Why Millennials are Having Less Sex than Other Generations

The Problem

Our younger generation doesn't seem to have a lot of sex. This seems weird considering that we live in a generation that is more sexually covert than ever, and in a generation that frequently uses apps like Tinder & Bumble. You would think we would be swimming in sex, but the statistics show otherwise. What is holding us back?

Why Millennials are Having Less Sex than Other Generations

Various Explanations

Lets start with the effect of social media/smartphones on our generation. In communication theory, we generally want to reduce conflict and uncertainty as quickly as possible in a conversation. Smartphones also give us the option of 'avoiding' conflict. When you're not entirely comfortable with a conversation in real life you might opt for another one digitally on the spot. Perhaps this has made our generation less capable of dealing with conflict, and thus when talking to a potential partner, our discomfort makes us more likely to avoid conversing with them and visit the comfort of our smartphone instead.

Why Millennials are Having Less Sex than Other Generations

Okay, but what about Tinder? People who study Behavioural Economics seem to love talking about the logistics of online dating (Look at Dan Ariely for example). Most of these people seem to conclude that women become much pickier when given more dating options. Women on Tinder are more likely to stop dating and go back to considering their other options. As a result, many women stay single because they seem incapable of picking the 'one' given the illusion of choice.

Why Millennials are Having Less Sex than Other Generations

Many women also wonder why men rarely approach. Why would you when there is online dating? Given these logistics its a vicious circle of failure. You can avoid conflict by dating online, but being given more choices makes it hard to find the right person.

This explains why the percentage of people dating has gone to 62% (down from 86%), but what about casual sex? Isn't that why people use Tinder to begin with? Well, when millennials do end up having sex, it is now more common for it to be done casually (like friends with benefits, one night stands, etc). These don't seem to last though, and that might be whats accounting for less sex in general.

there's also the idea that our new environment (with tech) has made parents more child-centric which is different from solely expecting children to be 'home on time for dinner'. This, according to Yamallis Diaz, a clinical assistant professor child and adolescent psychiatry at NYU Langone Medical Center, might make it harder for children to go through relationships and deal with problems on their own.

Why Millennials are Having Less Sex than Other Generations


Smartphones are cool, but we might want to use them a bit less. When you're in a work environment, turn off notifications and sounds that might pull you away from your environment. Don't be afraid of interacting with everything around you. Also, Tinder is a waste of time.

Also, let me know if you disagree with anything or what you thought of this MyTake 😉

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  • “Our younger generation doesn't seem to have a lot of sex.“

    — source? Also who is “us” in this context?

    Fuzzy terms used, plenty of assumptions made with no to very little factual information to back them up always make me a little wary..

    • Good that you'e wary.

      The initial claim comes from research conducted by Jean Twenge. Here is the source

    • Sorry for double replying, but 'us' in this context refers to millennials. As both you and I happen to fall in that category along with most people I see on GaG.

    • So, actually, taking your own definition and the source you're basing yourself on into account, the term "us" predominantly refers to White American females with no college education, as for the case of men, non-whites and college graduates, sexual inactivity did actually not at all or not significantly increase vis-a-vis previous cohorts. "The increase in adult sexual inactivity between the 1960s and 1990s cohorts was larger and significant among women (from 2.3 to 5.4 %) but not among men (from 1.7 to 1.9 %). It was nonexistent among Black Americans (2.6–2.6 %, compared to a significant jump from 1.6 to 3.9 % among Whites). The increase in sexual inactivity was significant only among those without a college education (jumping from 1.7 to 4.1 %) and was nonexistent among those who attended college (2.2–2.2 %)."

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  • For me, it is that feminism has made women unbearable and disgraceful sluts who use men like disposable utilities and think STDs are a badge of honor. Nothing to be had which my left hand can't do better, safer and with less hassle... and that's just not enough to be bothered with.

    • Not all women are like that though. I've had two partners. One for 12 years and second for 4 years.

    • @Lish89 Irrelevant. The odds are too horrible, and even good ones bring nothing of use to the table. Think about it: 65% of marriages and 41% of first marriages (for both partners, not mix and match) end in divorce, 70% of divorces are initiated by women, 52% of those are from boredom (#eatpreylove), 60% of wives cheat, 45% of those remain married, 35% of women have genital herpes, 5%-8% of men raising kids they thought were their own are victims of paternity fraud, custody goes to women 80% of the time, men cannot get DNA test for child support without woman's permission, men can be jailed for child support, men have no right to a fair trial after #metoo and #believeher so #timesup for anything but mob justice, and on and on... for what? Something our last hand can do anyway? So we have less free time, less money and less friends? So we can have a second income with both incomes going to her? Single life means doing what we want, when we want and how we want all at half price.

    • Again, not EVERY woman is the same. I don't stereotype you and other men based on the few assholes I've met, so afford me the same courtsey. You live where.. the USA? Most men who feel this way are American, but I can't really judge ad I don't live in the USA, so this is just my observation. We different in different countries. I live in Canada and life isn't as brutal on men in regards to things like child support. Wow, jail? That's rough. We have an enforcement program if a guy is over $2000 in debt with support but no crazy shit like jail. We also have support guidelines so men pay fairly. For example, my ex was in University and only had to pay $40/mth as he was low income. Every woman I know makes her own way, has her own career etc. Even stay at home mom's are doing their own businesses. So maybe it's not so much the gender as it's just the lifestyle circumstances or the way they were brought up. I'm sorry you feel that way about women. I wish I could change your mind..

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  • On the dating app front:

    Can't remember if it was Tinder or OkCupid (or both) but 80% of women swipe on 20% of the guys (and the guys were the flip of that). So - just based on match opportunities a lot of dudes are going to be up **** creek. Personally Tinder (and online outlets) have been great to set the stage before an in-person meeting - pre-qualification works both ways... so I'm very pro smart-phone driven dating - to a point. It's useful for certain things and takes time / technique to get right. That being said - it's only PART of a successful dating strategy. Takes work.

    The ladies these days:

    I have no idea what percentage of women are ok with these tactics but I can tell you both from personal experience and most of my male friends across age categories, false accusations, aggressive behavior, attacks on reputation, etc. are a hell of a lot more prevalent than people want to admit. Might be 5% of the women ruining it for the other 95% but it's very real. Dating has moved from the "fun" end of the spectrum further towards the "danger" zone.

    The guys these days:

    Have lots of male friends who have had a really hard time economically in this incredibly complex modern landscape. The younger ones are saddled with a ton of student debt. Many don't feel like they have much to offer - it's not exactly a secret that your employment / living status plays a big role in mate attraction. Paired with the issues above - that's the recipe for a de-motivated group.

  • Cause women are super insecure these days due to instagram so will reject a guy she likes and wants to fuck because she feels she's not good enough to avoid being rejected first so "she wins".

    And if she finds a guy she likes she will sabotage things with him with her insecurities saying things like "I hope I don't disappoint you" which the guy will then realise she's a loser and lose attraction for.

    Then add the fact that girls are ashamed to meet guys on tinder due to its reputation for being a hookup app and will be hesitant going home with a guy at a club in case her friends see her leave and slut shame her and you have your answer.

  • well my life is pretty great in that part hehe
    but nice take otherwise

    • No wonder. You're a very cute girl.

    • @PrettyRegular aww thanks honey

    • I would like to go out with you too. I'm a nice boy.

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  • Would it help if they simplified the number of genders?

  • Correction, it's Gen Z and the younger millennials that are. Gen Z mostly.

    They see what their parents and others have been doing and they realize it's hurting society.

    And who says teens don't know anything?

  • Probably cause we don't go outside

  • I would bet it's in combination with the pussification of young men, technology, smart phones and people in general living sedentary lifestyles or laziness.

  • We are having more sex actually 👅🍆💦

    • Ur not a millennial.

    • You're not Millennial. You're Generation Z.

    • @Nick568 I don't consider myself a Millenial or a Generation Z. 95% of people in both of those generations are ungrateful, spoiled snowflakes. It absolutely disappoints me to have been born in this generation, because it sucks.

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  • The only reason is feminism. Women should not try to find different shits. Feminism, femdom and findom. Those things are the reasons men started to lost respect for women. Men became mgtow.
    İf women love men, men will love women. İf omen hate them, men will not love women. Feminism is a movement of hate, discrimination and sexism against men. No one should say to me bullshit like "this is not real feminism, look at the dictionary meaning" and sort of nonsense things. It makes men more angry and men lost respect for women more and more. Just try to understand men, love men, respect men, support men's rights. Every women should be meninist to achieve equality and supporting men's rights.

  • Interesting

  • I think the real reason why we aren't having as much sex is because we are well aware of all the consequences that sex could bring in our lives

  • I came to a similar realization a couple years ago! Good work

  • When I saw the headline question, I was just thinking- "probably too busy looking at their iPhones. "

  • They take things too seriously. You simply need to insert penis into vagina.

  • Because we don't wanna get falsely accused of rape.

  • cause our generations has the most feminazis xD you know women that believe in patriarchy are not very likely to let any guy in their pants :D

  • Its alright, I give it a few more decades until the human condition in western society disintegrates and we all abandon the vast industrial metropolis, wander back into the forest, into the dark age, into simplicity, like has happened time and time again in history.

  • I though it was Gen z having less sex..

    • It is lol he tripping

    • Nope it started with late Gen X & Millennials and Gen Z is continuing the trend. It's been steadily declining since the 90s

    • It's both.

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