
what happened to virginity? i mean I have noticed a lot of girls ashamed of being virgins or shy to admit it I'm not a virgin but I mean if a girl tells me she's a virgin I would have more respect for her what happened? why is it these days that it's better if you're not a virgin I'm not saying all the girls are ashamed of it though
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I'm not really sure (it's a complex issue) but I think part of it happened as people started separating sex from loving relationships. People are more likely today to have casual sexual relationships often with no romantic relationship at all. And as that happens, I think people get more selfish about their sexuality. It becomes less about communicating love, and more about "getting off." Often, the message sent to women and girls then, is that the only way to get or keep a man is by being sexual. (You can see it in this forum when guys complain about the lack of technique of virgins. In a relationship, that really wouldn't matter as you'll be together beyond the first few awkward times.) Women end up being branded (unfairly) as prudish or asexual if they aren't having intercourse. I am a virgin by choice, and I can honestly say that I have a very healthy sex drive. (There are ways other than intercourse to express sensuality.) The reason I wait is that I personally like the idea of being with only one man, one I love and am committed to, and one who loves and is committed to me. For myself, I can't separate sex from love. (Many people can; I'm just not one.) The prevailing culture though, seems to believe that in order to be a sexual person, one has to be engaging in casual sex. I have no problem with people who make different choices for themselves, but I think it odd that people would assume (if they knew) that my choice implies something dysfunctional. On the contrary, I think sex is really important. All virginity implies for me is that I really value the idea of faithfulness, even to the point of being faithful to a man I have yet to marry. Once I am with the right man, I absolutely expect to have a great sex life! (And I won't have to worry about whether he'll call me again.) At the same time, when I hear guys who complain about having sex with a virgin, it's an easy way to weed them out of my dating pool!

    • Great ideal/ideals to hold with. One day, a guy will be happy it was you he ended up with. It's hard to find those same thoughts these days. I'm not judgmental to the point that I'm opposed to women who have had sex before, but I would hope that this kind of thinking went into their decision to have sex when they have.

    • You are awesome

  • there's this negative connotation attached to virgins, like we're lame or "too innocent". virgins get this "little girl" stigma and always have this pressure by friends and society to stop being so "religious" and get laid. people automatically slap this label of "shameful" on us because we aren't sexually exuberant like the media wants us to be. actually, virgins can be very sexual without having to engage in sexual activity. look at adriana lima. she was a virgin until she got married and she's damn sexy haha.

    and it's just plain intimidating to walk up to an experienced guy and tell him you only know so much about what you're doing. some guys like virgins, some guys get frustrated with virgins... some guys can't wait for a virgin or think the girl will get "too attached" if something happens between them. there's a lot of negative swirling around it. I'm proud I'm not a whore (not saying non-virgins are whores, I'm just saying that I don't get around), but sometimes I wish I didn't have to have that "i'm a virgin" conversation at my age, ya know? ah well, it is what it is.

    • I see what you mean.. same thing with guys being labeled as 'not sexual or innocent' virginity has nothing do with innocence and experience.. I'm 20. traveled most of the world, had unimaginable experiences and been enlightened.. and I'm a virgin.. honestly, not big deal.. lol. I'm waiting for one girl who is also a virgin and who I can be attracted to mentally and physically.. the negative connotation stems from media but it doesn't affect me, probably because I don't watch much tv.

    • Wait.. let me rephrase.. "probably because I don't watch trash tv.".. hahah like reality shows and hannah banana or some other bullshhit.

    • LOL hanana banana? hilarious. I would love to meet a guy who is a virgin, but I haven't gotten lucky yet. every dude has been just on horny bastard after another and the one guy my friend was dating (she was a virgin) for two years waited and I thought 'great, they exist' until he broke up with her since she wouldn't give it up. that was very discouraging to say the least.

  • I think the media is a huge part of the problem. The media sends a message that men want women who will have sex and give themselves away. And then when there is a young female celebrity who is trying to be chaste, she gets made fun of and men say how she'll break eventually. It sends a message to young girls that they are fighting a losing battle to keep their virginity and that men want women who are sexually experienced and will put out.

    • Great Answer!

Most Helpful Guys

  • It's a shame, but I haven't been with a virgin as far as I know. I think it's because the virgin girls past 17/18 are either mighty shy (which I can't deal with, I need an extroverted/flirty girl), mighty ugly, overly religious or ice-cold bitches. Or a mixture of these categories.

    I'd like to marry a girl who is a virgin or at most been with a few guys. It's been shown that girls with multiple partners are far more likely to divorce, to have affairs and to have psychological problems. (This correlation doesn't stand as strongly for men)

  • The media promotes and glamorizes sex to the point where if you don't you will never be considered a woman. There is also a common thought that if they don't have sex with a guy he will not stay with her, which is Bullsh*t in my opinion, at least if he's a good guy, which she SHOULD find out.

    Don't mean to offend the experienced girls out there but I would only seriously date a virgin, I'm not gonna settle for used.

    • Man I completely agree

    • HaHa "settle for used" LOL too funny. Bet that makes your non-virgin girl friends feel better!! ..."used"... wow. I admire that you seek a clean sheet of paper but your description is a bit out there. LOL.

    • Well in this life, you can't please everyone, now can you, lol.

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  • Because in our society today, they don't have to be. It won't for sure ruin any of their chances in life, for marriage or a career, like it used to.

    • yes because you can kill your baby and feel fine and dandy about it.

    • thats if you get pregnant, which is in the category of stupid people. and reeaaalllllyyyyy unluv=cky people.

  • virginity is a personal choice. people shouldn't be judged by whether or not they're a virgin. the reason that it seems to better for non-virgins now a days is because sex is exploited so much. people now-a-days don't associate sex and love anymore. although some still might. I personally don't think you have to love some one to have sex with them, that doesn't make me a slut, but that's just how I think. people do things for different reasons, lots of times people also make mistakes but whatever, let people make their own mistakes. although I guess when it comes to sex, its only a mistake if you think it was. I don't think a girl should be ashamed of being a virgin, but I dnt think she should be praised for it either. its just a decision we make( well sometimes we don't make it ourselves, but you know). oh well just live and let live, don't let something like virginity alter your view of someone, it has nothing to do with you.

  • The sexual revolution of the 70's happened. O_O

    A girl being a virgin is fine if she chooses to be one herself. But society forcing a girl to be a virgin or be shamed (therefore never being able to marry, being called whore, etc) is not okay.

    I agree though that it seems to now be swinging over to the other extreme, where if you haven't had sex before a certain age (although no one can agree what that age is. lol) you're considered a prude and unsexy and therefore unable to get a guy. <_<

    I'm hoping that more people will start taking the moderate path where it doesn't matter whether or not a girl has had sex as long as she's happy with whatever choice she made. And also that she got to actually make a choice. There are quite a few of these people out there. We just don't scream and yell like people at the extremes do. Heh.

  • im still a virgin and I'm 21 and all my boyfriends have dumped me because I won't have sex with them in the first week of a relationship. there's many guys that there that don't want a virgin so there's some girls that are ashamed for being a virgin but they don't understand that some of these guys all they want is sex and that the guys that recpect your virginity are guys that really do care about you and love you

    • awsome :P

  • Personally, I don't think that we shouldn't judge a person's worth/value on whether or not they've had sex or how much sex they've had.

    Whether someone is a virgin or not does not affect my respect for them in either direction.

    • couldn't agree more

    • I reread what I wrote, and that's meant to say I don't think that we should*

    • well sleeping around is a measure of sorry it just is..

  • Well,i'm 16 and a virgin.I think virginity is not something to be ashamed of or to be proud of.Everyone is a virgin at some point in their lives,no need to be ashamed or proud.

    Society nowadays exudes sex everywhere.You can't look at a magazine without seeing something related to sex,can't listen to music or the radio without sex being related,can't watch tv or movies without sex.Sex is everywhere and sex sells.People have this misconception that being a virgin means you're a prude,or don't have sexual feelings or urges.Not true.I understand sex is natural and healthy.Sex is a personal choice.whether someone choose to or not to remain a virgin is a personal choice too.As for what that guy has said,having sex doesn't mean you have more knowledge about sex.I watch porn,I google if I have questions,I educate myself on different matters of sex.

  • I'm tall, fit, ex-army, 24 years old and still a virgin. I've gotten to third base with a couple girls and I'm proud of my virginity. Just waiting for somebody amazing, that's all.

  • i wish I'm a virgin lol and I wish I could actually saw my hymen...hehehe wth is with this people now a days..

    • Would you really need a saw to get through your hymen? :-O8O

  • Well, some girls think that if a guy knows she's a virgin, that she'd be bad in bed.. or that she's tight meaning ( she's doesn't do much..ex.. kiss,anything to do with sex) and you seem like a really sweet, there are not many like you.. but girls need to hear that its ok to be a virgin!

  • because apparently it's the 'in' thing now to exude sexuality. people think that being a virgin means zero sexuality.

  • If you have more respect for a virgin girl, I can extrapolate that you have less for a girl who isn't a virgin. First of all I would find it very rude behavior to ask a girl if she is a virgin. That is her business, not yours. Secondly, if she isn't a virgin it simply means that she has a bit more experience and knowledge of sexual matters. She has experienced at least once, one of life's greatest pleasures. It does not make her a different person. It does not make her a less valuable person, unless you are in the white slave business. I would think you would have your hands full managing your own life and morals without taking the time to be judgmental of others. The choice of being or not being a virgin should fall to each individual, and not the pressure of others.

    • That has nothing to do with what I have asked here but since you mentioned it, No, I don't have less respect for a girl who isn't a virgin but I do have less for a b*tch

    • How is possible too not have less respect for a girl who isn't a virgin when you clearly state you have more respect for her if she is a virgin? If one state is more the other has to be less doesn't it? I'm pretty sure virginity only comes in 2 states, is and isn't. A bitch.? That would seem a very nasty way to describe a girl. I would hope you soon attain the maturity to move past that sort of behavior.

    • So all you're trying to prove here is that if I have more respect for virgins I must have less respect for girls who aren't virgins wow sounds smart if that's everything you can understand from a simple question next time just try to give a simple answer instead of going out of topic

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  • Like has been said below, a lot of girls assume a guy wouldn't want a girl to be a virign. Also if you're dating her she might think it's awkward that she's a virgin and you're not so you wil know what to do and she won't.Makes feel kinda stupid and helpless in a way.
    And there are very few guys that would have a relationship without having sex

    • Good point. Most guys won't stay in a relationship with a girl unless she's putting out.

  • well lets face it, if you told to a guy, "hey I'll wait till marriage to have sex", he will automatically run away, at least in my country its soo like that

    im virgin, I'm not waiting to get married but a good guy XD

    anyways, its so common nowadays not being virgin between girls, that if you admit it you won't fit, or something like that.. not my case fortunately lol

    • Not all guys run away. most American guys do though.. virginity is a big thing in America.. like education is in Asia.

  • I was a virgin til I was 18. I wasn't ashamed of it but its not like I broadcasted it either. and why is it that everyone wants a woman to be a virgin? to me if a guy wants a virgin he should also be a virgin. having sex doesn't make you a bad person and not having sex doesn't make you a saint. and why are you worried if they are a virgin or not. I'm sure if they are they would tell you when the time is right

  • I think some girls just wanna like, fit in, because really, who doesn't these days? I'm 16 and still a virgin, not really proud but not ashamed, I kinda wonder sometimes what it's like, but I think some girls wanna seem like they have experience. If that makes sense. But that's my answer

    • I'm 17 about to turn 18 and I am still a virgin as well. I wonder all the time about sex and why people around me are so obsessed with it. I am also sad to say that I am the only virgin left in my senior class.

  • Because people impose their views upon others. I personally think virginity is not at all important or relevant to anything. It is the maturity and knowledge of their sexuality that is important. If you don't want to have sex, don't. If you do, know everything about it first, including all the risks and how you can be safe, and have all the sex you want. Nothing to be ashamed of on either side.

  • im not sure I wasn't ashamed to admit I was. but then I know like a lot of girls to that won't admit it... its kinda weird I thought it was important for girls but I guess things really have changed?

  • I am not embarrassed to be a virgin. I tell guys that I am and why I am when they ask me out. It would be unfair to us both if I kept it a secret and stupid to be ashamed of it.

  • Hahn, says who? I'm a virgin check all of my comments I keep saying it all the time, but remember with virgins WE DONT LIKE TO TALK ABOUT OUR SEXUAL LIFE ! lol

    we are more shy than other ;)

    Some hate the fact they're virgins that they didn't get to have sex or something it's like it wasn't an option.

    to me it's a total option and I can't be happier!

    • Yea I'm with you.. there are much more important priorities in life than losing one's virginity.. it happens when it happens.. and I'm not too impatient to wait.

    • To me it's only after marriage, though I totally agree with what you are saying they deal with virginity like it's something that you have to lose ! what? lol.. I's pure when you're a virgin and it earns you respect!FINALLY A GIRL THAT CAN " WAIT " rather than having sex while she's 13 just to have sex!

  • Well I am a virgin and I am 18 lol I toldthese two girls I was a virgin because they was talking about sex and ask me if I done it, and when I told them they laugh like it was a bad thing, so I got embarrassed. I always get shy when people ask me if I ever had sex, it's not because I am ashamed its because I am just a shy girl in general lol.

    My boyfriend of almost 2 month asked me when will I feel ready to have sex and I said I don't know, when ever I am comfortable lol and he always telling me what he'll do to me and I always get shy and don't know what to say.

    But all and all I am proud Virgin and I don't plan on having sex until I am ready and when people ask if I am one, I'll tell them yes.

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