I'm not a doctor, so don't take my words as flawlessly accurate. All I have is what I've have been told.Most women experience odd cycles from time to time. There are several triggers that can cause this to happen. Physical/emotional trauma, stress, weight loss, and dietary changes are some of the things that I recall. I'm not sure what to tell you on the black mass. It may have just been an organ.
My recommendation would be to schedule an appointment with your doctor. Outside of that I would recommend eating healthy, get enough sleep, exercise of at least 15 minutes, and try to relax. The human body can do amazing things when you give it the proper tools.0 0 0 0There can be many reasons.
Only a doctor can determine what 's happening.
There's no doctor here.0 0 0 0Update: " I was just hoping to find someone else that had the same peoblem I have" It could SEEM the same problem but be something entirely different. That's why you have to know it from a DOCTOR, not from a noob like me who could be 180? wrong. With many years of husband and father experience, I CAN advance 2-3 educated guesses but how right or wrong will they be? Same for the other members Disclaimer: GirlsAskGuys cannot guarantee the accuracy of answers, opinions and advice submitted
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you might possibly have PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome. Its a hormonal imbalance that causes absent or irregular periods and many(poly) cysts on the ovaries. Best way to find out is to have a hormone test workout and see an endocrinologist. they specialize in hormones. here is some info about it. You can look it up on any link. good luck!
link0 0 0 0thanks for best answer! did my link help you?
i am reading through it right now. im still lolking for a doctor, I just want to know what is wrong with me. I've already gone to the doctor they took blood work, but only to find out if I was prego, witch I'm not. but I'm reading the link right now
Stop eating sugar and refined starches like white flour. Add in some full fat dairy products and red meat and egg yolks. Give it a little while and if that doesn't start your period, then go a specialist so they can check you out to make sure you're ok.
However, as long as you feel OK, there's no need to freak out, odd cycles happen a lot.0 0 0 0Disclaimer: GirlsAskGuys cannot guarantee the accuracy of answers, opinions and advice submitted by members. Use common sense when following or avoiding any content on GirlsAskGuys.
I doubt you are going to find a doctor on this site and if you do they won't be able to help without an exam.
When the ultrasound found the black spot, why at that point was it not followed up on by your doctor?0 1 0 0
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