My fiancé and I have this same fantasy. However, we're getting married in the very near future and when that time comes he will be raising the child right along with me. Because I know that, I know he is a good man. I'm not so sure that it would be a turn on for me otherwise because I can't get turned on if I don't feel secure even in the smallest of ways. Also, because he is a good man, I don't think he would get turned on if he knew he wouldn't be around to help raise him/her. I know that the unconscious urge to procreate in every man is present, so I'm sure that MOST men would still get turned on knowing that they might not be around to help raise the child for whatever reason. That's just biological. It's just not moral if it becomes a reality. It's all good if it stays a fantasy though. I hope you're the type of man that's similar to my fiancé though, because otherwise I would have to call you a boy haha! Men don't run away from their responsibilities. I want to think you're a man though due to your original post. You said an unplanned pregnancy would ruin your life at this time or the near future... which means you'd be taking on the tough responsibilities of helping to raise a child instead of bailing, otherwise your life would remain the same (unruined). In which case, props to you. Hope you can have a family when it's the right time and you're ready. In regards to your earlier question and reason for posting, you'd be surprised how many men fantasize about it. Potential (and future) family men and players alike. I've heard MANY men talk about it. At the grocery store the other day I watched a 9 month pregnant woman in tight clothing (although very adorable/tasteful) take a shopping cart to a worker (because he was rounding them up) and he smiled at her like he'd just stripped her down naked with his eyes. Then she turned to walk away and he checked her out from head to toe and silently smacked his lips with a hardcore look of longing. Made me giggle. :-P
5 3 0 0Yes it is a huge turn on. I used to think I had a weird fetish for it, but just realized that the instinctual desire to breed is normal & actually probably the most natural of all drives. The carnal urge to procreate & produce healthy offspring is built into our genetic wiring. I do get turned on by the thought of my husband taking control of my body through impregnation so easily, with just one moment of passion & his pleasure of satisfying release of seed into me. Knowing he has the power to make my body swell in certain areas due to pregnancy in order to accommodate his brood growing inside of me each day, closer & closer to full term is pretty hot. It might be uncomfortable & burdensome for me to bear his children. Even if it is a cumbersome, heavy laden, wifely fecund duty to conceive & produce the children he wishes to sire, that is the truest expression & sacrifice for love, to create something that is him & I together, and I know it is important to him to father children. Also it displays the greatest trust, that I allow him to put me in the vulnerale, risky position of altering my life by being knocked up, laboring & caring for our babies, but trusting he will be by my side the whole time committed to respecting, honoring, and loving me deeply, as well as providing & taking care of me & the babies I birth for him, as a result of his will to inseminate and spread his genes. Wow, okay now my womb feels like it's aching to be filled after writing that.
5 4 0 0Beautifully said.
Finally! Someone who was able to put my thoughts and feelings into words. Glad I'm not the only one out there who feels like this. -Michelle
Reading your response is incredibly stimulating both mentally and physically. Would make any man desire to fulfill what you describe so elegantly.
Yes it turns me on too. Like you said I would NOT want to get pregnant right now or in the next few years however I thought of getting pregnant does turn me on too.
First there's the coming inside me part, which I guess feels good for both parties. What turns me more on though is the thought of caring something inside me which kinda part of him and me.
Also I think women who are only slightly pregnant are incredibbly beautiful, but that's how far it goes, when it gets bigger I don't thinks it's attractive and must be a huge burden, but I guess worth the effort.
However I know what you mean.3 4 0 0i agree with you ~it's just the first 4 to 6 weeks that the woman's body is even more of a turn on... luckily science has given us the Pill to get rid of it at that stage... :)
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Yes, absolutely. Probably it has a lot to do with the male instinct to produce offspring. Making babies is built into the DNA, so to speak.
Actually, my girlfriend and I have been living together for 10 years and have three children together. The first two were unplanned pregnancies and once my girlfriend was pregnant it was like I went into sexual overdrive. I generally have a high sex drive but when my girlfriend was pregnant it was like I could not keep my hands off of her. Luckily, her sex drive went up and so it worked very nicely.
Still, there is just something about the thought of making my girlfriend pregnant - and once she was pregnant that feeling of having sex with a woman who was carrying my child drove me crazy. See her naked and pregnant made me horny as hell.
Like I say, I guess it is hormones and the instinct of the human male to make babies. Whatever it was - I am a lucky guy. Three beautiful kids and a girlfriend who rocks my world. It was scary when she got pregnant the first time - but now I would not have it any other way!!0 0 0 0Hahaha, yes, its crazy isn't it? The worst possible thing that could happen and the thought of it is a turn on! I think it is normal. We have had it before, and nearly died when she went to take a test afterwards!
7 3 0 0This is an absolutely huge turn on for me. Each time I’ve found out that I have gotten a girl pregnant, it’s such a huge rush.
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19 10Maybe it's not the pregnancy that turns you on just the ejaculating into a girl without protection? Which is pretty hot. And you could easily live this fantasy out with you have a girlfriend (and you're both STD free) if she went on the pill, or the implant etc.
1 2 0 0Well, okay, YES, I am turned on by ejaculating into a girl without protection, but the thought of her carrying all of my sperm swimming deep inside of her and then having her carry a baby from my seed, is what is turning me on lately (to be more specific). =]
Yup ^^^^
no ~if we knew she was on the Pill or whatever it would take away the element of horniness that comes with knowing she could get preg.. it is such a turn on... but then again so is anal... i suppose the best sex would be both ~start in the vag and then after a brief rest get hard again and in the other place... lol
yeah I totally understand where you're coming from, when I get really close to a guy and we're going at it, the thought of carrying his baby (baby boy pleases lol) really turns me on. and my boyfriend used to ask me whether or not I wanted him to wear a condom because he wanted the risk of me getting pregnant, of course I always told him to wear one! ha ha but I thought it was hot and kinda sweet that he wanted it that way.
2 2 0 1interesting to know you get extra turned on by the idea of getting preg. with a male child... wonder what's behind that ! lol
yes there is something very edgy about unprotected sex with someone you're really into that's s very hot. If it's a turn on for both it makes for crazy hot sex.
2 0 0 0The idea of accidentally getting pregnant turns me 1 1 1Y’all are disgusting lmao
0 0 0 1
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