What exactly makes a girl a hoe?

I've been with 8 guys. Am I a hoe? I carry myself with the utmost respect. Never dressing sloppy, very articulate, self-loving and confident. I personally don't think a woman is a hoe just because she sleeps with many guys. Maybe a slut , but a hoe? I kinda equate a hoe with a prostitute. And I ain't never f***ed for money. I ask this question because I was talking to a guy friend of mine today and he called me a hoe after I told him that I'd been with 8 guys and only one being my boyfriend. He was p*ssed off because he was having sh*tty luck with the girls he's been with and was pretty much venting. But him calling me that really has been weighing heavy on my mind... I don't wanna be a hoe. I just like to have fun. I don't run around sleeping with guys in the same circle. I don't want to have sex with the whole foot ball team. 'I just can't pick one so you can never say I'm choosy." A lot of the time I don't want to sleep with the guy, it just happens that way. One thing after the other. I DO want a boyfriend, but at the same time I don't. I dunno. A Am I a Hoe?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I think that terms like slut and ho miss the point.

    To me, the point isn't that sleeping with a certain number of people is right or wrong.

    The point is that sex can be a healthy part of a mature relationship, or sex can be destructive and harmful. And often -- not always, but often -- people with lots of sexual partners are motivated by unhealthy urges. Their father abandoned the family when she was young, so she's always desperate for attention from men. He wants to prove what a man he is, so he sleeps with women but doesn't care about them as individuals.

    You write, "I just like to have fun." Having fun can be okay. But at what cost? Do you feel better about yourself after having this fun? Or do you sometimes feel regret, heartache and pain? Do you ever feel exploited? Do these guys care about you? What about the physical cost, such as diseases or pregnancy?

    I don't think that anything specific makes a girl a slut or ho. It's not a simple question. But I do know that promiscuous sexuality can cause people a tremendous amount of pain and confusion.

  • I'd use slut and hoe interchangeably. Being with 8 different guys, and only 1 was a boyfriend would be into hoe town in my book as well. You're 18 and are almost into double digits...assuming you started at, lets say 15 years old, that a new partner ever 4.5 months, that's gross. While you may not want to sleep with a football team, you've almost slept with a baseball team...So, to answer your question, yes you are a hoe.

    • A) She's already in double digits, that happened at age 10 b) baseball team vs football team......does it make that big of a difference?

    • I wouldn't call someone a hoe that easily. Being a hoe comes with a whole personality and carrying yourself like you have no self-respect. I'd say she's made some poor choices and needs to be a hell of a lot pickier than she's been so far. I'd say she's way too easy and needs to reexamine her values.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I say it depends on who these guys are, how you met or knew them, why you did it, and how long ago you started this chain. For example, I have a friend who is 22 and she has been with 6 guys over the last 5 years. That's like 1 guy a year. & she dated or had feelings for all of them. & she did it with them because they were romantically feeling each other at the time. none of them were one night stands & she knew all of their last names & addresses & their mothers. LOL. so she wasn't a hoe. but my co-worker sleeps with a new guy pretty much every other weekend when we go out. she doesn't care for these guys, she just wants to get off for the night, that IS a hoe. In your case... I would say you are borderline hoe. you are only 18. & I don't know your situations with these guys... but you need to slow down. no man wants to marry a woman who has had sex with 8, 10, 12+ guys.

    • Funny thing is, I'm never getting married.

  • I Do Not Believe You Are A Hoe.

    So You've Slept With 8 Guys?

    Big Deal.

    If You Still Have Self Respect And Your Being Safe, I Don't Think That It's Trashy At All.

    I Think Of A Slut As Someone Who Needs To Sleep With Many Men Because She Has No Confidence Or Self Respect.

    Having That Many Guys Want To Sleep With Her Makes Her Feel Wanted And That Is Why She Does It.

    I've Slept With 4 Different Guys Since April, And I Haven't Had Feelings For Any Of Them.

    But, I Don't Sleep With Them To Feel Good About Myself, I Do It To Have Fun And Enjoy Myself.

    I Don't Think That Is Slutty.

    It's All A Mind Setting Really.

    Just be Safe Honey.


    No Matter Who Tells You Different, It's Your Life And You Only Live It Once.

    Have Fun And Be Happy.

    That's What We Are Here For.

  • It's up to you how many people you want to sleep with as long as you don't have regrets later. You have to decide what works for you; there will also be people out there who will judge. Personally, I classify a slut or a hoe a woman who thinks that her body is all that she has to offer. The guy you are talking to is probably unhappy with his sex life is is just saying those things to make himself feel better.

    I'm in double digits and only three have been my boyfriends. Not every guy you sleep with has to or is going to be the love of your life! :) Just be safe...

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  • i understand that the term "hoe" and "slut" are terms applied to women who have slept around, but I honestly believe that the way a girl acts in public determines whether she's a hoe more than the number of guys she's been with. if she is polite and classy, but has slept with 18 people, then I would not consider her a hoe.

  • Well it's up to the guy in what he deems to be a hoe. Me personally 8 isn't that bad. But for some guys it is. Some guys have. A higher tolerance and some don't.

  • I feel like "hoe" /Slut is a word for those who females who act inappropriate and unladylike in public, therefore they should be labeled HOE! But it doesn't matter how many people you have been with because it was all your decision I hope..and it should be your decision! I feel like its YOUR business and please don't let no one ever know how many people you've been with because its just no ones business...carry yourself like a lady and you can still have fun with guys..no one will ever know and you will have your self dignity and confidence! Just think about you when it comes down to sex...is this what you want, will you feel better after, or is this for him to be happy and you should never have sex to please a guy trust me if he likes you, you will know! Be safe and enjoy YOUR life N always carry yourself as a lady because guys will not judge you at all unless you give them reasons to!

  • What’s wrong with being a hoe? If he calls you that embrace it who cares!

  • Getting dangerously close to double digits, better make your current boyfriend your last (although the possibility of that gets lower the higher your bodycount is) or you'll really be a full-blown hoe/slut/thot whatever you wanna call it. All means the same thing if you belong to the streets. But if you really are staying on your best behavior then nothing to worry about... and nothing wrong with being a hoe only for your man!