Why it is ok to be a slut!

Have you ever been to a party and thought: "Wow this chick is a slut"? Probably.

Have you ever been to a party and thought: "Wow this guy looks really easy to get"? Unlikely.

What is a "slut"?

We live in a society where a guy can be open about his sexuality, please his sexual desires and choose if he wants sex a lot and with different partners or if he wants to seattle for one partner. women who do the same thing are called "easy" or "sluts".

Let's think about why it is like this.

So our basic primal instinkt is to procreate. The Strategy for procreation differs between females and males though. Men on the one hand can procreate every day of the year, regardles of how recently they procreated. It´s a really minor effort and a very minor strain on the male body. therefore the male strategy is to procreate as often as possible.

Why it is ok to be a slut.

The females on the other hand can only procreate roughly once a year, assuming that you don´t want to get pregnant the day after you gave birth (i actually don´t know how long the down time is but it doesn´t matter for this rationale). in addition to that, dealing with pregnancy and having a child is a major strain on the female body to the point that you could even die in the process, especially thinking back to a time where medical knowledge wasn´t as good as today. therefore the female strategy is to carefully look for a partner that´s willing and able to care for her and the offspring in case they get pregnant.

But since we have a multitude of birth control methods, we wouldn´t need to still have those strategies right ? we could have fun without thinking badly of each other, since sex makes a lot of fun right ?

No. we still have those chains that keeping us from liberating our sexuality.

Why it is ok to be a slut!

This guy helps a lot in keeping totally obsolete standards that don´t apply to our mondern life. Don´t get me wrong, i value what he teaches about love and how people in a society should behave. after all we based our society on what he said and it doesn´t run too bad.

though arguably he had no idea about sexual behavior, especially not under todays conditions. so why do we let him dictate what we think is "good" and what not?

It's ok to be a "slut"

Today we can enjoy sex without the drawbacks of a pregnancy. it´s a wonderful thing and both men and women should not be ashamed to enjoy it however they like it. If you choose to wait until your married, that´s fine. if you enjoy sex with different partners that´s fine too! So if you´re a girl and you enjoy freaky sex with a lot of partners and they call you a "slut" for being a sexually liberated, promiscuous girl, then it´s a good word, isn´t it ?

There is one lesson we should remember from our good friend in the picture above. Be consensual. Don´t lie to people and don´t hurt or play people. just be open and honest and it really is ok to be a slut.

If people look down on you for that, they are just jealous cavemen in their mind.

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32 29
  • I've never thought of women as sluts. They have the same wants and needs as men do.

    • well that´s good for you but a lot of guys do and and most of the girls themselves do. i hope this take at least helps those people a bit.

  • Everyone has their free choice to live the way they want. To me, I feel that we only have a short life span. And after than, we won't get another life. So, enjoy life to the fullest, and let others also enjoy their lives, whatever it takes to be that way.

    • here is an example:- I am a rapist I have my own free choice can I live the way I want? I want to fuck girls down to street and everywhere my hunger for sex never stops, I also want to enjoy life to the fullest and I don't care if someone get hurt because I have free choice to live as I want right? the problem is I want to live my life but police and some girls doesn't let me rape them please tell them to cooperate, I want to live my life my own way but their way of life is problem for me what should I do? :( should I try to disguise myself as nice person? and propagate thought of having multiple sex partners? and sexual freedom and liberty? so that I can easily fulfil my desires? I am a wolf in disguise of goat to lure other goats. ( that is people seems to be demanding these days )

    • Hariss i will block you from commenting here. your comparisons and examples make no sense. you can´t compare the "free will" of a psychopath whos harming people to a normal person who considers other´s feelings and acts accordingly.

    • Probably everyone simply misunderstands whatever I say. My policy is "live and let live". As long as it's harmless to others, you can do whatever under the sun you want to. Same way for me. In fact, many women secretly have rape fantasies -- so, for those of them who want themselves to be raped, I would rape them. But anyway, it no longer would be called a rape in that case. And I don't care what society or whoever the hell tries to prevent me in that case. As long as it doesn't affect them and as long as the girl is willing, it's none of their business.

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  • "You won't find someone special thinking like this"...

    Dcotor, did we come back to the 40s?

    • that´s exactly what i thought !!

  • if it'd be okay to be a slut then why are you referring to girls as "sluts" ? you offend just as everyone does because you're using the word slut to describe them, think about it and no sorry but sluts (also men whores) are gross.

    • you clearly didn´t read my take... i´ll quote myself :" So if you´re a girl and you enjoy freaky sex with a lot of partners and they call you a "slut" for being a sexually liberated, promiscuous girl, then it´s a good word, isn´t it?"

    • i read it but i was talking about you calling them sluts, i mean the heading was "why it is ok to be a slut!" lol read it more often and you'll find it more ridiculous than it already is, a men talking about how it is okay to have a lot of sex as a woman but still calling them sluts though! lmao

    • i don´t usually refer to women as "sluts" or "bitches" or any of those bad words. i just used it as rethorical instrument to spice it up.

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  • Sex is not "just sex" it is very intimate.. I will not say that I don't respect those people.. but I would say those are mostly the ones who cannot keep long relationships and cheaters.. so I certainly would not like to be with such a man who fucked every hole he could find.

    • i don´t speak of being totally random in choosing your sexual partners. but i won´t judge or reject a girl just because she had sex for fun before.

    • Okay 😊

    • testing

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  • Fuck it im having sex with as many people I please.;) im so done with how society views women.. everyone should have as much sex as they want to!:)

    • way to go :D you don´t need my take ^^

  • What makes me sick is the guy who wants a girl who hasn't really been with a handful of guys and they themselves have been with at least 6+ girls but theu dont respect or value a girl who has had 6+ partners as a girl with little to none

    • This annoys me too. It's fine to have preferences and standards but don't be a hypocrite. I'm curious though, what about guys who are a virgin but prefer and want a woman with more experience than they have? why isn't it as offensive

    • yeah... like "i´m the man i fucked 100 girls but i demand a virgin wife" ... those guys are usually players, who have no respect for women. i don´t condone such behavior.

    • @GirlsLie to me it not offensive or isn't in general to others because there is no shaming and devaluing going on. Same like when a girl wants a more experienced partner. They aren't shaming anyone usually. I say usually because there will always be those people who shame virgins or the less experienced. They just want to ensure the sex won't be a lot of work to get right the rights time (s). Because bad sex can be painful and uncomfortable. Do you find it offensive though?

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  • Because to be a slut it is ok

    • Just like that simple, No need to write a lot.

  • It's okay to be a slut, just don't be around me. I don't want any diseases or to be only another number.

    • no, no and no. sorry, i know your standpoint but i don´t want to discuss it, because it will ineviteably lead to religious discussions which i´m not the least bit interested in.

    • Religion is only minimally pertinent to the topic at hand. Even if god weren't real, it wouldn't change the fact that the buildup of sexual frustration resulting from abstinence makes one much kinkier, nor the fact that people's sexual appetites are so messed up these days.

      Actually, you should read this too: www.girlsaskguys.com/.../a9763-why-humans-have-evolved-to-prefer-monogamy

    • well i said i don´t agree with what the bible says and you throw bible verses at me XD that´s kind of strange don´t you think? so... "the buildup of sexual frustration resulting from abstinence makes one much kinkier, nor the fact that people's sexual appetites are so messed up these days." don´t you think having sex for fun would help the sexual frustration and would reduce "messed" up sexual appetites? also: i didn´t promote poligamy, did i? i think monogamy is fine. i just think you should have sex outside of marriage if you want to.

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  • I am not gonna read this shit. I am not gonna read anybody's opinion on this shit. I am just gonna say that this is the very reason why i stay away from dating.

    • "I'm not going to read this but I am going to share my opinion anyways because for some reason I think I'm important" - You.

    • @Sarah413 ,,,, Yeah i said that but i meant that this is total bull shit that i will never accept. So why should i say waste my time in reading this since i know that i am never gonna agree with him (the take owner) . But , i do think that i am really , really important.

    • @Sara413

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  • I think a woman should be a "slut" to her man.
    I don't think men or women should be just sleeping around.
    It's not fun and looks lonely AF.
    I have a friend who used to bang girls left and right, and he's his happiest since he got married, so...

    • yeah i have a friend who had a lot of sex too and now has a loving relationship. the one doesn´t exclude the other but if it wasn´t "fun" why did he do it then? yeah you´re right, sometimes it just helps the lonlynes, if you just can´t seem to find a person you love but still enjoy the physical intimacy.

  • It's not okay, don't justify it. Look at all the failed societies, all collapsed around sluts and single mothers.

    • i didn´t say: "be stupid and fuck anything that has a dick/cunt"... i said you should have sex if you enjoy it BUT you should be responsible and careful.

  • I went into detail on this same topic. It's a long read but I think you might like it.

    • i don´t really agree with the two sociosexual types and their traits according to your take. it needs further differentiation because i don´t see myself in either of those but rather in both to certain extends. other than that, pretty good.

    • Thanks, I didn't come up with the concept of sociosexuality it was something brought to my attention by someone else.

    • maybe you can be both at the same time. for example i can see sex as an act of love and as just sex. it depends on the partner you are with.

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  • but if you're a virgin by choice, why do think it's OK for women to be sluts? why don't you want to fuck them?

    • because every girl i had the chance to have sex with before had feelings for me. i´m not going to hurt a persons feelings to get sex... and i´m too unexperienced and shy to ask for sex.

    • you don't want to do one night stands?

    • yeah i would do one night stands but i wouldn´t have one with a girl if i know she likes me more than that.

  • Actually, studies still show us that women with more past sex partners are more likely to divorce/cheat once married...

    And male microchimerism in women without sons tells us that women literally carry DNA from their past lovers, even in brain tissue. Sex isn't just fun.

    • to your first argument: two statistical fact´s don´t necessarily correlate i think there might be other reasons for that. your second argument: microchimerism has nothing to do with dna staying inside the girl from sex... i don´t know where you got that from. i´s about DNA that remains in the body after pregnancy or organ transplantation.

    • Actually, the correlation is easy to show.

    • That, and you fail to realize--encouraging women to be slutty won't help you finally get laid. When monogamy is enforced, by nature, it is far more likely that every person will find their bed mate. When female promiscuity is allowed, women naturally gravitate towards a small percentage of men.

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  • the media is making it acceptable.

    we went from kicking our daughters out for wear belly shirts to now dressing them up like devils and strippers.

    Cartoons are plastered with perverted subliminal sexual jokes and references.

    • this take isn´t about modest clothing though :D you can be classy but still have sex if you like to.

    • its all part of the same thing.

    • no it simply is not. dressing skimpy and actually having sex are totally different topics. sex is still only suitable for a certain age and i don´t agree that you should fuck around a lot if you´re like 14 or so.

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  • Last time I checked players get slut shames just as much as female sluts women don't like players and men don't usually like sluts why I don't know

    • players have a different quality then sluts. slut=promiscuous -> good player= lies and plays tricks to get into a girls pants -> bad

    • Well than what's the problem? Its not your life plus one day they will get an std so who cares

    • it says "be safe" in my take. but if you associate sex with stds then don´t have it ;)

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  • Its not ok to be a slut. Sex is supposed to be a meaningful, beautiful connection not just between two people, but two souls. The connection is so much more than physical. It's like emotional electricity. I'm sure plenty of people will agree here. When you have sex, you give away part of yourself to someone. I'm sure you don't want to give yourself away Tom, dick or harry who comes along wanting it. That is irresponsible and foolish in my opinion

    • to every*

    • the purpose of sex is the purpose you assign. hence your thought of it´s purpose isn´t universal. if i chose to share a beautiful sexual experience with a person i´m not going to have a relationship with, then why is that bad? i can still have feelings for a person and have an even more meaningful connection but why must i?

    • Because, Sex intensifies closeness and emotions. You want to make sure that that person is at least emotionally, physically, and mentally attracted to you.

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  • I dont agree with people being sluts/sleazebags but we just have a different viewpoint. Sure women have birth control pills
    But people today are operating on how guys think: when and where
    Back then people operated on how women think: who and why
    Society has a lot of problems because of everyone operating on how guys think when sex springs to mind.

    • Who and why isn't out of the consideration just because you choose to have fun though.

    • listen dude. You need to get the idea that sex is all about "fun". Maybe enjoyment. The idea of sex, especially in religion, is sacred. You are supposed to view your body as a temple and not a road. If you want to view yourself as a road, fine. Sex in itself is a very intimate bond between two people. You are most vulnerable with the person you are with. If you enjoy giving yourself away (guy/girl) to anything that walks and talks then so be it. However, don't assume it should be the accepted norm. Society today has changed what the "accepted norm" is. Sex used to be viewed as something between two people who love each other. Now it's viewed as "LETS GET DRUNK AND FUCK SOMETHING!!!" and that is a casual night out. Personally, it's not my cup of tea. I'd rather have the later with a meaningful relationship with someone I cherish and love.

    • i´m not talking about "let´s get wasted and fuck everybody" either. there is still a choice to be made. i don´t say fuck everybody, i say fuck, who you really want to fuck :D

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