Are you mentally ill or mentally healthy, and is it difficult or easy for you to orgasm during masturbation?

I did another poll about orgasmability and antidepressants (vote here) and noticed a significant amount of antidepressant users saying that they struggled with orgasm even beforehand.
I was wondering if it was influenced by their mental illness.

For the sake of this poll, mental illness could either be diagnosed, or something that maybe you haven't spoken to a doctor about, but is obvious that you probably have

Are you mentally ill or mentally healthy, and is it difficult or easy for you to orgasm during masturbation?

I'm mentally healthy & it's not difficult to orgasm
Vote A
I'm mentally healthy, but it's difficult or impossible to orgasm
Vote B
I'm mentally ill & have been on antidepressants, and it's only difficult/impossible to orgasm when I'm on antidepressants
Vote C
I'm mentally ill & have been on antidepressants, but it's not difficult to orgasm, even when I'm on antidepressants
Vote D
I'm mentally ill & have NEVER been on antidepressants, and it's NOT difficult or impossible to orgasm
Vote E
I'm mentally ill & have NEVER been on antidepressants, and it IS difficult or impossible to orgasm
Vote F
Vote G
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Taking antidepressants can lower your libido and actually keep you from having an orgasm. Maybe that is why a lot of people won't take them when they should. They prefer sex to feeling healthy. But having sex and not feeling healthy can actually derail your sex life and relationship. So I guess you have to chose your poison.

  • I'm on medication for my generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, and depression. I get off easier than my boyfriend does.

    • Is he mentally ill or healthy?

    • Healthy. Also, anxiety and depression don't mean you are mentally ill.

    • Actually it does, especially depression. Depression is the leading cause of suicides and being suicidal is a mental illness in of itself. Anxiety disorder is all mental. You have anxiety because your brain is psyching itself out which makes it a mental illness. Mental= brain. But just because it’s classified as a mental illness doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you as an individual. Anxiety and depression is really common.

Most Helpful Guys

  • i've read that masturbation is bad for you if you think bad about masturbation. like if you feel guilty or worthless after, it's harmfull for you. i could see that relating to mental health to some degree.

  • It's more or less because I've been uhh beating the meat ever since 1st grade but yeah I'm mentally ill and haven't orgasmed during sex, both times I haven't despite my partner cumming

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What Girls & Guys Said

5 18
  • I’m mentally healthy now but I wasn’t a few years ago. I’ve always been able to orgasm with masturbation only even while on antidepressants. With antidepressants it did take longer but I still had the desire every once in a while. It’s hard for me to orgasm with a man with or without antidepressants, either it doesn’t happen at all because the guy cums before me or it takes me a really really long time and I mean an hour or longer but with masturbation I can orgasm in minutes. I know my pleasure spots better than anyone else and I haven’t found a guy that can hit those spots. Most guys tend to think every girl has the same spots and that’s not true. Most times, it’s hard to teach the guy the spots because their ego and pride gets in the way. They want to impress but it ends in disappointment, sexually frustrated and unsatisfied, not for them though. Have yet to find a guy who is willing to be taught and makes sure I orgasm first before he does. And I’ve had several men in the past. Now, I kinda just gave up and sex is the last thing I look for. I can satisfy myself. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • This is a very interesting topic. However, there is one catch 22 when you take a rather sophisticated view on this subject because one of the greatest natural antidepressants and regulator of all the four feel-good hormones, namely; dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and oxytocin, is the humble orgasm. So a problem or inability or unwillingness to orgasm starts a vicious cycle, since if you did have a healthy chance to orgasm it is possible everything would take care of itself. Also a crucial other factor that is often overlooked is refractory period, namely how long does it take the person from one orgasm to recover till one is able to experience arousal and orgasmate again. This is important since most of these people who have a problem to orgasm , if they let more time pass their sexual frustrations at some point will be a helping factor in them orgasmating or at least being closer to an orgasm. Therefore is it that they just have a very weak and long refractory period or is it something else. As per the correlation of antidepressants, that is obvious, since typical depression will lead to low libido from the outset. Lastly, too many of us forget that we tend to neglect the fact that the best stimulation is not physical stimulation. Neither a woman nor a man needs any kind of physical stimulation to orgasm. Sounds strange but just think of a wet dream, there, most often there is no physical stimulation and we cum fine. Therefore, we must not neglect the mental stimulation, what I mean here is , lets say a lover is separated from from their soulmate for 5 years and he/she has had many one night stands to get by where there is not much emotional attachment and is a little bored and finding it hard to cum. At the same time they have been pining for their lover. Now if the person suddenly is surprised to find the lover in their bed by surprise and they have sex, the chances the person will cum are immense, and the only reason is the mental, meaning the emotional. Now this is an exaggerated example, but you get my idea. Increasing the emotional factor can help.

    • I like what you write and for the most part it’s true however, antidepressant medication is known for causing low libido. It’s not the depression that causes low libido. It’s the medication that does. However some may experience low libido during depression before starting medication but I could see that causing an even more extreme low libido levels than before once starting medication. Antidepressants targets the serotonin levels. Not necessarily the dopamine, endorphins or the oxytocin levels. If it targeted the dopamine levels (which some do) then they’d become dependent and addicted to the medication as dopamine is the epic center of habits but not all antidepressants are habit forming so they don’t target dopamine. Orgasms do target all the pleasure levels in the brain which is also why they can become habit forming for some individuals. If you gain some of those levels through meditation and not with orgasms then your brain won’t feel the need to orgasm again thus making your libido levels drop. For some it’s a significant drop and for some it’s a nonexistent drop, I assume that’s the point of this poll.

  • I had a girlfriend who was on anti-depressants and she was damn near asexual.

  • I dated a girl who was on antidepressants and ADHD medicine and she was hyper sexual. I have an anxiety disorder and take no meds and I myself an pretty hyper sexual.

  • I’m on antidepressants and ADHD meds currently, and no I have no problem. I cum probably TOO easily tbh lol