stopped working, they didn't choose for that to happen, you can choose to use another form of contraception or get your man to slap a rubber on his willy.

    • Bro, by that logic, women don't choose pregnancy - they don't choose to have a working uterus. Birth control is needed for women whose reproductive systems are working when they don't want them to be (the reverse of me needing Viagra for a willy that they want to work). Also, birth control is used for a variety of other problems in addition to avoiding a fetus. Painful periods, heavy periods, stops menstrual-related ailments such as headaches and migraines, can help clear up skin, etc. Just pointing out your logic is pretty flawed.

    • @vanessacardui >women don't choose pregnancy >lul lets have secks with no birth control? >gets pregnant >WTF I DIDN'T CHOOSE THIS

    • @disgustingweebtrash >Men follow the natural process of aging >Men can't get it up due to natural reasons >WTF I DIDN'T CHOOSE THIS

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  • Liberalism =/= Leftism
    You = a leftist

  • Okay, this is the first time I've actually wanted to do a MyTake to respond to this list of nonsense. Which, I will do. I'm not going to hold back either, and I'm not going to act like a coward and post anonymously either.

    • Alright, my headings are finished, I'll blow this garbage into the dustbin of history soon enough.

    • My My Take is posted. I'll let others decide which makes more sense.

    • You need a link

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  • Let me guess, you care passionately about gays and women, but you don't give a damn about the unborn.

    • I expect it depends how far from born they are. 9 months, not really a problem. 3 months (say), there should probably be a really good reason, and there probably usually is.

  • For me it comes done to this: Conservatives put money first & Liberals put people first.

    • Exactly, hahahah. 99% of what is written is so easily rebuttable, it's almost sad.

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