Women View Men Exactly the Way Men View Women

First let me say that I know everyone is different. Everything I write here is based on personal experience and other opinions I got in my questions like this:


I don't speak for all men and I am not saying all women behave a certain way. Keep in mind that this is my first myTake. To clarify things, I am straight (Heterosexual).

I know the type of attraction isn't restricted to a certain gender. Most of us have heard people say that "Men are visual creatures" implying that women don't find men attractive in the same way. The media and society wants us to think that men are easily sexually aroused just by the sight of a attractive woman. Society and media also wants us to think women only care about a man's personality and what he can do(how strong he is, how many skills he has etc). Personally I disagree with society on this part.

Women view men just like men view women
Don't get me wrong, there are days I wonder if women actually look at us men like we look at women, but eventually after analyzing the behavior of women I know and asking questions here, I am more convinced that women do check us out. You are probably laughing at me and thinking "You wish". There is a catch though.

Most of the women that replied to my questions said that while they do check men out, they do it subtly. Women know when is the right time to check a man out. Here is were society comes into play, society still shuns women who actually ogle men. Society labels them rude names.

Women View Men Exactly the Way Men View Women

On the other hand not every man ogles women. Men like myself actually care for both a emotional connection and physical attraction in a woman. It's like this, a type of smoothie isn't a smoothie if you omit the milk or another ingredient. Same goes for when it comes to attraction to a woman, if I only find the woman physically attractive but abhor her personality, there is no way that I will consider dating her.

Same goes the other way around, I might think she is a very polite woman but if I don't find her physically attractive I still won't date her, because just like the smoothie she is missing one of the components/ingredients. From most of the opinions I got(I know they don't speak for every woman, I am just going by the majority) Women tend to feel the same, that they need like his personality, feel emotionally attached to him and obviously find him physically attractive to consider dating him.

Women View Men Exactly the Way Men View Women

More proof that women can be visual(personal experiences and opinions from women on my questions) is the occasions when a man that is considered physically attractive is present in front of women, all the women tend to start whispering to each other "Oh my gosh, he is so hot!" and they start talking about kinky things the women want to do to the man.

Women View Men Exactly the Way Men View Women

While a lot men tend to look at the breasts and buttocks of a woman(I prefer the female abdomen and navel) at least in this society, Women also look at certain body parts of a man(mostly arms, abdomen and buttocks) also a social experiment was done to determine if women also checked out a man's body, the experiment(which many of you might have seen) involved a man wearing a crotch cam and a fake erection. The camera caught various women constantly glancing at the man's crotch and some even smiled. So that's further proof that women can be just as visual as men.

Women View Men Exactly the Way Men View Women

Here is what I've noticed when I hang out with my friends(males), I notice that whenever a good looking woman walks by, they will simply look at her and whisper to me and each other, "wow, she is hot!." I admit I look at her, but I only glance at her, I don't stare. After that they will stop looking at her and we resume whatever conversation we were having.

Women View Men Exactly the Way Men View Women
A lot of people think that men get sexually aroused by women in bikinis. That might be the case for some men, but not all men, a lot of men simply find her aesthetically attractive and sexually attractive(two different kinds of attraction) Yes you can be sexually attracted to someone and not be sexually aroused. As I've mentioned in my question(link above), if I see a woman in a bikini, I won't get sexually aroused. I will still find her aesthetically and sexually attractive though but as I've said, that doesn't mean I am sexually aroused by the woman.

A hot woman in a bikini whether it's a picture of her or if she's standing in front of me, isn't enough to sexually arouse me. In order for me to be sexually aroused I need to have kinky thoughts in my head(thinking about erotic things she can do to me etc). That's simply sexual arousal(Body is ready for sexual activity), but in order for me to consider sex I have know the woman personally(if the woman is my girlfriend) since we would have a emotional connection, but I would let her initiate the sexual activity.

Women View Men Exactly the Way Men View Women

A lot women assume only men can be perverted creeps. The truth is both women and men can be perverted creeps. As I mentioned in one my questions, one day when I was 12 years old, I was at a local park. I was having fun in the playground but eventually a group of young women who looked like they were at least 18 years old came up to me and told me I was "hot" and that they wanted to have sex with me.

I was only 12 years old so I didn't exactly know what sex was. I didn't even know women had genitals. My parents never gave me the "sex talk". I walked away from away from them as they continued to stalk me around the park until I got close to where my parents were. That's a day I'll never forget. So yes women can be creeps as well.

Women View Men Exactly the Way Men View Women
So that wraps up this myTake, the point I am trying to get across is that men and women can have the same kind of attraction to each other. In other words a lot of women view men just the way a lot of men view women. So when a woman calls a man hot, it means the same thing when a man calls a woman hot. It's just that a lot of people follow societal norms, not me though. You see the good thing about our society is that we have freedom to be ourselves even if it goes against societal norms as long as we don't hurt anyone, so I am not afraid to be different than everyone and I am proud to be different, besides I am not hurting anyone or anything. So don't be afraid to not follow societal norms.

Women View Men Exactly the Way Men View Women

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  • All what really matters to me is the guys personality, and if he has a nice face. I usually don't start thinking about other things until I've been dating the guy for a while. So no it's not really that girls don't ogle men, I'm sure a lot of women do, but out of which gender does it the most it comes out that Men do. Most men see women as objects, just to use for sexual purposes I've encountered with many men like this. They don't try to get to know me, just want to sleep with me and other women and want nothing else. I'm not saying all men do this, clearly you don't, but many majority of men do. So yes most men are more visual and mainly only care about a women's appearance.

    • I agree! He is right in that not every men is the same in their views of women and our genders are overly stereotyped. We can't put on gender in a box. But I do agree, in my experience men tend to care more about appearance. I know women that are COMPLETELY fine with being with a sort of unattractive male but I can't say the same for any gut I know. Even my father was very reluctant to go out with my Mom because of her... Looks. But her figure made up for that.

    • *not every man *put one Sorry for the typos lol

    • @Grungenoreos exactly

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  • As a woman I will say that yes I check out men that I find handsome or attractive in a tastefull manor!

    And I don't mind being checked out so long as guys don't holler at me. Which is far from classy and I will just roll my eyes and keep on walking. Also I don't like when men stair at my tits... if you can check us out without it being noticeable or creepy go for it.

    That being said... I also check out woman I think are pretty or if I like their outfits. And I'm straight by the way.

    Another hing I must point out is "looks capture the eyes but personality captures the heart " and that cannot be further from the truth. I have dated people at fit I had absolute no attraction to to later get to know and then find so sexy. So really we do need an emotional stimulate. Looks fade and personality fades so everyone needs to start being less shallow and more accepting to find an imperfect person who's perfectly perfect for us!

  • No shit comes to mind, I thought everyone knew this.

    Its pretty simple to confirm. Make a Tinder account with your real pics. See how many matches you get.

    Make another Tinder account with exact same bio, but instead use a male model as pics. See how many matches you get.

    Attractiveness conveys healthy genes we can pass onto next generation, so of course looks matter for both genders.

    • I agree with you, but some of the other people who shared opinions think otherwise.

  • Another one that should listen more and talk less. Where do you get this stuff?

    • Personal experience and various sources, besides I didn't say everyone is like this, I made it explicitly clear.

    • Clearly you missed the whole point as well.

    • The point is you're full of it and should listen more and talk less. Another self-appointed expert here. GTFO I swear people like you write this stuff just to see if they can. It has no basis in reality.

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  • There are studies about that and both genders don't work the same way when it comes to attraction. Women aren't as visual as men. Sure they check them out and they are more attracted to hot guys but that's because humans try to find perfection. If it comes to attraction girls notice things about the guys personality more than only physical attractiveness. There are a lot girls who don't prefer to sleep with a shy guy on the other side guys wouldn't care if the girl is shy or not. They might have their preferences but it wouldn't be a total attraction killer. That's just one example.

  • Hot people want to be with Hot people
    Big surprise
    Grass is green
    Sky is blue

  • What a waste of my time to read that. What is the point oh wait there is none. And whats with that gross picture in the middle of it how am I going to sleep now with that in my mind. this was bad!!! so bad

  • All i have to say is. When im eating a good Chicken bacon sammich and my boyfriend is wearing those sexy girly skinny jeans im going to enjoy my meal while looking at his ass.

  • I will admit that there is a certain look that I tend to go for- soft brown eyes, lean body, well-kept hair, well-dressed. And I do tend to look at guys who look like that- quick glances, like you said. However, if I seriously want to date someone, I find it doesn't matter what they look like. A couple of my male friends agree that it's the same for them. I agree with this article- it's human nature to like an attractive face, but for everyone in the end it boils down to personality.

    • So you don't really care about a man's face? If you go for certain features, is it only in a artistic way?

    • I do care about the face in a way, but it is mostly centered around the eyes. How I view someone physically and how I view someone romantically are two separate issues. There are certain features that I go for artistically, as you said, and some that appeal to me romantically.

    • Now that makes more sense, thanks for your opinion.

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  • I went to an all-girls school for three years and whenever a hot guy appears on campus, oh my!
    One time, two attractive guys came to our school and a girl leaned over the railing and shouted, "YO! BOTH OF YOU! YEAH, YOU! I LIKE YOUR FACES! THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL!"

  • Good good good. We are acknowledging that women are the same as men even in the bad aspects - which is what feminism loves to ignore. They always think women are just as good as men - and that's true. But women are just as bad as men too. Ouch, gender equality is a cruel bitch huh?

  • So women will stare blankly at our cleavage? I guess I need to start showing more cleavage.

  • Yes women are definitely visual no doubt. But a hot man is rarely enough to be sexually aroused. It's his behavior, way of thinking, personality that makes me really like him or really hate him.

    • Of course, but remember that sexual attraction and sexual arousal are different things.

    • You mean physical attraction and sexual attraction are 2 different things. Sexual attraction IS Sexual arousal.

    • Physical attraction to is like looking at a art piece. I don't have feelings for it, I just think it looks nice. Same goes for when I look at another man that's in good shape and isn't "Ugly" I only look at him as a piece of art because I am straight. Sexual attraction though that's when us guys look at a very hot woman and say to ourselves "wow! She is hot" but it isn't sexual arousal. Sexual arousal is when a man gets a erection and a woman gets lubricated. Now if women only look at us guys like a piece of art then I wouldn't say that women find men attractive for their looks. I am starting to get the feeling that women look at men like us straight men look at other men.

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  • I agree to be honest but I check everyone out.

  • Oh dear, an issue filled to the brim with double standards and general non-sense. Of course, one may find endless material for long articles, but there's no objective ground here. It is what it is, bang the personality or the pussy..

    • You probably misunderstood everything I said.

    • You did say you aren't speaking for all men and I'm not using a crystal ball. I've understood your point, which is moot.

    • I respect your opinion and your constructive criticism.

  • "Women View Men Exactly the Way Men View Women"

    If you actually believe this, I feel really sorry for you.

    • I've clearly stated that I know not every woman is like that.

    • Women have things going on in their minds that would never occur to a guy. We're just completely different in how we view the other gender. That's why most guys are baffled by the men most women choose to date.

    • I agree though, we will never know how woman view us guys and vice versa. However do you still think that to a certain extent, certain women can still be visual?

    • Show All
  • I'm attracted to women's looks, but I'm more attracted to women who are attracted to me.
    I don't know if someone named it yet, but a women who is a 9 and attracted to me makes me feel a shit-ton better than if she was a 11 and isn't.

    • Same here, I would never consider dating a woman that only likes me for my personality.

  • great mytake, you deserve an applause.

  • I have always agreed with this way of thinking. Maybe I'm just different but I can be sexually aroused just by looking at an attractive guy. Though I think everyone is different. Some guys just look and appreciate while some girls look and get turned on. I think it just depends on the person.

  • Oh so you're saying human beings appreciate eye candy when they see some? Wow, wo woulda guessed? Come on bro.

    • As you can see from some of the other opinions, some people think otherwise.

    • Oh ok. I got ya

    • Well its no secret that anyone can view others as eye candy. But I think one of the main reasons why men are believed to be more objectifying when it comes to women is that it is proven that on average, I repeat on average, men have a higher sex drive then women. But everyone is different and women can be just as shallow and pathetic as men. Goes both ways really

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