Why the statement "All Guys Care About Is Sex" Is Utter Nonsense

So, We've all heard it. A Girl whining and complaining that apparently, ''All Guys ever seem to care about is sex''.

Why the statement ''All Guys Care About Is Sex'' Is Utter Nonsense.

Well, Let me stop you dead in your tracks sweetheart and tell you why it is that, Is simply, Not true.

Why the statement "All Guys Care About Is Sex" Is Utter Nonsense

You see, I think its important to say, That yes, Sex is important in relationships, Its a perfectly normal and healthy thing to happen that all humans at some point will naturally desire, Its inevitable, Its what makes us human. There is nothing to be ashamed of about it. So why have girls seemed to have developed this apparent 'Fact' That its all men think about it? Well, here's why.

Why the statement "All Guys Care About Is Sex" Is Utter Nonsense

Now, It is accepted in modern society, That generally (Not always), 'Prettier' People, Do get it easier when it comes to relationships, Thats not surprising, Thats just how humans are programmed when it comes to attraction, Looks are very important, Though they are not everything, they are a large part in attraction.

And sometimes, With Great looks comes great Vanity. Not always, But quite often. You see, a lot of Handsome guys will take advantage of their appearance, They are Alpha Males, Dominant guys among men. This is nothing new, Its always been like this. Its the same as how in High schools, The ''Jocks'' Were always at the top of every girls Want list. That dosent make girls Shallow or Mean, It just makes them Human.

The Problem is, As I've said, a lot of Handsome guys know this and abuse this. They will use it to sleep with women and take advantage of them for sex. Again, Nothing new.

Why the statement "All Guys Care About Is Sex" Is Utter Nonsense

Now, The problem comes, With, Because these guys, Are Handsome, And often considered the Pinacle of male Attractiveness within society by females, They are basically always the most desired by women, Which is understandable, This means, They date the most women, And with these women, Then have the most sex (Obviously). And they are basically only in it for the sex (Usually) and usualy dont care about long term relationships (See where this is going?)

So, When you think about it, The reason so many girls think all guys think of nothing but sex, Its because the guys they are physically attracted to, And or have slept with, Have been guys who are like that, And the girls fail to realise that they are only like that because they are attractive, and completely overlook the ''Less attractive '' guys who aren't like that as they have never experienced the uglier guys because, Well, Why would they want to ? theyre uglier. This is where the ''Nice guys finish last'' phrase comes from, Because generally, Uglier guys try to compensate with Personality, But if you dont have the looks to go with said personality, The Personality is fairly uselss. The same thing is exactly the same for females, This isn't just a guy thing, Generally, Less attractive girls feel this way too. But, It is usally projected with more hate from girls to guys then it is the other way around, This is why, As I've said, The ''Nice guys finish last'' phrase has been so universaly and famously coined. And why guys feel as though they have been ''Friendzoned'' for more physically attractive guys despite the fact of their ''Lesser Personality''

Why the statement "All Guys Care About Is Sex" Is Utter Nonsense

(^ This picture is all to true of a reality for so many guys, Its basically just a girls way of saying ''Youre the kind of personality i want, But your not hot enough''. Which pisses a lot of dudes off, The reason why its more famous with Girls to guys then the other way round, Is because girls are so much more upfront and honest about it then guys, Whereas guys will often take any girls they can)

So, I guess the morale of the story is, No, Guys dont only care about sex, The typical hot guy douchebags that you are attracted to only care about sex (It works both ways, Girls throw a tantrum all the time about how ''slutty pretty'' girls have sex all the time, Its because they are more physically attracive, so its easier for them to be slutty, its the same for guys)

And it always makes me laugh, Because most of the time, The people who complain about this type of stuff, Are the type of people who only care about sex, and then get annoyed when they found out someone else used THEM for sex and not the other way around.

Why the statement "All Guys Care About Is Sex" Is Utter Nonsense

If you want a guy who DOSENT only care about sex, there are 2 ways you can do it, you can either keep dating your typical hot guys until you slewed through enough douchebags and finally hit lucky and found a genuinly nice + hot guy, or you can lower your physical expectations (Which i doubt anyone is willing to do because thats not the society we live in)

So yeah, Girls, when i wake up in the morning, and go to work, and come home, and go to sleep, i can honestly say i spend about less than 0.1% of my day thinking about sex, maybe thats just me, but im not fussed about it. There are farrrrr more important things in far more numerous numbers that i think about that getting in someones skirt. So please stop with the arrogant nonsense of labelling all guys as sex abusing douchebags, because we are not ALL like that. just the same as not ALL girls are sluts.

Thank you for reading.

Why the statement "All Guys Care About Is Sex" Is Utter Nonsense
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22 29
  • Of course it's nonsense. I'm a guy and couldn't care less about sex. I mean I'll take it if it comes my way, but I don't actively go looking for it haha.

    • Yup!, I think girls seem to mix that point up, They thing all we care about is sex and actively go out hunting for it, Which is complete crap. Cheers for the input bro! ;)

    • No problem dude :)

  • I love sex haha but I don't let it control or run my life. Yeah I think about it quite often and I also have a lot of males that want to fuck me but I turned em all down cause I'm not attracted to them. Lol they are good looking men too but their personalities suck baboon balls! I look for the good guys.

  • I have friends who literally reduce men to dogs because they consider guys just wanting sex ALL THE TIME, it's a stereotype lol
    Nice myTake.

    • A far too common one :(

  • Great take, I agree 100%

  • You got plenty upon plenty of young males who do only want sex for various reasons and they usually out weight the rest

    Sometimes they can't be in a relationship or do not want to be and that's where the stigmas tend to start.

    Older men tend to be a little better if they have sense and have had education beyond high school and have something for themselves.

    It isn't all guys but it's is the majority esppecially when it comes to the different age groups

    It's blantly normal though.

    • There we go again with this blaming an entire gender of the actions of a few douchebags, Did you even read my entire take? I feel like if i respond to this ill simply be repeating myself...

    • Nah I read it. We believe in two different things. I know what I am talking about. I can't agree with you.

    • Why? Because you have slept with Hot guys who are douchebags and fail to respect the fact that they are the minority of guys and most dont care about sex? How do you know? are you a guy? no... This take is made from a guys point of view, You could never understand, Just as i could never understand a females mentality. Im just trying to get the message across that its not what most guys care about. Maybe try and put yourself with less pricks and you will change your mind?

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  • So what you're saying is that there's an inverse relationship between looks and brains in guys?

    I'd like to see some evidence for that, please. Because I think it's shallow.

    • Oh, wait, that was not what you were saying. I guess it was looks/sex appeal and libido/disregard for women's feelings. Anyway, I don't think it's that simple.

  • Yeah great take. Time well spent, and I mean it.

  • DAMN... yet, I am still a bit confused? how guy don't think of sex like in ever? I know they all do at some point! hahaha...

    • Yeah, like I said, there is always a time and place for it, but when girls assume it's always on our minds, and all we care about, just because of their experience with a few hottie douchebags, it's really ignore and annoys all the dudes (the vast majority of guys) who aren't like that It would be like me saying every girl is a slut, just because some are, it's not right to just generalise an entire gender negatively because of a few bad apples :)

    • oh okay! that was better explain.

  • You Sir have nailed it perfectly. :)

    • Cheers bud.

  • Ya you are right... since GTA 5 CAME FOR PC i am thinking a lot less about sex... after a busy day in my job i quickly come home and i play GTA 5... LOLLOL 😊
    Its such a interesting game...

  • Nice take :)

  • Ur completely ignoring the biological stance...

    Anywho, i think about sex most of the whole damn day, but that doesn't mean i act on it, so what if i think about it, i think about 1million n 1 things a day, it's natural

    Not all guys are the same

    Man whores come in all shapes and sizes, ugly and handsome

    • Judging by the fact that your profile picture is a ripped dude in a gym (which im assuming is you), And you say you think about sex a lot, Can you guess which type of guy in this equation you are? Thats right, The Hot guy who thinks about sex a lot...

    • Well thanks for not calling me a douchebag, but regardless i don't think of sex because of my appearance or media In my personal situation my libido n testosterone r just like that, so i see gym chicks, professors, other students, female staff, some kids mom... And yea, my mind goes there, but just my mind Whereas plenty of manwhores as I've said are, varying and far from attractive Ur correlation is not causative, circumstantial

  • most stupid take ever. sorry but what you say is that we have no chances dating a hot guy who is also nice

    • Not once in the entirety of post did i ever mention that. Perhaps if you'd actually read it all, Before jumping to ignorant conclusions, You would see that i actually went against the statement you just made. I never said you will never find a hot + nice guy. I just said, They are not as common as guys who are Hot + not nice. Just as there are more stuck up hot girls than just hot girls, Thats just how society works sweetheart.

    • actually i read all of it (it was a waste of time actually). you failed to convice what you stated on the title. girls are not that shallow. we dont go exclusively after the "hot guys". "hot" guys "less hot" guys are all the same

    • You litteraly just contradicted yourself. You started of by saying i said Girls have no chances of dating Hot + Nice guys, Now you're saying that there is no such thing as going for Hotter or less hotter guys? Wtf are you on about? So you're telling me, If a dude with a 6 Pack and stuff walks up to you, And then just a regular dude walks up to you, And they both are exactly the same mentally and personality wise, Same voice, Everything, You would go for the just regular guy? Would you bollocks. If however, On the Infintely offchance you would go for the Regular guy, Then congratulations, You are part of the a Minority in society, This post was not intended for you, This take was intended for the other 99.9% of the population. And Yes, Girls are that shallow. Guys are also equally shallow, Were all Shallow, Its part of being human, People can be mean as fug, And no matter how much nicey nice talk to splur on a website won't change that.

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  • Since men have both almost single-handedly built and destroyed civilization, it is obvious that we must have been thinking about much, much more than just sex.

  • It's best summarized as: There's no such thing as a free lunch.

    The men who have the best physical/social traits also have the most sexual access to women. Therefore, they will produce many more "relationship rejects" than an average man.

    More women go for these men because they are more reproductively fit, and so a larger than normal portion of women end up thinking that "all men care about is sex".

    The better statement is that for a man who has lots of sexual access, all he cares about is sex.

    And for a woman with lots of emotional access, all she cares about is status.

  • I was born in the USA. The USA has the highest rate of STD's for any industrial country. In fact, friends will think someone is a loser and sad if you don't have sex with strangers on a regular basis. Our culture has taught us to have premarital sex then suddenly become faithful after marriage. I've been called a "loser, sad" because I don't want to have sex with someone I'm not into. Look up the statistics. 33% of ages 15-24 have STD's. Even women will judge others for being abstinent.

    • I think most guys think about sex a lot including the ugly ones that hire escorts and hookers and sex vacations.

    • In this country, 35% of the population is diagnosed with STD in a year. I estimate the probability of not having STD's by age 45 is about 1 in 400,000. Or you are one of 1,000 in the USA by age 45. Sorry, but men and woman are constantly thinking about sex and getting it regardless of attraction.

    • This is by far the smartest perspective on the subject I've heard period. No one seems to care, and it's sad.

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  • " This is where the ''Nice guys finish last'' phrase comes from, Because generally, Uglier guys try to compensate with Personality,"
    BITCH PLEASE. Nice guys only give a shit whether or not a bimbo's fucking them. They don't care for a woman's personality, they want the same stupid bitch the 'alpha male' has. And what personality? They don't try to develop a personality. THEY THINK BEING NICE IS A PERSONALITY.

    • I could say the exact same thing to you. Even the uglier girls want the fucking alpha male.

    • Awww, did I hurt your feelings? :( Do you not read that I say NICE GUYS not ugly guys? That's a very asshole-like of you to assume that every guy YOU CONSIDER UGLY is a nice guy. I actually have more faith in men than that. lol

    • Did it ever OCCUR to you that MAYBE I wasn't talking looks BUT PERSONALITY? Of course it didn't, because guys like you are more obsessed with looks and ignore behaviors entirely... until someone accuses you of something, then you get all bitchy.

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  • I spend the majority of my day thinking about pussy.
    It's almost always in my forefront, regardless of what I am doing.
    If a pretty or even average girl is around, I'm thinking about her sexually.

  • girls want attractive then they get horse on a prince. After that they cry it was so cute haha and he just dumped me. Stop watching romantic movies. xD

  • ADIDAS!!! I suppose I'm a letch. I can't help but fantasize about almost ALL gals passing hot cute not so hot and some ugly but with some sort of curve being appealing. Like Benny Hill, I'm already having kinky pleasure with them in my mind within the first 3 seconds of seeing them. And girls pick up on this instantly! Which is why I have to where my hater-blocker shades all the time. LOL.

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