Why do guys say they hate breast implants?

but when it comes down to it that's what they can't stop staring at, buy magazines of, go to hooters and give the girls money, click on links on youtube when they see a fake rack as an icon, look at them in p*rn, admire famous women with them, the list goes on and on. i bet a lot of guys are going to say that they wouldn't want a girl who has implants because they feel nasty but honestly I have felt REALLY nice implants that look real and you can't even tell when touching them because they are placed so well. but anways. I LOVE implants, they look great! (but I am a boob fanatic, I love big, small, fake real...boobs are boobs to me)
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Most Helpful Girls

  • its our society that has labeled anything "fake" as bad, it used to be a taboo, that's why men have this fear to admit it, but really they can't NOT look and want to f*** a chick with a really hot rack..

    of course anyone would prefer perfect huge semetrical REAL boobs but truth is there aren't many of those. even those who are blessed with big boobs tend to have sagging problems. Girls are starting to get it more and more...it should be how YOU want to look and not what they want to feel who gives a f*** about what men want, I think looking better is more important then how it feels to a man...um HELLO MENS BALLS FEEL DISGUSTING do they care? do they care if theyre spiky pubes itch us no they really don't give a f*** and a lot of time they don't even care if it hurts the first time for girls (sex anal etc) theyre selfish they just want to try it but don't care about how it will affect the girl later on. sure it would be nice if we all just had natural huge boobs like that but in reality they wouldn't turn a girl they liked down over something like implants men are stupid I have had men think mine were fake because the cone inside was hard and swollen from being on birthcontrol pills . anyways theyre lying ...a turn off? please then why do you get a stiffy when you look at magazines with fake t*ts.

    i always say...you can either BE that girl men are all looking at or you can be the poor girlfriends of the men that look at other women and want to f*** them.

    • damn I liked your answer

  • It's true that boobs are boobs, and men are naturally attracted to them. Personally I don't have implants.. My babies are home-grown but my mom has them and to me it's pretty much the same thing. I think the reason men say "fake boobs are gross" is because they're afraid the woman will find them shallow but in all honesty breasts are a major obsession of every man and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't care if your nipples were green if you were stacked.

    • LOL

  • Guys are hypocrites and contradict themselves.

    Guys who say they look bad have only seen them in p*rn.Alot of those women are so desperate to make it into the p*rn industry that they get breast implants from everywhere and anyone.

    • Yet another sexist fool who thinks she knows everything about men. How are men hypocrites and contradictory in this case? Pornstars (porn isn't swearing so why the *?) are not the only people with fake breasts. And if they did see them in p*rn, how is that hypocritical? They didn't watch them for fake breasts at all.

    • I'm not sexist,I'm just not politically correct You sound like a butthurt moron and seem to be getting defensive for some reason.Wonder why lmao

    • yet again...awesome post as usual

Most Helpful Guys

  • Natural breasts over fake ones every time - despite of size. Do big fake tits attract more attention though? Yes - they do - and might get noticed more often, but that doesn't directly mean fake tits are more loved.

    To be honest, every time a model I've thought is insanely beautiful or sexy has got implants - it sucks so much. Like Sara Jean Underwood for example.. started out with natural amazing breasts - now sports implants. :( I don't understand why was there any need for that. Though sure, it's not my business what she does and I'm not trying to say it should be my decision - I'm just stating my opinion - which is that often natural breasts are, for me somewhat "ruined" if they're infused with bags of silicone. And a lot of the time, there's nothing that needs "fixing" - yet women get implants anyway - and it's kinda sad.

    "I have felt REALLY nice implants that look real and you can't even tell when touching them"

    I very highly doubt that. At least I'm very good at telling whether or not breasts are implants. (Though ofcourse it's hard to tell from fully clothed or push-up bra still images - but video, actual motion is almost always a dead giveaway if the shape doesn't reveal it before that. Real breasts just aren't round from the "top" part.)

  • I think it is more about the honesty of the situation. In one of my favorite Chris Rock routines, he asks who are the biggest liars, men or women. Men tell the most lies but women tell bigger lies. Long joke short, women go to extreme lengths to change the way that they look to make themselves more attractive than they really are.

    I prefer smaller breasts and a woman who is comfortable with her body to a woman who feels she needs to be more appealing and makes her chest bigger to get more attention. I know is is an oversimplification and some women really have issues with their self esteem when it comes to their bust size, but I prefer if someone has fake breasts (I've never dealt with them before) that she is honest with me and tell me they are implants rather than pass them off and then finding out later.

    Again, I have never come in contact with fake ones so I can't say if they are good or not. They can look very nice. I would assume a lot of that has to do with who did them and if they did a good job or not.

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What Girls & Guys Said

4 33
  • a lot of men are hypocrites babe. that's pretty much all there is to it.

    • As are a lot of women, that is pretty much all there is to it.

    • agreed...also think they are just too afraid to tell us girls how it really is! lol

  • Truth or not those answers are honorable. I like my boobs- they are natural and perfect for ME. I do think SOME woman can look good w/fake boobs, unless the silicon goes to their head.

    • omg...agree. some women change so drastically after the surgery its sad

  • Boobs are great, hell implants are great and I wouldn't complain if my girl had them. However please realize p*rn DOES NOT represent what men want in a woman, it just represents their fantasies.

    Plus Big boobs are nice till a limit.

    • agree 100%.

  • Because they are liars. and telling you what you want to hear.


    Clearly the after looks better than the before.

    • thank you for your honesty =). gotta say though some girls just look horrible after...it's all about finding the right dr!

    • Sure is, and even if you do get a bad one, there are procedures to fix them.

    • yup, just gets way costly apparently. I know a chick that had a botched boob job and ended up paying around 20 grand to get em back to normal...sad

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  • I hate them, and the idea that 'big t*ts' are nice. I don't like them at all. There are tons of problems that come with it and it's expensive. Sure you might think they look really nice now, but if you don't get them removed/spend more money, you'll be an old woman with a clearly un natural set of boobs. Which is just creepy.