Why Society Prefers Virgin Women

Why Society Prefers Virgin Women
Have you ever wondered why it's seen as an accomplishment for men to have sex with multiple women and why it's seen as a disappointment for women? I know a lot of you are going to dislike this take, but keep in mind I'm just being honest & telling you the actual reasons. This is why society prefers women to be virgins.

Why Society Prefers Virgin Women

Lady like

It's simply not lady like. I know a lot of women reading this right now are boiling in their seats. Well, that's one of the main reasons, it's not lady like at all for a woman to want sex with multiple men. It's like she's chasing after penis which is very unattractive. People believe women are supposed to be like butterflies, you chase after them but never catch them, until one day a butterfly lands on you, and you know that butterfly is yours to keep. That's how it is in books, movies, fairy tales, and just in general. It's not very lady like to have slept with over 10 men. Imagine this discussion with a bunch of other females, telling them you've slept with over 10 men, and the rest of them are probably virgins.

Why Society Prefers Virgin Women


Men don't like women who've had sex, because they believe the vagina would be all used up and worn out. I know it's been proven that vagina's are elastic, but think of it this way. I'm pretty sure you all know what a mouth guard is right? A piece of equipment athletes use to protect their teeth from being damaged. Would you want to use someone else's mouth guard? That they've had all in their mouth for such a long time? They've got their spit all on it and whatnot, would you want to use that? Even if they wash the mouth guard, you still wouldn't want it? No, you'd just prefer to get your own brand new, never used mouth guard.

That's how men feel when it comes to vaginas, why would we want it when we could just get a fresh brand new one. The only difference is, another mans penis was actually in the vagina, so it's even worse. Would you put a mouth guard in your mouth that's had some guys penis on it? Even if it's been washed... no, the fact that some other man has put his penis there is not attractive, especially if multiple men's penises have been down there. With penises, you won't be able to tell the difference, no matter how many times a guy has sex, his penis will still feel the same. Vagina's on the other hand do stretch, and the feeling slightly changes after she's had sex a few times.

Why Society Prefers Virgin Women


Men like to impress women, believe it or not we do. That's why men show off in front of women, we like to make them smile, giggle, and just impress them. Well, you can't impress a woman who's seen and done it all. Men love to see a woman's grimace, or just to hear her say "Wow". When a woman has had sex with a lot of men, most likely you're not going to be the best she's had, so nothing you do is going to surprise her at all, she's already done it. Also, it makes it even worse when she pretends to be surprised.

It's very easy to make a man say "wow." Literally, you can make a guy say wow just by flashing him, even if he's seen your breast a billion times, he's still going to be impressed.

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42 56
  • No. The elastic thing is only relevant if you have a small tool?
    Even then in practice it won't make them any loser since they'd otherwise still have been using toys or inanimate objects also for some of us there's such a thing as to tight and too shallow not every peg will fit snugly in every hole. Plus I don't want someone who's prudish.

    Also as another answer said
    "many women who get raped are killed in countries because of this thought process" or women lose their rights for the sake of insecure guys often as part of a more vile form of religion.
    Also watch The Handmaid's Tale you wouldn't ever want to live in a environment so controlling so you should want to avoid that for women as well. Part of being a decent human being.

    • 👏👏👏👏 this. Thank you.

    • prudish?

  • I disagree. I don't care if she is a virgin (would be a nice treat) but as long as she kept sex within the confines of a LTR relationship I'm fine. No one night stands, friends with benefits, threesomes, etc.

  • Virgin girls are not shamed for valuing theor virginity... however...
    Guys WHO VALUE FEMALE VIRGINITY are shamed by women who are insecure about their HIGH body count.
    Comments of girls below prove my point.
    Those girls who BASHED Virgin lovers GET the most UP VOTE by girls.

    • I've only had two sex partners, which is a relatively low number for my age, where I live anyway. Not being a virgin has never made me any less happy, has never been a problem for me, and has never made it difficult for me to date. I have had fewer sex partners than pretty much all my friends and boyfriends. I have no reason at all to be insecure about my "body count". But it's still upsetting to me to see people calling non-virgins trash, garbage, used up, worthless, etc. I may not think it's true, but the idea of being viewed as trash is still hurtful. At the end of the day, that's just no way to talk about a human being. That's what it comes down to.

    • @samhradh_leannan @samhradh_leannan Do you think preferring virgins over non virgins is equal to viewing non virgins as trash or garbage, used up, worthless, etc?

    • I'm a virgin, and this guy seems like a huge douche

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  • Lol so it's all because of the little man his ego okay but if man can sleep around who are they sleeping with then?

    • little man can't get with girl, girl wants no man. Is it because man is small?

    • @6Pinchesofheaven what?

    • a man tried getting with a girl, she rejects him because he is not manly physically strong enough.

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  • I'm by definition a complete virgin and I think virginity is not a real thing.
    There may be some valid points but I don't really agree with them. I believe women want sex too but in a different level than we do. I am not sure if women prefer virgin men.
    But rest assured I do not subscribe to bullsh societies expectations especially with double standards.

  • I have had several lovers and every time i have sex with a new lover i have at least grimaced and usually screamed from pain (real and not cute or nice to hear) and they are concerned and i'm often asked several times during sex if i'm a virgin or how long it's been.

    every boy is different and what we share is beautiful.

    • Well that's not usually how it goes women aren't usually that tight... they might like your grimace & your screaming but the fact that a girl would have slept with that many guys would still be a turn off... it would help if they were as tight as you but most likely they aren't

    • What you share? The only thing women have to offer or share is a messy slit that smells like hell and is totally unhygenic. I'm still baffled as to how men like vaginas

    • I think it's really ignorant of you @myTake Owner to assume "most girls" aren't "tight". Just like someone has mentioned here, the vagina can stretch like elastic and go back into their original shape; so people who hasn't had sex isn't tighter than those who have had sex before. Plus, the whole myth about "popping a cherry" is false. You're not supposed to bleed when you have sex, including the first time you have intercourse. If a girl bleeds, it's because you're inserting yourself in an angle that's going to hurt, and thus, break a girl's lining.

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  • It's because of disease and how stretched a woman's vag can get after too many uses. There's no tread left on her tires after so many guys.

  • I don't get why people even care.

    • because of their values and morals

  • Or simply put, men want a loyal woman who hasn't been possessed by other men. Hence virgins are attractive.

  • Yea... no. Promiscuity is not something to be lauded in men either. Huge turn off. I would never want to bring a man like that into my family and certainly would not want to raise my children with that kind of a man. It's dirty and classless to have rampant sex. So, men please either stay virgins or limit the amount of sex you have.

    • I think the point here is that it is more socially acceptable. Here's a bit of a newsflash though, you *will* want your son to be brought up by a man who can get a woman if he wants to. This, in turn means that he's gotten a few. Moreover, consider that women usually like a man who "knows what he wants," but there is no such recognition available if you don't try a few things first - this goes for everything in life, not just sex.

    • @venoch lol no thank you. In my culture and in my family we are not raised to act like a bunch of monkey who act as if not having sex is the end of the world. My son's will be raised to fuck around like this. And that will not make them any less a man. The number of people you have sex with does not make you more maker than the virgin man. I'm related to very intelligent, dominant, manly men who all waiting until marriage to have sex and they all raised their sons to be the same way. Don't bring this shit to my face like that and try to "school" me got it? Promiscuity is not acceptable in my book.

    • My son's WILL NOT fuck around ***

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  • Great take

  • Lol. This is retarted. There is no long term difference between virgin and non virgin girls.

    • i dont know I've read somewhere that the more a girl has slept around, the less stable she usually is in relationships. there's a study for it somewhere

    • @Mr-Kabuki internet studies are mostly made it unfortunately. The only difference they have is a small piece of skin down there.

    • Retarted? Look dude, after you call something "Retarted" nothing you say afterwards is going to make sense... It would be different if you corrected yourself , but ... imagine me going around calling other people "Retarted"

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  • Fake Fake Fake

  • Where's the down vote for this? I also notice this is from an anonymous poster.

    • Lol ok &?

    • He is such a big brave man for anon 😆

    • I went anonymous because I have the option If you want to know who I am I'll message you & what Will you do then? Nothing. So please shut up about the anon thing it's getting old

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  • i prefer a virgin woman because im also a virgin.
    if i wasn't a virgin, i would never care about wanting a virgin woman.

  • Grade= A-: Why? Not having the courage to be bold and show your identity for what you really believe in.

    I agree with your Mytake. But I have to be fair.

    What woman perfers wants a man that has put his penis in different, smelly vaginas and butts and sometimes without using condoms?

    See My point?

    • Or you can consider that "future-cheating" lol

  • Only virgin hunters prefer virgins

    • 5 dislikes... not including me Statement not true

  • I'm sorry, 99% of the guys I know in real life are not virgin chasers. Are you sure it shouldn't be titled:

    "Why basement-dwellers prefer virgin women'?

    • You're 31... I'd hope they don't chase virgins that'd be a bit pedophilic

    • No, I'm a man, I don't give a fuck about virginity

    • Not even when I was 18

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  • Tbh I hate this when men sleep with as many women as they want but they want "A fresh brand new virgin"
    So ironic.

    • Agreed

    • @ArabianPwincess197 I really apreciate that

    • Lol, young man... that's what you call hypocrite. If you're saying all men want virgins, but have sex with multiple men, you're calling all men hypocrites. My take was about why men preferred virgins not why players deserve virgins.

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  • Wow, aren't you a sexist pig. Let's see pal; this is not the 1800's or some shithole religious country like Saudi Arabia. Get with the times and fuck how many women you want to fuck.

    • let me guess you are a white knight, probably even part of the LGBT and you happen to be a feminist

    • @Z-Spark Probably a woman

    • when someone online is getting womens approval about something like this then he is either gay , a cuck or a woman, there is no way in a 100 years men and women will both agree that virgins are better, sluts will always shame men who date virgins to try and get these same men to date them, at the same time men who date virgins are happy about it and dont care

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