Like Audrey said, it's definitely worth trying.
From what I've seen/heard/experienced, it can vary on the girl: some really like it, others do not, even if the guy is really good at it.
To do it right, the guy should take some time and play lightly with it. Have him use a finger until your comfortable with that, then gradually working up to two fingers, etc. Obviously, use lube.
Though one thing's for sure, if it's hurting you; he's doing it wrong.
Cheers and good luck.0 0 0 0
Most Helpful Girls
Wasn't real clear where you were going with this question and as answered below doing it from behind doggie style (vaginal) doesn't hurt in fact feels very very good. If it is anal I couldn't help you because never done it and have no interest in ever trying it.
0 0 0 0having sex from behind does not mean anal, so it doesn't hurt. I would definitely recommend it, it's my favorite position. but if you are asking if anal is even worth it, then I would say it's worth trying, but it's nothing fantastic, not for me anyways.
0 0 0 0it is worth trying...the 1st few times I cried, wished someone had told me there's lube specifically for anal sex that numbs the area. he has to be very gentle at 1st & do have him start by fingering and working up to 2 finger ect. & a lot a lot of lube
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1 0Doggie style is my fave position- it doesn't hurt at all.
If by 'from behind' you meant up the arse, then yes, it probably will hurt a bit. Use lots of lube and take it slow!1 0 0 0
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