Yes, I'm Allowed to Have a Problem With Transgender Bathrooms

My Problems with Transgender Bathrooms

My Future Children

I am a Christian. (Let me make that very clear.) I don't think God makes mistakes when he assigns gender. Period. So, I don't want my possible future kids to go to school, see all their friends using whatever name, gender, or bathroom they want, yet coming home and having me tell them it's not right and that God made us beautiful and just the way he wants us. No! No! No!

Personal Safety

Well, if any male can say he feels like a female that day and can waltz into a female bathroom, he can see I'm alone, then he can rape me. Ummmm... Hello? This is a serious problem. To me, the bathroom is a private place where girls have their girl problems. I don't even want to know what goes on in male restrooms. The female lavatory is where I can change my pad, put on some make up without worrying if the person entering is a female or a male pretending to be a female to see if their are any women or young girls in the bathroom that they can satisfy themselves with.

Yes, I'm Allowed to Have a Problem With Transgender Bathrooms

You Better Match Your Gender to Your Genitalia

Excuse me for feeling this way, but I feel that if you're going to be in the male's bathroom, when you drop your pants there better be something there resembling the male genitalia. Same for women. Little kids in the 6th grade know that if you have a penis, you're a boy. Why can't adults understand that, too? If you have the surgery and you now have a vagina, by all means, come on in.

I really don't care what you do in your free time. You can sleep with other females, other males, other biological males, other biological females, you can wear dresses over your hairy man chest or shave your hair and glue it to your face to make it look like you have a beard. I really don't care. However, if you invade my privacy for the sake of "your transgender rights" or "not offending you", you'll have to get along because I will not give those up without a fight. I have rights too, you know. None of them specifically state that I have the right to pee in a room exclusive to my gender, but I do think that we shouldn't force this on people who don't want transgender bathrooms.

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44 69
  • I think bathrooms should be unisex. in don't believe trans people are what they identify with. And I think the trans people who fought against making bathrooms unisex in fear of cisgender men need to get over themselves. make bathrooms unisex, women and children know what to expect. everyone is happy.

  • Yeah, i identify as Ra, sun god, i demand my own private bathroom.

  • I don't think anyone really cares, to be honest. I'm probably the most liberal person you'll find on this website, and I give absolutely no shits about the bathroom drama (haha, pun...). People who are concerned about this sort of thing seem to think bathrooms are where people go to find sex, or something. If there was some evidence that women threw themselves at any dick that walks into the ladies restroom, I'd never leave the damn place. It's a place of urine and feces. It's not a pickup spot. Who fucking cares...

  • Or mind your business, you don't even know who could be a transgender or not (some are obivous while others are not). There barely any evidence that transgender people violate other people's privacy in bathrooms. If anything you more likely to find a pervert in the bathroom violating your privacy then a fucking transgender person. Its none of your business what they are doing and its none of their business what you are doing.

  • Why can't people just take a piss and move on with life?

    Here's the solution to this whole fucking problem: MIND YOUR OWN GODDAMN BUSINESS IN THE BATHROOM. Just go in, do your thing, wash your hands because germs and stuff, then leave. Are you people really this terrified that some creepy Herbert in a dress is gonna take a peek at your bits? When there's an ocean of FREE porn just a Google search away?

    All of this bathroom shit is retarded and it just goes to show that if you stop having any common sense, they'll put a law where your common sense used to be.

  • You have the right not to use a public restroom.

    • I also have the right of freedom of speech.

    • Having freedom of speech doesn't make my point any less valid. I've very well signed my life away so that you can continue to speak your mind and hopefully I signed it away, so American citizens can use the restroom that they feel is right for them. Again, you have a right not to use the restroom. You also have a right to complain, bitch and moan. So yeah, please tell me more about your god damn "rights".

  • I would respect your opinion more if you weren't hiding behind anon. You're a bigot, I feel very sorry that your life is so caught up in where other people pee. I don't understand why you care.

    • The word bigot doesn't mean what you think it means. Anyone that believes strongly in something is a bigot. The word isn't an insult even if it is used that way. In fact using at an insult on people that don't share your view actually proves that you are bigoted against them.

    • @heavensgift2girls nah, people who use religon as an excuse to withhold people's rights - that is bigoted. I know exactly what the word means, thanks. It's not an insult, it's a fact.

    • I went anonymous because I felt that if I were to have a face, then people would, like you, "cyber bully" like 13 year olds on Facebook. This way, you have no idea who you're insulting and I could be someone important or not. But you'll never know. Do you want to know why I care? Really? Because I don't think you do and that's the problem. Society is saying it's "not cool" to not like transgenders, so, we as humans try to fit in. We do! You don't notice it, because it's just the natural reaction. You probably never decided for yourself that being gay or transgender is OK, not cognitively. I can't say that for a fact, but you probably made that decision on a more unconscious level. I care because I decided, for myself, that I can't allow this to simply happen. I will fight it because I feel that this all stems from a desire to rebel from God-given morals. That is why you will never agree with me. To you, morals change from person to person. I look so stupid to you, I know.

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  • Nothing will change no matter what we think. There's already lawsuits about this.

  • I too am a Christian.
    God does not make mistakes.
    The transgendered are a reality.
    Therefore God made them that way.
    At the very least it is SACRILEGE.

    • It is also a SIN! Invoking God in this way is taking Her name in vain. Not quite as evil as starting a genocidal war in His name, but the same principle applies.

    • Its not bigotry. Its wanting to use the bathroom in private.

    • @Spermdumster666 The diatribe against TGs clearly flows from flawed theology. Using God's name to spread hatred has been at the core of the crusades, the Jewish Holocaust, many fatwahs and other evils. "God is on our side' makes sense to you? How do you figure that? Her logic is flawed in that it ignores the simple straightforward answer in favour of the convoluted and contradictory. She is using God to rewrite reality for no good reason that I can discern. What do you think is the point of asker's first paragraph? It says nothing about privacy. Are you suggesting that single gender bathrooms are private? Do you also suggest that segregated bathrooms are rapist-free zones? What makes you think that? Personally I don't see the harm in kids growing up knowing something about the other gender's anatomy. It eliminates the lure of the unknown and the forbidden when sexual maturity eventually rolls around.

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  • Yeah, but this is your opinion. Not that of the general public. I agree males that say 'they feel like a woman' or females saying 'they feel like a man' shouldn't be allowed, but that's not the same as a tansgender. A transgender is someone who's started the change already, either by surgery and medicine or by dressing differently. There might have already been some trans people in the bathroom with you without your knowing.

    Also, you might say you think people should stay with their assigned gender 'by god' but doesn't the bible state all people should be accepted? So if you're going that way study christianity better first. There have been no claims of rape by a transgender yet, ever. However, there have been claims someone got raped by someone in the name of god.

    Rapists aren't equal to trans people, just like rapists don't equal christians.

    Rapists come in all sorts of people and shapes and sizes, so.

  • "Let me tell you why I have this stance"
    Hmm okay, I'm willing to listen to other views as long as you can logically explain it to me.

    "First point, God"
    And you've lost me.

    • this!!!

  • Yes you have the right to your opinion I however don't share it. I want my sons to be treated as people and not predatory animals. I don't know how it's like where your at but where I am, people do their business in the stall and not in the open bathroom; so having a different gender in there doesn't matter. Bathrooms are gross... you do your business and get out. If your worried about rapists i m sure they don't care what picture is on the freaking door. If someone identifies as female they should go in the ladies room... how would you know otherwise unless you'd like a security officer checking genitalia at the door. I personally am okay with unisex bathrooms and a family bathroom for those that really need to be left alone.

  • You can feel this way all you want. Some transgender people already use the restrooms comfortable to them. I doubt you've ever noticed, what a nightmare 😂Like someone else said, you won't notice some are trans unless they told you. Watcha gonna do? Make everyone bring birth certificates to the restroom?

    And the thing about trans people (usually people that are more obviously trans), do you know the proportion of them getting abused by cis people compared to cis people getting abused, raped, jumped, killedvby them is much, much larger and more prominent? I'm more afraid of a transwoman going into a male restroom judging by the likelyhood of her getting abused by males. They get discriminated against 10× more than you and me. So seems to me, they're the one's getting victimized here... A lot of people like you don't realize that. You dont care because you're the majority.

    Just because they are a minority doesn't mean they don't deserve the same rights as everyone else.

    • it's not the trans that got unnoticed that are of concern. it's the excuse for anyone to use whichever bathroom due to the wide range of who and how falls under the definition of transgender.

    • *go unnoticed

  • how about no bathrooms? :D

    • We shall live free like the wolves, and the meese.

    • Yeaaah let's teach girls to pee like men

    • @DocRim well there is a device that can help mimic that, but i wouldn't recommend it lol

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  • Before I start I openly admit I'm not someone who fully understands this conversation. Having said that -

    Gender natural bathrooms are used a lot in the UK. Mainly in places with only one toilet anyway but in schools it's becoming more common. The world hasn't ended. It's mostly women who complain because men tend to have poor aim in public toilets.

    I'm sure you share a toilet with women at work or something like that.

    Where they are split I don't think you should be able to choose... because what's the point otherwise? I can actually see logic behind having to register as a single gender. The way I understand being transgender is you're born in the wrong body. That isn't you choosing to be a male/female anymore then someone chooses to be gay. So just let them register as legally male/female and move on.

    As for God... don't pretend to understand everything. For all you know he is testing us on being accepting. The bible doesn't say love thy neighbour unless *insert long list here*.

    "Gender fluid" isn't a thing. Sorry but it isn't. You don't change sex one day to the next. It makes no sense.

    I also don't see why they are split. Other then longer waits (seriously girls pee faster) who cares who you the toilet last. It's not like anyone sees you going anyway. Dispute the word "public" nobody sees me go.

  • oh well.

    1. there are FAR more important problems to deal with currently. There's poverty, wars, disease, mistreatment of animals... no one seems to make drama about that shit.

    2. I agree that genitalia should match the bathroom door one enters. And that's where things should end, until there aren't any more pressing things going on in the world. Really now.

    3. I don't think transgender restrooms necessarily mean more rape.

  • I agree with you. This is all just the next battle ground for the LGBTQ+ agenda. They want to shove it down everyone's throats. I'm really glad that companies like Target are getting hammered when it comes to their stock price. (Target has lost about $4 billion in market capitalization since they announced their open restroom policy.) I admire you for speaking out against the PC Social Justice Warrior LGBTQ+ insanity.

  • well it gives paranoid people, the right to attack adrogynous people esp women who looked like butch or men.

  • #1 a lot of people assume stuff about God. Well here is the reality: you do not tell God what to do. Maybe he did something you don't like or doesn't fit your image; that's too bad, you have no say in it. Maybe he wants the gender blender to be here. No, he doesn't have to tell anyone about anything.

    #2 personal safety sounds cool but last time I check, you can have an actual guy push into the women's restroom because there isn't a restroom guard! There are also women changing their sex into men! Where are they going to go? The men's restroom? What do you think the male restroom is? So the personal safety is just political argument. If a guy wants to rape you, he will not be stopped by the logo on the door. You are far safer to be some other person or learn how to defend yourself.

    #3 you can feel a lot of things but in the end, logic and practical solutions are what you have. I also feel that I was born to Rock but I am just a guy so I was forced to work. Transgender are here to stay. Unless you want to go with the executions like the old Inquisition, you better get used to it.

    • #1 It clearly states in Deuteronomy that men and women shall not wear each other's clothes, and a lot of people use this verse to argue against transgenders. I hate it, but that chapter goes on to say stuff like "you shall not have linen and cotton blend clothes.".. Yeah, nobody listens to that, so if some Christian tries to feed you that verse, tell them off. But the Bible does say that God made you the way He wanted you. For a reason! The Bible also says that God does not make mistakes. I have chosen this, you haven't, but I think this is like slapping Him in the face. #2 I am a red belt in taekwondo. Not as scary as a black belt, but enough said... #3 Is it logical to execute people? Because we could try- just kidding. You're obviously very left brained and I respect that, but I think that if we take away emotion, we will wind up like Cybermen. Pure logic, is never the answer. There is beauty in balance.

    • #1 Again, interpretation of a translation does not get to dictate what a God does AND some book do not get to dictate what a God does either. What makes you think all those books are actual will of a God and not some science fiction? Even if it does then why can't he changed his view? Maybe he let those books circulate to have a good laugh at you. Maybe he made it the way he wanted and you failed to understand him? Maybe he made a mistake and he just rolled with it! You do not get to dictate what he does! He doesn't have to suit your imagination. #2 Then what's the problem? #3 What makes you think you have a balance? At what point do you slip too much into feeling and ignore the reality? Emotion clouds your judgement and weaken your resolve. You do not want to make a life and dead decision because you of how you feel. I have seen a lot of people made their choice with their heart and not their brain. Most of them failed and became miserable.

    • #1 I am seriously not going to have a "is the Bible true" debate with you. I am too lazy for that. Google it if you must know. Google knows all. #2 Some people aren't ninjas like me, obviously. #3 You're still thinking with your left brain. And I'm still thinking with my right brain. We're never going to agree on this. We bank on a particular hemisphere naturally, it's generally stronger and more sure than the other. Like a muscle, except an organ (oooooh... logic). Anyway, you say those people made a choice with their heart not their head. So, why can't you make a decision with both? Wouldn't that be balance?

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  • I love this MyTake. It's honest and probably says what a LOT of people are thinking but are afraid to speak up, so they won't get called haters or be attacked. I concur with everything you have said.

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