Girlswhich one do you prefer- boobs or butt being touched?

which one do girls prefers their boobs or butt being touched when they are with their boyfriend mine always want me to go for her tits they huge for her size and she is proud of it
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Most Helpful Girls

  • WOW this is a difficult question. I personally really like both a bunch. My nipples are very sensitive and touching them really gets me rockin.

    I can also tell you for instance if me and a guy are dancing or walking and he is rubbing my butt it will not be long before we are doing you know what@@@@@

  • I always thought I would like the breasts getting the attention, but my boyfriend just started to pay more attention to my butt, especially when we sleep together. And it also turns me on when I'm on top of him when we make out and he gives it a nice firm squeeze :)

    • i will pay a very good attention to your breasts if I am allowed to

  • I prefer him to touch my butt. Idunno why.. it also turns me on hahahahaha

    boobs... are whatever lol kissing them yes.. playing with them or touching them... don't really care for it unless you are jerking off to them lol

Most Helpful Guy

  • this is hot...

    • It sur us. Damn

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  • I would def have to say my butt! I love it when he grabs my butt while we are kissing - major turn on!

  • Boobs. I'm really sensitive there and it always turns me on. At least when it's a guy who knows what he's doing.

    • Totally agree, but guys always seem to go for my butt, which doesn't really do anything for me

  • i have to say arse (butt) I don't know why but I well love when a guy touches it lol

  • Butt, definitely.

  • i prefer the butt to be honest, don't know why. I just do! :D