Why Women Have a Double Standard When it Comes to Having Sex

Women are looked at as pure and innocent in our society so there's more pressure on them to act that way whether most naturally are like that not. Virginity and purity are social constructs and other times were rooted in religion.

This double standard issue, we've been doing this for awhile just less severely as time went on. See if you can find a pattern here.

Why women have a double standard when it comes to having sex

In America it used to be women who were seen in a bar were automatically arrested for prostitution while the guys wouldn't get in trouble. Some time later girls were allowed in bars.

Also since premarital sex was illegal, if a girl got pregnant before marriage she was arrested while the guy got off with nothing. Eventually girls weren't arrested for having premarital sex.

Fast forward closer to our time and there is a period where girls were arrested for wearing shorts that showed skin a few inches up from the knee. Girls that wore shorts were seen as slutty and rebellious. Eventually it became normal.

In hindsight we realize that was unfair treatment with not a lot of logic.

Why Women Have a Double Standard When it Comes to Having Sex

Now back to our time...

men who have sex with a lot of girls or who hook with them quickly are seen as making an accomplishment, which it is because he has obstacles to overcome, you actually have to work to convince a girl to have sex. It isn't looked at as morally wrong.

When a girl hooks up with a lot of guys or just hooks up quickly isn't seen as an accomplishment, which it isn't because she didn't have to overcome any obstacles to have sex with the men. However it IS seen as morally wrong while a guy having a lot of sex isn't.

Why Women Have a Double Standard When it Comes to Having Sex

There's no logic behind it. If she isn't ruining other people's relationships or manipulating people she's not doing anything wrong. It's no different then when a guy does it except it's not an accomplishment. That's the only difference.

What we did to women with arresting them for going to a bar, having premarital sex, and wearing shorts, we know now it was wrong. Here's the kicker, we're doing it again, this time with slut shaming. It's the same thing except it's our times version of it.

This only applies to the people who don't think it's okay when a guy has a lot of partners but not when a girl does it. When I ask them to logically explain why it's wrong for a girl to do it but it's somehow okay for a guy to, they can't explain it.

This is take is the only logical explaination for this.

People who think it's wrong for both sexes to sleep around this take isn't about you.

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16 33
  • The double standard is due to this: men are more explicit, women are more subtle.

    So men have to understand women to have sex with them, where women only have to say "yes". If a man can get many women that signals he understands women very well.

    On the other hand, in my opinion, sleeping around with many people signals emotional neediness despite the gender.

    • The problem is, women are too chossy. I am a non-muscular, unatractive guy. So I cannot have sex with women.

    • Muscle and How tall you are are so important for them.

    • @Vivaldi So when are you starting your training plan?

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  • Not so much now a days.
    I think if pepole think in their opinion your punching above your weight or above there's you get praised and if below you may get shit for it.

  • I don't believe that women are seen as "pure and innocent" in these days today. Maybe in the early 20th century this could be applied more, but double standards are always gonna be around. The norm for society now is to lose your virginity before turning 20 or before finishing college. This generation leans more to the side of not being married; the divorce rates are pretty high too.

    If you want a double standard to think about and not be biased towards one gender, then you consider the case of some guys as well. If a guy sleeps with a lot of women, he's attractive to society or seen as "cool". But when a guy is a virgin for a long while, society sees him as a joke or humiliation. And even a lot of women have admitted that they don't want to date or sleep with a virgin. So this can cause pressure on men that are virgins to feel as a failure, have low self-esteem, and no confidence.

    I'm not saying that i'm biased or trying to defend men, i'm just trying to make you think about other aspects of your "logical" point of view. Both sides have their problems, you just can't focus on one side

    • Yes virgin men have problems too. The take was about slutshaming, so that's what was covered.

    • Duh! But if you wanna talk about "double standards", then you need to consider other things of similarity as well. You're only making yourself sound biased to focus on one side. slut shaming exists, but that doesn't mean that it's a crutch to lean on that makes yourself to feel better by calling it out. Have you not consider other problems that are making bigger impacts on people's lives such as "bullying or cyber bully"?

  • Oh boo hoo. People need to stop feeling sorry for themselves and have some pie.

  • I am of the view you mentioned at the last in your Take... but I hate these double standards as well!

  • This must be the stupidest idea I ever read. Are you still living in the 18th century lol

  • The double standard is shameful. I had plenty of sex and I have no shame about it.

  • The last pic.. did ya come across it after guglin 'douchebag party'?

    • Bro party

  • The thing, women who have sex with a lot of men are untrustworthy and easy whereas a man who sleeps with tons of women is the one who gets praised by women as the "most wanted" one.

    • I personally don't want a woman who's easy and untrustworthy.

    • I'm not a virgin myself but I have a lower partner count.

    • What's your evidence that their untrustworthy? It can't just be an assumption.

    • Show All
  • both genders can slut it up as far as im concerned

  • Are you some kind of religious prude or a troll?

    • Why do you think that? Break down my arguements and explain why you think that.

  • Love the first girl. She looks hot in orange

  • Girls are not pure and innocent. Girls are hot, naughty, and horny!!

    • Fuck YESS!

  • you like cars?

    • I don't get it

    • fall me; what do you think about this car s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/.../...871db6e19b.jpg ?

    • ''fallow'' me.

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  • I've never heard of a woman being arrested for wearing shorts. I'd like you to show me when they have. This question is crap and not even legit. Both sexes get arrested for having illegal sex of their time. What's illegal then may be legal now. So what.

    • An important point-the fact something is no longer illegal doesn't make it right...:a reality that many are unable to grasp.

    • @Sabretooth True and the opposite is also true: something is no longer legal doesn't make it wrong.

    • also true.

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  • The koolaid, you drank it

    • How so? Please explain.

  • You're a great guy for posting this, thanks.

  • This is a double standard that isn't going away anytime soon where women are the gatekeepers of sex and men are the gatekeepers of commitment.

    A girl who puts out easily is generally seen as easy and won't commit whereas a guy who can't get laid or commits too soon is seen as needy, desperate, and flat out undesirable.

  • As for obstacles I can't really agree. In general and assuming average looks on everyone, men have to seduce or otherwise persuade women that he's what they want. Women would rarely have to do more than ask as long as its in an adequate setting (e. g. club environment and alike).
    So it is obviously not going to be seen as much of an obstacle or accomplishment.

    Personally I believe that the mild (lets face it, its very mild) negative view of women who sleep around a lot is due to the ease of access. It isn't because they're indulging but because they're overindulging. Which explains why women typically slut shame other women more than men do.

  • women need less rights

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