My boyfriend wants to eat me out.

my boyfriend wants to eat me out this Saturday night. I want to let him. What types of foods and things should I eat or do to keep it extra fresh for him?(: leading up to Saturday and on the day...(and night)... Any tips?(: THANKS!(:
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Well when my boyfriend eats fruit and drinks a lot of water for a week before I go down on him, his semen tastes REALLY good and sweet, so I say you sohuld have a good diet this week and you'll be awesome. You can wash, but don't do it right before, give it an hour or two beforehand so it can smell more natural.

    Men subconsiouly or even consiously find your natural "smell" to be a big turn on and very if you open yourself up and it is putrid or a rotten smell, you need to clean yourself a little more often.

    I also find my boyfriend smell pretty sexy, like I said as long as he cleans regulary of course ;D

    • Wow! Where did this Awesome & Intelligent & Wise person come from?

    • Definitely not putrid or rotton. I have great hygiene(: Thank you!

  • lol you guys set a date for this?

    just wash a lot and eat pineapples

    • its the night my parents will be gone(:

Most Helpful Guys

  • "WASH ALOT"? Holy Cow! How much gd washing? ...why don't you ask him if that's what he wants?...I don't want my female "washed" right before I go down on maybe he doesn't either...This presumption that I don't want my female to smell like a female REALLY rags me off

    Maybe you should use f***ing listerine or bleach on it make absolutely gd certain that you don't smell anything like a female. Maybe spray it with some Right Guard too..or maybe some Scotch Guard...he had better hurry tho...becuz after you kill it..just a matter of hours B 4 it starts to decompose...

    • Calm down(: jeesh. just curious(:

    • I'm not upset with you at all...just about every response on here..."wash alot" never heard such a pile of horse puckey...could just as well go down on f***ing rubber doll...

    • hahah(: what do you suggest I do?(:

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  • wash frequently, and right before you see him, paying attention to... you know. Eat lots of fruits especially pineapple. Minimum meats, cheeses. And wear stuff that lets you breathe down there. The day of, just relax and enjoy it. You'll be fine.

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  • Wash the outside with soap and water (don't get soap inside you; leave that part alone and it will take good care of itself) and just don't eat anything that gives you gas. You'll be fine.

  • just wash and clean your self real good

  • I've heard strawberries works as well, I haven noticed much of a difference though.

  • Wash beforehand... simple

  • just wash it