What would you rate this girls face on this 1-10 scale?

What would you rate this girls face on this 1-10 scale?

What would you rate this girls face on this 1-10 scale?

What would you rate this girls face on this 1-10 scale?

What would you rate this girls face on this 1-10 scale?

6 or below- avg or below
Vote A
7- More average with some good qualities
Vote B
7.5 In between average and attractive
Vote C
8- Normal good looking girl
Vote D
8.5- Very good looking
Vote E
9- Super good looking
Vote F
10- Flawless
Vote G
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
Girl Guy
0 0

Most Helpful Guys

  • All guys like different things but she's an exact match for me. Facial features, hair color, straight hair, very pretty eyes. I like hazel eyes too but yeah she's a dream come true in my book.

  • Wait, isn't this 4 different girls? I'm just saying

    • Lucy Pinder you say? Okay, 8.5 from the UK judge.

    • Shouldn't average be 5 or 6? I'm just saying

Most Helpful Girls

  • Since she's wearing a lot of makeup I can't really say how she looks, but I don't like her features anyway

  • Below average. If I could actually see her face I could be more specific.

    • Thank you =)

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 12
  • 6. I've seen better.

    • Like who

    • Logan Browning, Nicole Scherzinger, Rita Ora, girls at the mall, etc... This chick is basic as fuck, bruh.

    • Is it because ur not into white girls

    • Show All
  • 6 to 8

  • Pretty hot.

  • That's Lucy Pinder and she's a topless model. I give her 2/10 for having a shit job.

  • Lucy Pinder is such a flawless model.